MantisBT - VCMI
View Issue Details
0002957VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2018-04-16 18:342022-02-22 16:28
closedunable to reproduce 
0002957: Pathfinding crash underground
When your hero wants to move from point X (which is underground) to point Y (which is also in underground), and if there is a closer way to reach the point Y by going through the surface the game pathfinding crashes the game.

PL: Jeżeli nasz bohater chce ruszyć z punktu X (który jest pod ziemią) do punktu Y (który również jest pod ziemią), ale jeżeli do punktu Y można dostać się szybciej ruszając się po powierzchni, pathfinding crashuje gre.
As said above.
Played on map "golems aplenty"
Vcmi daily build from march.
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Issue History
2018-04-16 18:34BiggLoollNew Issue
2022-02-10 09:29PovelitelNote Added: 0008053
2022-02-10 09:29PovelitelAssigned To => Povelitel
2022-02-10 09:29PovelitelStatusnew => feedback
2022-02-22 16:28PovelitelStatusfeedback => closed
2022-02-22 16:28PovelitelResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2022-02-22 16:28PovelitelFixed in Version =>

2022-02-10 09:29   
I tried to reproduce but it didn't work. Could you upload an example save?