MantisBT - VCMI
View Issue Details
0000309VCMIGUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowpublic2009-12-21 13:562009-12-24 00:07
0000309: Crash when we have only 1 artifact in the backpack and we try to select it
To reproduce, load the Saved Game in the attached archive, and open Gerwulf's hero screen (it's the same in single hero screen or hero exchange screen). Then try to click Blackshard of the Dead Knight in his backpack, without removing the Greater Gnoll's Flail from his right hand first.

EDIT: After further tests, I found the exact situation generating the bug: It happens ONLY if we have only 1 artifact in the backpack. Summary updated. [^]

Saved Game and crashlog files attached.
No tags attached.
related to 0000277closed OnionKnight There is a reasonable likelihood of crashes when moving more than 1 or 2 artifacts in the hero transfer screen. 
related to 0000038closed OnionKnight You can't replace one artifact with another of the same type without putting the first artifact back into the backpack. 
7z 2009-12-21_CrashWhenTryingToSelectArtifact+Save.7z (156,315) 2009-12-21 13:56
Issue History
2009-12-21 13:56ZamolxisNew Issue
2009-12-21 13:56ZamolxisFile Added: 2009-12-21_CrashWhenTryingToSelectArtifact+Save.7z
2009-12-21 14:09ZamolxisReproducibilityalways => sometimes
2009-12-21 14:09ZamolxisDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=463#r463
2009-12-21 14:19ZamolxisNote Added: 0000417
2009-12-21 14:28ZamolxisReproducibilitysometimes => always
2009-12-21 14:28ZamolxisSummaryCrash when trying to select an artifact from backpack, when the destination slot for that artifact is already occupied => Crash when trying to select an artifact from backpack's first slot, when destination slot for that artifact is already occupied
2009-12-21 14:28ZamolxisDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=464#r464
2009-12-21 14:31ZamolxisSummaryCrash when trying to select an artifact from backpack's first slot, when destination slot for that artifact is already occupied => Crash when we have only 1 artifact in the backpack and we try to select it
2009-12-21 14:31ZamolxisDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=465#r465
2009-12-21 14:32ZamolxisNote View State: 417: private
2009-12-22 05:44OnionKnightRelationship addedduplicate of 0000277
2009-12-22 05:49OnionKnightNote Added: 0000419
2009-12-22 05:49OnionKnightStatusnew => closed
2009-12-22 05:49OnionKnightResolutionopen => fixed
2009-12-22 05:49OnionKnightFixed in Version => 0.89
2009-12-22 10:48ZamolxisRelationship replacedrelated to 0000277
2009-12-22 14:48ZamolxisRelationship addedrelated to 0000038
2009-12-24 00:14ZamolxisNote Edited: 0000417bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=417#r494
2009-12-24 01:57ZamolxisNote View State: 417: public
2009-12-24 01:58ZamolxisNote Edited: 0000417bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=417#r495

2009-12-21 14:19   
(edited on: 2009-12-24 01:58)
There's more to this bug apparently. In the saved game attached, I used a workaround in order to be able to pass one of the two right-hand artifacts (attack giving) to another hero: I first moved both in the backpack, then had the heroes meet, which allowed me to pass one of the two to the other hero. I could even place the artifact in the other hero's right hand. The problem is that later on, when I tried to equip Gerwulf with the remaining artifact again, I got the same crash.

Let me know if you can reproduce it, otherwise I'll upload more crashlogs.

EDIT: Please ignore this note. It was written before I found the real cause of the crash, which was afterwards updated in the main report.

2009-12-22 05:49   
Yep, it was a problem that happens when no artifacts remain in the backpack and the backpack's display is updated. It's fixed though.