INFO global [4f8] - VCMI 1.2.1 (client) INFO global [4f8] - Creating console and configuring logger: 31 ms INFO global [4f8] - The log file will be saved to "C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\VCMI_Client_log.txt" TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 0 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 7 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 11 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 37 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 14 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 159 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 228 files found INFO global [4f8] - Initialization: 16 ms TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\filesystem.json TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at config TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 118 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod TRACE global [4f8] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_bmp.lod"" loaded (2491 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 109 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod TRACE global [4f8] - .LODArchive ""H3bitmap.lod"" loaded (4908 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 299 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/h3abp_bm.lod TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3pbitma.lod TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 16 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Maps TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 205 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Mods TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 6 files found TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Mp3 TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 60 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at scripts TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd TRACE global [4f8] - .SNDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.snd"" loaded (117 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd TRACE global [4f8] - .SNDArchive ""Heroes3.snd"" loaded (1115 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 31 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 16 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod TRACE global [4f8] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_spr.lod"" loaded (569 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 15 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod TRACE global [4f8] - .LODArchive ""H3sprite.lod"" loaded (4013 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 156 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/h3abp_sp.lod TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3psprit.lod TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Sprites TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid TRACE global [4f8] - .VIDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.vid"" loaded (7 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid TRACE global [4f8] - .VIDArchive ""VIDEO.VID"" loaded (141 files found). TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 16 ms INFO global [4f8] - Data loading: 626 ms TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\settings.json TRACE mod [4f8] - registered resource.wood as core:0 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered resource.mercury as core:1 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered resource.ore as core:2 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered resource.sulfur as core:3 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered resource.crystal as core:4 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered resource.gems as core:5 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered as core:6 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered resource.mithril as core:7 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primSkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primarySkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primSkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primarySkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primSkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primarySkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primSkill.knowledge as core:3 TRACE mod [4f8] - registered primarySkill.knowledge as core:3 TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\trueTypeFonts\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extraResolutions\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Bonus Icons\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\battlefieldActions\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json INFO global [4f8] - Mod handler: 0 ms DEBUG global [4f8] - Language footprint: 0.055858 0.000000 0.198319 0.005048 0.022245 0.018337 0.459629 0.240530 0.000033 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 DEBUG global [4f8] - Comparing to chinese: 1.737588 DEBUG global [4f8] - Comparing to english: 0.000288 DEBUG global [4f8] - Comparing to french: 0.130284 DEBUG global [4f8] - Comparing to german: 0.104111 DEBUG global [4f8] - Comparing to polish: 0.138178 DEBUG global [4f8] - Comparing to russian: 1.487203 TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\hero.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\script.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\creature.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\buildings5.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\spells\timed.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\bonuses.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\townSiege.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\mod.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\stronghold.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\faction.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\inferno.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\random.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\battlefields.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\road.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\widgets\settings\settingsMainContainer.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\neutral.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\spells\ability.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\special.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\ambientSounds.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\conflux.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\objectTemplate.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\tower.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\commanders.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\campaignSets.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\campaignMedia.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\objectType.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\randomMap.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\bonus.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\mainmenu.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\resolutions.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\rampart.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\mapOverrides.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\filesystem.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\skills.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\dungeon.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\widgets\randomMapTab.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\terrain.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\rewardableBonusing.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\townStructure.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOncePerWeek.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\rivers.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\widgets\settings\generalOptionsTab.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\roads.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\generic.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\terrains.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\townBuilding.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\widgets\battleWindow.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\spells\vcmiAbility.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\skill.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\rewardablePickable.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\widgets\settings\adventureOptionsTab.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\fortress.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\widgets\settings\otherOptionsTab.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\startres.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOncePerHero.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\battleEffects.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\conflux.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\widgets\settings\battleOptionsTab.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\inferno.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOnceVisitable.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\moddables.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\tower.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\special.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\spells\other.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\resources.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroes\fortress.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\castle.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\ERMU_to_picture.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\river.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\battles_graphics.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\factions\necropolis.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\battlefield.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\conflux.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\mapHeader.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\spells\adventure.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\obstacle.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\objects\creatureBanks.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\settings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\object.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\campaign_regions.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\battleStartpos.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\heroClasses.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\obstacles.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\ai\object-priorities.txt TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\fonts.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\artifacts.json TRACE global [4f8] - loading .\config\schemas\template.json TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/stardust-terrain/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/stardust-terrain/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 158 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Config TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 125 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Data TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 37 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Maps TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 1 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Sprites TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 67 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/Content TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/asylum-town/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/asylum-town/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 556 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 16 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/arrowtowericons/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/arrowtowericons/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 7 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/battlefieldactions/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/battlefieldactions/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 34 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/Content TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/extendedrmg/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/extendedrmg/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 24 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/extraresolutions/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/extraresolutions/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 72 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/quick-exchange/Data TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/quick-exchange/Sprites TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/bonus icons/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/bonus icons/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 157 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/immunity icons/ TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [4f8] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/immunity icons/Content TRACE global [4f8] - File system loaded, 44 files found TRACE global [4f8] - Resource loaded in 0 ms INFO global [4f8] - Mod filesystems: 78 ms DEBUG global [4f8] - Set log level global => trace [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] INFO global - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] INFO global - [log level] ai => not set [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] INFO global - [log level] animation => not set [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] INFO global - [log level] bonus => not set [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] INFO global - [log level] global => trace [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] INFO global - [log level] mod => not set [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] INFO global - [log level] network => not set [2023-May-15 11:27:38.408302] DEBUG global - settings = { "adventure" : { "enemyMoveTime" : 150, "heroMoveTime" : 150, "heroReminder" : true, "objectAnimation" : true, "quickCombat" : false, "scrollSpeedPixels" : 800, "terrainAnimation" : true }, "battle" : { "cellBorders" : false, "mouseShadow" : true, "queueSize" : "auto", "showQueue" : true, "speedFactor" : 2, "stackRange" : true }, "gameTweaks" : { "availableCreaturesAsDwellingLabel" : false, "compactTownCreatureInfo" : false, "forceMovementInfo" : false, "infoBarPick" : false, "numericCreaturesQuantities" : false, "showGrid" : false, "skipBattleIntroMusic" : false }, "general" : { "extraDump" : false, "gameDataLanguage" : "auto", "language" : "english", "lastSettingsTab" : 0, "music" : 88, "notifications" : false, "playerName" : "Player", "relativePointerSpeedMultiplier" : 1, "saveFrequency" : 1, "saveRandomMaps" : false, "sound" : 88, "swipe" : true, "swipeDesktop" : false, "userRelativePointer" : false }, "launcher" : { "autoCheckRepositories" : true, "connectionTimeout" : 2000, "enableInstalledMods" : true, "extraResolutionsModPath" : "\/vcmi-extras\/Mods\/extraResolutions\/Content\/config\/resolutions.json", "lobbyPort" : 5002, "lobbyUrl" : "", "lobbyUsername" : "", "repositoryURL" : [ "https:\/\/\/vcmi\/vcmi-mods-repository\/develop\/vcmi-1.2.json" ], "setupCompleted" : true, "updateConfigUrl" : "https:\/\/\/vcmi\/vcmi-updates\/master\/vcmi-updates.json", "updateOnStartup" : true }, "logging" : { "console" : { "colorMapping" : [ { "color" : "gray", "domain" : "global", "level" : "trace" }, { "color" : "white", "domain" : "global", "level" : "debug" }, { "color" : "green", "domain" : "global", "level" : "info" }, { "color" : "yellow", "domain" : "global", "level" : "warn" }, { "color" : "red", "domain" : "global", "level" : "error" } ], "coloredOutputEnabled" : true, "format" : "%m", "threshold" : "info" }, "file" : { "format" : "[%c] %l %n - %m" }, "loggers" : [ { "domain" : "global", "level" : "trace" } ] }, "pathfinder" : { "layers" : { "flying" : true, "sailing" : true, "waterWalking" : true }, "lightweightFlyingMode" : false, "oneTurnSpecialLayersLimit" : true, "originalMovementRules" : false, "teleports" : { "castleGate" : false, "oneWay" : true, "oneWayRandom" : false, "twoWay" : true, "whirlpool" : true } }, "server" : { "enemyAI" : "BattleAI", "friendlyAI" : "BattleAI", "localInformation" : 2, "names" : [ ], "neutralAI" : "StupidAI", "playerAI" : "Nullkiller", "port" : 3030, "reconnect" : false, "server" : "", "uuid" : "" }, "session" : { "disable-shm" : false, "donotstartserver" : false, "enable-shm-uuid" : false, "encoding" : "CP1252", "language" : "english", "languageDeviation" : 0.000287799, "onlyai" : false, "saveprefix" : "", "serverport" : 0 }, "video" : { "bitsPerPixel" : 32, "cursor" : "auto", "displayIndex" : 0, "driver" : "opengl", "fullscreen" : true, "realFullscreen" : false, "screenRes" : { "height" : 600, "width" : 960 }, "showIntro" : true, "showfps" : false, "spellbookAnimation" : true, "targetfps" : 60 } } [2023-May-15 11:27:38.423902] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\config\resolutions.json [2023-May-15 11:27:38.423902] INFO global - Loading settings: 736 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - Found 6 render drivers [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - direct3d [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - direct3d11 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - direct3d12 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - opengl (active) [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - opengles2 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - software [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - Check display mode: requested 960 x 600; available up to 1366 x 768 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.439502] INFO global - Set logical rendering resolution to 960x600 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.653113] INFO global - Created renderer opengl [2023-May-15 11:27:38.669114] INFO global - Initializing screen: 245 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.672114] INFO global - Initializing video: 3 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.672114] TRACE global - loading .\config\ambientSounds.json [2023-May-15 11:27:38.709117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WIN SCENARIO [2023-May-15 11:27:38.709117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DUNGEON [2023-May-15 11:27:38.709117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WIN BATTLE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.709117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CSTLETOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.709117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT03 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC10 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC11 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/NEUTRALTHEME [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ULTIMATELOSE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DIRT [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC08 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DEFEND CASTLE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/TOWERTOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC05 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC03 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COVETOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEFWCAMPAIGN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/STRONGHOLD [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME2 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEABCAMPAIGN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/GRASS [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEDBCAMPAIGN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME1 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC04 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOSE CAMPAIN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEPFCAMPAIGN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SAND [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/MAINMENU [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC02 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME0 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FORTRESSTOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC01 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/HIGHLANDS [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC07 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT01 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC09 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOSECOMBAT [2023-May-15 11:27:38.710117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/EVILTHEME [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/GOODTHEME [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/INFERNOTOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LAVA [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC06 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ELEMTOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SWAMP [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOOPLEPR [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOSECASTLE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/NECROTOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT04 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/RAMPART [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/RETREAT BATTLE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ROUGH [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SECRETTHEME [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEFLCAMPAIGN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SNOW [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SURRENDER BATTLE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEDSCAMPAIGN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/UNDERGROUND [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT02 [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WASTELAND [2023-May-15 11:27:38.711117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WATER [2023-May-15 11:27:38.712117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/STARDUST/STARDUST THEME [2023-May-15 11:27:38.712117] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/ASYLUMTOWN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.712117] INFO global - Initializing screen and sound handling: 40 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.712117] INFO global - Game Settings handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.719117] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\Data\qecommands.txt [2023-May-15 11:27:38.731118] INFO global - General text handler: 18 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.731118] TRACE global - loading .\config\gameConfig.json [2023-May-15 11:27:38.732118] TRACE global - loading .\config\bonuses.json [2023-May-15 11:27:38.733118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK [2023-May-15 11:27:38.733118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION [2023-May-15 11:27:38.733118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.733118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT [2023-May-15 11:27:38.733118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION [2023-May-15 11:27:38.733118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT_EXTRA_SHOTS [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DISGUISED [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FEAR [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FLYING [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type GARGOYLE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type HATE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type HEALER [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING [2023-May-15 11:27:38.734118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type KING [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LEARN_BATTLE_SPELL_CHANCE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LEARN_BATTLE_SPELL_LEVEL_LIMIT [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LIMITED_SHOOTING_RANGE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NONE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type PERCENTAGE_DAMAGE_BOOST [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SOUL_STEAL [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER [2023-May-15 11:27:38.735118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type TRANSMUTATION [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type VISIONS [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] INFO global - Bonus type handler: 6 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] INFO global - Road handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.736118] INFO global - River handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.737118] INFO global - Terrain handler: 1 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.737118] INFO global - Hero handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.737118] INFO global - Artifact handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.737118] TRACE global - loading .\config\commanders.json [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] INFO global - Creature handler: 1 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] INFO global - Town handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] TRACE global - Reading resources prices [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] TRACE global - loading .\config\resources.json [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] TRACE global - Done loading resource prices! [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] INFO global - Object handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] INFO global - Object types information handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.738118] INFO global - Spell handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.739118] INFO global - Skill handler: 1 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.739118] TRACE global - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json [2023-May-15 11:27:38.741118] INFO global - Terrain view pattern handler: 2 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.741118] INFO global - Template handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.741118] INFO global - Battlefields handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.741118] INFO global - Obstacles handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.741118] INFO global - Initializing handlers: 29 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:38.742118] INFO mod - Initializing content handler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:39.120140] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.120140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.120140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mines.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.120140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\trees.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.120140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\chasms.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.121140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\others.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.121140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\flowers.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.121140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\holes.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.121140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\obstacles.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.121140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\rocks.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.122140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mageMirror.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.122140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\sign.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.122140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starBottle.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.122140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mountains.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.122140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\battles_graphics.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.122140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starutopia.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.123140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\battlefields.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.123140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\lakes.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.123140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\deltas.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.123140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starDancer.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.124140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starFlake.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.124140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mushrooms.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.124140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\terrains.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.124140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\river.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.124140] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.124140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.125140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.125140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\blockbuster.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.125140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\elka.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.125140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\panic.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.125140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\smallRing.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.126140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\roadrunner.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.126140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\2mm2h.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.126140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\gimlisRevenge.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.126140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\gauntlet.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.126140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\hypercube.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.127140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\dwarvenTunnels.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.127140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\miniNostalgia.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.127140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\riseOfPhoenix.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.127140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.127140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0f.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.128140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.128140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.128140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.128140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm0e.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.128140] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\russian.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.129141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.129141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.129141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.129141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.129141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerCreature.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.130141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\4sm3i.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.130141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\cross.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.130141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\marathon.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.130141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\anarchy.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.131141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\fear.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.131141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.131141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\2x2sm4d(3).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.132141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\analogy.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.132141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\cross2.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.132141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\deux paires.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.132141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\wheel.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.132141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.133141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0e.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.133141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\4mm2h.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.133141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.133141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.133141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\doubled 8mm6.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.134141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\spanish.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.134141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.134141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerFactions.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.134141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\ukrainian.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.135141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm8.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.135141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\upgrade.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.135141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\polish.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.136141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\jebusCross.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.136141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\greatSands.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.136141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\goldenRing.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.136141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.136141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.137141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.137141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.137141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0g.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.137141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.137141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\vortex.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.137141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\cube.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.138141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\ring.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.138141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\balance m+u 200%.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.138141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\spider.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.138141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\superslam.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.138141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\skirmish.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.139141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.139141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\midnightMix.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.141141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\newcomers.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.142141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\true random.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.142141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\6lm10a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.142141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\oceansEleven.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.142141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\skirmish m-u 200%.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.142141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\monksRetreat.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.143141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme2.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.143141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.143141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\dragon.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.143141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed1.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.143141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0f.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.144141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\worldsAtWar.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.144141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed2.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.144141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.144141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\readyOrNot.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.144141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\8xm12 huge.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.145141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\southOfHell.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.145141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm0k.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.145141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\8xm8 huge.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.145141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\headquarters.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.145141] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\clashOfDragons.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.146142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\meetingInMuzgob.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.146142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(3).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.146142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\aroundamarsh.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.146142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm4e.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.146142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\frozenDragons.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.147142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\golemsAplenty.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.147142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\coldshadowsFantasy.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.147142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.147142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\chinese.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.147142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\balance.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.148142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\poorJebus.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.148142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.148142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\triad.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.148142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\cross3.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.149142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\guerilla.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.149142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.149142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.149142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\reckless.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.149142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\english.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.150142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\kite.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.150142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\nostalgia.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.150142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.151142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\german.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.151142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.151142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\diamond.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.151142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\shaaafworld.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.151142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.152142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\longRun.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.152142] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sm3d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.152142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras [2023-May-15 11:27:39.152142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.152142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for asylum-town [2023-May-15 11:27:39.152142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.153142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\soulcrus.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.153142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\H_karth.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.153142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowmare.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.153142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darksquire.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.153142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\plwalker.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.154142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\terrorEye.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.154142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\campaignHeroes.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.154142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\N_jezebel.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.154142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowhunter.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.154142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\phantomhunter.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.154142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\J_mog.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.155142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\asnightmare.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.155142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\E_renner.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.155142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\town.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.155142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\G_stacia.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.156142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\C_harker.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.156142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\winddancer.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.156142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\B_pauline.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.156142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\O_margareta.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.156142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\acommander.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.157142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\voidwalker.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.157142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\I_kaspar.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.157142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonApps.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.157142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\seduce.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.157142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\F_judith.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.157142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\P_lynn.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.158142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\birthdayGift.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.158142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\pathfinder.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.158142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sadphanton.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.158142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\A_alach.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.158142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowdancer.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.158142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\D_sisElisa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.159142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\jesterDeliver.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.159142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\dwellings.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.159142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\M_mona.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.159142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\L_brigid.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.159142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darkguard.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.160142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\mentalist.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.160142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonJester.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.160142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sorrowphanton.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.160142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\spiritcrus.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.160142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\K_viola.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\content\config\arrowTowers.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.battlefieldactions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\battlefieldActions\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\battlefieldActions\content\config\widgets\battleWindow.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.bonusicons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.161142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.162142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.extendedrmg [2023-May-15 11:27:39.162142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.162142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\config\widgets\randomMapTab.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.162142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\config\widgets\randomMapTemplateWidget.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.162142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\config\widgets\randomMapTeamsWidget.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.162142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.extraresolutions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.162142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extraResolutions\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.163142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\config\resolutions.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.163142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.quick-exchange [2023-May-15 11:27:39.163142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.163142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\Data\qecommands.txt [2023-May-15 11:27:39.164143] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\Data\exchangeWindow.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.164143] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.bonusicons.bonus icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.164143] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Bonus Icons\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.164143] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Bonus Icons\Content\config\bonusIcons\bonuses.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.164143] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.164143] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.165143] INFO mod - [23b5c3b0]Original game files [2023-May-15 11:27:39.165143] TRACE global - loading .\config\artifacts.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.171143] TRACE global - loading .\config\battlefields.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.172143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.173143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.173143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\tower.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.174143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.175143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.176143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.177143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.178143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.179143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\conflux.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.180143] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.181144] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\special.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.184144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\castle.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.186144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\rampart.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.188144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\tower.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.190144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\necropolis.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.192144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\inferno.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.194144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.196144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\stronghold.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.198144] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\fortress.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.200145] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\conflux.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.202145] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\neutral.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.206145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroClasses.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.207145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.208145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.209145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.210145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.210145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\inferno.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.211145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\dungeon.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.212145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.213145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\fortress.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.214145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\conflux.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.215145] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\special.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.217146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\generic.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.220146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\moddables.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.222146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\creatureBanks.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.225146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.226146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOncePerWeek.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.227146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardablePickable.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.228146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOnceVisitable.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.228146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOncePerHero.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.229146] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableBonusing.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.235147] TRACE global - loading .\config\obstacles.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.239147] TRACE global - loading .\config\rivers.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.240147] TRACE global - loading .\config\roads.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.240147] TRACE global - loading .\config\skills.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.242147] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\adventure.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.242147] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.243147] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\other.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.245147] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\timed.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.247147] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\ability.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.248147] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\vcmiAbility.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.250147] TRACE global - loading .\config\terrains.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.251148] INFO mod - [410f0ab0]Stardust terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.251148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\battlefields.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.252148] TRACE mod - Patching object stardust (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.252148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\deltas.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.252148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\trees.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.252148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\chasms.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.253148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\flowers.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.253148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\lakes.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.253148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\holes.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.254148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mountains.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.254148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mushrooms.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.254148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mines.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.255148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\rocks.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.255148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\sign.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.255148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mageMirror.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.256148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starFlake.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.256148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starDancer.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.256148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starBottle.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.256148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starutopia.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\others.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE mod - Patching object dragonUtopia (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.257148] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.258148] TRACE mod - Patching object mushrooms (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.258148] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.258148] TRACE mod - Patching object riverDelta (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.258148] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.258148] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.258148] TRACE mod - Patching object trees (core) from stardust-terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.258148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\obstacles.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.259148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\river.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.259148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\terrains.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.259148] INFO mod - [1a7a08c5]VCMI essential files [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerCreature.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object arrowTower (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerFactions.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object castle (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object dungeon (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object fortress (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object rampart (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object stronghold (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.260148] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from vcmi [2023-May-15 11:27:39.261148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\aroundamarsh.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.261148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\balance.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.263148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\blockbuster.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.265148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\clashOfDragons.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.266148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\coldshadowsFantasy.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.267148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\cube.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.267148] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\diamond.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.269149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.270149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme2.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.272149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\fear.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.272149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\frozenDragons.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.273149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\gimlisRevenge.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.274149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\guerilla.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.275149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\headquarters.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.276149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\hypercube.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.277149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\jebusCross.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.277149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\longRun.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.278149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\marathon.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.281149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\miniNostalgia.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.282149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\nostalgia.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.283149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\oceansEleven.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.283149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\panic.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.284149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\poorJebus.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.285149] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\reckless.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.286150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\roadrunner.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.286150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\shaaafworld.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.287150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\skirmish.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.288150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed1.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.288150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed2.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.289150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\spider.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.290150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\superslam.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.290150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\triad.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.292150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\vortex.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.293150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\dwarvenTunnels.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.294150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\golemsAplenty.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.294150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\meetingInMuzgob.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.295150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\monksRetreat.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.296150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\newcomers.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.297150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\readyOrNot.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.297150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\smallRing.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.298150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\southOfHell.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.298150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\worldsAtWar.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.299150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm0k.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.300150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.300150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.301150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.301150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.302150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.302150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.302150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.303150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.303150] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.304151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.304151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.305151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(2).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.305151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(3).JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.306151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.306151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.307151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sm3d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.307151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.308151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0f.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.308151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0g.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.309151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm4e.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.310151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.310151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.311151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.312151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.313151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.313151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0d.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.314151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0e.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.315151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0b.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.315151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.315151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm0e.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.316151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.317151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.318151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0c.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.319151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0f.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.319151] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.321152] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12a.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.322152] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm8.JSON [2023-May-15 11:27:39.338152] INFO mod - [334d5092]VCMI extras [2023-May-15 11:27:39.338152] INFO mod - [7fc62d6d]Asylum Town [2023-May-15 11:27:39.338152] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\mod.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.340153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darksquire.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.340153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darkguard.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.341153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\winddancer.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.341153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowdancer.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.342153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowhunter.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.342153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\phantomhunter.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.343153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sadphanton.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.344153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sorrowphanton.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.344153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\spiritcrus.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.344153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\soulcrus.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.345153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\asnightmare.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.345153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowmare.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.346153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\plwalker.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.346153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\voidwalker.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.346153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\jesterDeliver.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.347153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\acommander.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.348153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\town.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.352153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\pathfinder.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.352153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\mentalist.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.353153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\A_alach.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.353153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\B_pauline.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.353153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\C_harker.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.354153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\D_sisElisa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.354153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\E_renner.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.354153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\F_judith.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.354153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\G_stacia.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.355153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\H_karth.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.355153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\I_kaspar.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.355153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\J_mog.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.356154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\K_viola.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.356154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\L_brigid.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.356154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\M_mona.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.356154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\N_jezebel.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.357154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\O_margareta.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.357154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\P_lynn.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.358154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\dwellings.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.358154] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from asylum-town [2023-May-15 11:27:39.358154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\terrorEye.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.359154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\birthdayGift.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.359154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonJester.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.359154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonApps.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.360154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\seduce.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.360154] INFO mod - [af1ebc53]Arrow Tower Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.360154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\content\config\arrowTowers.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object castle (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object dungeon (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object fortress (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object rampart (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object stronghold (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] INFO mod - [bead447a]Battlefield actions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] INFO mod - [5fc165fb]Andruids Bonus Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.361154] INFO mod - [73dc6805]Extended RMG options [2023-May-15 11:27:39.362154] INFO mod - [88e27065]Extra resolutions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.362154] INFO mod - [ab515fb4]VCMI Quick Exchange [2023-May-15 11:27:39.362154] INFO mod - [79706536]Bonus Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.362154] INFO mod - [9352ad5e]Spell Immunity Bonus Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.362154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\Content\spellImmunityIcons.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\Content\abilityImmunityIcons.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object acidBreath (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object acidBreathDamage (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object age (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object antiMagic (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object armageddon (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object berserk (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object bind (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object blind (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object chainLightning (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object curse (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object deathCloud (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object deathRipple (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object deathStare (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object destroyUndead (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object disease (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object dispel (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object dispelHelpful (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object disruptingRay (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.363154] TRACE mod - Patching object fireWall (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object fireball (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object forgetfulness (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object frostRing (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object hypnotize (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object iceBolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object implosion (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object landMine (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object lightningBolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object magicArrow (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object meteorShower (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object misfortune (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object paralyze (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object poison (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object slow (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object sorrow (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object stoneGaze (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object thunderbolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object titanBolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - Patching object weakness (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] INFO mod - Parsing mod data: 622 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:39.364154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(admiralsHat) at index 136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.365154] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.365154] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\bonus.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.admiralsHat as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ambassadorsSash) at index 68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ambassadorsSash as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ammoCart as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(amuletOfTheUndertaker) at index 54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angelFeatherArrows) at index 62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.angelFeatherArrows as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angelWings) at index 72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.angelWings as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.366154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angelicAlliance) at index 129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.367154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.angelicAlliance as core:129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.367154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armageddonsBlade) at index 128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.367154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armageddonsBlade as core:128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.367154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armorOfTheDamned) at index 132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.367154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armorOfTheDamned as core:132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.367154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armorOfWonder) at index 31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armorOfWonder as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armsOfLegion) at index 121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armsOfLegion as core:121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(badgeOfCourage) at index 49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.badgeOfCourage as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ballista as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(birdOfPerception) at index 63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.birdOfPerception as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackshardOfTheDeadKnight) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfLevitation) at index 90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bootsOfLevitation as core:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.368154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfPolarity) at index 59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bootsOfPolarity as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfSpeed) at index 98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bootsOfSpeed as core:98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bowOfElvenCherrywood) at index 60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bowOfTheSharpshooter) at index 137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter as core:137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane) at index 61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfBrimstone) at index 29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.369154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfPetrifiedWood) at index 25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bucklerOfTheGnollKing) at index 15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(capeOfConjuring) at index 78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.capeOfConjuring as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(capeOfVelocity) at index 99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.capeOfVelocity as core:99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cardsOfProphecy) at index 47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cardsOfProphecy as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.catapult as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.370154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(celestialNecklaceOfBliss) at index 33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(centaurAxe) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.centaurAxe as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(charmOfMana) at index 73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.charmOfMana as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cloakOfTheUndeadKing) at index 130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing as core:130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cloverOfFortune) at index 46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cloverOfFortune as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.371154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(collarOfConjuring) at index 76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.collarOfConjuring as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cornucopia) at index 140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cornucopia as core:140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crestOfValor) at index 50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.crestOfValor as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crownOfDragontooth) at index 44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.crownOfDragontooth as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crownOfTheSupremeMagi) at index 22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deadMansBoots) at index 56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.deadMansBoots as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(diplomatsRing) at index 67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.372154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.diplomatsRing as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleArmor) at index 40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonScaleArmor as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleShield) at index 39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonScaleShield as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonWingTabard) at index 42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonWingTabard as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonboneGreaves) at index 41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonboneGreaves as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(elixirOfLife) at index 131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - registered artifact.elixirOfLife as core:131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.373154] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(emblemOfCognizance) at index 65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.emblemOfCognizance as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(endlessBagOfGold) at index 116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.endlessBagOfGold as core:116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(endlessPurseOfGold) at index 117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.endlessPurseOfGold as core:117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(endlessSackOfGold) at index 115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.endlessSackOfGold as core:115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(equestriansGloves) at index 70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.equestriansGloves as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(everflowingCrystalCloak) at index 109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak as core:109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.374155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(everpouringVialOfMercury) at index 111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury as core:111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(eversmokingRingOfSulfur) at index 113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur as core:113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.firstAidTent as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(garnitureOfInterference) at index 57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.garnitureOfInterference as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(glyphOfGallantry) at index 51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.glyphOfGallantry as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goldTowerArrow) at index 142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.goldTowerArrow as core:142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.375155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goldenBow) at index 91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.goldenBow as core:91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.grail as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(greaterGnollsFlail) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.greaterGnollsFlail as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(headOfLegion) at index 122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.headOfLegion as core:122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hellstormHelmet) at index 23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.hellstormHelmet as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(helmOfChaos) at index 21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.helmOfChaos as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.376155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment) at index 36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn) at index 19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hourglassOfTheEvilHour) at index 85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour as core:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfLumber) at index 114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber as core:114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfOre) at index 112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ladybirdOfLuck) at index 48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ladybirdOfLuck as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.377155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(legsOfLegion) at index 118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.legsOfLegion as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lionsShieldOfCourage) at index 34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(loinsOfLegion) at index 119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.loinsOfLegion as core:119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicWand) at index 141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.magicWand as core:141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.378155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monstersPower) at index 143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.monstersPower as core:143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mysticOrbOfMana) at index 75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.mysticOrbOfMana as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfDragonteeth) at index 43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfOceanGuidance) at index 71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfSwiftness) at index 97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness as core:97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ogresClubOfHavoc) at index 10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfDrivingRain) at index 82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfDrivingRain as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.379155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfInhibition) at index 126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfInhibition as core:126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfSilt) at index 80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfSilt as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTempestuousFire) at index 81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire as core:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTheFirmament) at index 79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfTheFirmament as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfVulnerability) at index 93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfVulnerability as core:93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfCourage) at index 108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfCourage as core:108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDeath) at index 104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfDeath as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.380155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDispassion) at index 100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfDispassion as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfFreeWill) at index 105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfFreeWill as core:105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfHoliness) at index 102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfHoliness as core:102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfLife) at index 103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfLife as core:103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfNegativity) at index 106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfNegativity as core:106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfSecondSight) at index 101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfSecondSight as core:101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.381155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfTotalRecall) at index 107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall as core:107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(powerOfTheDragonFather) at index 134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather as core:134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(quietEyeOfTheDragon) at index 37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(recantersCloak) at index 83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.recantersCloak as core:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(redDragonFlameTongue) at index 38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.redDragonFlameTongue as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ribCage) at index 26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ribCage as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.382155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfConjuring) at index 77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfConjuring as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfInfiniteGems) at index 110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems as core:110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfLife) at index 95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfLife as core:95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheMagi) at index 139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfTheMagi as core:139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheWayfarer) at index 69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfVitality) at index 94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfVitality as core:94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.383155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandalsOfTheSaint) at index 32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk) at index 27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(seaCaptainsHat) at index 123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.seaCaptainsHat as core:123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sentinelsShield) at index 18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.sentinelsShield as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shacklesOfWar) at index 125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shacklesOfWar as core:125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDamned) at index 17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDamned as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.384155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDwarvenLords) at index 13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheYawningDead) at index 14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skullHelmet) at index 20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.skullHelmet as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(speculum) at index 52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.speculum as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellBook) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spellBook as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spellScroll as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellbindersHat) at index 124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spellbindersHat as core:124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.385155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sphereOfPermanence) at index 92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.sphereOfPermanence as core:92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spiritOfOppression) at index 84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spiritOfOppression as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spyglass) at index 53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spyglass as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(statesmansMedal) at index 66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.statesmansMedal as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(statueOfLegion) at index 133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.statueOfLegion as core:133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stillEyeOfTheDragon) at index 45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoicWatchman) at index 64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.386155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.stoicWatchman as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(surcoatOfCounterpoise) at index 58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swordOfHellfire) at index 11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.swordOfHellfire as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swordOfJudgement) at index 35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.swordOfJudgement as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(talismanOfMana) at index 74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.talismanOfMana as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(targOfTheRampagingOgre) at index 16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunderHelmet) at index 24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.thunderHelmet as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.387155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titansCuirass) at index 30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.titansCuirass as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titansGladius) at index 12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.titansGladius as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titansThunder) at index 135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.titansThunder as core:135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfAirMagic) at index 87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfAirMagic as core:87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfEarthMagic) at index 89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic as core:89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfFireMagic) at index 86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfFireMagic as core:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.388155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfWaterMagic) at index 88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic as core:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(torsoOfLegion) at index 120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.torsoOfLegion as core:120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tunicOfTheCyclopsKing) at index 28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vampiresCowl) at index 55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.vampiresCowl as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vialOfDragonBlood) at index 127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.vialOfDragonBlood as core:127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vialOfLifeblood) at index 96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.vialOfLifeblood as core:96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wizardsWell) at index 138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - registered artifact.wizardsWell as core:138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.389155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(clover_field) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\battlefield.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.clover_field as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cursed_ground) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.cursed_ground as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dirt_birches) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.dirt_birches as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dirt_hills) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.dirt_hills as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dirt_pines) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.dirt_pines as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(evil_fog) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.evil_fog as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fiery_fields) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.fiery_fields as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(grass_hills) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.390155] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.grass_hills as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(grass_pines) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.grass_pines as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(holy_ground) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.holy_ground as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(lava) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.lava as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(lucid_pools) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.lucid_pools as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(magic_clouds) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.magic_clouds as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(magic_plains) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.magic_plains as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rocklands) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.rocklands as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rough) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.rough as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sand_mesas) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.sand_mesas as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sand_shore) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.sand_shore as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ship) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.ship as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ship_to_ship) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.391156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.ship_to_ship as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(snow_mountains) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.snow_mountains as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(snow_trees) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.snow_trees as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardust) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.stardust as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(subterranean) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.subterranean as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(swamp_trees) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.swamp_trees as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.392156] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\creature.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.393156] TRACE mod - registered creature.airElementals as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.393156] TRACE mod - registered creature.airElemental as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.393156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.394156] TRACE mod - registered creature.ammoCart as core:148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.394156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ancientBehemoth) at index 97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.394156] TRACE mod - registered creature.ancientBehemoth as core:97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.394156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angel) at index 12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.394156] TRACE mod - registered creature.angel as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.394156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archDevil) at index 55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.395156] TRACE mod - registered creature.archDevil as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.395156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archMage) at index 35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.395156] TRACE mod - registered creature.archMage as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.395156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archangel) at index 13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.396156] TRACE mod - registered creature.archangel as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.396156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archer) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.396156] TRACE mod - registered creature.lightCrossbowman as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.396156] TRACE mod - registered creature.archer as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.396156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(arrowTower) at index 149 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.396156] TRACE mod - registered creature.arrowTower as core:149 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.396156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(azureDragon) at index 132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.397156] TRACE mod - registered creature.azureDragon as core:132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.397156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 146 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.397156] TRACE mod - registered creature.ballista as core:146 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.397156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(basilisk) at index 106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.397156] TRACE mod - registered creature.basilisk as core:106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.398156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(battleDwarf) at index 17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.398156] TRACE mod - registered creature.battleDwarf as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.398156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(behemoth) at index 96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.398156] TRACE mod - registered creature.behemoth as core:96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.398156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(beholder) at index 74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.399156] TRACE mod - registered creature.beholder as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.399156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackDragon) at index 83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.399156] TRACE mod - registered creature.blackDragon as core:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.399156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackKnight) at index 66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.399156] TRACE mod - registered creature.blackKnight as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.399156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boar) at index 140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.400156] TRACE mod - registered creature.boar as core:140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.400156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boneDragon) at index 68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.400156] TRACE mod - registered creature.boneDragon as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.400156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 145 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.400156] TRACE mod - registered creature.catapult as core:145 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.400156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cavalier) at index 10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - registered creature.cavalier as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(centaur) at index 14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - registered creature.centaur as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(centaurCaptain) at index 15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - registered creature.centaurCaptain as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cerberus) at index 47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - registered creature.cerberus as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.401156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(champion) at index 11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.402156] TRACE mod - registered creature.champion as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.402156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(chaosHydra) at index 111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.402156] TRACE mod - registered creature.chaosHydra as core:111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.402156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crusader) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.402156] TRACE mod - registered creature.crusader as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.402156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crystalDragon) at index 133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.402156] TRACE mod - registered creature.crystalDragon as core:133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.403156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cyclop) at index 94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.403156] TRACE mod - registered creature.cyclop as core:94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.403156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cyclopKing) at index 95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.403156] TRACE mod - registered creature.cyclopKing as core:95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.403156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(demon) at index 48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.404156] TRACE mod - registered creature.demon as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.404156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dendroidGuard) at index 22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.404156] TRACE mod - registered creature.dendroidGuard as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.404156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dendroidSoldier) at index 23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.404156] TRACE mod - registered creature.dendroidSoldier as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.404156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(devil) at index 54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.405156] TRACE mod - registered creature.devil as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.405156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(diamondGolem) at index 117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.405156] TRACE mod - registered creature.diamondGolem as core:117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.405156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dreadKnight) at index 67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.405156] TRACE mod - registered creature.dreadKnight as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.405156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dwarf) at index 16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.406156] TRACE mod - registered creature.dwarf as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.406156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.406156] TRACE mod - registered creature.earthElemental as core:113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.406156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(efreet) at index 52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.406156] TRACE mod - registered creature.efreet as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.406156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(efreetSultan) at index 53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.407156] TRACE mod - registered creature.efreetSultan as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.407156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(enchanter) at index 136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.407156] TRACE mod - registered creature.enchanters as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.407156] TRACE mod - registered creature.enchanter as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.407156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(energyElemental) at index 129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.408156] TRACE mod - registered creature.energyElemental as core:129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.408156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(evilEye) at index 75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.408156] TRACE mod - registered creature.evilEye as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.408156] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fairieDragon) at index 134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.409157] TRACE mod - registered creature.fairieDragon as core:134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.409157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(familiar) at index 43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.409157] TRACE mod - registered creature.familiar as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.409157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireDragonFly) at index 105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.409157] TRACE mod - registered creature.fireDragonFly as core:105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.409157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.410157] TRACE mod - registered creature.fireElemental as core:114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.410157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firebird) at index 130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.410157] TRACE mod - registered creature.firebird as core:130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.410157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 147 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.411157] TRACE mod - registered creature.firstAidTent as core:147 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.411157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(genie) at index 36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.411157] TRACE mod - registered creature.genie as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.411157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ghostDragon) at index 69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.411157] TRACE mod - registered creature.ghostDragon as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.411157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(giant) at index 40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - registered creature.giant as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gnoll) at index 98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - registered creature.gnoll as core:98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gnollMarauder) at index 99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - registered creature.gnollMarauder as core:99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goblin) at index 84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - registered creature.goblins as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.412157] TRACE mod - registered creature.goblin as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.413157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goblinWolfRider) at index 86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.413157] TRACE mod - registered creature.goblinWolfRider as core:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.413157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gog) at index 44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.413157] TRACE mod - registered creature.gog as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.413157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goldDragon) at index 27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.414157] TRACE mod - registered creature.goldDragon as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.414157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goldGolem) at index 116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.414157] TRACE mod - registered creature.goldGolem as core:116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.414157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gorgon) at index 102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.414157] TRACE mod - registered creature.gorgon as core:102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.414157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grandElf) at index 19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - registered creature.grandElf as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(greaterBasilisk) at index 107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - registered creature.greaterBasilisk as core:107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(greenDragon) at index 26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - registered creature.greenDragon as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gremlin) at index 28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - registered creature.apprenticeGremlin as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.415157] TRACE mod - registered creature.gremlin as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.416157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(griffin) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.416157] TRACE mod - registered creature.griffin as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.416157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(halberdier) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.416157] TRACE mod - registered creature.halberdier as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.416157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(halfling) at index 138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.417157] TRACE mod - registered creature.halfling as core:138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.417157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(harpy) at index 72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.417157] TRACE mod - registered creature.harpy as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.417157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(harpyHag) at index 73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.417157] TRACE mod - registered creature.harpyHag as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.417157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hellHound) at index 46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.418157] TRACE mod - registered creature.hellHound as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.418157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblin) at index 85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.418157] TRACE mod - registered creature.hobgoblin as core:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.418157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblinWolfRider) at index 87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.418157] TRACE mod - registered creature.hobgoblinWolfRider as core:87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.418157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hornedDemon) at index 49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.419157] TRACE mod - registered creature.hornedDemon as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.419157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hydra) at index 110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.419157] TRACE mod - registered creature.hydra as core:110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.419157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(iceElemental) at index 123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.420157] TRACE mod - registered creature.iceElemental as core:123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.420157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(imp) at index 42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.420157] TRACE mod - registered creature.imp as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.420157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(infernalTroglodyte) at index 71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.420157] TRACE mod - registered creature.infernalTroglodyte as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.420157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ironGolem) at index 32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.421157] TRACE mod - registered creature.ironGolem as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.421157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lich) at index 64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.421157] TRACE mod - registered creature.lich as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.421157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lizardWarrior) at index 101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.422157] TRACE mod - registered creature.lizardWarrior as core:101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.422157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lizardman) at index 100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.422157] TRACE mod - registered creature.primitiveLizardman as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.422157] TRACE mod - registered creature.lizardman as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.422157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mage) at index 34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.422157] TRACE mod - registered creature.mage as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.422157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicElemental) at index 121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.423157] TRACE mod - registered creature.magicElemental as core:121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.423157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magmaElemental) at index 125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.423157] TRACE mod - registered creature.magmaElemental as core:125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.423157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magog) at index 45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.424157] TRACE mod - registered creature.magog as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.424157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(manticore) at index 80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.424157] TRACE mod - registered creature.manticore as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.424157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marksman) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.424157] TRACE mod - registered creature.marksman as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.424157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(masterGenie) at index 37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.425157] TRACE mod - registered creature.masterGenie as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.425157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(masterGremlin) at index 29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.425157] TRACE mod - registered creature.masterGremlin as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.425157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(medusa) at index 76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.425157] TRACE mod - registered creature.medusa as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.425157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(medusaQueen) at index 77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.426158] TRACE mod - registered creature.medusaQueen as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.426158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mightyGorgon) at index 103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.426158] TRACE mod - registered creature.mightyGorgon as core:103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.426158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(minotaur) at index 78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.426158] TRACE mod - registered creature.minotaur as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.426158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(minotaurKing) at index 79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.426158] TRACE mod - registered creature.minotaurKing as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.427158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monk) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.427158] TRACE mod - registered creature.monk as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.427158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mummy) at index 141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.427158] TRACE mod - registered creature.mummy as core:141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.427158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(naga) at index 38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.427158] TRACE mod - registered creature.naga as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.427158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nagaQueen) at index 39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.428158] TRACE mod - registered creature.nagaQueen as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.428158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nomad) at index 142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.428158] TRACE mod - registered creature.nomad as core:142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.428158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(obsidianGargoyle) at index 31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.428158] TRACE mod - registered creature.obsidianGargoyle as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.428158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ogre) at index 90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.429158] TRACE mod - registered creature.ogre as core:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.429158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ogreMage) at index 91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.429158] TRACE mod - registered creature.ogreMage as core:91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.429158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orc) at index 88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.429158] TRACE mod - registered creature.orc as core:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.429158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orcChieftain) at index 89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.430158] TRACE mod - registered creature.orcChieftain as core:89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.430158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(peasant) at index 139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.430158] TRACE mod - registered creature.peasant as core:139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.430158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pegasus) at index 20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.430158] TRACE mod - registered creature.pegasus as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.430158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(phoenix) at index 131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - registered creature.phoenix as core:131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pikeman) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - registered creature.pikeman as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pitFiend) at index 50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - registered creature.pitFiend as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pitLord) at index 51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - registered creature.pitLord as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.431158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pixie) at index 118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.432158] TRACE mod - registered creature.pixies as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.432158] TRACE mod - registered creature.pixie as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.432158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(powerLich) at index 65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.432158] TRACE mod - registered creature.powerLich as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.432158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(psychicElemental) at index 120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.432158] TRACE mod - registered creature.psychicElemental as core:120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.432158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(redDragon) at index 82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.433158] TRACE mod - registered creature.redDragon as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.433158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(roc) at index 92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.433158] TRACE mod - registered creature.roc as core:92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.433158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rogue) at index 143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.433158] TRACE mod - registered creature.rogue as core:143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.433158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(royalGriffin) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.434158] TRACE mod - registered creature.royalGriffin as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.434158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rustDragon) at index 135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.434158] TRACE mod - registered creature.rustDragon as core:135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.434158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scorpicore) at index 81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.434158] TRACE mod - registered creature.scorpicore as core:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.434158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(serpentFly) at index 104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - registered creature.dragonFly as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - registered creature.serpentFly as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sharpshooter) at index 137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - registered creature.sharpshooters as core:137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - registered creature.sharpshooter as core:137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(silverPegasus) at index 21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - registered creature.silverPegasus as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.435158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skeleton) at index 56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.436158] TRACE mod - registered creature.skeleton as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.436158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skeletonWarrior) at index 57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.436158] TRACE mod - registered creature.skeletonWarrior as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.436158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sprite) at index 119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.436158] TRACE mod - registered creature.sprite as core:119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.436158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneGargoyle) at index 30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.437158] TRACE mod - registered creature.stoneGargoyle as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.437158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneGolem) at index 33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.437158] TRACE mod - registered creature.stoneGolem as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.437158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stormElemental) at index 127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.437158] TRACE mod - registered creature.stormElemental as core:127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.438158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swordsman) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.438158] TRACE mod - registered creature.swordsman as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.438158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunderbird) at index 93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.438158] TRACE mod - registered creature.thunderbird as core:93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.438158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titan) at index 41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.439158] TRACE mod - registered creature.titan as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.439158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(troglodyte) at index 70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.439158] TRACE mod - registered creature.troglodyte as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.439158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(troll) at index 144 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.439158] TRACE mod - registered creature.troll as core:144 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.439158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unicorn) at index 24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - registered creature.unicorn as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused122) at index 122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused122 as core:122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused124) at index 124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused124 as core:124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused126) at index 126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused126 as core:126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused128) at index 128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused128 as core:128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.440158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vampire) at index 62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.441158] TRACE mod - registered creature.vampire as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.441158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vampireLord) at index 63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.441158] TRACE mod - registered creature.vampireLord as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.441158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(walkingDead) at index 58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.441158] TRACE mod - registered creature.zombie as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.441158] TRACE mod - registered creature.walkingDead as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.441158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warUnicorn) at index 25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.442158] TRACE mod - registered creature.warUnicorn as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.442158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.442158] TRACE mod - registered creature.waterElementals as core:115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.442158] TRACE mod - registered creature.waterElemental as core:115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.442158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wight) at index 60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.442158] TRACE mod - registered creature.wight as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.442158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(woodElf) at index 18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.443158] TRACE mod - registered creature.woodElf as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.443158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wraith) at index 61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.443158] TRACE mod - registered creature.wraith as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.443158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wyvern) at index 108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.443158] TRACE mod - registered creature.wyvern as core:108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.443158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wyvernMonarch) at index 109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.444159] TRACE mod - registered creature.wyvernMonarch as core:109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.444159] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zealot) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.444159] TRACE mod - registered creature.zealot as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.444159] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zombieLord) at index 59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.444159] TRACE mod - registered creature.zombieLord as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.444159] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(castle) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.446159] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\faction.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.447159] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\townBuilding.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.448159] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\townSiege.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.448159] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\townStructure.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.450159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.ship as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.451159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.shipyard as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.452159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.452159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.452159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.452159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.452159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.452159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.454159] TRACE mod - registered faction.castle as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.454159] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(conflux) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.457159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.457159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.457159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.457159] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.extraCapitol as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.extraCityHall as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.extraTownHall as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.458159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.ship as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.shipyard as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.459159] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.462160] TRACE mod - registered faction.conflux as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.462160] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dungeon) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.465160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.466160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.467160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.467160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.467160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.467160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special4 as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.467160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.467160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.467160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.469160] TRACE mod - registered faction.dungeon as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.469160] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fortress) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.472160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.472160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.472160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.extraCapitol as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.473160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.ship as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.shipyard as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.474160] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.476160] TRACE mod - registered faction.fortress as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.477160] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.480161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde2 as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde2Upgr as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.481161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.482161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.482161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.482161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.482161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.special4 as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.482161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.482161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.482161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.484161] TRACE mod - registered faction.inferno as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.485161] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necropolis) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.489161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.extraCapitol as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.extraCityHall as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.extraTownHall as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.490161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.ship as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.shipyard as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.491161] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.493161] TRACE mod - registered faction.necropolis as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.493161] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(neutral) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.494161] TRACE mod - registered faction.neutral as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.494161] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rampart) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.497162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.497162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.497162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.497162] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.497162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.497162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.extraCapitol as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.extraCityHall as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.extraTownHall as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.498162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde2 as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde2Upgr as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.499162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.502162] TRACE mod - registered faction.rampart as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.502162] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stronghold) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.506162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.507162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special4 as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.508162] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.510162] TRACE mod - registered faction.stronghold as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.510162] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tower) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.514163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.horde1 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special1 as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special2 as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special3 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special4 as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.515163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.518163] TRACE mod - registered faction.tower as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.518163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alchemist) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.518163] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.519163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.alchemist as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.519163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(barbarian) at index 12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.519163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.barbarian as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.520163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(battlemage) at index 13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.520163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.battlemage as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.520163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(beastmaster) at index 14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.520163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.beastmaster as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.520163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cleric) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.521163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.cleric as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.521163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathknight) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.521163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.deathknight as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.521163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(demoniac) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.521163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.demoniac as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.521163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(druid) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.522163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.druid as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.522163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(elementalist) at index 17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.522163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.elementalist as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.522163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(heretic) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.522163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.heretic as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.522163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(knight) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.523163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.knight as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.523163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necromancer) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.523163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.necromancer as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.523163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(overlord) at index 11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.523163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.overlord as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.523163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(planeswalker) at index 16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.524163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.planeswalker as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.524163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ranger) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.524163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.ranger as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.524163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warlock) at index 10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.524163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.warlock as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.524163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(witch) at index 15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.525163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.witch as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.525163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wizard) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.525163] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.wizard as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.525163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(adela) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.525163] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\hero.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.526163] TRACE mod - registered hero.adela as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.526163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(adelaide) at index 11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.526163] TRACE mod - registered hero.adelaide as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.526163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(adrienne) at index 145 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - registered hero.adrienne as core:145 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aenain) at index 141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - registered hero.aenain as core:141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aeris) at index 31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - registered hero.aeris as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aine) at index 47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - registered hero.aine as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aislinn) at index 73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.527163] TRACE mod - registered hero.aislinn as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.528163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ajit) at index 83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.528163] TRACE mod - registered hero.ajit as core:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.528163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alagar) at index 30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.528163] TRACE mod - registered hero.alagar as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.528163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alamar) at index 88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.528163] TRACE mod - registered hero.alamar as core:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.528163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alkin) at index 116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - registered hero.alkin as core:116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(andra) at index 126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - registered hero.andra as core:126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(arlach) at index 81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - registered hero.arlach as core:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ash) at index 61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - registered hero.ash as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(astral) at index 40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - registered hero.astral as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.529163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(axsis) at index 58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - registered hero.axsis as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ayden) at index 56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - registered hero.ayden as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boragus) at index 154 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - registered hero.boragus as core:154 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(brissa) at index 137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - registered hero.brissa as core:137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.530163] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(broghild) at index 119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - registered hero.broghild as core:119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bron) at index 112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - registered hero.bron as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(caitlin) at index 15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - registered hero.caitlin as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(calh) at index 53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - registered hero.calh as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(calid) at index 60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - registered hero.calid as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.531164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(catherine) at index 146 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - registered hero.catherine as core:146 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(charna) at index 67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - registered hero.charna as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(christian) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - registered hero.christian as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ciele) at index 138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - registered hero.ciele as core:138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(clancy) at index 22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - registered hero.clancy as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.532164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(clavius) at index 70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - registered hero.clavius as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(coronius) at index 24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - registered hero.coronius as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cragHack) at index 102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - registered hero.cragHack as core:102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cuthbert) at index 10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - registered hero.cuthbert as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.533164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cyra) at index 46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - registered hero.cyra as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dace) at index 82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - registered hero.dace as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(damacon) at index 84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - registered hero.damacon as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(daremyth) at index 43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - registered hero.daremyth as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(darkstorn) at index 95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - registered hero.darkstorn as core:95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.534164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deemer) at index 93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - registered hero.deemer as core:93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dessa) at index 106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - registered hero.dessa as core:106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dracon) at index 147 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - registered hero.dracon as core:147 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(drakon) at index 113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - registered hero.drakon as core:113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.535164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(edric) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - registered hero.edric as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(elleshar) at index 26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - registered hero.elleshar as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(erdamon) at index 133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - registered hero.erdamon as core:133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fafner) at index 37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - registered hero.fafner as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fiona) at index 48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.536164] TRACE mod - registered hero.fiona as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fiur) at index 134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - registered hero.fiur as core:134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(galthran) at index 71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - registered hero.galthran as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gelare) at index 142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gelare as core:142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gelu) at index 148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gelu as core:148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.537164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gem) at index 27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.538164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gem as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.538164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(geon) at index 92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.538164] TRACE mod - registered hero.geon as core:92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.538164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gerwulf) at index 118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.538164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gerwulf as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.538164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gird) at index 104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.538164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gird as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gretchin) at index 100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gretchin as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grindan) at index 143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - registered hero.grindan as core:143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gundula) at index 109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gundula as core:109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gunnar) at index 85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gunnar as core:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.539164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gurnisson) at index 97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - registered hero.gurnisson as core:97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(halon) at index 41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - registered hero.halon as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ignatius) at index 51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - registered hero.ignatius as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ignissa) at index 130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - registered hero.ignissa as core:130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ingham) at index 12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.540164] TRACE mod - registered hero.ingham as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inteus) at index 140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - registered hero.inteus as core:140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(iona) at index 39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - registered hero.iona as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(isra) at index 69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - registered hero.isra as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ivor) at index 21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - registered hero.ivor as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jabarkas) at index 98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - registered hero.jabarkas as core:98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.541164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jaegar) at index 89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - registered hero.jaegar as core:89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jeddite) at index 91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - registered hero.jeddite as core:91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jenova) at index 18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - registered hero.jenova as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(josephine) at index 34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - registered hero.josephine as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.542164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kalt) at index 135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - registered hero.kalt as core:135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kilgor) at index 149 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - registered hero.kilgor as core:149 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(korbac) at index 117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - registered hero.korbac as core:117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(krellion) at index 101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - registered hero.krellion as core:101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kyrre) at index 23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - registered hero.kyrre as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.543164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(labetha) at index 139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - registered hero.labetha as core:139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lacus) at index 131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - registered hero.lacus as core:131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lordHaart) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - registered hero.lordHaart as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lorelei) at index 80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - registered hero.lorelei as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.544164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(loynis) at index 14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - registered hero.loynis as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(luna) at index 136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - registered hero.luna as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(malcom) at index 28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - registered hero.malcom as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(malekith) at index 90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - registered hero.malekith as core:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marius) at index 50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.545164] TRACE mod - registered hero.marius as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(melodia) at index 29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - registered hero.melodia as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mephala) at index 16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - registered hero.mephala as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(merist) at index 124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - registered hero.merist as core:124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mirlanda) at index 120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - registered hero.mirlanda as core:120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.546164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(moandor) at index 66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - registered hero.moandor as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monere) at index 132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - registered hero.monere as core:132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mutare) at index 151 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - registered hero.mutare as core:151 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mutareDrake) at index 153 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - registered hero.mutareDrake as core:153 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.547164] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nagash) at index 79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - registered hero.nagash as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(neela) at index 35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - registered hero.neela as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nimbus) at index 75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - registered hero.nimbus as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nymus) at index 55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - registered hero.nymus as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.548165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(octavia) at index 52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - registered hero.octavia as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(olema) at index 59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - registered hero.olema as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oris) at index 110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - registered hero.oris as core:110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orrin) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - registered hero.orrin as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.549165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pasis) at index 128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - registered hero.pasis as core:128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(piquedram) at index 32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - registered hero.piquedram as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pyre) at index 54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - registered hero.pyre as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rashka) at index 49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - registered hero.rashka as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rion) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.550165] TRACE mod - registered hero.rion as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rissa) at index 38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - registered hero.rissa as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(roland) at index 152 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - registered hero.roland as core:152 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rosic) at index 121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - registered hero.rosic as core:121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ryland) at index 19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - registered hero.ryland as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandro) at index 74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.551165] TRACE mod - registered hero.sandro as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sanya) at index 13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - registered hero.sanya as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(saurug) at index 111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - registered hero.saurug as core:111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sephinroth) at index 94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - registered hero.sephinroth as core:94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(septienna) at index 72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - registered hero.septienna as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.552165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(serena) at index 42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - registered hero.serena as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shakti) at index 87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - registered hero.shakti as core:87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shiva) at index 99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - registered hero.shiva as core:99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sirMullich) at index 144 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - registered hero.sirMullich as core:144 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(solmyr) at index 45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - registered hero.solmyr as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.553165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sorsha) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - registered hero.sorsha as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(straker) at index 64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - registered hero.straker as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(styg) at index 125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - registered hero.styg as core:125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sylvia) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - registered hero.sylvia as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(synca) at index 86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.554165] TRACE mod - registered hero.synca as core:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tamika) at index 68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - registered hero.tamika as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tazar) at index 115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - registered hero.tazar as core:115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(terek) at index 107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - registered hero.terek as core:107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thane) at index 33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - registered hero.thane as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.555165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thant) at index 76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - registered hero.thant as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(theodorus) at index 44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - registered hero.theodorus as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thorgrim) at index 20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - registered hero.thorgrim as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunar) at index 129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - registered hero.thunar as core:129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.556165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tiva) at index 127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - registered hero.tiva as core:127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(torosar ) at index 36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - registered hero.torosar as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tyraxor) at index 103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - registered hero.tyraxor as core:103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tyris) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - registered hero.tyris as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ufretin) at index 17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - registered hero.ufretin as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(uland) at index 25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.557165] TRACE mod - registered hero.uland as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(undeadHaart) at index 150 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - registered hero.undeadHaart as core:150 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(valeska) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - registered hero.valeska as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(verdish) at index 123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - registered hero.verdish as core:123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vey) at index 105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - registered hero.vey as core:105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.558165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vidomina) at index 78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - registered hero.vidomina as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vokial) at index 65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - registered hero.vokial as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(voy) at index 122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - registered hero.voy as core:122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wystan) at index 114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - registered hero.wystan as core:114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.559165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xarfax) at index 63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.560165] TRACE mod - registered hero.xarfax as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.560165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xeron) at index 155 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.560165] TRACE mod - registered hero.xeron as core:155 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.560165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xsi) at index 77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - registered hero.xsi as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xyron) at index 57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - registered hero.xyron as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(yog) at index 96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - registered hero.yog as core:96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zubin) at index 108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - registered hero.zubin as core:108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zydar) at index 62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.561165] TRACE mod - registered hero.zydar as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.562165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(abandonedMine) at index 220 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.562165] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\object.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.562165] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\objectType.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:abandonedMine(220)::mine(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - registered core:abandonedMine.mine as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - registered object.abandonedMine as core:220 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(altarOfSacrifice) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:altarOfSacrifice(2)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - registered core:altarOfSacrifice.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - registered object.altarOfSacrifice as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(arena) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:arena(4)::arena(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - registered core:arena.arena as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - registered core:arena.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.563165] TRACE mod - registered object.arena as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(artifact) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - registered object.artifact as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackMarket) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:blackMarket(7)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - registered core:blackMarket.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - registered object.blackMarket as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boat) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::evil(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.evil as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::good(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.good as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::neutral(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.neutral as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - registered object.boat as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.564165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(borderGate) at index 212 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::black(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::brown(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.brown as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::dblue(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.dblue as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::green(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::lblue(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.lblue as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::purple(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.purple as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::red(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::white(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.white as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - registered object.borderGate as core:212 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.565165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(borderGuard) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::black(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] TRACE mod - registered as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::brown(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.brown as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::dblue(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.dblue as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::green(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::lblue(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.lblue as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::purple(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.purple as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::red(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] TRACE mod - registered as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.566166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::white(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.white as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - registered object.borderGuard as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(buoy) at index 11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:buoy(11)::buoy(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - registered core:buoy.buoy as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - registered core:buoy.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - registered object.buoy as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cactus) at index 116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cactus(116)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - registered core:cactus.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - registered object.cactus as core:116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.567166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(campfire) at index 12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:campfire(12)::campfire(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] TRACE mod - registered core:campfire.campfire as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] TRACE mod - registered core:campfire.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] TRACE mod - registered object.campfire as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(canyon) at index 117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:canyon(117)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] TRACE mod - registered core:canyon.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] TRACE mod - registered object.canyon as core:117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.568166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cartographer) at index 13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cartographer(13)::land(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cartographer(13)::subterra(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered core:cartographer.subterra as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cartographer(13)::water(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered core:cartographer.water as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered object.cartographer as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cloverField) at index 222 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cloverField(222)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered core:cloverField.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered object.cloverField as core:222 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(corpse) at index 22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:corpse(22)::corpse(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered core:corpse.corpse as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered core:corpse.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - registered object.corpse as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.569166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(coverOfDarkness) at index 15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.570166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:coverOfDarkness(15)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.570166] TRACE mod - registered core:coverOfDarkness.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.570166] TRACE mod - registered object.coverOfDarkness as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.570166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crater) at index 118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.570166] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\objectTemplate.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.571166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crater(118)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.571166] TRACE mod - registered core:crater.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.571166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crater(118)::starcrater01(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.571166] TRACE mod - registered core:crater.starcrater01 as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.571166] TRACE mod - registered object.crater as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.571166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(creatureBank) at index 16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::cyclopsStockpile(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.cyclopsStockpile as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::dragonFlyHive(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.dragonFlyHive as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::dwarvenTreasury(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.dwarvenTreasury as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::griffinConservatory(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.griffinConservatory as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::inpCache(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.573166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.inpCache as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.574166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::medusaStore(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.574166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.medusaStore as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.574166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::nagaBank(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.574166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.nagaBank as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.574166] TRACE mod - registered object.creatureBank as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.574166] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorCommon) at index 17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.577166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::airConflux(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.577166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.airConflux as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.577166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfAir(69) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.577166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfAir as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfEarth(70) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfEarth as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfFire(71) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfFire as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfThought(60) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfThought as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWater(72) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfWater as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWishes(18) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfWishes as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::archersTower(57) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.archersTower as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel1(80) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel1 as asylum-town:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel2(81) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel2 as asylum-town:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel3(82) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.578166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel3 as asylum-town:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel4(83) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel4 as asylum-town:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel5(84) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel5 as asylum-town:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel6(85) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel6 as asylum-town:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel7(86) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel7 as asylum-town:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::barracks(58) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.barracks as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::basiliskPit(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.basiliskPit as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::behemothCrag(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.behemothCrag as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::boarGlen(75) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.boarGlen as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::centaurStables(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.centaurStables as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.579166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cliffNest(42) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cliffNest as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cloudTemple(44) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cloudTemple as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::crystalCavern(63) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.crystalCavern as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cursedTemple(54) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cursedTemple as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cyclopsCave(9) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cyclopsCave as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::demonGate(37) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.demonGate as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dendroidArches(45) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dendroidArches as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCave(41) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dragonCave as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCliffs(24) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.580166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dragonCliffs as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonVault(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dragonVault as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dwarfCottage(12) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dwarfCottage as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::earthConflux(13) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.earthConflux as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantedSpring(50) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.581166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.enchantedSpring as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantersHollow(66) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.enchantersHollow as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::estate(53) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireConflux(16) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.fireConflux as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireLake(14) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.fireLake as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forsakenPalace(10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.forsakenPalace as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::frozenCliffs(62) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.frozenCliffs as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gnollHut(20) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.gnollHut as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goblinBarracks(21) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.goblinBarracks as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goldenPavilion(36) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.582166] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.goldenPavilion as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gorgonLair(23) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.gorgonLair as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::graveyard(55) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.graveyard as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::griffinTower(25) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.griffinTower as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::guardhouse(56) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.guardhouse as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfDarkness(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hallOfDarkness as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfSins(22) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hallOfSins as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::harpyLoft(26) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.harpyLoft as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hellHole(40) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hellHole as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::homestead(15) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.homestead as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hovel(74) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.583167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hovel as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hydraPond(28) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hydraPond as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::impCrucible(29) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.impCrucible as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::kennels(27) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.kennels as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::labyrinth(34) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.labyrinth as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::lizardDen(30) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.lizardDen as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mageTower(31) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.mageTower as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicForest(64) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.magicForest as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicLantern(59) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.magicLantern as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::manticoreLair(32) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.584167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.manticoreLair as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mausoleum(52) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.mausoleum as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::medusaChapel(33) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.medusaChapel as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::monastery(35) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.monastery as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::nomadTent(77) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.nomadTent as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ogreFort(38) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ogreFort as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::orcTower(39) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.orcTower as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::parapet(17) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.parapet as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pillarOfEyes(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.pillarOfEyes as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::portalOfGlory(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.portalOfGlory as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pyre(61) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.585167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.pyre as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rogueCavern(78) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rogueCavern as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::serpentFlyHive(11) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.serpentFlyHive as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::sulfurousLair(65) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.sulfurousLair as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::thatchedHut(73) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.thatchedHut as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfCurses(76) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.tombOfCurses as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfSouls(48) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.tombOfSouls as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trainingGrounds(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.586167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.trainingGrounds as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::treetopTower(67) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.treetopTower as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trollBridge(79) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.trollBridge as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGlade(68) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.unicornGlade as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGladeBig(51) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.unicornGladeBig as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::warren(46) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.warren as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::waterConflux(47) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.waterConflux as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wolfPen(19) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.wolfPen as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::workshop(43) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.workshop as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wyvernNest(49) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.wyvernNest as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - registered object.creatureGeneratorCommon as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.587167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorSpecial) at index 20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::elementalConflux(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorSpecial.elementalConflux as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::golemFactory(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorSpecial.golemFactory as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - registered object.creatureGeneratorSpecial as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crypt) at index 84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crypt(84)::crypt(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - registered core:crypt.crypt as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - registered object.crypt as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cursedGround) at index 21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cursedGround(21)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - registered core:cursedGround.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - registered object.cursedGround as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.588167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cursedGroundDUPLICATE) at index 223 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cursedGroundDUPLICATE(223)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - registered core:cursedGroundDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - registered object.cursedGroundDUPLICATE as core:223 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deadVegetation) at index 119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:deadVegetation(119)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - registered core:deadVegetation.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - registered object.deadVegetation as core:119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(denOfThieves) at index 97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:denOfThieves(97)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - registered core:denOfThieves.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - registered object.denOfThieves as core:97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.589167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(derelictShip) at index 24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:derelictShip(24)::derelictShip(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - registered core:derelictShip.derelictShip as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - registered object.derelictShip as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(desertHills) at index 206 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:desertHills(206)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - registered core:desertHills.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - registered object.desertHills as core:206 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dirtHills) at index 207 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:dirtHills(207)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - registered core:dirtHills.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - registered object.dirtHills as core:207 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.590167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonUtopia) at index 25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:dragonUtopia(25)::dragonUtopia(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered core:dragonUtopia.dragonUtopia as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered object.dragonUtopia as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(event) at index 26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:event(26)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered core:event.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered object.event as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(evilFog) at index 224 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:evilFog(224)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered core:evilFog.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered object.evilFog as core:224 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(eyeOfTheMagi) at index 27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:eyeOfTheMagi(27)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered core:eyeOfTheMagi.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered object.eyeOfTheMagi as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(faerieRing) at index 28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:faerieRing(28)::faerieRing(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered core:faerieRing.faerieRing as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.591167] TRACE mod - registered core:faerieRing.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered object.faerieRing as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(favorableWinds) at index 225 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:favorableWinds(225)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered core:favorableWinds.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered object.favorableWinds as core:225 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fieryFields) at index 226 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:fieryFields(226)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered core:fieryFields.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered object.fieryFields as core:226 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(flotsam) at index 29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flotsam(29)::flotsam(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered core:flotsam.flotsam as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered core:flotsam.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - registered object.flotsam as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.592167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(flowers) at index 120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.593167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flowers(120)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.593167] TRACE mod - registered core:flowers.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.593167] TRACE mod - registered as core:120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.593167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfFortune) at index 30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:fountainOfFortune(30)::fountainOfFortune(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfFortune.fountainOfFortune as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfFortune.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered object.fountainOfFortune as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfYouth) at index 31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:fountainOfYouth(31)::fountainOfYouth(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfYouth.fountainOfYouth as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfYouth.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered object.fountainOfYouth as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(freelancersGuild) at index 213 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:freelancersGuild(213)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered core:freelancersGuild.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered object.freelancersGuild as core:213 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(frozenLake) at index 121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:frozenLake(121)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered core:frozenLake.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - registered object.frozenLake as core:121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.594167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gardenOfRevelation) at index 32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:gardenOfRevelation(32)::gardenOfRevelation(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered core:gardenOfRevelation.gardenOfRevelation as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered core:gardenOfRevelation.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered object.gardenOfRevelation as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(garrisonHorizontal) at index 33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonHorizontal(33)::antiMagic(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonHorizontal.antiMagic as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonHorizontal(33)::normal(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonHorizontal.normal as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered object.garrisonHorizontal as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(garrisonVertical) at index 219 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonVertical(219)::antiMagic(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonVertical.antiMagic as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonVertical(219)::normal(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonVertical.normal as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - registered object.garrisonVertical as core:219 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.595167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:grail(36)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered core:grail.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered object.grail as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grassHills) at index 208 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:grassHills(208)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered core:grassHills.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered object.grassHills as core:208 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hero) at index 34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered object.hero as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(heroPlaceholder) at index 214 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:heroPlaceholder(214)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered core:heroPlaceholder.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered object.heroPlaceholder as core:214 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hillFort) at index 35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hillFort(35)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered core:hillFort.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered object.hillFort as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hole) at index 124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hole(124)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.596167] TRACE mod - registered core:hole.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered object.hole as core:124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(holyGround) at index 227 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:holyGround(227)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered core:holyGround.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered object.holyGround as core:227 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hutOfTheMagi) at index 37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hutOfTheMagi(37)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered core:hutOfTheMagi.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered object.hutOfTheMagi as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(idolOfFortune) at index 38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:idolOfFortune(38)::idolOfFortune(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered core:idolOfFortune.idolOfFortune as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered core:idolOfFortune.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered object.idolOfFortune as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kelp) at index 125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:kelp(125)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered core:kelp.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - registered object.kelp as core:125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.597167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(keymasterTent) at index 10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::black(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::brown(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.brown as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::dblue(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.dblue as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::green(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::lblue(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.lblue as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::purple(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.purple as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::red(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::white(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.white as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - registered object.keymasterTent as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.598167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lake) at index 126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::starLakes(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.starLakes as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered object.lake as core:126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lakeDUPLICATE) at index 177 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lakeDUPLICATE(177)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered core:lakeDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered object.lakeDUPLICATE as core:177 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lavaFlow) at index 127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lavaFlow(127)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered core:lavaFlow.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered object.lavaFlow as core:127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lavaLake) at index 128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lavaLake(128)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered core:lavaLake.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - registered object.lavaLake as core:128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(leanTo) at index 39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.599167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:leanTo(39)::leanTo(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered core:leanTo.leanTo as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered core:leanTo.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered object.leanTo as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(learningStone) at index 100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:learningStone(100)::learningStone(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered core:learningStone.learningStone as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered core:learningStone.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered object.learningStone as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(libraryOfEnlightenment) at index 41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:libraryOfEnlightenment(41)::libraryOfEnlightenment(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered core:libraryOfEnlightenment.libraryOfEnlightenment as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered core:libraryOfEnlightenment.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered object.libraryOfEnlightenment as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lighthouse) at index 42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lighthouse(42)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered core:lighthouse.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - registered object.lighthouse as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.600167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(log) at index 130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:log(130)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered core:log.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered object.log as core:130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lucidPools) at index 228 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lucidPools(228)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered core:lucidPools.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered object.lucidPools as core:228 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicClouds) at index 229 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicClouds(229)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered core:magicClouds.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered object.magicClouds as core:229 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicPlains) at index 46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicPlains(46)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered core:magicPlains.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - registered object.magicPlains as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicPlainsDUPLICATE) at index 230 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.601168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicPlainsDUPLICATE(230)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered core:magicPlainsDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered object.magicPlainsDUPLICATE as core:230 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicSpring) at index 48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicSpring(48)::magicSpring(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered core:magicSpring.magicSpring as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered core:magicSpring.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered object.magicSpring as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicWell) at index 49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicWell(49)::magicWell(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered core:magicWell.magicWell as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered core:magicWell.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered object.magicWell as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mandrake) at index 131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mandrake(131)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered core:mandrake.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered object.mandrake as core:131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marketOfTime) at index 50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - registered object.marketOfTime as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.602168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marlettoTower) at index 23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:marlettoTower(23)::marlettoTower(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered core:marlettoTower.marlettoTower as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered core:marlettoTower.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered object.marlettoTower as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mercenaryCamp) at index 51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mercenaryCamp(51)::mercenaryCamp(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered core:mercenaryCamp.mercenaryCamp as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered core:mercenaryCamp.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered object.mercenaryCamp as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mermaids) at index 52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mermaids(52)::mermaids(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered core:mermaids.mermaids as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered core:mermaids.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - registered object.mermaids as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.603168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mine) at index 53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::abandoned(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.abandoned as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::alchemistLab(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.alchemistLab as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::crystalCavern(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.crystalCavern as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::gemPond(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.604168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.gemPond as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::goldMine(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.goldMine as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::orePit(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.orePit as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::sawmill(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.sawmill as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::sulfurDune(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.sulfurDune as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered object.mine as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayEntrance) at index 43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith1(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith2(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith3(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith4(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith5(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith6(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.605168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith6 as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith7(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith7 as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith8(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith8 as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered object.monolithOneWayEntrance as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayExit) at index 44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith1(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith2(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith3(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith4(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith5(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith6(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith6 as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith7(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith7 as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith8(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.606168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith8 as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered object.monolithOneWayExit as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monolithTwoWay) at index 45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith1(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith2(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith3(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith4(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith5(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith6(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith6 as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith7(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith7 as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith8(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith8 as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered object.monolithTwoWay as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monster) at index 54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - registered as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.607168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(moss) at index 132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:moss(132)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - registered core:moss.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - registered object.moss as core:132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mound) at index 133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mound(133)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - registered core:mound.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - registered object.mound as core:133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mountain) at index 134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mountain(134)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - registered core:mountain.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - registered object.mountain as core:134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.608168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mushrooms) at index 129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mushrooms(129)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - registered core:mushrooms.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - registered object.mushrooms as core:129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mysticalGarden) at index 55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mysticalGarden(55)::mysticalGarden(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - registered core:mysticalGarden.mysticalGarden as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - registered core:mysticalGarden.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - registered object.mysticalGarden as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oakTrees) at index 135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oakTrees(135)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - registered core:oakTrees.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.609168] TRACE mod - registered object.oakTrees as core:135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oasis) at index 56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oasis(56)::oasis(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered core:oasis.oasis as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered core:oasis.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered object.oasis as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(obelisk) at index 57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:obelisk(57)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered core:obelisk.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered object.obelisk as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oceanBottle) at index 59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oceanBottle(59)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered core:oceanBottle.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered object.oceanBottle as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(outcropping) at index 136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:outcropping(136)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered core:outcropping.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - registered object.outcropping as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.610168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pandoraBox) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pandoraBox(6)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered core:pandoraBox.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered object.pandoraBox as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pillarOfFire) at index 60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pillarOfFire(60)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered core:pillarOfFire.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered object.pillarOfFire as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pineTrees) at index 137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pineTrees(137)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered core:pineTrees.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered object.pineTrees as core:137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(prison) at index 62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:prison(62)::prison(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered core:prison.prison as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - registered object.prison as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.611168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pyramid) at index 63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pyramid(63)::pyramid(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered core:pyramid.pyramid as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered object.pyramid as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(questGuard) at index 215 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:questGuard(215)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered core:questGuard.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered object.questGuard as core:215 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rallyFlag) at index 64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rallyFlag(64)::rallyFlag(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered core:rallyFlag.rallyFlag as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered core:rallyFlag.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered object.rallyFlag as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifact) at index 65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifact(65)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifact.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifact as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.612168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMajor) at index 68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactMajor(68)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactMajor.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactMajor as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMinor) at index 67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactMinor(67)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactMinor.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactMinor as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactRelic) at index 69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactRelic(69)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactRelic.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactRelic as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactTreasure) at index 66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactTreasure(66)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactTreasure.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactTreasure as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomDwelling) at index 216 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwelling(216)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.613168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwelling.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomDwelling as core:216 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingFaction) at index 218 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectCastle(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectCastle as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectConflux(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectConflux as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectDungeon(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectDungeon as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectFortress(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectFortress as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectInferno(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectInferno as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectNecropolis(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectNecropolis as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectRampart(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectRampart as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectStronghold(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectStronghold as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectTower(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectTower as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomDwellingFaction as core:218 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.614168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingLvl) at index 217 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl1(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl2(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl3(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl4(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl5(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl6(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl6 as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl7(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.615168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl7 as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomDwellingLvl as core:217 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomHero) at index 70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomHero(70)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomHero.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomHero as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonster) at index 71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonster(71)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonster.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonster as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel1) at index 72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel1(72)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel1.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel1 as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.616168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel2) at index 73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel2(73)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel2.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel2 as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel3) at index 74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel3(74)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel3.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel3 as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel4) at index 75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel4(75)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel4.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel4 as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel5) at index 162 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel5(162)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel5.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel5 as core:162 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel6) at index 163 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.617168] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel6(163)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel6.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel6 as core:163 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel7) at index 164 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel7(164)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel7.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel7 as core:164 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomResource) at index 76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomResource(76)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered core:randomResource.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered object.randomResource as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomTown) at index 77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomTown(77)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered core:randomTown.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - registered object.randomTown as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.618169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(redwoodObservatory) at index 58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:redwoodObservatory(58)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - registered core:redwoodObservatory.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - registered object.redwoodObservatory as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(reef) at index 161 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:reef(161)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - registered core:reef.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - registered object.reef as core:161 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(refugeeCamp) at index 78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:refugeeCamp(78)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - registered core:refugeeCamp.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - registered object.refugeeCamp as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.619169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(resource) at index 79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::crystal(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.crystal as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::gems(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.gems as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::gold(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::mercury(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.mercury as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::ore(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.ore as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::sulfur(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.sulfur as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::wood(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.wood as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - registered object.resource as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.620169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(riverDelta) at index 143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.621169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:riverDelta(143)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.621169] TRACE mod - registered core:riverDelta.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.621169] TRACE mod - registered object.riverDelta as core:143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.621169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rock) at index 147 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.621169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::stardustRocksHills01(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.stardustRocksHills01 as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - registered object.rock as core:147 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rocklands) at index 231 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rocklands(231)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - registered core:rocklands.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - registered object.rocklands as core:231 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(roughHills) at index 209 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:roughHills(209)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - registered core:roughHills.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - registered object.roughHills as core:209 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sanctuary) at index 80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.622169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sanctuary(80)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered core:sanctuary.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered object.sanctuary as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandDune) at index 148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sandDune(148)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered core:sandDune.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered object.sandDune as core:148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandPit) at index 149 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sandPit(149)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered core:sandPit.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered object.sandPit as core:149 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:scholar(81)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered core:scholar.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered object.scholar as core:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfMagic) at index 47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:schoolOfMagic(47)::schoolOfMagic(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfMagic.schoolOfMagic as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.623169] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfMagic.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered object.schoolOfMagic as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfWar) at index 107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:schoolOfWar(107)::schoolOfWar(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfWar.schoolOfWar as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfWar.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered object.schoolOfWar as core:107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(seaChest) at index 82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seaChest(82)::seaChest(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered core:seaChest.seaChest as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered core:seaChest.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered object.seaChest as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(seerHut) at index 83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::0(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.0 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::1(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.1 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::2(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.2 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.624169] TRACE mod - registered object.seerHut as core:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shipwreck) at index 85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shipwreck(85)::shipwreck(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - registered core:shipwreck.shipwreck as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - registered object.shipwreck as core:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shipwreckSurvivor) at index 86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shipwreckSurvivor(86)::shipwreckSurvivor(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - registered core:shipwreckSurvivor.shipwreckSurvivor as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - registered core:shipwreckSurvivor.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - registered object.shipwreckSurvivor as core:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.625169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shipyard) at index 87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shipyard(87)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered core:shipyard.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered object.shipyard as core:87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel1) at index 88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrineOfMagicLevel1(88)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel1.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel1 as core:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel2) at index 89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrineOfMagicLevel2(89)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel2.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel2 as core:89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel3) at index 90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel3.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel3 as core:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrub) at index 150 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrub(150)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered core:shrub.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - registered object.shrub as core:150 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.626169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sign) at index 91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sign(91)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered core:sign.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered object.sign as core:91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sirens) at index 92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sirens(92)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered core:sirens.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered object.sirens as core:92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skull) at index 151 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:skull(151)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered core:skull.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered object.skull as core:151 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:spellScroll(93)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered core:spellScroll.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - registered object.spellScroll as core:93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.627169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stables) at index 94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:stables(94)::stables(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered core:stables.stables as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered core:stables.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered object.stables as core:94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(starAxis) at index 61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:starAxis(61)::starAxis(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered core:starAxis.starAxis as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered core:starAxis.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered object.starAxis as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stump) at index 153 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:stump(153)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered core:stump.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered object.stump as core:153 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanGate) at index 103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:subterraneanGate(103)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered core:subterraneanGate.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered object.subterraneanGate as core:103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanRocks) at index 210 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:subterraneanRocks(210)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.628169] TRACE mod - registered core:subterraneanRocks.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered object.subterraneanRocks as core:210 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swampFoliage) at index 211 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:swampFoliage(211)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered core:swampFoliage.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered object.swampFoliage as core:211 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swanPond) at index 14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:swanPond(14)::swanPond(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered core:swanPond.swanPond as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered core:swanPond.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered object.swanPond as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tavern) at index 95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:tavern(95)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered core:tavern.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - registered object.tavern as core:95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(temple) at index 96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.629169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:temple(96)::temple(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered core:temple.temple as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered core:temple.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered object.temple as core:96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(town) at index 98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered as core:98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tradingPost) at index 221 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:tradingPost(221)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered core:tradingPost.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered object.tradingPost as core:221 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tradingPostDUPLICATE) at index 99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:tradingPostDUPLICATE(99)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered core:tradingPostDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered object.tradingPostDUPLICATE as core:99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(treasureChest) at index 101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:treasureChest(101)::treasureChest(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered core:treasureChest.treasureChest as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered core:treasureChest.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - registered object.treasureChest as core:101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.630169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(treeOfKnowledge) at index 102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.631169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:treeOfKnowledge(102)::treeOfKnowledge(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.631169] TRACE mod - registered core:treeOfKnowledge.treeOfKnowledge as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.631169] TRACE mod - registered core:treeOfKnowledge.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.631169] TRACE mod - registered object.treeOfKnowledge as core:102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.631169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(trees) at index 155 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:trees(155)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered core:trees.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:trees(155)::startrees(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered core:trees.startrees as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered object.trees as core:155 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(treesDUPLICATE) at index 199 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:treesDUPLICATE(199)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered core:treesDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered object.treesDUPLICATE as core:199 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(university) at index 104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:university(104)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered core:university.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(volcano) at index 158 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:volcano(158)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered core:volcano.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - registered object.volcano as core:158 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.632169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wagon) at index 105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:wagon(105)::wagon(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered core:wagon.wagon as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered core:wagon.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered object.wagon as core:105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warMachineFactory) at index 106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:warMachineFactory(106)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered core:warMachineFactory.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered object.warMachineFactory as core:106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warriorTomb) at index 108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:warriorTomb(108)::warriorTomb(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered core:warriorTomb.warriorTomb as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered core:warriorTomb.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - registered object.warriorTomb as core:108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.633169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterWheel) at index 109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:waterWheel(109)::waterWheel(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered core:waterWheel.waterWheel as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered core:waterWheel.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered object.waterWheel as core:109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wateringHole) at index 110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:wateringHole(110)::wateringHole(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered core:wateringHole.wateringHole as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered core:wateringHole.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered object.wateringHole as core:110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(whirlpool) at index 111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:whirlpool(111)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered core:whirlpool.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - registered object.whirlpool as core:111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.634169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(windmill) at index 112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:windmill(112)::windmill(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE mod - registered core:windmill.windmill as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE mod - registered core:windmill.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE mod - registered object.windmill as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(witchHut) at index 113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:witchHut(113)::object(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE mod - registered core:witchHut.object as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE mod - registered object.witchHut as core:113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.635169] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\obstacle.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.0 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.1 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.10 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(100) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.100 as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(101) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.101 as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(102) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.102 as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(103) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.103 as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(104) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.104 as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.636170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(105) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.105 as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(106) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.106 as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(107) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.107 as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(108) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.108 as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(109) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.109 as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(11) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.11 as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(110) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.110 as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(111) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.111 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(112) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.112 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.637170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(113) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.113 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(114) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.114 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(115) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.115 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(116) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.116 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(117) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.117 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(118) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.118 as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(119) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.119 as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.638170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(12) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.12 as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(120) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.120 as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(121) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.121 as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(122) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.122 as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(123) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.123 as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(124) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.124 as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(125) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.125 as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(126) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.126 as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.639170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(127) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.127 as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(128) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.128 as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(129) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.129 as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(13) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.13 as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.640170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(130) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.130 as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(131) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.131 as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(132) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.132 as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(133) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.133 as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(14) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.14 as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(15) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.15 as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(16) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.16 as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(17) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.641170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.17 as core:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(18) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.18 as core:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(19) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.19 as core:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.2 as core:92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(20) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.20 as core:94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(21) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.21 as core:96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.642170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(22) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.22 as core:98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(23) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.23 as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(24) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.24 as core:102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(25) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.25 as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(26) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.26 as core:106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(27) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.27 as core:108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(28) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.28 as core:110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(29) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.29 as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.3 as core:114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.643170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(30) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.30 as core:116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(31) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.31 as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(32) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.32 as core:120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(33) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.33 as core:122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(34) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.34 as core:124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(35) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.35 as core:126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(36) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.36 as core:128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(37) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.37 as core:130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(38) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.38 as core:132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(39) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.39 as core:134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.644170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.4 as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(40) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.40 as core:138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(41) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.41 as core:140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(42) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.42 as core:142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(43) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.43 as core:144 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(44) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.44 as core:146 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(45) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.45 as core:148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(46) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.46 as core:150 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(47) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.47 as core:152 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.645170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(48) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.48 as core:154 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(49) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.49 as core:156 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.5 as core:158 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(50) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.50 as core:160 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(51) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.51 as core:162 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(52) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.52 as core:164 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(53) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.53 as core:166 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(54) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.54 as core:168 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(55) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.55 as core:170 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(56) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.56 as core:172 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.646170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(57) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.57 as core:174 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(58) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.58 as core:176 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(59) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.59 as core:178 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.6 as core:180 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(60) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.60 as core:182 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(61) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.61 as core:184 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(62) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.62 as core:186 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(63) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.63 as core:188 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(64) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.64 as core:190 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(65) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.65 as core:192 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(66) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.647170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.66 as core:194 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(67) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.67 as core:196 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(68) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.68 as core:198 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(69) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.69 as core:200 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.7 as core:202 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(70) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.70 as core:204 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(71) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.71 as core:206 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(72) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.72 as core:208 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(73) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.73 as core:210 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(74) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.74 as core:212 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.648170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(75) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.75 as core:214 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(76) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.76 as core:216 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(77) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.77 as core:218 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(78) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.78 as core:220 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(79) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.79 as core:222 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.8 as core:224 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(80) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.80 as core:226 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(81) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.81 as core:228 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(82) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.82 as core:230 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(83) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.83 as core:232 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(84) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.649170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.84 as core:234 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(85) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.85 as core:236 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(86) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.86 as core:238 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(87) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.87 as core:240 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(88) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.88 as core:242 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(89) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.89 as core:244 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(9) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.9 as core:246 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(90) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.90 as core:248 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(iceRiver) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.650170] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\river.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - registered river.iceRiver as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(lavaRiver) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - registered river.lavaRiver as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(mudRiver) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - registered river.mudRiver as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(waterRiver) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - registered river.waterRiver as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(cobblestoneRoad) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.651170] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\road.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.652170] TRACE mod - registered road.cobblestoneRoad as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.652170] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(dirtRoad) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.652170] TRACE mod - registered road.dirtRoad as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.652170] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(gravelRoad) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.652170] TRACE mod - registered road.gravelRoad as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.652170] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airMagic) at index 15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.652170] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\skill.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill airMagic(15) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - registered skill.airMagic as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.airMagic as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archery) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill archery(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - registered skill.archery as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.archery as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armorer) at index 23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill armorer(23) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - registered skill.armorer as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.armorer as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.653171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(artillery) at index 20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill artillery(20) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - registered skill.artillery as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.artillery as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ballistics) at index 10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill ballistics(10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - registered skill.ballistics as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.ballistics as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(diplomacy) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill diplomacy(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - registered skill.diplomacy as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.diplomacy as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.654171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(eagleEye) at index 11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill eagleEye(11) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - registered skill.eagleEye as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.eagleEye as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthMagic) at index 17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill earthMagic(17) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - registered skill.earthMagic as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.earthMagic as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(estates) at index 13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill estates(13) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - registered skill.estates as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.estates as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.655171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireMagic) at index 14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill fireMagic(14) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - registered skill.fireMagic as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.fireMagic as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firstAid) at index 27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill firstAid(27) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - registered skill.firstAid as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.firstAid as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(intelligence) at index 24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill intelligence(24) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - registered skill.intelligence as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.intelligence as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(leadership) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill leadership(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.656171] TRACE mod - registered skill.leadership as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.leadership as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(learning) at index 21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill learning(21) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered skill.learning as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.learning as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(logistics) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill logistics(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered skill.logistics as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.logistics as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(luck) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill luck(9) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered skill.luck as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.luck as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mysticism) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill mysticism(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered skill.mysticism as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.mysticism as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.657171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(navigation) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill navigation(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered skill.navigation as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.navigation as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necromancy) at index 12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill necromancy(12) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered skill.necromancy as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.necromancy as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(offence) at index 22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill offence(22) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered skill.offence as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.offence as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pathfinding) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill pathfinding(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered skill.pathfinding as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.658171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.pathfinding as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(resistance) at index 26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill resistance(26) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - registered skill.resistance as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.resistance as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill scholar(18) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - registered skill.scholar as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.scholar as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scouting) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill scouting(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - registered skill.scouting as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.scouting as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sorcery) at index 25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill sorcery(25) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.659171] TRACE mod - registered skill.sorcery as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.sorcery as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tactics) at index 19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill tactics(19) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - registered skill.tactics as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.tactics as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterMagic) at index 16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill waterMagic(16) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - registered skill.waterMagic as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.waterMagic as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wisdom) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill wisdom(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - registered skill.wisdom as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.660171] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.wisdom as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.661171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(acidBreath) at index 80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.661171] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.662171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath [2023-May-15 11:27:39.662171] TRACE mod - registered spell.acidBreath as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.662171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(acidBreathDamage) at index 81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.662171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath [2023-May-15 11:27:39.662171] TRACE mod - registered spell.acidBreathDamage as core:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.662171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(age) at index 75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.663171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Age [2023-May-15 11:27:39.663171] TRACE mod - registered spell.age as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.663171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.663171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Elemental [2023-May-15 11:27:39.663171] TRACE mod - registered spell.airElemental as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.663171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airShield) at index 28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.663171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Shield [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - registered spell.airShield as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(animateDead) at index 39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Animate Dead [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - registered spell.animateDead as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(antiMagic) at index 34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Anti-Magic [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - registered spell.antiMagic as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.664171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armageddon) at index 26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.665171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Armageddon [2023-May-15 11:27:39.665171] TRACE mod - registered spell.armageddon as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.665171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(berserk) at index 59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.665171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Berserk [2023-May-15 11:27:39.665171] TRACE mod - registered spell.berserk as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.665171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bind) at index 72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.665171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Bind [2023-May-15 11:27:39.666171] TRACE mod - registered spell.bind as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.666171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bless) at index 41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.666171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Bless [2023-May-15 11:27:39.666171] TRACE mod - registered spell.bless as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.666171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blind) at index 62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Blind [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - registered spell.blind as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bloodlust) at index 43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Bloodlust [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - registered spell.bloodlust as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(catapultShot) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Catapult shot [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - registered spell.catapultShot as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.667171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(chainLightning) at index 19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.668171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Chain Lightning [2023-May-15 11:27:39.668171] TRACE mod - registered spell.chainLightning as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.668171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(clone) at index 65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.668171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Clone [2023-May-15 11:27:39.668171] TRACE mod - registered spell.clone as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.668171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(counterstrike) at index 58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Counterstrike [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - registered spell.counterstrike as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cure) at index 37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Cure [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - registered spell.cure as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(curse) at index 42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Curse [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - registered spell.curse as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.669171] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cyclopsShot) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.670171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Siege shot [2023-May-15 11:27:39.670171] TRACE mod - registered spell.cyclopsShot as core:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.670171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathCloud) at index 76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.670171] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Cloud [2023-May-15 11:27:39.670171] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathCloud as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.670171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathRipple) at index 24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Ripple [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathRipple as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathStare) at index 79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Stare [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathStare as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(destroyUndead) at index 25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Destroy Undead [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - registered spell.destroyUndead as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.671172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dimensionDoor) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.672172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dimension Door [2023-May-15 11:27:39.672172] TRACE mod - registered spell.dimensionDoor as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.672172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(disease) at index 73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.672172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disease [2023-May-15 11:27:39.672172] TRACE mod - registered spell.disease as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.672172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(disguise) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disguise [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - registered spell.disguise as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dispel) at index 35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - registered spell.dispel as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dispelHelpful) at index 78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel Helpful Spells [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - registered spell.dispelHelpful as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.673172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(disruptingRay) at index 47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.674172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray [2023-May-15 11:27:39.674172] TRACE mod - registered spell.disruptingRay as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.674172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.674172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Earth Elemental [2023-May-15 11:27:39.674172] TRACE mod - registered spell.earthElemental as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.674172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthquake) at index 14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Earthquake [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - registered spell.earthquake as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Elemental [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireElemental as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireShield) at index 29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Shield [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireShield as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.675172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireWall) at index 13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Wall [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireWall as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireball) at index 21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fireball [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireball as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(firstAid) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell First Aid [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - registered spell.firstAid as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.676172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fly) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.677172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fly [2023-May-15 11:27:39.677172] TRACE mod - registered as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.677172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(forceField) at index 12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.677172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Force Field [2023-May-15 11:27:39.677172] TRACE mod - registered spell.forceField as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.677172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(forgetfulness) at index 61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.678172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Forgetfulness [2023-May-15 11:27:39.678172] TRACE mod - registered spell.forgetfulness as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.678172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fortune) at index 51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.678172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fortune [2023-May-15 11:27:39.678172] TRACE mod - registered spell.fortune as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.678172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(frenzy) at index 56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.678172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Frenzy [2023-May-15 11:27:39.679172] TRACE mod - registered spell.frenzy as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.679172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(frostRing) at index 20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.679172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Frost Ring [2023-May-15 11:27:39.679172] TRACE mod - registered spell.frostRing as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.679172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(haste) at index 53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.679172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Haste [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - registered spell.haste as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hypnotize) at index 60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Hypnotize [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - registered spell.hypnotize as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(iceBolt) at index 16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ice Bolt [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - registered spell.iceBolt as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.680172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(implosion) at index 18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.681172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Implosion [2023-May-15 11:27:39.681172] TRACE mod - registered spell.implosion as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.681172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.681172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Inferno [2023-May-15 11:27:39.681172] TRACE mod - registered spell.inferno as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.681172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(landMine) at index 11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.681172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine [2023-May-15 11:27:39.682172] TRACE mod - registered spell.landMine as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.682172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lightningBolt) at index 17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.682172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Lightning Bolt [2023-May-15 11:27:39.682172] TRACE mod - registered spell.lightningBolt as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.682172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicArrow) at index 15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.682172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Arrow [2023-May-15 11:27:39.682172] TRACE mod - registered spell.magicArrow as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.683172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicMirror) at index 36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.683172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Mirror [2023-May-15 11:27:39.683172] TRACE mod - registered spell.magicMirror as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.683172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(meteorShower) at index 23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.683172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Meteor Shower [2023-May-15 11:27:39.683172] TRACE mod - registered spell.meteorShower as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.683172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mirth) at index 49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.684172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Mirth [2023-May-15 11:27:39.684172] TRACE mod - registered spell.mirth as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.684172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(misfortune) at index 52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.684172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Misfortune [2023-May-15 11:27:39.684172] TRACE mod - registered spell.misfortune as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.684172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(paralyze) at index 74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.684172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Paralyze [2023-May-15 11:27:39.685172] TRACE mod - registered spell.paralyze as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.685172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(poison) at index 71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.685172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Poison [2023-May-15 11:27:39.685172] TRACE mod - registered spell.poison as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.685172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(prayer) at index 48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.686172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Prayer [2023-May-15 11:27:39.686172] TRACE mod - registered spell.prayer as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.686172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(precision) at index 44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.686172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Precision [2023-May-15 11:27:39.686172] TRACE mod - registered spell.precision as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.686172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectAir) at index 30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Air [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectAir as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectEarth) at index 33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Earth [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectEarth as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectFire) at index 31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Fire [2023-May-15 11:27:39.687172] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectFire as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.688173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectWater) at index 32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.688173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Water [2023-May-15 11:27:39.688173] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectWater as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.688173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(quicksand) at index 10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Quicksand [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - registered spell.quicksand as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(removeObstacle) at index 64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Remove Obstacle [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - registered spell.removeObstacle as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(resurrection) at index 38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Resurrection [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - registered spell.resurrection as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.689173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sacrifice) at index 40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Sacrifice [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - registered spell.sacrifice as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scuttleBoat) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Scuttle Boat [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - registered spell.scuttleBoat as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shield) at index 27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Shield [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - registered spell.shield as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.690173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(slayer) at index 55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.691173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Slayer [2023-May-15 11:27:39.691173] TRACE mod - registered spell.slayer as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.691173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(slow) at index 54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.691173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Slow [2023-May-15 11:27:39.691173] TRACE mod - registered spell.slow as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.691173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sorrow) at index 50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.692173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Sorrow [2023-May-15 11:27:39.692173] TRACE mod - registered spell.sorrow as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.692173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneGaze) at index 70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.692173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Gaze [2023-May-15 11:27:39.692173] TRACE mod - registered spell.stoneGaze as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.692173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneSkin) at index 46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Skin [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - registered spell.stoneSkin as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(summonBoat) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Boat [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonBoat as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonDemons) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Demons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonDemons as core:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.693173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(teleport) at index 63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Teleport [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - registered spell.teleport as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunderbolt) at index 77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Thunderbolt [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - registered spell.thunderbolt as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titanBolt) at index 57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Titan's Lightning Bolt [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - registered spell.titanBolt as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(townPortal) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.694173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Town Portal [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - registered spell.townPortal as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(viewAir) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell View Air [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - registered spell.viewAir as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(viewEarth) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell View Earth [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - registered spell.viewEarth as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(visions) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.695173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Visions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - registered spell.visions as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Elemental [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - registered spell.waterElemental as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterWalk) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Walk [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - registered spell.waterWalk as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.696173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(weakness) at index 45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.697173] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Weakness [2023-May-15 11:27:39.697173] TRACE mod - registered spell.weakness as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.697173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dirt) at index 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.697173] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\terrain.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.697173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.dirt as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.697173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grass) at index 2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.grass as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lava) at index 7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.lava as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rock) at index 9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.rock as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rough) at index 5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.rough as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sand) at index 1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.sand as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(snow) at index 3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.snow as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.698173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(subterra) at index 6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.subterra as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swamp) at index 4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.swamp as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(water) at index 8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.water as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] INFO mod - [DONE] Original game files [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starBottle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starBottle(256)::object(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starBottle.object as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - registered object.starBottle as stardust-terrain:256 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starDancer) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starDancer(257)::starDancer(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.699173] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starDancer.starDancer as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered object.starDancer as stardust-terrain:257 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starFlake) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starFlake(258)::starFlake(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starFlake.starFlake as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered object.starFlake as stardust-terrain:258 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starMirror) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starMirror(259)::starMirror(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starMirror.starMirror as stardust-terrain:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered object.starMirror as stardust-terrain:259 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(abandonedGenerator) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.abandonedGenerator as stardust-terrain:250 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteHorizontal) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteHorizontal as stardust-terrain:252 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteVertical) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteVertical as stardust-terrain:254 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(radioactiveCrater) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.radioactiveCrater as stardust-terrain:256 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustLake15) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustLake15 as stardust-terrain:258 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandBarrels) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandBarrels as stardust-terrain:260 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandBush) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandBush as stardust-terrain:262 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.700173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandRocks) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandRocks as stardust-terrain:264 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starRiver) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - registered river.starRiver as stardust-terrain:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardust) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - registered terrain.stardust as stardust-terrain:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] INFO mod - [SKIP] Stardust terrain [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM0k) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2a) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.701173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2b) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.702173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2b(2)) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.702173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2c) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.702173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2f) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.702173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2f(2)) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.702173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2h) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.703173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2h(2)) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.703173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2i) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.703173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2i(2)) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.703173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM4d) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.703173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(2)) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.703173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(3)) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.704173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3SB0b) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.704173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3SB0c) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.704173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3SM3d) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.704173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM0d) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.705173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM0f) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.705173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM0g) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.705173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM4e) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.705173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(5SB0a) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.705173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(5SB0b) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.706174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6LM10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.706174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6LM10a) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.707174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6SM0b) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.707174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6SM0d) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.707174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6SM0e) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.707174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(7SB0b) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.707174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(7SB0c) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.708174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8MM0e) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.708174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8MM6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.708174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8MM6a) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.709174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8SM0c) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.709174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8SM0f) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.710174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8XM12) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.710174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8XM12a) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.711174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8XM8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.712174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Around A Marsh) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.713174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Balance L) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.713174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Balance M) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.714174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Balance XL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.714174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster L) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.715174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster M) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.715174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster XL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.715174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Clash of Dragons) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.716174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Coldshadow's Fantasy) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.717174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Cube) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.717174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Diamond) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.718174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Dwarven Tunnels) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.718174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme II L) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.719174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme II XL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.720174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme L) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.721174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme XL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.722174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Fear) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.723175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Frozen Dragons) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.724175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Gimlis Revenge) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.725175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Golems Aplenty) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.725175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Guerilla) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.726175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Headquarters) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.726175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(HyperCube) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.727175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Jebus Cross) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.727175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Long Run M) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.728175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Long Run XL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.728175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Marathon XL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.730175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Marathon XXL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.731175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Meeting in Muzgob) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.731175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Mini Nostalgia) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.731175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Monk's Retreat) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.732175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Newcomers) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.732175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Nostalgia) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.733175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Oceans Eleven) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.734175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Panic) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.734175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Poor Jebus) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.735175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Ready or Not) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.735175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Reckless) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.736175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Roadrunner) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.737175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Schaafworld) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.737175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Skirmish L) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.737175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Skirmish M) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.738175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Small Ring) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.738175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(South of Hell) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.739175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Speed 1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.739175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Speed 2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.739175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Spider) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.740175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(SuperSlam) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.740175] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Triad L) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.741176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Triad XL) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.742176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Vortex) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.743176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Worlds at War) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.744176] INFO mod - [SKIP] VCMI essential files [2023-May-15 11:27:39.744176] INFO mod - [SKIP] VCMI extras [2023-May-15 11:27:39.744176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(acommander) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.744176] TRACE mod - registered creature.acommander as asylum-town:150 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.744176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asnightmare) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.745176] TRACE mod - registered creature.asnightmare as asylum-town:151 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.745176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(darkguard) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.746176] TRACE mod - registered creature.darkguard as asylum-town:152 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.746176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(darksquire) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.747176] TRACE mod - registered creature.darksquire as asylum-town:153 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.747176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(jesterDeliver) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.748176] TRACE mod - registered creature.jesterDeliver as asylum-town:154 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.748176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(phantomhunter) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.749176] TRACE mod - registered creature.phantomhunter as asylum-town:155 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.749176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(plwalker) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.750176] TRACE mod - registered creature.plwalker as asylum-town:156 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.750176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sadphanton) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.750176] TRACE mod - registered creature.sadphanton as asylum-town:157 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.750176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shadowdancer) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.752176] TRACE mod - registered creature.shadowdancer as asylum-town:158 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.752176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shadowhunter) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.753176] TRACE mod - registered creature.shadowhunter as asylum-town:159 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.753176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shadowmare) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.754176] TRACE mod - registered creature.shadowmare as asylum-town:160 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.754176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sorrowphanton) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.755176] TRACE mod - registered creature.sorrowphanton as asylum-town:161 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.755176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(soulcrus) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.755176] TRACE mod - registered creature.soulcrus as asylum-town:162 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.755176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spiritcrus) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.756176] TRACE mod - registered creature.spiritcrus as asylum-town:163 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.756176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(voidwalker) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.756176] TRACE mod - registered creature.voidwalker as asylum-town:164 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.756176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(winddancer) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.757176] TRACE mod - registered creature.winddancer as asylum-town:165 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.757176] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asylum) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.760177] WARN mod - Data in asylum is invalid! [2023-May-15 11:27:39.760177] WARN mod - At /town Error: Unknown entry found: moatAbility At /town Error: Required entry moatDamage is missing [2023-May-15 11:27:39.762177] TRACE mod - asylum json: { // asylum-town "alignment" : "evil", // asylum-town "creatureBackground" : { // asylum-town "120px" : "asylum\/creature-bg-120px.bmp", // asylum-town "130px" : "asylum\/creature-bg-130px.bmp" }, // asylum-town "name" : "Asylum", // asylum-town "nativeTerrain" : "stardust", // asylum-town "puzzleMap" : { // asylum-town "pieces" : [ // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 36, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 25, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 34, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 23, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 15, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 37, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 38, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 39, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 8, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 47, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 1, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 30, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 41, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 33, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 40, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 11, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 19, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 13, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 24, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 18, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 20, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 46, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 9, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 7, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 48, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 5, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 26, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 22, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 16, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 43, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 10, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 45, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 17, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 21, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 3, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 42, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 14, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 12, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 35, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 29, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 27, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 2, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 32, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 4, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 44, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 31, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 6, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "index" : 28, // asylum-town "x" : 6, // asylum-town "y" : 7 } ], // asylum-town "prefix" : "asylum\/puzzle-map\/ASYPZ" }, // asylum-town "town" : { // asylum-town "buildings" : { // asylum-town "blacksmith" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Blacksmith provides your armies with Ammo Cart.", // asylum-town "id" : 16, // asylum-town "name" : "Blacksmith" }, // asylum-town "boat" : { // asylum-town "description" : "Shipyard allows ships to be built.", // asylum-town "id" : 20, // asylum-town "name" : "Shipyard" }, // asylum-town "capitol" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { "gold" : 10000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Capitol earns your kingdom 4000 gold per day.", // asylum-town "id" : 13, // asylum-town "name" : "Capitol", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "castle" ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "cityHall" }, // asylum-town "castle" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 5000, // asylum-town "ore" : 10, // asylum-town "wood" : 10 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Castle adds two arrow towers, fortifies your town's defenses, and doubles base creature growth.", // asylum-town "id" : 9, // asylum-town "name" : "Castle", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "citadel" }, // asylum-town "citadel" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 2500, // asylum-town "ore" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Including a 50% increase to base creature growth, the Citadel adds a keep, and other terrain obstacles, to a town's defenses.", // asylum-town "id" : 8, // asylum-town "name" : "Citadel", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "fort" }, // asylum-town "cityHall" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { "gold" : 5000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The City Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 2000 gold per day.", // asylum-town "id" : 12, // asylum-town "name" : "City Hall", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "allOf", [ "mageGuild1" ], [ "marketplace" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "townHall" }, // asylum-town "dock" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 2000, // asylum-town "wood" : 20 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Shipyard allows you to purchase ships.", // asylum-town "id" : 6, // asylum-town "name" : "Shipyard" }, // asylum-town "dwellingLvl1" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 500, // asylum-town "ore" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Mystical Hut allows you to recruit Dark Squires.", // asylum-town "id" : 30, // asylum-town "name" : "Mystical Hut", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "fort" ] }, // asylum-town "dwellingLvl2" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Shadow Arena allows you to recruit Wind Dancers.", // asylum-town "id" : 31, // asylum-town "name" : "Shadow Arena", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "dwellingLvl1" ] }, // asylum-town "dwellingLvl3" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 1500, // asylum-town "wood" : 10 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Psychic Window allows you to recruit Shadow Hunters.", // asylum-town "id" : 32, // asylum-town "name" : "Psychic Window", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "dwellingLvl2" ] }, // asylum-town "dwellingLvl4" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 2000, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Swampy Pit allows you to recruit Apparitions.", // asylum-town "id" : 33, // asylum-town "name" : "Swampy Pit", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "dwellingLvl2" ] }, // asylum-town "dwellingLvl5" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 3000, // asylum-town "ore" : 15 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Order of Spirit allows you to recruit Spirit Crusaders.", // asylum-town "id" : 34, // asylum-town "name" : "Order of Spirit", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "allOf", [ "mageGuild1" ], [ "dwellingLvl3" ] ] }, // asylum-town "dwellingLvl6" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gems" : 10, // asylum-town "gold" : 4000, // asylum-town "ore" : 10 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Psychedelic Forest allows you to recruit Nightmares.", // asylum-town "id" : 35, // asylum-town "name" : "Psychedelic Forest", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "dwellingLvl4" ] }, // asylum-town "dwellingLvl7" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 15, // asylum-town "gold" : 15000, // asylum-town "sulfur" : 5, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Phantom Zone allows you to recruit Planeswalker.", // asylum-town "id" : 36, // asylum-town "name" : "Phantom Zone", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "dwellingLvl5" ] }, // asylum-town "dwellingUpLvl1" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { "gold" : 1000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Upg. Mystical Hut allows you to recruit Dark Guards.", // asylum-town "id" : 37, // asylum-town "name" : "Upg. Mystical Hut", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl1" }, // asylum-town "dwellingUpLvl2" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "mercury" : 3, // asylum-town "ore" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Upg. Shadow Arena allows you to recruit Shadow Dancers.", // asylum-town "id" : 38, // asylum-town "name" : "Upg. Shadow Arena", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl2" }, // asylum-town "dwellingUpLvl3" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Upg. Psychic Window allows you to recruit Phantom Hunters.", // asylum-town "id" : 39, // asylum-town "name" : "Upg. Psychic Window", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl3" }, // asylum-town "dwellingUpLvl4" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 5, // asylum-town "gold" : 2500, // asylum-town "ore" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Upg. Swampy Pit allows you to recruit Will-o'-the-Wisps.", // asylum-town "id" : 40, // asylum-town "name" : "Upg. Swampy Pit", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl4" }, // asylum-town "dwellingUpLvl5" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 2000, // asylum-town "mercury" : 10 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Upg. Order of Spirit allows you to recruit Soul Crusaders.", // asylum-town "id" : 41, // asylum-town "name" : "Upg. Order of Spirit", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl5" }, // asylum-town "dwellingUpLvl6" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 10, // asylum-town "gems" : 5, // asylum-town "gold" : 4000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Upg. Psychedelic Forest allows you to recruit Shadowmares.", // asylum-town "id" : 42, // asylum-town "name" : "Upg. Psychedelic Forest", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl6" }, // asylum-town "dwellingUpLvl7" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 25, // asylum-town "gold" : 20000, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Upg. Phantom Zone allows you to recruit Voidwalkers.", // asylum-town "id" : 43, // asylum-town "name" : "Upg. Phantom Zone", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "mageGuild2" ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl7" }, // asylum-town "fort" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 5000, // asylum-town "ore" : 20, // asylum-town "wood" : 20 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Fort provides your town with defensive walls.", // asylum-town "id" : 7, // asylum-town "name" : "Fort" }, // asylum-town "grail" : { // asylum-town "bonuses" : [ // asylum-town { // asylum-town "subtype" : "primSkill.spellpower", // asylum-town "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", // asylum-town "val" : 10 }, // asylum-town { // asylum-town "propagator" : "PLAYER_PROPAGATOR", // asylum-town "type" : "SPELL_DAMAGE", // asylum-town "val" : 30, // asylum-town "valueType" : "ADDITIVE_VALUE" } ], // asylum-town "description" : "The presence of the Starlight Mirage increases weekly creature generation by 50%, provides your empire with an additional 5000 gold each day, increases 30 per cent of sorcery power for each hero, and also increases the Power of a garrison hero by +10 when defending against a siege.", // asylum-town "id" : 26, // asylum-town "mode" : "grail", // asylum-town "name" : "Starlight Mirage" }, // asylum-town "horde1" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { "gold" : 1000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Mushroom Garden will increase Dark Squire production by 6 per week.", // asylum-town "id" : 18, // asylum-town "name" : "Mushroom Garden", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "allOf", [ "fort" ], [ "dwellingLvl1" ] ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl1" }, // asylum-town "horde1Upgr" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { "gold" : 1000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Mushroom Garden will increase Dark Guard production by 6 per week.", // asylum-town "id" : 19, // asylum-town "mode" : "auto", // asylum-town "name" : "Mushroom Garden", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "allOf", [ "horde1" ], [ "dwellingUpLvl1" ] ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingUpLvl1" }, // asylum-town "horde2" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "sulfur" : 2 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Spectre Wetland will increase Apparitions production by 2 per week.", // asylum-town "id" : 24, // asylum-town "name" : "Spectre Wetland", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "allOf", [ "fort" ], [ "dwellingLvl4" ] ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingLvl4" }, // asylum-town "horde2Upgr" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "sulfur" : 2 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Spectre Wetland will increase Apparitions production by 2 per week.", // asylum-town "id" : 25, // asylum-town "mode" : "auto", // asylum-town "name" : "Spectre Wetland", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "allOf", [ "horde2" ], [ "dwellingUpLvl4" ] ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "dwellingUpLvl4" }, // asylum-town "mageGuild1" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 2000, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", // asylum-town "id" : 0, // asylum-town "name" : "Mage Guild Level 1" }, // asylum-town "mageGuild2" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 4, // asylum-town "gems" : 4, // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "mercury" : 4, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "sulfur" : 4, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", // asylum-town "id" : 1, // asylum-town "name" : "Mage Guild Level 2", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "mageGuild1" }, // asylum-town "mageGuild3" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 6, // asylum-town "gems" : 6, // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "mercury" : 6, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "sulfur" : 6, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", // asylum-town "id" : 2, // asylum-town "name" : "Mage Guild Level 3", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "mageGuild2" }, // asylum-town "mageGuild4" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 8, // asylum-town "gems" : 8, // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "mercury" : 8, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "sulfur" : 8, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", // asylum-town "id" : 3, // asylum-town "name" : "Mage Guild Level 4", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "mageGuild3" }, // asylum-town "mageGuild5" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 10, // asylum-town "gems" : 10, // asylum-town "gold" : 1000, // asylum-town "mercury" : 10, // asylum-town "ore" : 5, // asylum-town "sulfur" : 10, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", // asylum-town "id" : 4, // asylum-town "name" : "Mage Guild Level 5", // asylum-town "upgrades" : "mageGuild4" }, // asylum-town "marketplace" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 500, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "With the Marketplace, you can buy and sell resources (exchange rates increase with each Marketplace you own).", // asylum-town "id" : 14, // asylum-town "name" : "Marketplace" }, // asylum-town "resourceSilo" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 5000, // asylum-town "ore" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Resource Silo provides you with an additional +1 crystal each day.", // asylum-town "id" : 15, // asylum-town "name" : "Resource Silo", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "marketplace" ] }, // asylum-town "special1" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { "gold" : 1000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Stardust Falls increases the Spellpower by +2 for heroes in a siege war.", // asylum-town "id" : 17, // asylum-town "name" : "Stardust Falls", // asylum-town "type" : "spellPowerGarrisonBonus" }, // asylum-town "special2" : { // asylum-town "bonuses" : [ // asylum-town { // asylum-town "propagator" : "PLAYER_PROPAGATOR", // asylum-town "type" : "SPELL_DAMAGE", // asylum-town "val" : 10, // asylum-town "valueType" : "ADDITIVE_VALUE" } ], // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "crystal" : 2, // asylum-town "gems" : 2, // asylum-town "gold" : 1000 }, // asylum-town "description" : "Crystal of Sorcery increases 10 per cent of sorcery power for each hero.", // asylum-town "id" : 22, // asylum-town "name" : "Crystal of Sorcery" }, // asylum-town "tavern" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { // asylum-town "gold" : 500, // asylum-town "wood" : 5 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Tavern increases morale for troops defending the city.", // asylum-town "id" : 5, // asylum-town "name" : "Tavern" }, // asylum-town "townHall" : { // asylum-town "cost" : { "gold" : 2500 }, // asylum-town "description" : "The Town Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 1000 gold per day.", // asylum-town "id" : 11, // asylum-town "name" : "Town Hall", // asylum-town "requires" : [ "tavern" ], // asylum-town "upgrades" : "villageHall" }, // asylum-town "villageHall" : { // asylum-town "description" : "The Village Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 500 gold per day.", // asylum-town "id" : 10, // asylum-town "mode" : "auto", // asylum-town "name" : "Village Hall" } }, // asylum-town "buildingsIcons" : "asylum\/town-hall.def", // asylum-town "creatures" : [ [ "darksquire", "darkguard" ], [ "winddancer", "shadowdancer" ], [ "shadowhunter", "phantomhunter" ], [ "sadphanton", "sorrowphanton" ], [ "spiritcrus", "soulcrus" ], [ "asnightmare", "shadowmare" ], [ "plwalker", "voidwalker" ] ], // asylum-town "defaultTavern" : 5, // asylum-town "guildBackground" : "TPMAGE.bmp", // asylum-town "guildSpells" : { // asylum-town "airElemental" : 4, // asylum-town "airShield" : 2, // asylum-town "antiMagic" : 20, // asylum-town "berserk" : 30, // asylum-town "bless" : 0, // asylum-town "bloodlust" : 0, // asylum-town "chainLightning" : 10, // asylum-town "clone" : 0, // asylum-town "counterstrike" : 0, // asylum-town "cure" : 4, // asylum-town "curse" : 20, // asylum-town "dimensionDoor" : 15, // asylum-town "disguise" : 0, // asylum-town "dispel" : 12, // asylum-town "disruptingRay" : 25, // asylum-town "earthElemental" : 10, // asylum-town "earthquake" : 2, // asylum-town "fireElemental" : 10, // asylum-town "fireShield" : 0, // asylum-town "fireWall" : 0, // asylum-town "fireball" : 2, // asylum-town "fly" : 15, // asylum-town "forceField" : 4, // asylum-town "forgetfulness" : 10, // asylum-town "fortune" : 0, // asylum-town "frenzy" : 0, // asylum-town "frostRing" : 10, // asylum-town "haste" : 0, // asylum-town "hypnotize" : 30, // asylum-town "iceBolt" : 10, // asylum-town "implosion" : 15, // asylum-town "inferno" : 5, // asylum-town "landMine" : 4, // asylum-town "lightningBolt" : 35, // asylum-town "magicArrow" : 25, // asylum-town "magicMirror" : 15, // asylum-town "meteorShower" : 5, // asylum-town "mirth" : 0, // asylum-town "misfortune" : 10, // asylum-town "prayer" : 0, // asylum-town "precision" : 0, // asylum-town "protectAir" : 5, // asylum-town "protectEarth" : 2, // asylum-town "protectFire" : 3, // asylum-town "protectWater" : 2, // asylum-town "quicksand" : 10, // asylum-town "removeObstacle" : 6, // asylum-town "resurrection" : 5, // asylum-town "sacrifice" : 11, // asylum-town "scuttleBoat" : 4, // asylum-town "shield" : 0, // asylum-town "slayer" : 5, // asylum-town "slow" : 20, // asylum-town "sorrow" : 5, // asylum-town "stoneSkin" : 0, // asylum-town "summonBoat" : 5, // asylum-town "teleport" : 2, // asylum-town "townPortal" : 15, // asylum-town "viewAir" : 3, // asylum-town "viewEarth" : 3, // asylum-town "visions" : 0, // asylum-town "waterElemental" : 5, // asylum-town "waterWalk" : 5, // asylum-town "weakness" : 10 }, // asylum-town "guildWindow" : "asylum\/town-screen\/mage-guild.bmp", // asylum-town "hallBackground" : "TPTHBKDG", // asylum-town "hallSlots" : [ [ [ "villageHall", "townHall", "cityHall", "capitol" ], [ "fort", "citadel", "castle" ], [ "tavern" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ], [ [ "marketplace", "resourceSilo" ], [ "mageGuild1", "mageGuild2", "mageGuild3", "mageGuild4", "mageGuild5" ], [ "special1" ], [ "dock" ] ], [ [ "special2" ], [ "horde2", "horde2Upgr" ], [ "horde1", "horde1Upgr" ] ], [ [ "dwellingLvl1", "dwellingUpLvl1" ], [ "dwellingLvl2", "dwellingUpLvl2" ], [ "dwellingLvl3", "dwellingUpLvl3" ], [ "dwellingLvl4", "dwellingUpLvl4" ] ], [ [ "dwellingLvl5", "dwellingUpLvl5" ], [ "dwellingLvl6", "dwellingUpLvl6" ], [ "dwellingLvl7", "dwellingUpLvl7" ] ] ], // asylum-town "horde" : [ 0, 3 ], // asylum-town "icons" : { // asylum-town "fort" : { // asylum-town "built" : { // asylum-town "large" : "asylum\/icons\/fort-builded-big.bmp", // asylum-town "small" : "asylum\/icons\/fort-builded-small.bmp" }, // asylum-town "normal" : { // asylum-town "large" : "asylum\/icons\/fort-big.bmp", // asylum-town "small" : "asylum\/icons\/fort-small.bmp" } }, // asylum-town "village" : { // asylum-town "built" : { // asylum-town "large" : "asylum\/icons\/hall-builded-big.bmp", // asylum-town "small" : "asylum\/icons\/hall-builded-small.bmp" }, // asylum-town "normal" : { // asylum-town "large" : "asylum\/icons\/hall-big.bmp", // asylum-town "small" : "asylum\/icons\/hall-small.bmp" } } }, // asylum-town "mageGuild" : 5, // asylum-town "mapObject" : { // asylum-town "filters" : { // asylum-town "castle" : [ "allOf", [ "castle" ], [ "noneOf", [ "capitol" ] ] ], // asylum-town "citadel" : [ "allOf", [ "citadel" ], [ "noneOf", [ "castle" ] ] ], // asylum-town "fort" : [ "allOf", [ "fort" ], [ "noneOf", [ "citadel" ] ] ] }, // asylum-town "templates" : { // asylum-town "capitol" : { "animation" : "asylum\/map\/capitol.def" }, // 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}, // asylum-town "townHall" : { // asylum-town "animation" : "asylum\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBPShal2", // asylum-town "area" : "asylum\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZPShal2", // asylum-town "border" : "asylum\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOPShal2", // asylum-town "x" : 0, // asylum-town "y" : 0, // asylum-town "z" : 1 }, // asylum-town "villageHall" : { // asylum-town "animation" : "asylum\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBPShall", // asylum-town "area" : "asylum\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZPShall", // asylum-town "border" : "asylum\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOPShall", // asylum-town "x" : 0, // asylum-town "y" : 0, // asylum-town "z" : 1 } }, // asylum-town "tavernVideo" : "TAVERN.BIK", // asylum-town "townBackground" : "asylum\/town-screen\/background.bmp", // asylum-town "warMachine" : "ammoCart" } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.763177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.blacksmith as asylum-town:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.763177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.boat as asylum-town:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.763177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.capitol as asylum-town:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.castle as asylum-town:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered as asylum-town:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.cityHall as asylum-town:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dock as asylum-town:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl1 as asylum-town:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl2 as asylum-town:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl3 as asylum-town:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl4 as asylum-town:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl5 as asylum-town:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl6 as asylum-town:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl7 as asylum-town:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl1 as asylum-town:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl2 as asylum-town:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl3 as asylum-town:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl4 as asylum-town:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl5 as asylum-town:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl6 as asylum-town:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl7 as asylum-town:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.764177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.fort as asylum-town:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.grail as asylum-town:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde1 as asylum-town:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde1Upgr as asylum-town:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde2 as asylum-town:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde2Upgr as asylum-town:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild1 as asylum-town:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild2 as asylum-town:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild3 as asylum-town:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild4 as asylum-town:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild5 as asylum-town:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.marketplace as asylum-town:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.resourceSilo as asylum-town:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.special1 as asylum-town:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.special2 as asylum-town:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.tavern as asylum-town:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.townHall as asylum-town:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.765177] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.villageHall as asylum-town:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.768177] TRACE mod - registered faction.asylum as asylum-town:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.768177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mentalist) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.768177] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.mentalist as asylum-town:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.768177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pathfinder) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.768177] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.pathfinder as asylum-town:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.768177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(a_alach) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - registered hero.a_alach as asylum-town:156 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(b_pauline) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - registered hero.b_pauline as asylum-town:157 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(c_harker) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - registered hero.c_harker as asylum-town:158 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(d_sisElisa) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - registered hero.d_sisElisa as asylum-town:159 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.769177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(e_renner) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - registered hero.e_renner as asylum-town:160 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(f_judith) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - registered hero.f_judith as asylum-town:161 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(g_stacia) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - registered hero.g_stacia as asylum-town:162 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(h_karth) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - registered hero.h_karth as asylum-town:163 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.770177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(i_kaspar) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - registered hero.i_kaspar as asylum-town:164 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(j_mog) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - registered hero.j_mog as asylum-town:165 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(k_viola) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - registered hero.k_viola as asylum-town:166 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(l_brigid) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - registered hero.l_brigid as asylum-town:167 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.771177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(m_mona) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - registered hero.m_mona as asylum-town:168 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(n_jezebel) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - registered hero.n_jezebel as asylum-town:169 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(o_margareta) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - registered hero.o_margareta as asylum-town:170 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(p_Lynn) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - registered hero.p_Lynn as asylum-town:171 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.772177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(birthdayGift) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.773177] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Gift [2023-May-15 11:27:39.773177] TRACE mod - registered spell.birthdayGift as asylum-town:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.773177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seduce) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.773177] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Maleficent Curse [2023-May-15 11:27:39.773177] TRACE mod - registered spell.seduce as asylum-town:87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.773177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonApps) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Rise Apparitions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonApps as asylum-town:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonJester) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Gift Delivery [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonJester as asylum-town:89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(terrorEye) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Terror Eye [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] TRACE mod - registered spell.terrorEye as asylum-town:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.774177] ERROR mod - [FAIL] Asylum Town [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [DONE] Arrow Tower Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [DONE] Battlefield actions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [SKIP] Andruids Bonus Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [SKIP] Extended RMG options [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [DONE] Extra resolutions [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [DONE] VCMI Quick Exchange [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [SKIP] Bonus Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] INFO mod - [DONE] Spell Immunity Bonus Icons [2023-May-15 11:27:39.775177] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\random.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.blacksmith as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.capitol as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.castle as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.cityHall as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.776178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.fort as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.grail as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde1 as core:-30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde2 as core:-31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde3 as core:-32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde4 as core:-33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde5 as core:-34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde6 as core:-35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde7 as core:-36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.778178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.marketplace as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.resourceSilo as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.shipyard as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.tavern as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.townHall as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.villageHall as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.779178] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\english.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.781178] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\english.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.784178] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\ukrainian.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.788178] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\translation\asylum\german.json [2023-May-15 11:27:39.789178] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'asylum-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2023-May-15 11:27:39.789178] WARN mod - "" : "Rise Apparitions", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.789178] WARN mod - "" : "Gift", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.789178] WARN mod - "" : "Jester", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.790178] WARN mod - "" : "Gift Delivery", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.790178] WARN mod - "faction.asylum-town.asylum.randomName.16" : "Land of Nod", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.790178] WARN mod - "" : "Jesters", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.790178] WARN mod - "spell.asylum-town.summonJester.description.none" : "{Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troops of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.790178] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troops of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.791178] WARN mod - "spell.asylum-town.summonJester.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troops of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.791178] WARN mod - "spell.asylum-town.summonJester.description.basic" : "{Basic Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troops of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2023-May-15 11:27:39.793179] INFO mod - Loading mod data: 429 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:39.794179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::pathfinder(19) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.794179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.pathfinder as asylum-town:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.794179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::mentalist(18) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.794179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.mentalist as asylum-town:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.795179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::asylum(10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.795179] TRACE mod - registered core:town.asylum as asylum-town:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::winddancer(165) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.winddancer as asylum-town:165 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::voidwalker(164) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.voidwalker as asylum-town:164 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::spiritcrus(163) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.spiritcrus as asylum-town:163 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::soulcrus(162) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.soulcrus as asylum-town:162 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sorrowphanton(161) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sorrowphanton as asylum-town:161 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::shadowmare(160) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.shadowmare as asylum-town:160 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::shadowhunter(159) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.shadowhunter as asylum-town:159 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::shadowdancer(158) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.shadowdancer as asylum-town:158 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sadphanton(157) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sadphanton as asylum-town:157 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.796179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::plwalker(156) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.plwalker as asylum-town:156 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::phantomhunter(155) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.phantomhunter as asylum-town:155 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::jesterDeliver(154) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.jesterDeliver as asylum-town:154 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::darksquire(153) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.darksquire as asylum-town:153 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::darkguard(152) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.darkguard as asylum-town:152 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::asnightmare(151) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.asnightmare as asylum-town:151 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::acommander(150) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.797179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.acommander as asylum-town:150 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.801179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::wizard(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.801179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.wizard as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.801179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::witch(15) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.801179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.witch as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.801179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::warlock(10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.801179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.warlock as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::ranger(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.ranger as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::planeswalker(16) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.planeswalker as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::overlord(11) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.overlord as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::necromancer(9) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.necromancer as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.802179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::knight(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.knight as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::heretic(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.heretic as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::elementalist(17) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.elementalist as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::druid(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.druid as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::demoniac(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.demoniac as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::deathknight(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.803179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.deathknight as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::cleric(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.cleric as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::beastmaster(14) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.beastmaster as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::battlemage(13) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.battlemage as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::barbarian(12) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.barbarian as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::alchemist(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.804179] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.alchemist as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.805179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::tower(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.805179] TRACE mod - registered core:town.tower as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.806179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::stronghold(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.806179] TRACE mod - registered core:town.stronghold as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.807179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::rampart(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.807179] TRACE mod - registered core:town.rampart as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.808179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::necropolis(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.808179] TRACE mod - registered core:town.necropolis as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.809179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::inferno(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.809179] TRACE mod - registered core:town.inferno as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.810179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::fortress(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.810179] TRACE mod - registered core:town.fortress as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.811180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::dungeon(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.811180] TRACE mod - registered core:town.dungeon as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.812180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::conflux(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.812180] TRACE mod - registered core:town.conflux as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.813180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::castle(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.813180] TRACE mod - registered core:town.castle as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::zombieLord(59) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.zombieLord as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::zealot(9) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.zealot as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wyvernMonarch(109) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wyvernMonarch as core:109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wyvern(108) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wyvern as core:108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wraith(61) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wraith as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::woodElf(18) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.woodElf as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wight(60) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wight as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::waterElemental(115) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.waterElemental as core:115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::warUnicorn(25) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.warUnicorn as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::walkingDead(58) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.walkingDead as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::vampireLord(63) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.vampireLord as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.814180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::vampire(62) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.vampire as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused128(128) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused128 as core:128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused126(126) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused126 as core:126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused124(124) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused124 as core:124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused122(122) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused122 as core:122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unicorn(24) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unicorn as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::troll(144) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.troll as core:144 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::troglodyte(70) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.troglodyte as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::titan(41) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.titan as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::thunderbird(93) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.thunderbird as core:93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::swordsman(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.swordsman as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.815180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stormElemental(127) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stormElemental as core:127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stoneGolem(33) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stoneGolem as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stoneGargoyle(30) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stoneGargoyle as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sprite(119) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sprite as core:119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::skeletonWarrior(57) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.skeletonWarrior as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::skeleton(56) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.skeleton as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::silverPegasus(21) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.silverPegasus as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sharpshooter(137) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sharpshooter as core:137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::serpentFly(104) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.serpentFly as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::scorpicore(81) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.scorpicore as core:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rustDragon(135) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rustDragon as core:135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::royalGriffin(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.royalGriffin as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.816180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rogue(143) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rogue as core:143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::roc(92) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.roc as core:92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::redDragon(82) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.redDragon as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::psychicElemental(120) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.psychicElemental as core:120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::powerLich(65) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.powerLich as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pixie(118) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pixie as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pitLord(51) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pitLord as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pitFiend(50) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pitFiend as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pikeman(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pikeman as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::phoenix(131) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.phoenix as core:131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pegasus(20) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pegasus as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::peasant(139) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.817180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.peasant as core:139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::orcChieftain(89) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.orcChieftain as core:89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::orc(88) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.orc as core:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ogreMage(91) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ogreMage as core:91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ogre(90) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ogre as core:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::obsidianGargoyle(31) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.obsidianGargoyle as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nomad(142) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nomad as core:142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nagaQueen(39) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nagaQueen as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::naga(38) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.naga as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mummy(141) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mummy as core:141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::monk(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.monk as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::minotaurKing(79) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.minotaurKing as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::minotaur(78) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.818180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.minotaur as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mightyGorgon(103) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mightyGorgon as core:103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::medusaQueen(77) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.medusaQueen as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::medusa(76) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.medusa as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::masterGremlin(29) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.masterGremlin as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::masterGenie(37) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.masterGenie as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::marksman(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.marksman as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::manticore(80) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.manticore as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::magog(45) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.magog as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::magmaElemental(125) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.magmaElemental as core:125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::magicElemental(121) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.magicElemental as core:121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mage(34) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.819180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mage as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::lizardman(100) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.lizardman as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::lizardWarrior(101) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.lizardWarrior as core:101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::lich(64) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.lich as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ironGolem(32) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ironGolem as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::infernalTroglodyte(71) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.infernalTroglodyte as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::imp(42) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.imp as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::iceElemental(123) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.iceElemental as core:123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hydra(110) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hydra as core:110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hornedDemon(49) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hornedDemon as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hobgoblinWolfRider(87) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hobgoblinWolfRider as core:87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hobgoblin(85) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hobgoblin as core:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hellHound(46) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.820180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hellHound as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::harpyHag(73) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.harpyHag as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::harpy(72) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.harpy as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::halfling(138) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.halfling as core:138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::halberdier(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.halberdier as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::griffin(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.griffin as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gremlin(28) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gremlin as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::greenDragon(26) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.greenDragon as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::greaterBasilisk(107) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.greaterBasilisk as core:107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::grandElf(19) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.grandElf as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gorgon(102) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gorgon as core:102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goldGolem(116) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goldGolem as core:116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.821180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goldDragon(27) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goldDragon as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gog(44) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gog as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goblinWolfRider(86) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goblinWolfRider as core:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goblin(84) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goblin as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gnollMarauder(99) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gnollMarauder as core:99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gnoll(98) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gnoll as core:98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::giant(40) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.giant as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ghostDragon(69) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ghostDragon as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::genie(36) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.genie as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::firstAidTent(147) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.firstAidTent as core:147 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::firebird(130) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.firebird as core:130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fireElemental(114) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fireElemental as core:114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fireDragonFly(105) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.822180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fireDragonFly as core:105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::familiar(43) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.familiar as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fairieDragon(134) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fairieDragon as core:134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::evilEye(75) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.evilEye as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::energyElemental(129) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.energyElemental as core:129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::enchanter(136) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.enchanter as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::efreetSultan(53) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.efreetSultan as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::efreet(52) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.efreet as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::earthElemental(113) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.earthElemental as core:113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dwarf(16) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dwarf as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dreadKnight(67) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.823180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dreadKnight as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::diamondGolem(117) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.diamondGolem as core:117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::devil(54) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.devil as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dendroidSoldier(23) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dendroidSoldier as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dendroidGuard(22) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dendroidGuard as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::demon(48) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.demon as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cyclopKing(95) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cyclopKing as core:95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cyclop(94) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cyclop as core:94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::crystalDragon(133) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.crystalDragon as core:133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::crusader(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.crusader as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::chaosHydra(111) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.chaosHydra as core:111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::champion(11) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.champion as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cerberus(47) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.824180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cerberus as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::centaurCaptain(15) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.centaurCaptain as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::centaur(14) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.centaur as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cavalier(10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cavalier as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::catapult(145) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.catapult as core:145 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::boneDragon(68) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.boneDragon as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::boar(140) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.boar as core:140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::blackKnight(66) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.blackKnight as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::blackDragon(83) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.blackDragon as core:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::beholder(74) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.beholder as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::behemoth(96) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.behemoth as core:96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.825180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::battleDwarf(17) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.battleDwarf as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::basilisk(106) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.basilisk as core:106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ballista(146) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ballista as core:146 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::azureDragon(132) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.azureDragon as core:132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::arrowTower(149) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.arrowTower as core:149 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archer(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archer as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archangel(13) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archangel as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archMage(35) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archMage as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archDevil(55) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archDevil as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::angel(12) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.angel as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ancientBehemoth(97) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ancientBehemoth as core:97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ammoCart(148) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ammoCart as core:148 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::airElemental(112) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.826180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.airElemental as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::wizardsWell(138) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.wizardsWell as core:138 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::vialOfLifeblood(96) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.vialOfLifeblood as core:96 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::vialOfDragonBlood(127) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.vialOfDragonBlood as core:127 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::vampiresCowl(55) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.vampiresCowl as core:55 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tunicOfTheCyclopsKing(28) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing as core:28 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::torsoOfLegion(120) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.torsoOfLegion as core:120 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfWaterMagic(88) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic as core:88 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfFireMagic(86) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfFireMagic as core:86 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfEarthMagic(89) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic as core:89 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.827180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfAirMagic(87) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfAirMagic as core:87 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::titansThunder(135) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.titansThunder as core:135 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::titansGladius(12) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.titansGladius as core:12 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::titansCuirass(30) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.titansCuirass as core:30 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::thunderHelmet(24) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.thunderHelmet as core:24 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::targOfTheRampagingOgre(16) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre as core:16 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::talismanOfMana(74) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.talismanOfMana as core:74 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::swordOfJudgement(35) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.swordOfJudgement as core:35 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::swordOfHellfire(11) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.swordOfHellfire as core:11 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::surcoatOfCounterpoise(58) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise as core:58 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::stoicWatchman(64) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.stoicWatchman as core:64 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::stillEyeOfTheDragon(45) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon as core:45 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.828181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::statueOfLegion(133) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.statueOfLegion as core:133 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::statesmansMedal(66) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.statesmansMedal as core:66 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spyglass(53) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spyglass as core:53 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spiritOfOppression(84) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spiritOfOppression as core:84 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::sphereOfPermanence(92) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.sphereOfPermanence as core:92 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spellbindersHat(124) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spellbindersHat as core:124 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spellScroll(1) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spellScroll as core:1 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spellBook(0) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spellBook as core:0 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::speculum(52) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.speculum as core:52 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::skullHelmet(20) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.skullHelmet as core:20 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shieldOfTheYawningDead(14) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.829181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead as core:14 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDwarvenLords(13) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords as core:13 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDamned(17) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shieldOfTheDamned as core:17 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shacklesOfWar(125) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shacklesOfWar as core:125 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::sentinelsShield(18) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.sentinelsShield as core:18 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::seaCaptainsHat(123) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.seaCaptainsHat as core:123 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk(27) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk as core:27 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::sandalsOfTheSaint(32) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint as core:32 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfVitality(94) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfVitality as core:94 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfTheWayfarer(69) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer as core:69 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfTheMagi(139) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfTheMagi as core:139 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfLife(95) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfLife as core:95 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfInfiniteGems(110) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.830181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems as core:110 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfConjuring(77) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfConjuring as core:77 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ribCage(26) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ribCage as core:26 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::redDragonFlameTongue(38) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.redDragonFlameTongue as core:38 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::recantersCloak(83) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.recantersCloak as core:83 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::quietEyeOfTheDragon(37) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon as core:37 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::powerOfTheDragonFather(134) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather as core:134 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfTotalRecall(107) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall as core:107 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfSecondSight(101) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfSecondSight as core:101 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfNegativity(106) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfNegativity as core:106 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfLife(103) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfLife as core:103 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.831181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfHoliness(102) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfHoliness as core:102 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfFreeWill(105) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfFreeWill as core:105 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfDispassion(100) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfDispassion as core:100 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfDeath(104) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfDeath as core:104 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfCourage(108) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfCourage as core:108 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfVulnerability(93) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfVulnerability as core:93 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfTheFirmament(79) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfTheFirmament as core:79 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfTempestuousFire(81) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire as core:81 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfSilt(80) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfSilt as core:80 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfInhibition(126) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfInhibition as core:126 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfDrivingRain(82) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfDrivingRain as core:82 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ogresClubOfHavoc(10) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc as core:10 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::necklaceOfSwiftness(97) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.832181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness as core:97 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::necklaceOfOceanGuidance(71) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance as core:71 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::necklaceOfDragonteeth(43) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth as core:43 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::mysticOrbOfMana(75) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.mysticOrbOfMana as core:75 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::monstersPower(143) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.monstersPower as core:143 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::magicWand(141) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.magicWand as core:141 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::loinsOfLegion(119) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.loinsOfLegion as core:119 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::lionsShieldOfCourage(34) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage as core:34 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::legsOfLegion(118) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.legsOfLegion as core:118 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ladybirdOfLuck(48) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ladybirdOfLuck as core:48 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfOre(112) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre as core:112 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.833181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfLumber(114) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber as core:114 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::hourglassOfTheEvilHour(85) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour as core:85 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn(19) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn as core:19 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment(36) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment as core:36 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::helmOfChaos(21) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.helmOfChaos as core:21 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::hellstormHelmet(23) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.hellstormHelmet as core:23 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::headOfLegion(122) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.headOfLegion as core:122 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::greaterGnollsFlail(9) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.greaterGnollsFlail as core:9 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::grail(2) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.grail as core:2 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::goldenBow(91) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.goldenBow as core:91 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::goldTowerArrow(142) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.goldTowerArrow as core:142 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::glyphOfGallantry(51) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.834181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.glyphOfGallantry as core:51 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::garnitureOfInterference(57) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.garnitureOfInterference as core:57 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::firstAidTent(6) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.firstAidTent as core:6 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::eversmokingRingOfSulfur(113) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur as core:113 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::everpouringVialOfMercury(111) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury as core:111 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::everflowingCrystalCloak(109) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak as core:109 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::equestriansGloves(70) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.equestriansGloves as core:70 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::endlessSackOfGold(115) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.endlessSackOfGold as core:115 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::endlessPurseOfGold(117) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.endlessPurseOfGold as core:117 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::endlessBagOfGold(116) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.endlessBagOfGold as core:116 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::emblemOfCognizance(65) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.emblemOfCognizance as core:65 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.835181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::elixirOfLife(131) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.elixirOfLife as core:131 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonboneGreaves(41) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonboneGreaves as core:41 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonWingTabard(42) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonWingTabard as core:42 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonScaleShield(39) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonScaleShield as core:39 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonScaleArmor(40) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonScaleArmor as core:40 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::diplomatsRing(67) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.diplomatsRing as core:67 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::deadMansBoots(56) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.deadMansBoots as core:56 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::crownOfTheSupremeMagi(22) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi as core:22 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::crownOfDragontooth(44) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.crownOfDragontooth as core:44 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::crestOfValor(50) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.crestOfValor as core:50 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cornucopia(140) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cornucopia as core:140 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::collarOfConjuring(76) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.836181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.collarOfConjuring as core:76 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cloverOfFortune(46) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cloverOfFortune as core:46 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cloakOfTheUndeadKing(130) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing as core:130 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::charmOfMana(73) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.charmOfMana as core:73 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::centaurAxe(7) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.centaurAxe as core:7 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::celestialNecklaceOfBliss(33) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss as core:33 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::catapult(3) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.catapult as core:3 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cardsOfProphecy(47) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cardsOfProphecy as core:47 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::capeOfVelocity(99) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.capeOfVelocity as core:99 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::capeOfConjuring(78) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.capeOfConjuring as core:78 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bucklerOfTheGnollKing(15) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing as core:15 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::breastplateOfPetrifiedWood(25) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.837181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood as core:25 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::breastplateOfBrimstone(29) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone as core:29 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane(61) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane as core:61 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bowOfTheSharpshooter(137) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter as core:137 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bowOfElvenCherrywood(60) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood as core:60 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bootsOfSpeed(98) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bootsOfSpeed as core:98 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bootsOfPolarity(59) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bootsOfPolarity as core:59 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bootsOfLevitation(90) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bootsOfLevitation as core:90 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::blackshardOfTheDeadKnight(8) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight as core:8 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::birdOfPerception(63) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.birdOfPerception as core:63 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ballista(4) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ballista as core:4 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::badgeOfCourage(49) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.badgeOfCourage as core:49 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armsOfLegion(121) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.838181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armsOfLegion as core:121 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armorOfWonder(31) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armorOfWonder as core:31 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armorOfTheDamned(132) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armorOfTheDamned as core:132 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armageddonsBlade(128) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armageddonsBlade as core:128 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::angelicAlliance(129) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.angelicAlliance as core:129 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::angelWings(72) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.angelWings as core:72 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::angelFeatherArrows(62) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.angelFeatherArrows as core:62 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::amuletOfTheUndertaker(54) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker as core:54 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ammoCart(5) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ammoCart as core:5 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ambassadorsSash(68) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ambassadorsSash as core:68 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::admiralsHat(136) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.admiralsHat as core:136 [2023-May-15 11:27:39.839181] INFO mod - Resolving identifiers: 46 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:39.840181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Valeska(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.841181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 1, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:archer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:marksman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:archer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:marksman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:archer", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.841181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Edric(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.841181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 2, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:griffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:royalGriffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:griffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:royalGriffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:griffin", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.841181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Sorsha(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.842181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 5, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.842181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Christian(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.842181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 6, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.842181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Tyris(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.843181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 7, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cavalier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:champion", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cavalier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:champion", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cavalier", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.843181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Ingham(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.843181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 12, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:monk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:zealot", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:monk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:zealot", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:monk", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.843181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Ufretin(core:rampart) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.844181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 17, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:battleDwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:battleDwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dwarf", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.844181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Ryland(core:rampart) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.844181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 19, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dendroidGuard", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dendroidSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dendroidGuard", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dendroidSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dendroidGuard", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.844181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Ivor(core:rampart) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.845181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 21, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:woodElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:grandElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:woodElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:grandElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:woodElf", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.845181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Clancy(core:rampart) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.845181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 22, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:unicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:warUnicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:unicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:warUnicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:unicorn", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.845181] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Aeris(core:rampart) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.845181] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 31, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:silverPegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:silverPegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pegasus", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.846182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Piquedram(core:tower) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.846182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 32, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:stoneGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:obsidianGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:stoneGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:obsidianGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:stoneGargoyle", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.846182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Thane(core:tower) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.846182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 33, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:genie", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.846182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Josephine(core:tower) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.847182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 34, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ironGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:stoneGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ironGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:stoneGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ironGolem", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.847182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Torosar (core:tower) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.847182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 36, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.847182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Fafner(core:tower) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.848182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 37, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:naga", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:nagaQueen", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:naga", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:nagaQueen", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:naga", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.848182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Iona(core:tower) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.848182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 39, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:genie", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.848182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Theodorus(core:tower) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.848182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 44, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:mage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:archMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:mage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:archMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:mage", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.848182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Fiona(core:inferno) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.849182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 48, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hellHound", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cerberus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hellHound", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cerberus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hellHound", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.849182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Rashka(core:inferno) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.849182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 49, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:efreet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:efreetSultan", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:efreet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:efreetSultan", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:efreet", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.849182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Marius(core:inferno) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.850182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 50, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:demon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hornedDemon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:demon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hornedDemon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:demon", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.850182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Ignatius(core:inferno) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.850182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 51, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:imp", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:familiar", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:imp", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:familiar", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:imp", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.850182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Calh(core:inferno) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.851182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 53, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:magog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:magog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gog", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.851182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Pyre(core:inferno) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.851182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 54, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.851182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Nymus(core:inferno) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.851182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 55, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pitFiend", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pitLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pitFiend", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pitLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:pitFiend", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.851182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Straker(core:necropolis) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.852182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 64, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:walkingDead", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:zombieLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:walkingDead", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:zombieLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:walkingDead", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.852182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Vokial(core:necropolis) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.852182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 65, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:vampire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:vampireLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:vampire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:vampireLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:vampire", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.852182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Moandor(core:necropolis) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.853182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 66, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:powerLich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:powerLich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lich", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.853182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Charna(core:necropolis) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.853182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 67, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wraith", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wraith", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wight", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.853182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Tamika(core:necropolis) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.854182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 68, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:blackKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dreadKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:blackKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:dreadKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:blackKnight", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.854182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Galthran(core:necropolis) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.854182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 71, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:skeleton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:skeletonWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:skeleton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:skeletonWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:skeleton", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.854182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Lorelei(core:dungeon) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.855182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 80, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:harpy", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:harpyHag", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:harpy", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:harpyHag", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:harpy", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.855182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Arlach(core:dungeon) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.855182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 81, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.855182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Dace(core:dungeon) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.856182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 82, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:minotaur", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:minotaurKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:minotaur", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:minotaurKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:minotaur", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.856182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Ajit(core:dungeon) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.856182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 83, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:beholder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:evilEye", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:beholder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:evilEye", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:beholder", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.856182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Synca(core:dungeon) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.856182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 86, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:manticore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:scorpicore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:manticore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:scorpicore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:manticore", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.857182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Shakti(core:dungeon) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.857182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 87, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:troglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:infernalTroglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:troglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:infernalTroglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:troglodyte", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.857182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Yog(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.857182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 96, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cyclop", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cyclopKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 17, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cyclop", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cyclopKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:cyclop", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.857182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Gurnisson(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.858182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 97, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.858182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Jabarkas(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.858182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 98, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:orc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:orcChieftain", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:orc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:orcChieftain", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:orc", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.858182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Shiva(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.859182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 99, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:roc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:thunderbird", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:roc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:thunderbird", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:roc", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.859182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Gretchin(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.859182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 100, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:goblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hobgoblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:goblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hobgoblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:goblin", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.859182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Krellion(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.859182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 101, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.859182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Tyraxor(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.860182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 103, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:goblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hobgoblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:goblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:hobgoblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:goblinWolfRider", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.860182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Vey(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.860182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 105, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.860182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Bron(core:fortress) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.861182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 112, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:basilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:greaterBasilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:basilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:greaterBasilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:basilisk", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.861182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Drakon(core:fortress) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.861182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 113, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gnoll", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gnollMarauder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gnoll", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gnollMarauder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gnoll", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.861182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Wystan(core:fortress) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.862182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 114, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lizardman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lizardWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lizardman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lizardWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:lizardman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.862182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Alkin(core:fortress) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.862182] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 116, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:mightyGorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:mightyGorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:gorgon", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.862182] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Korbac(core:fortress) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.863183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 117, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:serpentFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:fireDragonFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:serpentFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:fireDragonFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:serpentFly", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.863183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Gerwulf(core:fortress) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.863183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 118, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.863183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Broghild(core:fortress) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.863183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 119, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wyvern", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wyvernMonarch", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wyvern", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wyvernMonarch", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:wyvern", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.863183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Catherine(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.864183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 146, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.864183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Roland(core:castle) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.864183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 152, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:swordsman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.864183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Boragus(core:stronghold) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.865183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 154, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "core:ogre", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.865183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Pauline(asylum-town:asylum) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.865183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 157, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:shadowhunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:phantomhunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:shadowhunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:phantomhunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:shadowhunter", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.866183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Harker(asylum-town:asylum) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.866183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 158, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:darksquire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:darkguard", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:darksquire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:darkguard", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:darksquire", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.866183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Sister Elisa(asylum-town:asylum) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.867183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 159, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:winddancer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:shadowdancer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:winddancer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:shadowdancer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:winddancer", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.867183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Renner(asylum-town:asylum) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.867183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 160, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:sadphanton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:sorrowphanton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:sadphanton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:sorrowphanton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:sadphanton", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.867183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Judith(asylum-town:asylum) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.868183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 161, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:spiritcrus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:soulcrus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:spiritcrus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:soulcrus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:spiritcrus", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.868183] DEBUG mod - Converting specialty format for hero Stacia(asylum-town:asylum) [2023-May-15 11:27:39.868183] TRACE mod - "specialty" : { "base" : { "duration" : [ "PERMANENT" ], "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "sourceID" : 162, "sourceType" : "HERO_SPECIAL", "targetSourceType" : "ARTIFACT" }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:asnightmare", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:shadowmare", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:asnightmare", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 17, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:shadowmare", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 19, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum-town:asnightmare", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } [2023-May-15 11:27:39.870183] INFO mod - Handlers post-load finalization: 31 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:39.870183] INFO mod - All game content loaded in 1128 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:39.871183] INFO global - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 1159 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:40.126198] TRACE global - loading .\config\fonts.json [2023-May-15 11:27:40.142198] TRACE global - loading .\config\NEUTRAL.PAL [2023-May-15 11:27:40.143199] TRACE global - loading .\config\battles_graphics.json [2023-May-15 11:27:40.145199] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\battles_graphics.json [2023-May-15 11:27:40.145199] TRACE global - loading .\config\ERMU_to_picture.json [2023-May-15 11:27:40.152199] INFO global - Screen handler: 27 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:40.155199] INFO global - Message handler: 3 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:40.156199] INFO global - Initialization of VCMI (together): 2498 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:40.156199] TRACE global - loading .\config\campaignSets.json [2023-May-15 11:27:40.156199] TRACE global - loading .\config\mainmenu.json [2023-May-15 11:27:40.196202] TRACE global - Loading music file Music/MainMenu [2023-May-15 11:27:40.196202] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mp3\MAINMENU.MP3 [2023-May-15 11:27:40.197202] TRACE global - Playing music file Music/MainMenu [2023-May-15 11:27:40.910242] TRACE global - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache [2023-May-15 11:27:40.972246] TRACE animation - Button clicked at 620x10 [2023-May-15 11:27:40.973246] TRACE animation - Parent is10CMenuEntry at 80x0 [2023-May-15 11:27:40.973246] TRACE animation - Parent is10CTabbedInt at 80x0 [2023-May-15 11:27:40.973246] TRACE animation - Parent is11CMenuScreen at 80x0 [2023-May-15 11:27:41.310265] TRACE global - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache [2023-May-15 11:27:41.373269] TRACE animation - Button clicked at 625x4 [2023-May-15 11:27:41.373269] TRACE animation - Parent is10CMenuEntry at 80x0 [2023-May-15 11:27:41.373269] TRACE animation - Parent is10CTabbedInt at 80x0 [2023-May-15 11:27:41.373269] TRACE animation - Parent is11CMenuScreen at 80x0 [2023-May-15 11:27:41.378269] INFO network - Found endpoints: [2023-May-15 11:27:41.380269] INFO network - 0: [2023-May-15 11:27:41.380269] INFO network - Trying connection to [2023-May-15 11:27:42.381327] TRACE network - Setting up thread calling server: 1003 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:42.382327] INFO global - Server command line: .\VCMI_server.exe --port=3030 --run-by-client --uuid=dd1a7bf9-553b-46cf-a881-b491a46cdca5 --enable-shm > "C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\server_log.txt" [2023-May-15 11:27:44.404442] TRACE network - Waiting for server: 2023 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:44.404442] INFO network - Establishing connection... [2023-May-15 11:27:44.404442] INFO network - Found endpoints: [2023-May-15 11:27:44.404442] INFO network - 0: [2023-May-15 11:27:44.405442] INFO network - Trying connection to [2023-May-15 11:27:44.467446] INFO network - Established connection with VCMI 1.2.1 (server). UUID: 6a9a8b4e-25b7-46c3-8e9c-e4a6809a4906 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.467446] TRACE network - Connecting to the server: 63 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:44.467446] TRACE network - Sending a pack of type 20LobbyClientConnected [2023-May-15 11:27:44.477446] ERROR global - SDL_UpperBlit failed! Surfaces must not be locked during blit [2023-May-15 11:27:44.477446] ERROR global - SDL_UpperBlit failed! Surfaces must not be locked during blit [2023-May-15 11:27:44.477446] ERROR global - SDL_UpperBlit failed! Surfaces must not be locked during blit [2023-May-15 11:27:44.518449] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 20LobbyClientConnected [2023-May-15 11:27:44.518449] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 20LobbyClientConnected [2023-May-15 11:27:44.689459] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\ScSelC.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.689459] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\mapFormatIcons\vcmi1.png [2023-May-15 11:27:44.696459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\config\widgets\randomMapTab.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.697459] DEBUG global - Building configurable interface object [2023-May-15 11:27:44.697459] DEBUG global - Read variable named defaultTemplate [2023-May-15 11:27:44.697459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name background [2023-May-15 11:27:44.697459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.697459] DEBUG global - Building widget CPicture [2023-May-15 11:27:44.698459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.698459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanMapBk_new.bmp [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name labelHeadlineBig [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Building widget CLabel [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Reading font [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Reading text alignment [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Reading color [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: core.genrltxt.738 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name __widget_0 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.699459] DEBUG global - Building widget CPicture [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RmgTTBk.bmp [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name templateButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] DEBUG global - Building widget CButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\DrDoCoBk.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.700459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\DrDoCoBk.bmp [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget CLabel [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading font [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading text alignment [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading color [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: vcmi.randomMapTab.widgets.defaultTemplate [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name labelMapSize [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget CLabel [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading font [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading text alignment [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading color [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: vcmi.randomMapTab.widgets.templateLabel [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name groupMapSize [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleGroup [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.701459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanSizS.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanSizM.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanSizL.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.702459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanSizX.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanSizHG.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.703459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanSizXH.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\RanSizGT.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name buttonTwoLevels [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.704459] DEBUG global - Building widget with name groupMaxPlayers [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleGroup [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.705459] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.706460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.707460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name groupCompOnlyPlayers [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleGroup [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.708460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.709460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.710460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name __widget_1 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Building widget CButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\HWBUT2.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Building widget CLabel [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Reading font [2023-May-15 11:27:44.711460] DEBUG global - Reading text alignment [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Uknown text alignment attribute [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Reading color [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: vcmi.randomMapTab.widgets.teamAlignmentsButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name dirtRoad [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedRmg\content\sprites\ChkBlue.def [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name __widget_2 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Building widget CShowableAnim [2023-May-15 11:27:44.712460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.713460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name gravelRoad [2023-May-15 11:27:44.713460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.713460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.713460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.713460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.713460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name __widget_3 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.713460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Building widget CShowableAnim [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name cobblestoneRoad [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name __widget_4 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Building widget CShowableAnim [2023-May-15 11:27:44.714460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name groupWaterContent [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleGroup [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.715460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.716460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name groupMonsterStrength [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleGroup [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.717460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.718460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Building widget CToggleButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name buttonShowRandomMaps [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Building widget CButton [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text [2023-May-15 11:27:44.719460] DEBUG global - Reading hint text (help) from generaltext [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Building widget with name __widget_5 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Building widget from config [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Building widget CLabelGroup [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading font [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading text alignment [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading color [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: core.genrltxt.753 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: core.genrltxt.755 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: vcmi.randomMapTab.widgets.teamAlignmentsLabel [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: vcmi.randomMapTab.widgets.roadTypesLabel [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: core.genrltxt.757 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading point [2023-May-15 11:27:44.720460] DEBUG global - Reading text from translations by key: core.genrltxt.758 [2023-May-15 11:27:44.736461] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.736461] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.760463] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.760463] TRACE network - Sending a pack of type 18LobbySetDifficulty [2023-May-15 11:27:44.764463] DEBUG global - Parsing 206 maps [2023-May-15 11:27:44.764463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Step by Step.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.765463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Peaceful Ending - Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.765463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Middletown.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.766463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Race for the Town.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.766463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Darwin's Prize(Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.766463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Trial of Flame.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.767463] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] TRIAL OF FLAME is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.767463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Rumble in the Bogs.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.767463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Shadow Valleys.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.768463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Monk's Retreat.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.768463] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 18LobbySetDifficulty [2023-May-15 11:27:44.768463] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 18LobbySetDifficulty [2023-May-15 11:27:44.768463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Loss of Innocence.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.769463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Gambit.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.769463] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] GAMBIT is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.769463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Thousand Islands (allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.769463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Pestilence Lake Allies.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.770463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Good to Go.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.770463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Glorious Days.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.771463] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] GLORIOUS DAYS is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.771463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Rumble in the BogsA.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.771463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Sangraal's Thief Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.772463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Sands of Blood.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.772463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\South of Hell (Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.772463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Island of Fire.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.773463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\A Viking We Shall Go.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.773463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\South of Hell.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.774463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Pirates.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.774463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Serpents Treasure.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.774463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Time's Up.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.775463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Peacemaker.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.775463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Peaceful Ending.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.776464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Divide et impera Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.776464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA ALLIED is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.776464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Reclamation Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.776464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Gelea's Champions.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.777464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Perfect Equality.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.777464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] PERFECT EQUALITY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.777464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\When Dragons Clash.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.778464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Island King Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.778464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Merchant Princes Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.778464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Marshland Menace.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.779464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Back For Revenge - Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.779464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Kingdom for sale.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.780464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Tovar's Fortress.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.780464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Brave New World.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.781464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\WarlordsA.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.781464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] With Sword and Fire.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.781464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] WITH SWORD AND FIRE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.782464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\All for One.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.782464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Resource War.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.782464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Blazing Archipelago.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.783464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] BLAZING ARCHIPELAGO is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.783464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Valleys of War.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.783464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Crimson and CloverA.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.784464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Sangraal's Thief.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.784464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dawn of War.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.784464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Bay of Broken Ships.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.785464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] BAY OF BROKEN SHIPS is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.785464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Golems Aplenty Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.785464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Daggerwin Valley.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.786464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] DAGGERWIN VALLEY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.786464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Pirate's Utopia.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.786464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] PIRATE'S UTOPIA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.786464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Terrible Rumor.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.787464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Twins.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.787464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Emerald IslesA.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.788464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Southern Cross.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.788464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] When Seas Were Deeper.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.788464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] WHEN SEAS WERE DEEPER is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.788464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Carpe Jugulum.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.789464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] CARPE JUGULUM is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.789464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Gelea's Champions (Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.789464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\The Battle of Daeyan's Ford.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.790464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] A Cold Day in Hell.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.790464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] A COLD DAY IN HELL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.790464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Gold Rush.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.791464] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] GOLD RUSH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.791464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Ascension.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.791464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Last Chance Allies.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.792464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Tale of two lands.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.792464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\For Sale.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.792464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Emerald Isles.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.793465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Fort Noxis.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.793465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\The Newcomers.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.794465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dead and Buried.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.794465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Buried Treasure.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.794465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Brave New World(Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.795465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dwarven Gold.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.795465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Island of Dust.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.796465] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] ISLAND OF DUST is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.796465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Search for the Grail.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.796465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Arrogance.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.796465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\And One for All.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.797465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Heroes of Might not Magic.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.797465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Beware of Demons!.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.798465] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] BEWARE OF DEMONS! is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.798465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Overthrow Thy Neighbors.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.798465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Divided LoyaltiesA.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.799465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Ready or Not.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.799465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Darwin's Prize.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.799465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Jihad.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.800465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Unholy Quest.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.800465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\Maps\Untitled.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.800465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Broken Compass.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.801465] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] BROKEN COMPASS is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.801465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Carpe Diem.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.801465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Land of Titans.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.802465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Gorlam's Tentacle Swampland.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.802465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Monk's Retreat Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.802465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dragon Pass (Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.803465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\The Gauntlet.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.803465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Pestilence Lake.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.804465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Treasure Hunt.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.804465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Myth and Legend.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.804465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\The Five Rings.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.805465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Maelstrom.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.805465] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] MAELSTROM is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.805465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Hatchet Axe and Saw.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.806465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Golems Aplenty.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.806465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] From the Depths of Hell.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.806465] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.806465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Caught in the Middle.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.807465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Terra Incognita.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.807465] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] TERRA INCOGNITA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.807465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dwarven Tunnels.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.808465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Good Witch, Bad Witch.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.808465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Divided Loyalties.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.808465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Pandora's Box .h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.809465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Kingdom for sale(allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.809465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Xathras Prize.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.810465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Mysterious Ways.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.810465] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] MYSTERIOUS WAYS is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.810465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Goblins in the Pantry.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.811466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Irrational Hostility.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.811466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Before the Storm.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.811466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] BEFORE THE STORM is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.811466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Divide et impera.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.812466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.812466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Meeting in Muzgob(Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.812466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\A Warm and Familiar Place.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.813466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Dead Man's Tales.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.813466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] DEAD MAN'S TALES is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.813466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Battle of the Sexes.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.814466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Race for Ardintinny.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.814466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Meeting in Muzgob.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.814466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Crimson and Clover.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.815466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Scorched Earth.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.815466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] SCORCHED EARTH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.815466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Face To Face.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.816466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] FACE TO FACE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.816466] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Maps\VCMI_Tests_2011b.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.816466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Faeries.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.816466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Just A Visit.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.817466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Captive.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.817466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] CAPTIVE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.817466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Chasing a Dream.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.818466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Strait of Storms - Invasion.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.818466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] STRAIT OF STORMS - INVASION is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.818466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Gargantoth.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.819466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] GARGANTOTH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.819466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Barbarian BreakoutA.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.819466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Undead Unrest.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.820466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Rediscovery.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.820466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Rebellion.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.820466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Too Many Monsters.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.820466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Marsh.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.821466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] MARSH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.821466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\The Mandate of Heaven.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.821466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Hoard.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.822466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Fortune Favors Fools.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.822466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] FORTUNE FAVORS FOOLS is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.822466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Unexpected Inheritance.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.823466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Thousand Islands.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.823466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] The Alliance.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.823466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] THE ALLIANCE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.824466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Warlords.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.824466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Tale of two lands (Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.824466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Realm of Chaos.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.825466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] King of the Hill.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.825466] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] KING OF THE HILL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.825466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Rise of the Phoenix Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.826466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Last Chance.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.826466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Step by Step (Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.826466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dragon Pass.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.827466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Land of Titans (Allied).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.827466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Reclamation.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.828467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Judgement Day.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.828467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] In Defense.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.828467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] IN DEFENSE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.828467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\King of Pain.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.829467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Hold the middle.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.829467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Rise of the Phoenix.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.829467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Adventures of Jared Haret.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.830467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Challenge.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.830467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] CHALLENGE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.830467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Key to Victory.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.831467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Realm of ChaosA.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.831467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\The Great Race.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.832467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Island King.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.832467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Loss of Innocence(Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.832467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] A New Day Tomorrow.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.833467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] A NEW DAY TOMORROW is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.833467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Free for All.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.833467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Hoard(Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.834467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Elbow Room(Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.834467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\One Bad Day - Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.834467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Deluge.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.835467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Tovar's Fortress (Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.835467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Europe for Heroes.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.835467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] EUROPE FOR HEROES is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.836467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Wings of War.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.836467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Talent Shortage.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.836467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] TALENT SHORTAGE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.836467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Barren Lands.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.837467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] BARREN LANDS is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.837467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dwarven Tunnels(Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.837467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Islands and Caves.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.838467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Upper Kingdom.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.838467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] UPPER KINGDOM is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.838467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dungeon Keeper.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.838467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Vial of Life.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.839467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Barbarian Breakout.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.839467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Avatar - The Last Airbender.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.840467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/AVATAR - THE LAST AIRBENDER is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.840467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Resource War Allies.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.840467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Heroes of Might not Magic Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.841467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Battle of the Sexes Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.841467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Titans Winter.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.841467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Dragon Orb.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.842467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Knight of Darkness.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.842467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Warmongers.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.842467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Noahs Ark.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.843467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Back For Revenge.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.843467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\War of the Mighty (Allies).h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.843467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\The Challenge.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.844467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] The Devil Is in the Detail.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.844467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAIL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.844467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Knee Deep in the Dead.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.845467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Strait of Storms - Skirmish.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.845467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] STRAIT OF STORMS - SKIRMISH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.845467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] Province.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.845467] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] PROVINCE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.846468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Carpe Diem - Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.846468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Elbow Room.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.846468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\[HotA] The Great Wasteland.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.847468] ERROR global - Map MAPS/[HOTA] THE GREAT WASTELAND is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! [2023-May-15 11:27:44.847468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Manifest Destiny.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.847468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Merchant Princes.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.848468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\War of the Mighty.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.848468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Arrogance Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.848468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\A Viking We Shall Go Allied.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.849468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Maps\Freedom.h3m [2023-May-15 11:27:44.855468] TRACE network - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:44.876469] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.876469] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.877469] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:44.877469] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:44.878469] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.878469] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.879469] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 18LobbySetDifficulty [2023-May-15 11:27:44.893470] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.896470] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.896470] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.901471] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.902471] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.904471] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.905471] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.921472] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:44.936473] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:44.938473] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.938473] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.947473] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.947473] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.950473] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:44.951474] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.411500] TRACE network - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:45.421500] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:45.421500] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:45.423501] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:45.423501] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:45.427501] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:45.453502] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:45.455502] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.457503] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.460503] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.461503] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.463503] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.464503] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.467503] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:45.467503] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.078538] TRACE network - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:46.126541] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:46.126541] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:46.128541] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:46.128541] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:46.160543] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 11LobbySetMap [2023-May-15 11:27:46.186544] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState [2023-May-15 11:27:46.189544] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.190544] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.194545] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.195545] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.200545] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.201545] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.205545] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:46.206545] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:47.360611] TRACE global - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache [2023-May-15 11:27:47.460617] TRACE animation - Button clicked at 491x535 [2023-May-15 11:27:47.460617] TRACE animation - Parent is12CLobbyScreen at 80x0 [2023-May-15 11:27:47.460617] TRACE network - Sending a pack of type 14LobbyStartGame [2023-May-15 11:27:48.597682] TRACE network - Received CPack of type 14LobbyStartGame [2023-May-15 11:27:48.597682] TRACE network - Immediately apply on lobby: 14LobbyStartGame [2023-May-15 11:27:48.610683] TRACE network - Apply on lobby from queue: 14LobbyStartGame [2023-May-15 11:27:48.641685] TRACE global - Stopping music file Music/MainMenu at 8.445000 [2023-May-15 11:27:48.642685] TRACE network - Creating gamestate: 0 [2023-May-15 11:27:48.642685] TRACE network - Initializing GameState (together): 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:48.642685] TRACE network - Creating mapHandler: 0 ms [2023-May-15 11:27:48.642685] INFO network - Preparing environment for player red [2023-May-15 11:27:48.642685] INFO network - Preparing environment for player blue [2023-May-15 11:27:48.642685] INFO network - Preparing environment for player tan [2023-May-15 11:27:48.643685] INFO network - Preparing environment for player green [2023-May-15 11:27:48.643685] INFO network - Preparing environment for player unnamed [2023-May-15 11:27:48.643685] INFO network - Preparing interface for player red [2023-May-15 11:27:48.643685] INFO network - Player red will be lead by human [2023-May-15 11:27:48.643685] TRACE global - Human player interface for player red being constructed [2023-May-15 11:27:48.643685] TRACE global - Initializing the interface for player red [2023-May-15 11:27:48.698688] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\sprites\stardust\startTerrian.def [2023-May-15 11:27:48.709689] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\sprites\star river\starRiv.def [2023-May-15 11:27:48.718689] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Data\debug\grid.png [2023-May-15 11:27:48.718689] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Data\debug\visitable.png [2023-May-15 11:27:48.718689] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Data\debug\blocked.png [2023-May-15 11:27:48.719689] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Data\debug\spellRange.png [2023-May-15 11:27:48.734690] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json [2023-May-15 11:27:48.789693] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:48.790693] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:48.790693] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:48.791693] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:48.791693] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json [2023-May-15 11:27:48.792693] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\Data\AdRollvr960.pcx [2023-May-15 11:27:48.794693] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\Data\ZResBar960.pcx [2023-May-15 11:27:48.799694] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Levi\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\Data\AdvMap960x600.pcx [2023-May-15 11:27:48.821695] WARN global - ADVOPT.worldViewGraphic is empty => bitmap not loaded [2023-May-15 11:27:48.821695] WARN global - bgWorldView not defined in resolution config; fallback to VWorld.bmp [2023-May-15 11:27:48.831695] INFO network - Preparing interface for player blue [2023-May-15 11:27:48.831695] INFO network - Player blue will be lead by Nullkiller [2023-May-15 11:27:48.831695] INFO global - Opening Nullkiller [2023-May-15 11:27:53.720975] TRACE global - Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu [2023-May-15 11:27:59.005277] ERROR global - Cannot open dynamic library (.\AI\Nullkiller.dll). Throwing... [2023-May-15 11:27:59.007278] ERROR global - Disaster happened. [2023-May-15 11:27:59.007278] ERROR global - Reason: 0x20474343 - UNKNOWN EXCEPTION at 0033:0x7f,efc,bcb,87d [2023-May-15 11:27:59.009278] ERROR global - Thread ID: 1716 [2023-May-15 11:27:59.021278] ERROR global - Crash info will be put in VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.dmp [2023-May-15 11:27:59.026279] ERROR global - @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [2023-May-15 11:27:59.026279] ERROR ai - @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [2023-May-15 11:27:59.027279] ERROR network - @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@