Notes |
2018-02-25 06:38
I suppose we can avoid the problem by simply reseting VCAI state on loading for now. While this will make saves for debugging a bit less useful it's should still keep compatibility for gameplay.
How can we prevent this from happening in future? |
2018-02-25 06:44
Resetting state is not enough. Serializer itself crashes.
We have to disable VCAI::lockedHeroes serialiazation completely.
To re-enable this in future we could ensure that goal classes registration do not mess with other registrations. |
2018-02-25 06:53
If it crashes on deserialization, how exactly we can skip bogus data? |
2018-02-25 07:34
Already done, will push in a moment |
2018-02-25 07:40
Oh crap.
Good thing AI doesn't need much debugging right now. |