MantisBT - VCMI
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0002795VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2017-09-13 17:232017-09-16 06:40
normalminorhave not tried
iMacmacOS Sierra10.12.6
0002795: VCMI remove movement path through changed FoW while H3 let it stay
The hero with the help of flight magic can not get out if he is next to someone else's Necropolis and around him an unexplored territory.

В архиве, скриншот проблемы, сохранение и скриншот тестовой карты как это в обычных героях.
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zip (5,554,588) 2017-09-13 17:23
Issue History
2017-09-13 17:23istokinNew Issue
2017-09-13 17:23istokinFile Added:
2017-09-14 16:22SXXAssigned To => SXX
2017-09-14 16:22SXXStatusnew => assigned
2017-09-16 06:38SXXNote Added: 0007282
2017-09-16 06:38SXXStatusassigned => acknowledged
2017-09-16 06:40SXXSummaryThe hero with the help of flight magic can not get out if he is next to someone else's Necropolis. => VCMI remove movement path through changed FoW while H3 let it stay

2017-09-16 06:38   
To make it more clear for everyone: problem is that H3 don't remove heroes movement path even after FoW changed while VCMI does remove it.

This exact behavior will likely to stay because it's how Fly mechanics work and it's won't let let you fly to a tile until it 100% sure that you'll be able to land. And when there is fog of war between you and tile it's can't know that.