MantisBT - VCMI
View Issue Details
0001268VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2013-05-24 17:212014-05-30 17:43
0001268: Game freezes when Treasure Chest grants level
It really does. When level 1 hero picks up treasure chest and chooses experience, leveling dialog does not appear and interface freezes on unresolved query.
This is fatal with AI who always chooses experience.
Reproductible on every map, either with human player or AI
No tags attached.
rar Loop1268.rar (2,109,088) 2013-05-28 11:17
? CoTD 252x252 001.h3m (264,239) 2013-05-28 16:34
Issue History
2013-05-24 17:21WarmongerNew Issue
2013-05-24 18:30IvanNote Added: 0003549
2013-05-24 19:03WarmongerNote Added: 0003550
2013-05-24 19:06WarmongerNote Edited: 0003550bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=3550#r2189
2013-05-25 21:43anonymousNote Added: 0003555
2013-05-25 21:43anonymousStatusnew => feedback
2013-05-25 21:44TowNote Added: 0003556
2013-05-25 21:44TowAssigned To => Tow
2013-05-25 21:44TowStatusfeedback => assigned
2013-05-27 10:15ZamolxisNote Added: 0003561
2013-05-27 10:15ZamolxisStatusassigned => feedback
2013-05-27 10:17TowNote Added: 0003562
2013-05-27 10:17ZamolxisNote Edited: 0003561bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=3561#r2193
2013-05-27 10:21TowNote Added: 0003563
2013-05-27 10:23ZamolxisNote Edited: 0003561bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=3561#r2194
2013-05-27 10:36ZamolxisNote Added: 0003564
2013-05-28 05:02WarmongerFile Added: Loop1268.rar
2013-05-28 05:03WarmongerNote Added: 0003573
2013-05-28 05:03WarmongerStatusfeedback => assigned
2013-05-28 10:02TowNote Added: 0003574
2013-05-28 11:13WarmongerNote Added: 0003575
2013-05-28 11:17WarmongerFile Deleted: Loop1268.rar
2013-05-28 11:17WarmongerFile Added: Loop1268.rar
2013-05-28 11:18WarmongerNote Added: 0003576
2013-05-28 11:32TowNote Added: 0003577
2013-05-28 11:32TowStatusassigned => confirmed
2013-05-28 14:03TowNote Added: 0003578
2013-05-28 16:34WarmongerFile Added: CoTD 252x252 001.h3m
2013-05-28 16:35WarmongerNote Added: 0003579
2013-05-28 22:49TowNote Added: 0003582
2013-05-28 22:49TowStatusconfirmed => resolved
2013-05-28 22:49TowFixed in Version => 0.93
2013-05-28 22:49TowResolutionopen => fixed
2013-05-29 04:00WarmongerNote Added: 0003583
2014-05-30 17:43beegeeStatusresolved => closed

2013-05-24 18:30   
For me it works - both player and AI can pick chests without any bugs. Using latest trunk.

Although I've found another evil evil bug that may be related - new report incoming.
2013-05-24 19:03   
(edited on: 2013-05-24 19:06)
Okay, I rebuild recent revision and now it works for human, but still not for AI.

2013-05-25 21:43   
Works for me.
Can you attach the map / savegame, where pressing "end turn" triggers this?
2013-05-25 21:44   
It's me.
2013-05-27 10:15   
(edited on: 2013-05-27 10:23)
@Tow: I'm getting a crash after fighting at Pandora's Box, leveling up both battle experience and Pandora bonus. Can it be related and I should wait for this to be fixed first, or shall I prepare a separate report?

EDIT: It's not related to spell casting (just to rule that out, I played the battle without spells). It's the VCMI_Tests_2012 map - Pandora Box just above Rion at map start.

2013-05-27 10:17   
I'll check this in a moment.
2013-05-27 10:21   
I just checked — I don't get a crash when hero levels up both from defeating Pandora's Box creatures and exp bonus. Some other factors may be involved.
Please create a report.
2013-05-27 10:36   
0001271 created
2013-05-28 05:03   
Uploaded savegame. It starts endless loop once red Barbarian picks the chest.

Playing with autoSkip option if that could make a difference.
2013-05-28 10:02   
Which revision was used to produce this save? I doesn't work for me neither with trunk nor 0.92b.
2013-05-28 11:13   
Oops, I forgot to get rid of whole array of mods in first place :P
2013-05-28 11:18   
Try now.
2013-05-28 11:32   
Finally reproduced!
Many thanks for that! :)
2013-05-28 14:03   
One more request: could you upload the h3m with map used for this game?
2013-05-28 16:35   
Done. I use this map quite a lot for about two years ;)
2013-05-28 22:49   
The map is invalid. It contains only 2 allowed heroes. Therefore it is impossible to properly give starting heroes to all the players.

The bug was caused because one of players was given a hero that was imprisoned somewhere else on map. Duplicate hero = distaster sooner or later. [Recent chagnes to hero serialization made it much sooner.]

Fixed in r3391. Now VCMI will use heroes that are not allowed but will be careful about not taking the ones already used (normally or in prison).
2013-05-29 04:00   
In OH3, if imprisoned hero is allowed, you are free to choose him when starting game. In such case, the prison becomes empty.

Also, I complained about prison being hero object like three years ago :P