MantisBT - VCMI
View Issue Details
0001070VCMISound, music, videospublic2012-09-08 13:042015-06-21 16:59
0001070: Crash on starting game with custom main menu video (Windows video player only)
Disaster happened.
Reason: 0xc0000005 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 001b:01E9104A
Attempt to read from 0xFFFFFFFE
Thread ID: 10f0 [4336]
1) Download
2) Unpack it in into VCMI/Mods directory
3) Start the game
? VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo_2.dmp (910,419) 2012-09-08 13:31
txt VCMI_Client_log_2.txt (29,261) 2012-09-08 13:32
png Буфер обмена01.png (345,297) 2012-09-08 13:32

zip (1,084) 2012-09-08 14:35
Issue History
2012-09-08 13:04AlexVinSNew Issue
2012-09-08 13:04AlexVinSFile Added: server_log.txt
2012-09-08 13:05AlexVinSFile Added: VCMI_Server_log.txt
2012-09-08 13:05AlexVinSFile Added: VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.dmp
2012-09-08 13:06AlexVinSFile Added: VCMI_Client_log.txt
2012-09-08 13:06AlexVinSTag Attached: Crash
2012-09-08 13:20IvanNote Added: 0002985
2012-09-08 13:27AlexVinSNote Added: 0002986
2012-09-08 13:31AlexVinSFile Added: VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo_2.dmp
2012-09-08 13:32AlexVinSFile Added: VCMI_Client_log_2.txt
2012-09-08 13:32AlexVinSFile Added: Буфер обмена01.png
2012-09-08 13:33AlexVinSNote Edited: 0002986bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2986#r1890
2012-09-08 13:34IvanFile Deleted: server_log.txt
2012-09-08 13:34IvanFile Deleted: VCMI_Server_log.txt
2012-09-08 13:34IvanFile Deleted: VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.dmp
2012-09-08 13:35IvanFile Deleted: VCMI_Client_log.txt
2012-09-08 13:39IvanNote Added: 0002987
2012-09-08 13:51AlexVinSNote Added: 0002988
2012-09-08 13:56AlexVinSNote Added: 0002989
2012-09-08 14:01AlexVinSNote Edited: 0002989bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2989#r1892
2012-09-08 14:23IvanNote Added: 0002990
2012-09-08 14:23IvanFile Added:
2012-09-08 14:26IvanSummaryCrash on loading "VCMI_Tests_2011b.h3m" with ERA rusification => Crash on starting game with custom main menu video (Windows video player only)
2012-09-08 14:26IvanSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1894#r1894
2012-09-08 14:26IvanAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1896#r1896
2012-09-08 14:26AlexVinSNote Added: 0002991
2012-09-08 14:31IvanNote Added: 0002992
2012-09-08 14:35IvanFile Deleted:
2012-09-08 14:35IvanFile Added:
2012-09-08 14:38AlexVinSNote Added: 0002993
2012-09-08 14:41AlexVinSNote Edited: 0002993bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2993#r1898
2012-09-08 14:54IvanNote Added: 0002994
2012-09-08 15:23IvanNote Added: 0002995
2012-09-08 15:23IvanAssigned To => Tow
2012-09-08 15:23IvanStatusnew => assigned
2012-09-08 15:23IvanCategoryOther => Sound, music, videos
2012-09-08 16:00TowNote Added: 0002996
2012-09-08 16:24IvanNote Added: 0002997
2012-09-09 23:43TowNote Added: 0003004
2012-09-09 23:43TowStatusassigned => acknowledged
2015-06-21 16:59AVSNote Added: 0005755
2015-06-21 16:59AVSStatusacknowledged => closed
2015-06-21 16:59AVSAssigned ToTow => AVS
2015-06-21 16:59AVSResolutionopen => fixed
2015-06-21 16:59AVSFixed in Version => 0.98c

2012-09-08 13:20   
В логах клиента русификация названа "Z Mod Rus"
В логах сервера - "5 Wog Rus" и запускается карта Cave of Gerfrex а не VCMI_tests

Логи с разных запусков?
2012-09-08 13:27   
(edited on: 2012-09-08 13:33)
с разных, похоже. Щас удалю все и залью новые версии.
UPD. Логи перезалил, серверного лога нет вообще. +скриншот

2012-09-08 13:39   
- падает только при включеной русификации?
- падает ли на других картах?
2012-09-08 13:51   
Без русифискации не падает (карта грузится, дальше не тестил). Другие карты также падают, лог по сути такой же (адрес исключения иногда меняется, например 001b:01DF104A)
2012-09-08 13:56   
(edited on: 2012-09-08 14:01)
А при такой настройке уже не падает.
        "DATA/" :
            {"type" : "file", "path" : "ALL/MODS/Z WoG Rus/Data/era rus.pac"},
            {"type" : "dir", "path" : "ALL/MODS/Z WoG Rus/Data"}
            {"type" : "file", "path" : "ALL/MODS/Z WOG Rus/Data/era rus.pac"}
            {"type" : "file", "path" : "ALL/MODS/Z WoG Rus/Data/era rus snd.snd"}

ИТОГО падает только если подключен видео архив.

2012-09-08 14:23   
Это объяснит почему у меня падения нет - видео плееры под Вин и линухой полностью отдельные.

Походе все дело в acredit.smk - видео что в главном меню используется.

Видео загружаю сюда, описание бага меняю на более правильное.
2012-09-08 14:26   
У меня этот acredit.smk в корне лежит, ему точно там место?
2012-09-08 14:31   
В корне чего? В русификации он валяется в архиве и как результат - загружается последним. Какие-либо другие acredit-ы проигнорятся.
2012-09-08 14:38   
(edited on: 2012-09-08 14:41)
В папке самой игры (причем появляется он там изниоткуда).

2012-09-08 14:54   
Это кажется "фича" плеера под вин - видео вначале распаковывается в файл, а затем проигрывается.
2012-09-08 15:23   
Tow, can you check this? It looks that Windows video player can't close file correctly.
2012-09-08 16:00   
Translated stacktrace:
     SMACKW32.DLL!01e9104a() Unknown
     [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for SMACKW32.DLL]
     VCMI_client.exe!CGuiHandler::popInt(IShowActivatable * top=0x017565e8) Line 50 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!CGPreGame::removeFromGui() Line 537 C++
> VCMI_client.exe!CSelectionScreen::startGame() Line 839 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!CFunctionList<void __cdecl(void)>::operator()() Line 62 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!SelectionTab::onDoubleClick() Line 1506 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!CGuiHandler::handleEvent(SDL_Event * sEvent=0x00000007) Line 193 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!CGuiHandler::handleEvents() Line 141 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!CGPreGame::update() Line 498 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!CGuiHandler::run() Line 351 C++
     VCMI_client.exe!boost::`anonymous namespace'::thread_start_function(void *) C++

It looks that the acredit.smk video from the archive is invalid. Or, at least, smack32w.dll doesn't play it properly. What is the source of this file and how should it look? Does H3 play it properly?

I am not getting crash when running VCMI released dev build with that package but I do see some graphical glitches. The debug build of VCMI crashes immediately when trying to show this video.
2012-09-08 16:24   
>> Does H3 play it properly?
It looks to be empty - 1 kb file is definitely too small for video.
But neither H3 nor Linux player have crash.

Source is Russian language pack for Era (H3 + WoG localization included)
Downloaded from here: [^]
(Self-extracting archive)
2012-09-09 23:43   
Huh... Spent quite a while on this but I have no idea how to fix this. Crash happens in the SMACK library. I guess we're using it slightly different than H3 but I'm unable to tell what's difference. I'd need to debug H3 but I'm not very competent with reverse engineerign, so this one will have to wait.
[Or we will get rid of bink/smack H3 DLL's and switch to ffmpeg as Ivan suggested.]

As a workaround I can only suggest hiding faulty video file from VCMI or damaging it, so it won't be played.
2015-06-21 16:59   
No more actual since switch to ffmpeg on windows