MantisBT - VCMI
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0001159VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2012-12-12 13:092014-05-30 17:41
LinuxArch Linux
0001159: segfault after end turn (attached related savedata)
I'm using svn version 3030 (build using PKGBUILD from AUR), and I'm sure the config file is the newest.
Error prompt is as follows, and I've removed the normal output before it.

Player 1 starting turn
    Striving to goal of type WIN
        Considering goal WIN
        Decomposing goal of type WIN
        Considering goal CONQUER
        Decomposing goal of type CONQUER
    Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER
    Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop.
    The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this!
    Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY
    Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY
    Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY
    Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE
        Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms.
        Looking for an another place for exploration...
        Time of looking for new exploration point was 10 ms.
    Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (13 24 1)
    Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (13 24 1)
    Adding query 62 - Garrison dialog with Bonus system node of type 10CGGarrison and Hero Zydar. Total queries count: 1
    I'll answer the query 62 giving the choice 0
    Attempted answering query 62 - Garrison dialog with Bonus system node of type 10CGGarrison and Hero Zydar. Request id=22. Waiting for results...
    Removing query 62 - Garrison dialog with Bonus system node of type 10CGGarrison and Hero Zydar. Total queries count: 0
    Hero Zydar moved from 27 23 1 to 17 24 1
    Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY
    Connection has been requested to be closed.
Sent closing signal to the server
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) vcmiclient
Load the attached savedata, end turn, then seg fault as wrote in description.
No tags attached.
related to 0001150closed Tow Crash during purple player turn 
zip (144,329) 2012-12-12 13:09
Issue History
2012-12-12 13:09CravixNew Issue
2012-12-12 13:09CravixFile Added:
2012-12-12 13:24IvanNote Added: 0003241
2012-12-12 13:33IvanRelationship addedrelated to 0001150
2012-12-12 13:34IvanNote Added: 0003242
2012-12-12 13:34IvanStatusnew => resolved
2012-12-12 13:34IvanFixed in Version => 0.91
2012-12-12 13:34IvanResolutionopen => fixed
2012-12-12 13:34IvanAssigned To => Ivan
2012-12-12 13:39IvanNote Edited: 0003242bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=3242#r2063
2012-12-12 15:10CravixNote Added: 0003246
2012-12-12 15:12IvanNote Added: 0003247
2014-05-30 17:41beegeeStatusresolved => closed

2012-12-12 13:24   
Reproducible. May be duplicate of 0001550
2012-12-12 13:34   
(edited on: 2012-12-12 13:39)
fixed in rev 3033.

Cravix, be warned that our svn builds may not be very stable and saves may not be compatible with previous builds.

For example it is likely that revision 3031 broke compatibility with older games.

2012-12-12 15:10   
Ivan, thank you :-) Using svn is like taking a wild ride anyway, hmm.
But there's a bug in CMakeLists.txt so that I cannot test the new version:

115: install(FILES Mods/WoG/filesystem.json DESTINATION ${DATA_DIR}/Mods/WoG)

You know there's no such file in svn repo :-/
(ref: [^] )
2012-12-12 15:12   
Oups - forgot to update that. Thanks.