MantisBT - VCMI
View Issue Details
0002818VCMIAI - Adventure Mappublic2017-11-15 12:162022-05-04 12:56
0002818: Crash on AI turn
I've met this crash consistently on a number of random maps runs with Nostalgia XXL template (slightly changed to have stronger guards on the borders). All games ended crashing on AI move somewhere in the beginning of the second month.

Client console contains
Player 3 (green) starting turn
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Request to build building 9 in 0 days!
Request to build building 9 in 0 days!
Request to build building 9 in 0 days!
Request to build building 9 in 0 days!
Request to build building 9 in 0 days!
Request to build building 9 in 0 days!
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Another allied hero stands in our way
Opening BattleAI
Loaded Battle AI
Assertion failed: val < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I, file mapObjects\MiscObjects.cpp, line 2132
Assertion failed: val < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I, file mapObjects\MiscObjects.cpp, line 2132
Load attached savefile. Press "End turn".
List of mods in "Additional information".
    "activeMods" : {
        "h4 arts - commander" : {
            "active" : true,
            "checksum" : "2854169c",
            "validated" : true
        "h4 arts - hero" : {
            "active" : true,
            "checksum" : "9fecf22f",
            "validated" : true
        "hota" : {
            "active" : false,
            "checksum" : "00000000",
            "mods" : {
                "artifacts" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "00000000",
                    "validated" : true
                "cove" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "00000000",
                    "validated" : true
                "hota balance" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "00000000",
                    "validated" : true
                "hota banks" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "00000000",
                    "validated" : true
                "hota heroes" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "00000000",
                    "validated" : true
                "newgfx" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "00000000",
                    "validated" : true
            "validated" : false
        "new-menu" : {
            "active" : true,
            "checksum" : "6e29ca49",
            "validated" : true
        "newoldspells" : {
            "active" : false,
            "checksum" : "7fffffff",
            "validated" : false
        "truetypefonts" : {
            "active" : true,
            "checksum" : "8631a579",
            "validated" : true
        "vcmi" : {
            "active" : true,
            "checksum" : "11ed790c",
            "mods" : {
                "bonusicons" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "9edd90f1",
                    "validated" : true
                "defaulttemplates" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "ef5925e9",
                    "mods" : {
                        "hdmod rmg templates" : {
                            "active" : true,
                            "checksum" : "8eddfc56",
                            "validated" : false
                        "oh3 rmg templates" : {
                            "active" : true,
                            "checksum" : "45fe0518",
                            "validated" : false
                    "validated" : true
                "extraresolutions" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "91a49d45",
                    "validated" : true
            "validated" : true
        "witchking-arts" : {
            "active" : true,
            "checksum" : "e495e97c",
            "validated" : true
        "wog" : {
            "active" : true,
            "checksum" : "d4945257",
            "mods" : {
                "commanders" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "f72ace4c",
                    "validated" : true
                "stackarts" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "20725ef4",
                    "validated" : true
                "stackexp" : {
                    "active" : false,
                    "checksum" : "0b16b642",
                    "validated" : true
                "wog rus" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "checksum" : "8a027115",
                    "validated" : true
            "validated" : true
    "core" : {
        "active" : true,
        "checksum" : "add43028",
        "validated" : true
zip (2,206,708) 2017-11-15 12:16
Issue History
2017-11-15 12:16denspbNew Issue
2017-11-15 12:16denspbFile Added:
2017-11-15 12:17denspbTag Attached: Crash
2017-11-15 12:43AVSAssigned To => AVS
2017-11-15 12:43AVSStatusnew => confirmed
2017-11-15 12:57AVSNote Added: 0007316
2017-11-15 12:57AVSStatusconfirmed => resolved
2017-11-15 12:57AVSFixed in Version =>
2017-11-15 12:57AVSResolutionopen => fixed
2018-01-15 14:18PovelitelNote Added: 0007371
2018-01-15 14:18PovelitelNote Edited: 0007371bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=7371#r3429
2018-01-15 14:28DydzioNote Added: 0007373
2018-01-15 14:28DydzioStatusresolved => assigned
2022-03-17 13:19PovelitelNote Added: 0008163
2022-03-17 13:19PovelitelStatusassigned => feedback
2022-05-04 12:56PovelitelNote Added: 0008293
2022-05-04 12:56PovelitelStatusfeedback => resolved

2017-11-15 12:57   
Should be fixed now, Thanks for report.

Wait new build in [^]
2018-01-15 14:18   
Я попробовал загрузить этот сейв и покликать по объектам правой кнопкой мышки, например святилище, картограф, и даже некоторые преграды - игра блочится.

I tried loading this save and click to object (R-click) as carto - game block


2018-01-15 14:28   
Reopening - reproducible for me.
2022-03-17 13:19   
Are there still problems?
I can't check, too many mods for me
2022-05-04 12:56   
I think we should close this ticket. First, the save won't load. Although I tried to install mods from the launcher on the list. Throws an error like: Error: Failed to process SAVES/QWE: basic_ios::clear
Secondly, I ran 4 "Nostalgia" teamplate maps for 2 months, everything is fine. The problem, if present, is present in some mods, but not in AI.

Tested in current develop