MantisBT - VCMI
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0002988VCMIGUI - Adventure Mappublic2018-08-03 00:372018-08-03 00:37
LinuxDebianBuster (testing)
0002988: Remember "tab" for the Kingdom Overview screen
I'm calling the "Kingdom Overview" the screen that shows your entire list of heroes or towns - which opens up when you press k. I use it to recruit units on the first half of a week since it's more convenient than opening up each individual Town Screen to do so. I barely use it for hero management at all.

As such, for me personally it would be a simple yet relevant quality-of-life improvement if the screen would remember which "tab" I had open last time it was activated. Seems like a simple matter of keeping a flag in-memory and just automatically "pressing the button" (invoking the callback routine) for opening up the towns listing if that was what I clicked last time.
Obviously a very minor feature request but would be lovely to have it, if it's as easy to implement as it sounds.

Wouldn't even need to be a user preference or anything - just remembering what "tab" was last active and making sure that's the one that pops up is perfect, even if the game forgets it entirely whenever I quit and launch it again.
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Issue History
2018-08-03 00:37tukkekNew Issue

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