MantisBT - VCMI
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0002168VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2015-04-04 14:582017-07-16 08:20
0002168: Terra incognito
Hero sometimes not open "Terra incognito"
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related to 0002088assigned SXX Multiplayer: after capturing town Lookout Tower doesn't reveal map at all 
related to 0002345closed SXX Fog of War changing objects may completely cover heroes/towns 
related to 0002459resolved SXX Desync found! - Work toward full sync of save games 
rar Terra.rar (464,346) 2015-04-04 14:58
png Terra incognito.PNG (46,101) 2015-04-04 14:59
Issue History
2015-04-04 14:58PovelitelNew Issue
2015-04-04 14:58PovelitelFile Added: Terra.rar
2015-04-04 14:59PovelitelFile Added: Terra incognito.PNG
2015-09-14 13:08PovelitelRelationship addedrelated to 0002088
2015-09-23 06:35SXXNote Added: 0005871
2015-09-23 07:43WarmongerNote Added: 0005872
2015-12-24 13:07SXXRelationship addedrelated to 0002345
2015-12-24 13:16SXXNote Added: 0006209
2015-12-24 13:19SXXNote Edited: 0006209bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=6209#r3075
2016-09-12 03:25SXXAssigned To => SXX
2016-09-12 03:25SXXStatusnew => assigned
2016-09-16 03:20SXXRelationship addedrelated to 0002459
2016-09-16 03:21SXXNote Added: 0006677
2016-09-16 03:21SXXStatusassigned => resolved
2016-09-16 03:21SXXFixed in Version => 0.99
2016-09-16 03:21SXXResolutionopen => fixed
2017-07-16 08:20PovelitelStatusresolved => closed

2015-09-23 06:35   
Just in case posting there some details on issue to not forget it. This issue appear because for some reason there is desync between client and server "fogOfWarMap" and this is why "vcmieagles" don't open these tiles.

So basically there is two possible cases why is that happen:
 - There is some code that modify FoW on server-side, but don't send FoWChange.
 - For some reason client ignore some FoWChanage packet.
2015-09-23 07:43   
I have an idea for complete overhaul for FoW update issues.
2015-12-24 13:16   
(edited on: 2015-12-24 13:19)
BTW it's looks like I find way to reproduce it:
- Get my V4 map from topic: [^]
- Start game as green player.
- Use "vcmieagles" cheat.
Almost every time I do that part of FoW remaining there.

Currently it's looks like desync cause by scouting skill, but I suppose artifacts may cause it as well. Of course when no heroes there have scouting problem not appear.

2016-09-16 03:21   
Should be now resolved more or less with 0002459