MantisBT - VCMI
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0002341VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2015-11-29 09:552015-11-29 09:55
0002341: Digging status: we shouldn't expose invisible objects like placed events
As I implemented digging status (0000401) there is new issue that in fact was unsolved within H3 too. E.g when there is invisible visitable object on tile it's will be exposed to player as right click on tile won't show "digging ok".

It's possible to add some hack to avoid this, but in reality we need some check that let us easily check if certain object is visible on tile or not. Currently it's a bit tricky as appearance isn't valid for all objects.

There is related issue with placed event in pathfinder. I currently just check object ID, but as @AVS suggested on github I'd likely need to check if tile not visible and visitable in same time and hide such objects from UI and pathfinder.
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related to 0000401closed SXX The "(digging ok)" text should accompany all terrain type info windows 
Issue History
2015-11-29 09:55SXXNew Issue
2015-11-29 09:55SXXRelationship addedrelated to 0000401
2015-11-29 09:55SXXSummaryDigging status: we shouldn't expose invisible objects placed events => Digging status: we shouldn't expose invisible objects like placed events

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