MantisBT - VCMI
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0000217VCMIMechanics - Otherpublic2009-11-07 13:002011-05-29 10:59
0000217: Keybindings in Split Stack window don't work intuitively if we have already some creatures in the destination slot.
If the destination slot is empty, we can use for example 2 in the split stack window, and 2 creatures will be moved to that slot. But if you take for example Ivor in the VCMI_Tests.h3m attached to 0000183 and try to rebalance his Dwarves (20 in each stack), pressing 2 will move the whole lot to the destination slot, instead of splitting them in 38+2.

The cause of this is the fact that the Split Stack window opens with the mouse cursor at the end of the 2nd stack size number, while preferable it should open with the cursor below the first (left) digit of that number, allowing us to overwrite it (see screenshot below). So it's not really a bug, but just a less intuitive behaviour (might give some players the feeling it's a bug, until they realize why it behaves like this).
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jpg 2009-11-07_SplitStack.jpg (54,492) 2009-11-07 13:00
Issue History
2009-11-07 13:00ZamolxisNew Issue
2009-11-07 13:00ZamolxisFile Added: 2009-11-07_SplitStack.jpg
2009-11-07 13:02ZamolxisSummaryKeybindings in Split Stack window does not work if we have already some creatures in the destination slot. => Keybindings in Split Stack window don't work intuitively if we have already some creatures in the destination slot.
2009-11-07 13:03ZamolxisSeverityminor => tweak
2011-05-29 10:59ZamolxisPrioritynormal => low
2011-05-29 10:59ZamolxisDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1318#r1318

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