MantisBT - VCMI
View Issue Details
0002935VCMIRandom Map Generatorpublic2018-03-26 15:492023-10-10 13:48
normalminorhave not tried
0002935: Rampart are generated not on the grass (Teamplate 6LM10a)
Ussually castle, rampart and conflux are generated strictly on the grass on this template.

There is no binding of the city to its native land.
No tags attached.
? greatSands.JSON (9,419) 2018-03-26 17:13
Issue History
2018-03-26 15:49PovelitelNew Issue
2018-03-26 15:57misioklesNote Added: 0007541
2018-03-26 16:56WarmongerNote Added: 0007542
2018-03-26 17:13misioklesNote Added: 0007543
2018-03-26 17:13misioklesFile Added: greatSands.JSON
2018-03-26 19:59KantorNote Added: 0007544
2023-03-28 06:14WarmongerNote Added: 0008496
2023-03-28 06:14WarmongerStatusnew => resolved
2023-03-28 06:14WarmongerFixed in Version => 1.0.0
2023-03-28 06:14WarmongerResolutionopen => fixed
2023-03-28 06:14WarmongerAssigned To => Warmonger
2023-10-10 13:48PovelitelNote Added: 0008840
2023-10-10 13:48PovelitelStatusresolved => closed

2018-03-26 15:57   
Because in appropiate json we have:
"matchTerrainToTown" : false,
It means that generated town can be on non-native ground. Question is - is that in original rng.txt file? I think all templates should be review to get 100% argeement with H3 template patterns.
2018-03-26 16:56   
These were converted automatically with a script. Want to check it manually? :P

However, I remember some templates from teh pack were loking really poor, so I deleted them. This coudl be possibly due to flawed conversion.
2018-03-26 17:13   
Yes, there are some issues that must be considered.

- Kantor's script can't make players amount input as a range. So all OH3 and HDMod templates have for example "players" : "4", not "players" : "2-4",. As you can see that cut choosing various templates.

- HDmod templates are made for multi H3 players. That's fine. But I want to make some VCMI version of this templates. Why? Because in many of them we have:
"allowedTowns" : [ "castle", "rampart", "tower", "inferno", "dungeon", "stronghold", "fortress" ],
"allowedMonsters" : [ "castle", "rampart", "tower", "inferno", "necropolis", "dungeon", "stronghold", "fortress", "neutral" ],

It means such templates won't generated mods fractions. It'better not to use "allowedTowns" better use "bannedTowns". That's why I want to create vcmi mod version of these templates :) OH3 templates are more flexible about using mods :)

- Kantor's sript are not perfect. Please convert this template: [^]

Game crashes using this json... So blind probes of converting templates should be made :D

One more thing. Just look at greatSands fixed template. As you can see all zones have normal and strong monsters. But... using this template game generates only WEAK monsters and many zones have no monsters at all...
2018-03-26 19:59   
It would be too easy to create a bug-free script :P I will be indebted if anyone send me a list of possible issues of my script via priv.
2023-03-28 06:14   
1. Not a bug.
2. "Banned towns" template option is planned for 1.3.
2023-10-10 13:48   
no longer relevant