13:08:56 INFO global [e64] - Creating console 0 13:08:56 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 19 files found 13:08:56 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 36 files found 13:08:56 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 13:08:56 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 16 files found 13:08:56 INFO global [e64] - Initialization: 4 13:08:56 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at config 13:08:56 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 80 files found 13:08:56 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 2 ms. 13:08:56 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod 13:08:56 TRACE global [e64] - .LODArchive loaded, 2491 files found 13:08:56 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 32 ms. 13:08:56 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - .LODArchive loaded, 4908 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 63 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Maps 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Mods 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Mp3 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 57 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - .SNDArchive loaded, 117 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - .SNDArchive loaded, 1014 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 6 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - .LODArchive loaded, 569 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 8 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - .LODArchive loaded, 4013 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 54 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Sprites 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - .VIDArchive loaded, 7 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - .VIDArchive loaded, 31 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 10 files found 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 80 files found 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Data loading: 174 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Mod handler: 2 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Data 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 58 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Maps 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 1 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Sprites 13:08:57 TRACE global [e64] - Filesystem loaded, 15 files found 13:08:57 DEBUG global [e64] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Mod filesystems: 30 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Basic initialization: 211 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 13:08:57 ERROR global [e64] - Error: campaign movies was not found! 13:08:57 ERROR global [e64] - Error: campaign music was not found! 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Loading settings: 227 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - VCMI 0.94f (client) 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - New screen flags: 0 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Initializing screen: 546 13:08:57 INFO global [e64] - Initializing video: 4 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Initializing minors: 0 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Initializing sound: 239 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Initializing screen and sound handling: 241 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type HATE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type KING1 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type KING2 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type KING3 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 13:08:57 TRACE bonus [184] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Bonus type handler: 8 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - General text handler: 13 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Hero handler: 9 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Artifact handler: 2 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Creature handler: 5 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Town handler: 1 13:08:57 TRACE global [184] - Reading cregens 13:08:57 TRACE global [184] - Done loading cregens! 13:08:57 TRACE global [184] - Reading resources prices 13:08:57 TRACE global [184] - Done loading resource prices! 13:08:57 TRACE global [184] - Reading banks configs 13:08:57 TRACE global [184] - Done loading banks configs 13:08:57 INFO global [184] - Object handler: 7 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Def information handler: 156 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Spell handler: 12 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Terrain view pattern handler: 4 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Template handler: 3 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Initializing handlers: 222 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Initializing content handler: 57 ms 13:08:58 TRACE global [184] - Generating checksum for vcmi 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - [68dc11fa] Original game files 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - [52748c52] VCMI essential files 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Parsing mod data: 38 ms 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - [SKIP] Original game files 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - [SKIP] VCMI essential files 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Loading mod data: 33ms 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 TRACE bonus [184] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Resolving identifiers: 21 ms 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Handlers post-load finalization: 11 ms 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - All game content loaded in 163 ms 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 392 13:08:58 INFO global [e6c] - Loading and transforming heroes' flags: 37 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Screen handler: 44 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Main graphics: 86 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Initializing game graphics: 2 13:08:58 INFO global [184] - Message handler: 5 13:08:58 INFO global [e64] - Initialization of VCMI (together): 1507 13:08:58 TRACE global [13cc] - Loading music file Music/MainMenu 13:08:58 TRACE global [13cc] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu 13:08:58 TRACE animation [13cc] - Button clicked at 532x132 13:08:58 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CMenuEntry at 0x0 13:08:58 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CTabbedInt at 0x0 13:08:58 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CMenuScreen at 0x0 13:08:59 TRACE animation [13cc] - Button clicked at 545x8 13:08:59 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CMenuEntry at 0x0 13:08:59 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CTabbedInt at 0x0 13:08:59 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CMenuScreen at 0x0 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Town (Rampart) of Forest Glen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Town (Rampart) of Forest Glen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Town (Rampart) of Forest Glen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Wights #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Breastplate of Petrified Wood type #attached to# Artifact: Breastplate of Petrified Wood 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Skull Helmet 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Cloak of the Undead King type #attached to# Artifact: Cloak of the Undead King 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Amulet of the Undertaker type #attached to# Artifact: Amulet of the Undertaker 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Vampire's Cowl type #attached to# Artifact: Vampire's Cowl 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Dead Man's Boots type #attached to# Artifact: Dead Man's Boots 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Cloak of the Undead King type #attached to# Artifact instance of Amulet of the Undertaker type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Cloak of the Undead King type #attached to# Artifact instance of Vampire's Cowl type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Cloak of the Undead King type #attached to# Artifact instance of Dead Man's Boots type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type #attached to# Artifact: Blackshard of the Dead Knight 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Shield of the Yawning Dead type #attached to# Artifact: Shield of the Yawning Dead 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact: Armor of the Damned 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Rib Cage type #attached to# Artifact: Rib Cage 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Shield of the Yawning Dead type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Rib Cage type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Cloak of the Undead King type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 40 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 40 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Yog #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 50 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 50 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 8 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 8 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 6 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 6 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 1 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 1 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Life type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Life 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Life type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Garniture of Interference type #attached to# Artifact: Garniture of Interference 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Clancy #attached to# Artifact instance of Garniture of Interference type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Clancy #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Clancy #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Clancy #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 30 of Grand Elves #attached to# "Grand Elves" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 30 of Grand Elves #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Charm of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Charm of Mana 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of Charm of Mana type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Stoic Watchman type #attached to# Artifact: Stoic Watchman 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Stoic Watchman type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Yog #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Yog #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 6 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 6 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 20 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Stack of 20 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Hero 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:08:59 TRACE bonus [13cc] - Hero Gem #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE animation [13cc] - Button clicked at 411x535 13:09:02 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CSelectionScreen at 0x0 13:09:02 TRACE global [13cc] - Stoping music file Music/MainMenu 13:09:02 INFO network [16b0] - Loading procedure started! 13:09:02 INFO network [16b0] - Setting up thread calling server: 0 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Loading lib part of game... 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Reading header 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 ERROR global [16b0] - Desync found! Position: 5037 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Rampart) of Forest Glen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Reading options 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Reading handlers 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Reading cregens 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Done loading cregens! 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Reading resources prices 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Done loading resource prices! 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Reading banks configs 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Done loading banks configs 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type HATE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type KING1 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type KING2 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type KING3 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Reading gamestate 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Celestial Necklace of Bliss type #attached to# Artifact: Celestial Necklace of Bliss 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Thunder Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Thunder Helmet 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Lion's Shield of Courage type #attached to# Artifact: Lion's Shield of Courage 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Crown of Dragontooth type #attached to# Artifact: Crown of Dragontooth 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Boots of Polarity type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Polarity 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Boots of Levitation type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Levitation 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Titan's Cuirass type #attached to# Artifact: Titan's Cuirass 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Angel Wings type #attached to# Artifact: Angel Wings 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Titan's Gladius type #attached to# Artifact: Titan's Gladius 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Ambassador's Sash type #attached to# Artifact: Ambassador's Sash 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Ogre's Club of Havoc type #attached to# Artifact: Ogre's Club of Havoc 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Recanter's Cloak type #attached to# Artifact: Recanter's Cloak 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Targ of the Rampaging Ogre type #attached to# Artifact: Targ of the Rampaging Ogre 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Dragon Wing Tabard type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Wing Tabard 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Quiet Eye of the Dragon type #attached to# Artifact: Quiet Eye of the Dragon 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Helm of Chaos type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of Chaos 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane type #attached to# Artifact: Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Bow of Elven Cherrywood type #attached to# Artifact: Bow of Elven Cherrywood 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Cape of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Cape of Conjuring 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Breastplate of Petrified Wood type #attached to# Artifact: Breastplate of Petrified Wood 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Clover of Fortune type #attached to# Artifact: Clover of Fortune 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Garniture of Interference type #attached to# Artifact: Garniture of Interference 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Loins of Legion type #attached to# Artifact: Loins of Legion 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Life type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Life 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Endless Sack of Gold type #attached to# Artifact: Endless Sack of Gold 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Sandals of the Saint type #attached to# Artifact: Sandals of the Saint 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spellbinder's Hat type #attached to# Artifact: Spellbinder's Hat 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Tome of Air Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Air Magic 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Dragon Scale Armor type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Scale Armor 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Sea Captain's Hat type #attached to# Artifact: Sea Captain's Hat 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Sword of Judgement type #attached to# Artifact: Sword of Judgement 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Orb of Vulnerability type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of Vulnerability 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Orb of Inhibition type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of Inhibition 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Speculum type #attached to# Artifact: Speculum 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type #attached to# Artifact: Blackshard of the Dead Knight 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Dragon Scale Shield type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Scale Shield 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Angel Feather Arrows type #attached to# Artifact: Angel Feather Arrows 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Vampire's Cowl type #attached to# Artifact: Vampire's Cowl 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Collar of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Collar of Conjuring 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Sword of Hellfire type #attached to# Artifact: Sword of Hellfire 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Sphere of Permanence type #attached to# Artifact: Sphere of Permanence 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Armor of Wonder type #attached to# Artifact: Armor of Wonder 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Greater Gnoll's Flail type #attached to# Artifact: Greater Gnoll's Flail 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Cards of Prophecy type #attached to# Artifact: Cards of Prophecy 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Dispassion type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Dispassion 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Holiness type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Holiness 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Scales of the Greater Basilisk type #attached to# Artifact: Scales of the Greater Basilisk 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Orb of Tempestuous Fire type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of Tempestuous Fire 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type #attached to# Artifact: Equestrian's Gloves 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Ring of Vitality type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Vitality 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Amulet of the Undertaker type #attached to# Artifact: Amulet of the Undertaker 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 23 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 23 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Adela #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Adela #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Adela #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Unicorns #attached to# "Unicorns" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Unicorns #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cuthbert #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cuthbert #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cuthbert #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Adelaide #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Adelaide #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Adelaide #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ingham #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ingham #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ingham #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sanya #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sanya #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sanya #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Green Dragons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Caitlin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Caitlin #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Caitlin #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Vampire Lords #attached to# "Vampire Lords" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Vampire Lords #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 54 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 54 of Zombies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Wraiths #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 51 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# "Skeleton Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 51 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Black Knights #attached to# "Black Knights" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Black Knights #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Town (unknown) of 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Necropolis) of Shadow Keep #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ufretin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jenova #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jenova #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jenova #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ryland #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ryland #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Hydras #attached to# "Hydras" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Hydras #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 102 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 102 of Familiars #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Magogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Efreet #attached to# "Efreet" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Efreet #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Cerberi #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Holiness type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ivor #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ivor #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Clancy #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Clancy #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Kyrre #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Kyrre #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Uland #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Uland #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Uland #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rissa #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rissa #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rissa #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Evil Eyes #attached to# "Evil Eyes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Evil Eyes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# "Infernal Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Iona #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Iona #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Iona #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Astral #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Astral #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Astral #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Halon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Halon #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Halon #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Serena #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Serena #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Serena #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Serena #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Arch Magi #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Daremyth #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Daremyth #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Daremyth #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Theodorus #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Theodorus #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Theodorus #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Arch Magi #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cyra #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cyra #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cyra #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aine #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aine #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aine #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rashka #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 188 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# "Gnoll Marauders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 188 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 83 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 83 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 9 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# "Greater Basilisks" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 9 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Efreet #attached to# "Efreet" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Efreet #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 29 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 29 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Marius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Marius #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Marius #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ignatius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Octavia #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Calh #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Calh #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Calh #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 56 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 56 of Harpy Hags #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 123 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# "Infernal Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 123 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 32 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 32 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Red Dragons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Black Knights #attached to# "Black Knights" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Black Knights #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nymus #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nymus #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nymus #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 47 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 47 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Devils #attached to# "Devils" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Devils #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ayden #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ayden #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ayden #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Artifact instance of Amulet of the Undertaker type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 33 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 33 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Monks #attached to# "Monks" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Monks #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Axsis #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Axsis #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Axsis #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Olema #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Olema #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Olema #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Straker #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Straker #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 9 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 9 of Pit Lords #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vokial #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vokial #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vokial #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 43 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 43 of Wraiths #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 43 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 43 of Zombies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 56 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# "Skeleton Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 56 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Pit Lords #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Horned Demons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 17 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 17 of Familiars #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Moandor #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Moandor #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Moandor #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 30 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 30 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 19 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 19 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tamika #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tamika #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tamika #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 27 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# "Skeleton Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 27 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Isra #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Isra #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Isra #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 29 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# "Skeleton Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 29 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Zombies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Liches #attached to# "Liches" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Liches #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Clavius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Clavius #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Clavius #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Clavius #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Wraiths #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 31 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# "Skeleton Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 31 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Zombies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Artifact instance of Ring of Vitality type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 24 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 24 of Medusas #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 13 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 13 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Basilisks #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nagash #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nagash #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nagash #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Dace #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Dace #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Dace #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gunnar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gunnar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gunnar #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Minotaurs #attached to# "Minotaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Minotaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Alamar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Alamar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Alamar #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jaegar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jaegar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jaegar #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Malekith #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Malekith #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Malekith #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jeddite #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jeddite #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jeddite #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Geon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Geon #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Deemer #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Deemer #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Deemer #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sephinroth #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sephinroth #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sephinroth #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 22 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Hydras #attached to# "Hydras" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Hydras #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 40 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 40 of Magogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 24 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 24 of Cerberi #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 9 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 9 of Horned Demons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Familiars #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 26 of Evil Eyes #attached to# "Evil Eyes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 26 of Evil Eyes #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 40 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 40 of Harpy Hags #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jabarkas #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jabarkas #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jabarkas #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Archangels #attached to# "Archangels" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - #$# +1 Archangels #propagated to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Archangels #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 25 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 25 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 130 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 130 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Monks #attached to# "Monks" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Monks #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Shiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Garniture of Interference type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Shiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Shiva #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 42 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 42 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gretchin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gretchin #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gretchin #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Krellion #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Krellion #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Krellion #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Pegasi #attached to# "Pegasi" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Pegasi #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 37 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 37 of Cerberi #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 16 of Magogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 58 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 58 of Familiars #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tyraxor #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tyraxor #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tyraxor #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Behemoths #attached to# "Behemoths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Behemoths #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 35 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 35 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 18 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 55 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 55 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ogres #attached to# "Ogres" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ogres #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gird #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gird #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gird #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Imps #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vey #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vey #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vey #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Dessa #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Dessa #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Drakon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Drakon #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Drakon #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Broghild #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Mirlanda #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Mirlanda #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Mirlanda #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Hydras #attached to# "Hydras" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Hydras #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rosic #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rosic #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rosic #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rosic #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Voy #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Voy #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Voy #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Cavaliers #attached to# "Cavaliers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Cavaliers #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Merist #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Merist #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Merist #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Styg #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Styg #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Styg #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Giants #attached to# "Giants" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 2 of Giants #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Andra #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Andra #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Andra #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Rocs #attached to# "Rocs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Rocs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 143 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 143 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Genies #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 57 of Marksmen #attached to# "Marksmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 57 of Marksmen #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 73 of Halberdiers #attached to# "Halberdiers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 73 of Halberdiers #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards #attached to# "Dendroid Guards" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Cavaliers #attached to# "Cavaliers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Cavaliers #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Life type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 6 of Griffins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 20 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Archers #attached to# Hero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sir Mullich #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sir Mullich #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sir Mullich #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Halberdiers #attached to# "Halberdiers" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 39 of Halberdiers #attached to# Town (unknown) of 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Marksmen #attached to# "Marksmen" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 4 of Marksmen #attached to# Town (unknown) of 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Castle) of Whitemoon #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 31 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# "Infernal Troglodytes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 31 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# Town (unknown) of 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 17 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 17 of Harpy Hags #attached to# Town (unknown) of 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Evil Eyes #attached to# "Evil Eyes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Evil Eyes #attached to# Town (unknown) of 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Titans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Angels #attached to# "Angels" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Angels #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Firebirds #attached to# "Firebirds" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Firebirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Firebirds #attached to# "Firebirds" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Firebirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Chaos Hydras #attached to# "Chaos Hydras" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Chaos Hydras #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Phoenixes #attached to# "Phoenixes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Phoenixes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Behemoths #attached to# "Behemoths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Behemoths #attached to# "Behemoths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# "Ancient Behemoths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Behemoths #attached to# "Behemoths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Arch Devils #attached to# "Arch Devils" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Arch Devils #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Bone Dragons #attached to# "Bone Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 14 of Bone Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Firebirds #attached to# "Firebirds" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Firebirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Archangels #attached to# "Archangels" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Archangels #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Titans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Arch Devils #attached to# "Arch Devils" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Arch Devils #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# "Ghost Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Phoenixes #attached to# "Phoenixes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Phoenixes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #attached to# "Archangels" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Titans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Arch Devils #attached to# "Arch Devils" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Arch Devils #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# "Ghost Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Phoenixes #attached to# "Phoenixes" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Phoenixes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 50 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# "Ancient Behemoths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Hydras #attached to# "Hydras" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 15 of Hydras #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Angels #attached to# "Angels" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Angels #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Titans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Giants #attached to# "Giants" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Giants #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 7 of Titans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Titans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Giants #attached to# "Giants" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Giants #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# "Ghost Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Behemoths #attached to# "Behemoths" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 5 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 8 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 12 of Titans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #attached to# "Archangels" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Stack of 3 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Tower) of Athenaeum #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Inferno) of Blackburn #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Stronghold) of Dragonspire #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Town (Fortress) of Mudshire #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Red #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Blue #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Tan #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Green #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Orange #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Purple #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Teal #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Player Pink #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Teal 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - #$# Necromancy Amplifier +10 #propagated to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Moandor #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tamika #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Marius #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ingham #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Calh #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rosic #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gird #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nagash #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gretchin #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Adelaide #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ivor #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Kyrre #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Merist #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Nymus #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Gunnar #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Iona #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jabarkas #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Olema #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Clavius #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Andra #attached to# Player Green 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vokial #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Daremyth #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cuthbert #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Shiva #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Drakon #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Alamar #attached to# Player Red 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Jaegar #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Ayden #attached to# Player Orange 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Tyraxor #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Sir Mullich #attached to# Player Purple 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Axsis #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Vey #attached to# Player Pink 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Halon #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Cyra #attached to# Player Blue 13:09:02 TRACE bonus [16b0] - Hero Isra #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:02 INFO network [16b0] - Loaded common part of save 448 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 16 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Making object rects: 68 13:09:02 INFO network [16b0] - Initing maphandler: 92 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 0 interface. 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Opening VCAI 13:09:02 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded VCAI 13:09:02 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:02 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:02 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 0 13:09:02 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:02 INFO ai [16b0] - FUNCTION_BLOCK VAR_INPUT BankInput: REAL; OurShooters: REAL; OurWalkers: REAL; OurFlyers: REAL; EnemyShooters: REAL; EnemyWalkers: REAL; EnemyFlyers: REAL; OurSpeed: REAL; EnemySpeed: REAL; CastleWalls: REAL; Bank: REAL; strengthRatio: REAL; heroStrength: REAL; turnDistance: REAL; lockedMissionImportance: REAL; END_VAR FUZZIFY BankInput TERM SET := Singleton (0.5); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurShooters TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurWalkers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurFlyers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemyShooters TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemyWalkers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemyFlyers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurSpeed TERM LOW := Shoulder left(3 6.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (5.5 8 10.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(8.5 16); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemySpeed TERM LOW := Shoulder left(3 6.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (5.5 8 10.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(8.5 16); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY CastleWalls TERM NONE := Singleton (0); TERM MEDIUM := Trapezoidal (1 1.3 2.2 2.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(1.9 3); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY Bank TERM FALSE := Singleton (0); TERM TRUE := Singleton (1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY strengthRatio TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 1.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(1.5 4.5); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY heroStrength TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 0.2); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (0.2 0.5 0.8); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(0.5 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY turnDistance TERM SMALL := Shoulder left(0 0.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (0.1 0.45 0.8); TERM LONG := Shoulder right(0.5 3); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY lockedMissionImportance TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 2.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (2 2.5 3); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(2.5 5); END_FUZZIFY VAR_OUTPUT BankDanger: REAL Threat: REAL Value: REAL END_VAR DEFUZZIFY BankDanger TERM Bank0 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); TERM Bank3 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); TERM Bank2 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); TERM Bank1 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); END_DEFUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY Threat TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0.5 1); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (0.8 1 1.2); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(1 1.5); END_DEFUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY Value TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 2.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (2 2.5 3); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(2.5 5); END_DEFUZZIFY Block 0 RULEBLOCK RULE 1: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank0; RULE 2: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank1; RULE 3: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank2; RULE 4: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank3; END_RULEBLOCK Block 1 RULEBLOCK RULE 1: if ( EnemySpeed is LOW and OurShooters is MANY ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 2: if ( EnemyShooters is FEW and OurShooters is MANY ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 3: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and OurSpeed is LOW ) then Threat is HIGH; RULE 4: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and OurSpeed is HIGH ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 5: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and OurWalkers is FEW ) then Threat is somewhat LOW; RULE 6: if ( EnemySpeed is HIGH and OurShooters is MANY ) then Threat is somewhat HIGH; RULE 7: if EnemySpeed is MEDIUM then Threat is MEDIUM; RULE 8: if ( OurShooters is FEW and EnemySpeed is LOW ) then Threat is MEDIUM; RULE 9: if ( OurShooters is MANY and Bank is TRUE ) then Threat is somewhat HIGH; RULE 10: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and Bank is TRUE ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 11: if ( OurWalkers is MANY and CastleWalls is HIGH ) then Threat is very HIGH; RULE 12: if ( ( OurShooters is MANY and OurFlyers is MANY ) and CastleWalls is HIGH ) then Threat is MEDIUM; RULE 13: if ( ( EnemyWalkers is MANY and OurShooters is MANY ) and CastleWalls is MEDIUM ) then Threat is LOW; END_RULEBLOCK Block 2 RULEBLOCK RULE 1: if ( heroStrength is LOW and strengthRatio is HIGH ) then Value is very HIGH; RULE 2: if ( heroStrength is MEDIUM and strengthRatio is HIGH ) then Value is somewhat HIGH; RULE 3: if ( heroStrength is HIGH and strengthRatio is HIGH ) then Value is somewhat LOW; RULE 4: if ( heroStrength is LOW and strengthRatio is LOW ) then Value is very LOW; RULE 5: if ( heroStrength is MEDIUM and strengthRatio is LOW ) then Value is somewhat HIGH; RULE 6: if ( heroStrength is HIGH and strengthRatio is LOW ) then Value is LOW; RULE 7: if lockedMissionImportance is HIGH then Value is very LOW; RULE 8: if lockedMissionImportance is MEDIUM then Value is somewhat LOW; RULE 9: if lockedMissionImportance is LOW then Value is HIGH; RULE 10: if turnDistance is SMALL then Value is HIGH; RULE 11: if turnDistance is MEDIUM then Value is MEDIUM; RULE 12: if turnDistance is LONG then Value is LOW; END_RULEBLOCK END_FUNCTION_BLOCK 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 1 interface. 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Opening VCAI 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded VCAI 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 1 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 2 interface. 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Opening VCAI 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded VCAI 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 2 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 3 interface. 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Opening VCAI 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded VCAI 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 3 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 4 interface. 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Opening VCAI 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded VCAI 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 4 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 5 interface. 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Opening VCAI 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded VCAI 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 5 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 6 interface. 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Human player interface for player 6 being constructed 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 6 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Restored path for hero Hero Gelu leading to 4 35 0 with 2 nodes 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int): Loading player 7 interface. 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Opening VCAI 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded VCAI 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the interface for player 7 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int): version '745'. 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::loadGame(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class CISer &,const int). 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Opening StupidAI 13:09:03 INFO global [16b0] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - CStupidAI [08AFEDB4]: created 13:09:03 TRACE global [16b0] - Initializing the battle interface for player 255 13:09:03 TRACE ai [16b0] - CStupidAI [08AFEDB4]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Loaded client part of save 475 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Establishing connection... 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Found endpoints: 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - 0: 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Trying connection to (0) 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Established connection with VCMI 0.94f (server) 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Connecting to the server: 18 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Server opened savegame properly. 13:09:03 INFO network [16b0] - Sent info to server: 407 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:03 WARN global [ca0] - Warning: IntObject re-activated with mismatching used and active 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=0. 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:03 TRACE global [ca0] - Loading music file Music/Grass.mp3 13:09:03 TRACE global [ca0] - Stoping music file Music/MainMenu 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:03 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:04 TRACE global [1380] - Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu 13:09:04 TRACE global [1380] - Playing music file Music/Grass.mp3 13:09:06 TRACE animation [13cc] - Button clicked at 679x356 13:09:06 TRACE global [13cc] - Player 6 ended his turn. 13:09:06 TRACE network [13cc] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1. 13:09:06 TRACE network [13cc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE global [ca0] - Stoping music file Music/Grass.mp3 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 INFO global [12c4] - Player 0 starting turn 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Striving to goal of type WIN 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal WIN 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal CONQUER 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=2. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 2 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 WARN ai [12c4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=3. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 3 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 WARN ai [12c4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=4. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 4 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 WARN ai [12c4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=5. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 5 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 WARN ai [12c4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=6. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 6 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=7. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 7 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=8. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 8 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=9. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 9 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=10. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 10 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=11. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 11 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=12. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 12 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Choosing abstract goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=13. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 13 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=14. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 14 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=15. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 15 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=16. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 16 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=17. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 17 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (32 34 1) (Charna) (value 2.670) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=18. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 18 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Charna to tile 32 34 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=19. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 19 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=20. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 20 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=21. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 21 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=22. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 22 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=23. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 23 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Mudshire, Fortress'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 135 (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Player Orange 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RazeStructures, data: {CPack: type '505'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '2'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle, data: {CPack: type '108'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Charna #detached from# Player Red 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells, data: {CPack: type '109'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Charna and object Mudshire, Fortress at 34 34 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 135 (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Charna moved from 27 32 1 to 32 34 1. Returning 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Charna visited tile (32 34 1) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=24. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 24 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal RECRUIT HERO 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Trying to realize RECRUIT HERO (value 1.000) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Trying to recruit a hero in Lost Hold at 3 34 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=25. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 25 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroRecruited, data: {CPack: type '515'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Player Red 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Darkstorn #detached from# Player Red 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes, data: {CPack: type '113'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Rissa 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Rissa 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Rissa 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResource, data: {CPack: type '102'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '11665'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=26. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 26 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 WARN ai [12c4] - There is no known way to clear the way to tile (32 34 1) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 34 1) (Charna) decomposition failed: goal was completed as much as possible 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=27. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 27 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (30 29 1) (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (30 29 1) (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=28. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 28 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=29. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 29 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=30. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 30 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (30 29 1) (Jabarkas) (value 2.500) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=31. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 31 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Jabarkas to tile 30 29 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=32. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 32 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=33. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 33 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=34. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 34 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=35. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 35 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=36. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 36 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=37. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 37 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=38. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 38 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Gnoll Hut'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 155 (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Player Pink 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BlockingDialog, data: {CPack: type '2003'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool): text '{Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?', askID '15', soundID '0', selection '0', cancel '1'. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 15 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?. Total queries count: 1 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [2a8] - I'll answer the query 15 giving the choice 1 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [2a8] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=39. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [2a8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [2a8] - Attempted answering query 15 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?. Request id=39. Waiting for results... 13:09:06 TRACE global [2a8] - We'll wait till request 39 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Removing query 15 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?. Total queries count: 0 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Jabarkas and object Gnoll Hut at 30 29 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 155 (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (30 29 1) (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Jabarkas moved from 23 32 1 to 30 29 1. Returning 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (30 29 1) (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Jabarkas visited tile (30 29 1) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Considering goal BUILD 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Trying to realize BUILD (value 1.000) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=40. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 40 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackType, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #detached from# "Troglodytes" 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 39 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# "Infernal Troglodytes" 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=41. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 41 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackType, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# "Harpies" 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 6 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=42. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 42 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures, data: {CPack: type '506'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=43. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 43 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 18 of Evil Eyes #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 39 of Infernal Troglodytes #detached from# Hero Darkstorn 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 18 of Evil Eyes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 39 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=44. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 44 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 31 of Infernal Troglodytes #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 6 of Harpy Hags #detached from# Hero Darkstorn 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 31 of Infernal Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 6 of Harpy Hags #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=45. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 45 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 39 of Infernal Troglodytes #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Infernal Troglodytes" 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=46. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 46 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 6 of Harpy Hags #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 6 of Harpy Hags #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=47. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 47 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 17 of Harpy Hags #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Lost Hold 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpy Hags" 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Mudshire 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=48. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 48 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackType, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 16 of Serpent Flies #detached from# "Serpent Flies" 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 16 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Nymus, MP=1630 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=49. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 49 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=50. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 50 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=51. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 51 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=197 seems nice 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Nymus will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (26 31 1) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=52. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 52 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Nymus to tile 26 31 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=53. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 53 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=54. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 54 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=55. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 55 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 197 (Nymus) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Nymus and object Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Visited) at 26 31 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 197 (Nymus) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (26 31 1) (Nymus) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Nymus moved from 23 31 1 to 26 31 1. Returning 1. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=56. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 56 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=57. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 57 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=58. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 58 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=59. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 59 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=60. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 60 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=61. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 61 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=62. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 62 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=63. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 63 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=64. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 64 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=65. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 65 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=66. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 66 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=67. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 67 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=68. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 68 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=69. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 69 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=70. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 70 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=71. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 71 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=72. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 72 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=73. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 73 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=74. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 74 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=75. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 75 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=76. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 76 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=77. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 77 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=78. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 78 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=79. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 79 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=80. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 80 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=81. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 81 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=82. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 82 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=83. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 83 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=84. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 84 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=85. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 85 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=183 seems nice 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Nymus will try to visit Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) at (34 28 1) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=86. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 86 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Nymus to tile 34 28 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=87. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 87 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=88. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 88 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=89. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 89 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=90. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 90 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (34 28 1) (Nymus) 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - reserved object id=183; address=34126104; name=Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Nymus moved from 26 31 1 to 26 29 1. Returning 0. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Nymus apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 171 ms. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Iona, MP=1560 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=91. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 91 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=92. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 92 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=93. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 93 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=94. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 94 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=176 seems nice 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Iona will try to visit Hill Fort at (17 24 1) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=95. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 95 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Iona to tile 17 24 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=96. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 96 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=97. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 97 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=98. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 98 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=99. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 99 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=100. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 100 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (17 24 1) (Iona) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - reserved object id=176; address=138846408; name=Hill Fort 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Iona moved from 9 32 1 to 12 28 1. Returning 0. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Iona apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 52 ms. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Jabarkas, MP=175 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=101. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 101 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=102. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 102 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=103. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 103 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=104. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 104 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=105. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 105 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=106. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 106 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=107. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 107 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=108. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 108 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=109. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 109 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=110. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 110 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=111. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 111 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=112. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 112 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=113. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 113 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=114. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 114 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=115. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 115 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=116. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 116 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=117. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 117 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=118. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 118 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=119. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 119 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=120. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 120 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=121. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 121 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=122. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 122 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=123. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 123 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=124. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 124 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=125. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 125 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=126. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 126 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=127. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 127 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=128. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 128 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=129. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 129 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=130. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 130 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=131. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 131 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=132. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 132 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=133. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 133 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Jabarkas to tile 30 29 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=134. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 134 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Gnoll Hut'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 155 (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BlockingDialog, data: {CPack: type '2003'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool): text '{Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?', askID '31', soundID '0', selection '0', cancel '1'. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 31 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?. Total queries count: 1 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [550] - I'll answer the query 31 giving the choice 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [550] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=135. 13:09:06 TRACE network [550] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [550] - Attempted answering query 31 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?. Request id=135. Waiting for results... 13:09:06 TRACE global [550] - We'll wait till request 135 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Removing query 31 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Gnoll Hut} Would you like to recruit Gnolls?. Total queries count: 0 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Jabarkas and object Gnoll Hut at 30 29 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 155 (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (30 29 1) (Jabarkas) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Jabarkas moved from 30 29 1 to 30 29 1. Returning 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 105 ms. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Alamar, MP=1560 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=136. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 136 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=137. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 137 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=182 seems nice 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Alamar will try to visit Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited) at (33 29 1) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=138. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 138 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Alamar to tile 33 29 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=139. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 139 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 182 (Alamar) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '2', val '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Alamar and object Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited) at 33 29 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 182 (Alamar) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (33 29 1) (Alamar) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Alamar moved from 32 29 1 to 33 29 1. Returning 1. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=140. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 140 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=141. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 141 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=142. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 142 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=143. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 143 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=144. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 144 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=145. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 145 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=146. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 146 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=147. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 147 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=148. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 148 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=149. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 149 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=150. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 150 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=151. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 151 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=152. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 152 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=153. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 153 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=154. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 154 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=155. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 155 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=156. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 156 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=157. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 157 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=158. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 158 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=159. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 159 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=160. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 160 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=161. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 161 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=162. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 162 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=163. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 163 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=164. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 164 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=165. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 165 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=166. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 166 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=167. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 167 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=168. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 168 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=169. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 169 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Alamar to tile 33 29 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=170. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 170 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited)'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 182 (Alamar) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Alamar and object Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited) at 33 29 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 182 (Alamar) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (33 29 1) (Alamar) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Alamar moved from 33 29 1 to 33 29 1. Returning 1. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 122 ms. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Charna, MP=397 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=171. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 171 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=172. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 172 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=173. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 173 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=196 seems nice 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Charna will try to visit Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) at (28 31 1) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=174. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 174 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Charna to tile 28 31 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=175. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 175 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle, data: {CPack: type '108'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Charna #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Player Red 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (28 31 1) (Charna) 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - reserved object id=196; address=34124376; name=Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Charna moved from 32 34 1 to 31 35 1. Returning 0. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Charna apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:06 TRACE ai [12c4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 21 ms. 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Looking into Darkstorn, MP=1560 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=176. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 176 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=177. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 177 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=178. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 178 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=179. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 179 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=180. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 180 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=181. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 181 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=182. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 182 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=183. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 183 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=184. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 184 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=185. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 185 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=186. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 186 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=187. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 187 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=188. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 188 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=189. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 189 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=190. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 190 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=191. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 191 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=192. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 192 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=193. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 193 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=194. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 194 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=195. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 195 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=196. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 196 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=197. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 197 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=198. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 198 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=199. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 199 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=200. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 200 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=201. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 201 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=202. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 202 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=203. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 203 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=204. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 204 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=205. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 205 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=197 seems nice 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Darkstorn will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (26 31 1) 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=206. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 206 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Moving hero Darkstorn to tile 26 31 1 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=207. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 207 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle, data: {CPack: type '108'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Darkstorn #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:06 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Player Red 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=208. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 208 is answered. 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:06 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=209. 13:09:06 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:06 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 209 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=210. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 210 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=211. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 211 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=212. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 212 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=213. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 213 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=214. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 214 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=215. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 215 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=216. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 216 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=217. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 217 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=218. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 218 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=219. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 219 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE ai [12c4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (26 31 1) (Darkstorn) 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [12c4] - reserved object id=197; address=34123800; name=Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Darkstorn moved from 3 34 1 to 16 31 1. Returning 0. 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Hero Darkstorn apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:07 TRACE ai [12c4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 175 ms. 13:09:07 WARN ai [12c4] - hero Jabarkas has 175 MP left 13:09:07 WARN ai [12c4] - hero Alamar has 1385 MP left 13:09:07 INFO ai [12c4] - Player 0 ends turn 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Resources at the end of turn: [42, 6, 35, 19, 36, 8, 9680, 0] 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - Player 0 ended his turn. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=220. 13:09:07 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 13:09:07 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 220 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 INFO global [12c4] - Player 0 ended turn 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE global [ca0] - Del-ing music file 13:09:07 TRACE global [ca0] - Stoping music file Music/Grass.mp3 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 INFO global [2f8] - Player 1 starting turn 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Striving to goal of type WIN 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal WIN 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal CONQUER 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=221. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 221 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 WARN ai [2f8] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=222. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 222 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE global [1380] - Del-ing music file Music/Grass.mp3 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE global [1380] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE global [1380] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 13:09:07 WARN ai [2f8] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=223. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 223 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 WARN ai [2f8] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=224. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 224 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 WARN ai [2f8] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=225. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 225 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=226. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 226 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=227. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 227 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=228. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 228 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=229. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 229 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=230. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 230 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=231. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 231 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=232. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 232 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 WARN ai [2f8] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=233. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 233 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 WARN ai [2f8] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=234. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 234 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 WARN ai [2f8] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=235. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 235 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=236. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 236 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=237. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 237 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=238. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 238 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=239. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 239 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=240. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 240 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=241. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 241 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=242. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 242 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=243. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 243 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=244. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 244 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=245. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 245 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=246. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 246 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=247. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 247 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=248. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 248 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=249. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 249 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=250. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 250 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=251. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 251 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=252. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 252 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=253. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 253 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=254. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 254 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=255. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 255 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=256. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 256 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=257. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 257 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=258. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 258 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=259. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 259 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=260. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 260 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=261. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 261 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Cuthbert to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=262. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 262 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=263. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 263 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=264. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 264 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=265. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 265 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=266. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 266 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=267. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 267 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=268. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 268 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=269. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 269 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=270. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 270 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=271. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 271 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Shiva to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=272. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 272 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=273. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 273 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=274. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 274 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=275. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 275 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=276. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 276 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=277. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 277 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=278. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 278 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=279. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 279 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=280. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 280 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=281. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 281 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=282. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 282 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=283. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 283 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=284. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 284 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=285. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 285 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=286. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 286 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=287. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 287 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=288. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 288 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=289. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 289 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=290. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 290 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=291. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 291 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=292. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 292 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=293. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 293 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=294. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 294 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=295. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 295 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=296. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 296 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=297. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 297 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Axsis to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=298. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 298 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=299. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 299 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=300. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 300 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=301. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 301 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=302. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 302 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=303. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 303 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=304. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 304 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=305. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 305 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=306. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 306 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=307. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 307 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Cyra to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=308. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 308 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=309. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 309 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=310. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 310 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=311. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 311 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=312. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 312 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=313. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 313 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=314. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 314 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=315. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 315 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=316. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 316 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=317. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 317 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Choosing abstract goal CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=318. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 318 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal GATHER ARMY (Daremyth) 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=319. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 319 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=320. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 320 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=321. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 321 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=322. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 322 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=323. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 323 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=324. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 324 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=325. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 325 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=326. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 326 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=327. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 327 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=328. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 328 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=329. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 329 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=330. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 330 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=331. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 331 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=332. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 332 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=333. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 333 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=334. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 334 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=335. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 335 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=336. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 336 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=337. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 337 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=338. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 338 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=339. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 339 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=340. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 340 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=341. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 341 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=342. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 342 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=343. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 343 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=344. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 344 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=345. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 345 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=346. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 346 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=347. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 347 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=348. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 348 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=349. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 349 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=350. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 350 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=351. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 351 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=352. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 352 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=353. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 353 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=354. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 354 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=355. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 355 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=356. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 356 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=357. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 357 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=358. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 358 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=359. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 359 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=360. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 360 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=361. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 361 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=362. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 362 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal VISIT HERO Daremyth the Wizard (Cyra) 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=363. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 363 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Trying to realize VISIT HERO Daremyth the Wizard (Cyra) (value 4.000) 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=364. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 364 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Cyra to tile 32 9 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=365. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 365 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=366. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 366 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=367. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 367 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=368. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 368 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=369. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 369 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=370. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 370 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=371. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 371 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=372. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 372 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Daremyth the Wizard'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 317 (Cyra) 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog, data: {CPack: type '2005'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 59 - Exchange between heroes Cyra and Daremyth. Total queries count: 1 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=373. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:07 TRACE global [43c] - We'll wait till request 373 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 16 of Arch Magi #detached from# Hero Cyra 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Arch Magi" 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=374. 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:07 TRACE global [43c] - We'll wait till request 374 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Cyra 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Daremyth 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Daremyth 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Cyra 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=375. 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:07 TRACE global [43c] - We'll wait till request 375 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Cyra 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Daremyth 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Daremyth 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Cyra 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=376. 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:07 TRACE global [43c] - We'll wait till request 376 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Cyra 13:09:07 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Daremyth 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE ai [43c] - Completing goal: VISIT HERO Cyra the Wizard 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [43c] - Completing goal: VISIT HERO Daremyth the Wizard 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [43c] - I'll answer the query 59 giving the choice 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=377. 13:09:07 TRACE network [43c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [43c] - Attempted answering query 59 - Exchange between heroes Cyra and Daremyth. Request id=377. Waiting for results... 13:09:07 TRACE global [43c] - We'll wait till request 377 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Removing query 59 - Exchange between heroes Cyra and Daremyth. Total queries count: 0 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (32 9 0) (Cyra) 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Cyra moved from 34 15 0 to 32 10 0. Returning 1. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT HERO Daremyth the Wizard (Cyra) 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - hero Cyra visited hero 317 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=378. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 378 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Daremyth to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=379. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 379 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=380. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 380 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=381. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 381 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Daremyth to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=382. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 382 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (3 4 0) (Daremyth) (value 2.679) 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=383. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 383 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Daremyth to tile 3 4 0 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=384. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 384 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=385. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 385 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=386. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 386 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=387. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 387 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=388. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 388 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=389. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 389 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=390. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 390 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=391. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 391 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=392. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 392 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=393. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 393 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=394. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 394 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=395. 13:09:07 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:07 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 395 is answered. 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:07 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:07 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=396. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 396 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=4; address=136537800; name=Whitemoon, Castle 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Daremyth moved from 32 9 0 to 20 6 0. Returning 0. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=397. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 397 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Daremyth to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=398. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 398 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (3 4 0) (Daremyth) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=399. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 399 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=400. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 400 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Daremyth to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=401. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 401 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (3 4 0) (Daremyth) (value 2.267) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (3 4 0) (Daremyth) (greater goal type was CLEAR WAY TO (3 4 0) (Daremyth)), I will stop. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=402. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 402 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=403. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 403 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Striving to goal of type VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=404. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 404 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Trying to realize VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema) (value 4.000) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=405. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 405 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Olema to tile 30 7 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=406. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 406 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=407. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 407 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=408. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 408 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=409. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 409 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=410. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 410 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=411. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 411 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=412. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 412 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=413. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 413 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=414. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 414 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (30 7 0) (Olema) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=331; address=135866112; name=Axsis the Heretic 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Olema moved from 18 5 0 to 27 7 0. Returning 0. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Striving to goal of type VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=415. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 415 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Trying to realize VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema) (value 4.000) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema) (greater goal type was VISIT HERO Axsis the Heretic (Olema)), I will stop. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - The error message was: Cannot visit target hero: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=416. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 416 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=417. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 417 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Considering goal BUILD 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Trying to realize BUILD (value 1.000) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Looking into Athenaeum 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=418. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 418 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures, data: {CPack: type '506'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 0 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 13:09:08 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 33 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Town (Tower) of Athenaeum 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=419. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 419 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures, data: {CPack: type '506'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 13:09:08 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 7 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Town (Tower) of Athenaeum 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Looking into Cuthbert, MP=1560 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=420. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 420 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=421. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 421 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=422. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 422 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=72 seems nice 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Cuthbert will try to visit Magic Well at (0 4 0) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=423. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 423 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Cuthbert to tile 0 4 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=424. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 424 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=425. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 425 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=426. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 426 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=427. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 427 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=428. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 428 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=429. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 429 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=430. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 430 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=431. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 431 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=432. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 432 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=433. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 433 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (0 4 0) (Cuthbert) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=72; address=138845000; name=Magic Well 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Cuthbert moved from 26 4 0 to 16 6 0. Returning 0. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Cuthbert apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Time of looking for wander destination was 76 ms. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Looking into Shiva, MP=1560 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=434. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 434 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=435. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 435 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=436. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 436 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=437. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 437 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=438. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 438 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=439. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 439 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=440. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 440 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=441. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 441 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=442. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 442 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=443. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 443 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=444. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 444 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=445. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 445 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=446. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 446 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=447. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 447 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=448. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 448 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=449. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 449 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=450. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 450 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=451. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 451 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=452. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 452 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=453. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 453 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=454. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 454 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=455. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 455 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=456. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 456 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=457. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 457 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=458. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 458 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=459. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 459 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=460. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 460 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=461. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 461 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Shiva to visit tile 3 4 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=462. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 462 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=463. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 463 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=464. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 464 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=465. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 465 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=466. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 466 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=467. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 467 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=468. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 468 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=469. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 469 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=470. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 470 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=471. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 471 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=472. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 472 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=473. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 473 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=474. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 474 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=475. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 475 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=476. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 476 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=477. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 477 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=478. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 478 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=479. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 479 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=480. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 480 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=481. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 481 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=482. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 482 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=483. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 483 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Shiva to visit tile 30 20 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=484. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 484 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=485. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 485 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=486. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 486 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=487. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 487 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=488. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 488 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=489. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 489 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=490. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 490 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=491. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 491 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=492. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 492 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=34 seems nice 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Shiva will try to visit Training Grounds at (2 15 0) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=493. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 493 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Shiva to tile 2 15 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=494. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 494 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=495. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 495 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=496. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 496 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=497. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 497 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=498. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 498 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=499. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 499 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=500. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 500 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=501. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 501 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=502. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 502 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=503. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 503 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=504. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 504 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=505. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 505 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=506. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 506 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=507. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 507 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (2 15 0) (Shiva) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=34; address=134929144; name=Training Grounds 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Shiva moved from 9 4 0 to 4 15 0. Returning 0. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Shiva apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Time of looking for wander destination was 256 ms. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Looking into Xsi, MP=1500 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=508. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 508 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=509. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 509 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=49 seems nice 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Xsi will try to visit Hill Fort at (25 17 0) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=510. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 510 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 25 17 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=511. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 511 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=512. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 512 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=513. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 513 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=514. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 514 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=515. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 515 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=516. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 516 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=517. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 517 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=518. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 518 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=519. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 519 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=520. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 520 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=521. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 521 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (25 17 0) (Xsi) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=49; address=138846536; name=Hill Fort 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Xsi moved from 19 7 0 to 25 18 0. Returning 0. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Xsi apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Time of looking for wander destination was 87 ms. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Looking into Axsis, MP=1560 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=522. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 522 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=523. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 523 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=524. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 524 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=58 seems nice 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Axsis will try to visit Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited) at (2 6 0) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=525. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 525 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Axsis to tile 2 6 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=526. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 526 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=527. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 527 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=528. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 528 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=529. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 529 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=530. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 530 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=531. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 531 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=532. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 532 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=533. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 533 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=534. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 534 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (2 6 0) (Axsis) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=58; address=34121064; name=Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Axsis moved from 30 7 0 to 21 3 0. Returning 0. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Axsis apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Time of looking for wander destination was 75 ms. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Looking into Cyra, MP=678 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=535. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 535 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=536. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 536 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=537. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 537 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=538. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 538 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=539. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 539 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=540. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 540 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=541. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 541 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=542. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 542 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=543. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 543 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=544. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 544 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=545. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 545 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=546. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 546 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=547. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 547 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=548. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 548 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=549. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 549 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=550. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 550 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=551. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 551 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=552. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 552 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=553. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 553 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=554. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 554 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=555. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 555 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=556. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 556 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=557. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 557 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=558. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 558 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=559. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 559 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=560. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 560 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=561. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 561 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=562. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 562 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=563. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 563 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=564. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 564 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=565. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 565 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=566. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 566 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=567. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 567 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=568. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 568 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=569. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 569 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=570. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 570 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=571. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 571 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=572. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 572 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=573. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 573 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=574. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 574 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=575. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 575 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=576. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 576 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=577. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 577 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=578. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 578 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=579. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 579 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=580. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 580 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=581. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 581 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=582. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 582 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=583. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 583 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=584. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 584 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=585. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 585 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=586. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 586 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=587. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 587 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=588. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 588 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=589. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 589 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=590. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 590 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=591. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 591 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=592. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 592 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=593. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 593 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=594. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 594 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=595. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 595 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=56 seems nice 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Cyra will try to visit Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited) at (33 6 0) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=596. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 596 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Cyra to tile 33 6 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=597. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 597 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=598. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 598 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=599. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 599 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=600. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 600 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 56 (Cyra) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '2', val '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Cyra and object Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited) at 33 6 0. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 56 (Cyra) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (33 6 0) (Cyra) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Cyra moved from 32 10 0 to 33 6 0. Returning 1. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 3 destinations, object oid=57 seems nice 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Cyra will try to visit Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) at (34 7 0) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=601. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 601 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Cyra to tile 34 7 0 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Cyra and object Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited) at 33 6 0. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 56 (Cyra) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (34 7 0) (Cyra) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=57; address=34125672; name=Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Time of looking for wander destination was 209 ms. 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Cannot use this hero anymore, received exception: Invalid path found! 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Looking into Drakon, MP=1560 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=602. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 602 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=603. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 603 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=64 seems nice 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Drakon will try to visit Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) at (28 3 0) 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=604. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 604 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Drakon to tile 28 3 0 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=605. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 605 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=606. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 606 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 64 (Drakon) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '0', val '1'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Drakon and object Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Visited) at 29 3 0. 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 64 (Drakon) 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (28 3 0) (Drakon) 13:09:08 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Drakon moved from 30 5 0 to 28 3 0. Returning 1. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=607. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 607 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=608. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 608 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=609. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 609 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=610. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 610 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=611. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 611 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=612. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 612 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=613. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 613 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=614. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 614 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=615. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 615 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=616. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 616 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=617. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 617 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=618. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 618 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=619. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 619 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=620. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 620 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=621. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 621 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=622. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 622 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=623. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 623 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=624. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 624 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=625. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 625 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=626. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 626 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=627. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 627 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=628. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 628 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=629. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 629 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=630. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 630 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=631. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 631 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=632. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 632 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=633. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 633 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=634. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 634 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=635. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 635 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=636. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 636 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=637. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 637 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=638. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 638 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=639. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 639 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=640. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 640 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=641. 13:09:08 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:08 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 641 is answered. 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:08 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=642. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 642 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=643. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 643 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=644. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 644 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=645. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 645 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=646. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 646 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=647. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 647 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=648. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 648 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=649. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 649 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=650. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 650 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=651. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 651 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=652. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 652 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=653. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 653 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=654. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 654 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=655. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 655 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [2f8] - It's safe for Drakon to visit tile 30 20 0 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=656. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 656 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=657. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 657 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=658. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 658 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=659. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 659 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=660. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 660 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=661. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 661 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=662. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 662 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=663. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 663 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=664. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 664 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=665. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 665 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=666. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 666 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=65 seems nice 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Drakon will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (26 3 0) 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=667. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 667 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Drakon to tile 26 3 0 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=668. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 668 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=669. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 669 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 65 (Drakon) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [2f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Drakon and object Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Visited) at 26 3 0. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 65 (Drakon) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [2f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (26 3 0) (Drakon) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Drakon moved from 28 3 0 to 26 3 0. Returning 1. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=66 seems nice 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Drakon will try to visit Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) at (7 3 0) 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=670. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 670 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Moving hero Drakon to tile 7 3 0 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=671. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 671 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=672. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 672 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=673. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 673 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=674. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 674 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [2f8] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (7 3 0) (Drakon) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - reserved object id=66; address=34122216; name=Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Drakon moved from 26 3 0 to 22 4 0. Returning 0. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Hero Drakon apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [2f8] - Time of looking for wander destination was 251 ms. 13:09:09 INFO ai [2f8] - Player 1 ends turn 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [2f8] - Resources at the end of turn: [35, 23, 60, 27, 26, 27, 10005, 0] 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - Player 1 ended his turn. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=675. 13:09:09 TRACE network [2f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 13:09:09 TRACE global [2f8] - We'll wait till request 675 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 INFO global [2f8] - Player 1 ended turn 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 INFO global [15bc] - Player 2 starting turn 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Striving to goal of type WIN 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal WIN 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal CONQUER 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=676. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 676 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=677. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 677 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=678. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 678 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=679. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 679 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=680. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 680 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=681. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 681 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=682. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 682 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=683. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 683 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=684. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 684 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=685. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 685 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=686. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 686 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=687. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 687 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=688. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 688 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=689. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 689 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=690. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 690 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=691. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 691 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=692. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 692 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=693. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 693 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=694. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 694 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=695. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 695 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=696. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 696 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=697. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 697 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=698. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 698 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=699. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 699 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=700. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 700 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=701. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 701 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Choosing abstract goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=702. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 702 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=703. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 703 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=704. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 704 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=705. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 705 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=706. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 706 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (32 4 1) (Halon) (value 2.679) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=707. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 707 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Moving hero Halon to tile 32 4 1 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=708. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 708 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=709. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 709 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=710. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 710 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=711. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 711 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=712. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 712 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=713. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 713 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=714. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 714 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=715. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 715 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=716. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 716 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=717. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 717 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=718. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 718 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=719. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 719 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=720. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 720 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=721. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 721 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - reserved object id=208; address=135736216; name=Blackburn, Inferno 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Halon moved from 13 5 1 to 27 6 1. Returning 0. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=722. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 722 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=723. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 723 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (32 4 1) (Halon) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=724. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 724 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=725. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 725 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=726. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 726 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (32 4 1) (Halon) (value 2.267) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (32 4 1) (Halon) (greater goal type was CLEAR WAY TO (32 4 1) (Halon)), I will stop. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=727. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 727 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=728. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 728 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (26 5 1) (Isra) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (26 5 1) (Isra) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=729. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 729 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=730. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 730 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=731. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 731 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (26 5 1) (Isra) (value 2.500) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=732. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 732 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Moving hero Isra to tile 26 5 1 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=733. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 733 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=734. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 734 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=735. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 735 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Hall of Sins'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 250 (Isra) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Player Pink 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BlockingDialog, data: {CPack: type '2003'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool): text '{Hall of Sins} Would you like to recruit Gogs?', askID '159', soundID '0', selection '0', cancel '1'. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 159 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Hall of Sins} Would you like to recruit Gogs?. Total queries count: 1 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15ac] - I'll answer the query 159 giving the choice 1 13:09:09 TRACE network [15ac] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=736. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15ac] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15ac] - Attempted answering query 159 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Hall of Sins} Would you like to recruit Gogs?. Request id=736. Waiting for results... 13:09:09 TRACE global [15ac] - We'll wait till request 736 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct OpenWindow, data: {CPack: type '517'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showRecruitmentDialog(const class CGDwelling *,const class CArmedInstance *,int): level '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showRecruitmentDialog(const class CGDwelling *,const class CArmedInstance *,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Removing query 159 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Hall of Sins} Would you like to recruit Gogs?. Total queries count: 0 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Isra and object Hall of Sins at 27 5 1. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=737. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 737 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures, data: {CPack: type '506'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 35 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Isra 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 250 (Isra) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (26 5 1) (Isra) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Isra moved from 23 3 1 to 26 5 1. Returning 1. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (26 5 1) (Isra) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Isra visited tile (26 5 1) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=738. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 738 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Considering goal BUILD 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Trying to realize BUILD (value 1.000) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Looking into Shadow Keep 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=739. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 739 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackType, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 1 of Black Knights #detached from# "Black Knights" 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 1 of Dread Knights #attached to# "Dread Knights" 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=740. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 740 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackType, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #detached from# "Skeletons" 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 12 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# "Skeleton Warriors" 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=741. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 741 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 51 of Skeleton Warriors #detached from# Hero Mephala 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 16 of Wraiths #detached from# Hero Mephala 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 51 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# Hero Mephala 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 16 of Wraiths #attached to# Hero Mephala 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=742. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 742 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 12 of Skeleton Warriors #detached from# Hero Mephala 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeleton Warriors" 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=743. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 743 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #detached from# Town (Necropolis) of Shadow Keep 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Mephala 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Looking into Aislinn, MP=1716 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=744. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 744 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=745. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 745 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=746. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 746 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=747. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 747 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=748. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 748 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=749. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 749 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=750. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 750 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=751. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 751 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=752. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 752 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=753. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 753 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=754. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 754 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=755. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 755 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=756. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 756 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=757. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 757 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=758. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 758 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=759. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 759 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=760. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 760 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=761. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 761 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=762. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 762 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=763. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 763 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=764. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 764 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=765. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 765 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=766. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 766 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=767. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 767 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=768. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 768 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=769. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 769 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 34 7 1 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=770. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 770 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Visited)'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 181 (Aislinn) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '363'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Visited) at 34 7 1. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 181 (Aislinn) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (34 7 1) (Aislinn) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Aislinn moved from 34 7 1 to 34 7 1. Returning 1. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 88 ms. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Looking into Moandor, MP=1716 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=771. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 771 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=772. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 772 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=773. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 773 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=774. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 774 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=775. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 775 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=776. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 776 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=777. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 777 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=778. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 778 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=779. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 779 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=780. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 780 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=781. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 781 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=782. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 782 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=783. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 783 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=784. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 784 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=785. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 785 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=786. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 786 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=787. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 787 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=788. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 788 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=789. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 789 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=790. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 790 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=791. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 791 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=792. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 792 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=793. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 793 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=794. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 794 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=795. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 795 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=796. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 796 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 70 ms. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Looking into Mephala, MP=1560 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=797. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 797 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=798. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 798 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=161 seems nice 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Mephala will try to visit Manticore Lair at (2 20 1) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=799. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 799 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Moving hero Mephala to tile 2 20 1 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=800. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 800 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle, data: {CPack: type '108'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Mephala #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:09 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Player Tan 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=801. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 801 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=802. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 802 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=803. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 803 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=804. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 804 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=805. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 805 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=806. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 806 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=807. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 807 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=808. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 808 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=809. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 809 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=810. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 810 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=811. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 811 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=812. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 812 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=813. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 813 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (2 20 1) (Mephala) 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - reserved object id=161; address=134929984; name=Manticore Lair 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Mephala moved from 3 4 1 to 3 18 1. Returning 0. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Mephala apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 97 ms. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Looking into Clavius, MP=1560 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=814. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 814 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=815. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 815 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=816. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 816 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=817. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 817 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=818. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 818 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=819. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 819 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=820. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 820 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=821. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 821 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=822. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 822 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=823. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 823 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=824. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 824 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=825. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 825 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=826. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 826 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=827. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 827 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=828. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 828 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=829. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 829 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=830. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 830 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=831. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 831 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=832. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 832 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=833. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 833 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=834. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 834 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=835. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 835 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=836. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 836 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=837. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 837 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=838. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 838 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=839. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 839 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Moving hero Clavius to tile 33 6 1 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=840. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 840 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited)'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 180 (Clavius) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Clavius and object Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited) at 33 6 1. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 180 (Clavius) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (33 6 1) (Clavius) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Clavius moved from 33 6 1 to 33 6 1. Returning 1. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 86 ms. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Looking into Isra, MP=1178 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=841. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 841 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=842. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 842 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=193 seems nice 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Isra will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (10 3 1) 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=843. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 843 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Moving hero Isra to tile 10 3 1 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=844. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 844 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=845. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 845 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=846. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 846 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=847. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 847 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=848. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 848 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=849. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 849 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=850. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 850 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=851. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 851 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=852. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 852 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=853. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 853 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (10 3 1) (Isra) 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - reserved object id=193; address=34122936; name=Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Isra moved from 26 5 1 to 16 3 1. Returning 0. 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Hero Isra apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:09 TRACE ai [15bc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 71 ms. 13:09:09 WARN ai [15bc] - hero Aislinn has 1716 MP left 13:09:09 WARN ai [15bc] - hero Moandor has 1716 MP left 13:09:09 WARN ai [15bc] - hero Clavius has 1560 MP left 13:09:09 INFO ai [15bc] - Player 2 ends turn 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [15bc] - Resources at the end of turn: [33, 13, 48, 12, 7, 7, 9915, 0] 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - Player 2 ended his turn. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=854. 13:09:09 TRACE network [15bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 13:09:09 TRACE global [15bc] - We'll wait till request 854 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 INFO global [15bc] - Player 2 ended turn 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 INFO global [8dc] - Player 3 starting turn 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Striving to goal of type WIN 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Considering goal WIN 13:09:09 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Considering goal CONQUER 13:09:09 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=855. 13:09:09 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 855 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:09 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:09 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=856. 13:09:09 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:09 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 856 is answered. 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:09 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:09 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:09 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=857. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 857 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=858. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 858 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=859. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 859 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=860. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 860 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=861. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 861 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=862. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 862 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=863. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 863 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=864. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 864 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=865. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 865 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=866. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 866 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=867. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 867 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=868. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 868 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Choosing abstract goal CLEAR WAY TO (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=869. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 869 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=870. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 870 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=871. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 871 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=872. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 872 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=873. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 873 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (30 15 0) (Tamika) (value 2.267) 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=874. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 874 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Tamika to tile 30 15 0 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=875. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 875 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=876. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 876 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=877. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 877 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=878. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 878 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=879. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 879 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=880. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 880 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=881. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 881 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=882. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 882 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=883. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 883 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=884. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 884 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=885. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 885 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=886. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 886 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=887. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 887 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - reserved object id=43; address=139100344; name=Golden Pavilion 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Tamika moved from 19 31 0 to 32 28 0. Returning 0. 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=888. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 888 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=889. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 889 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (30 15 0) (Tamika) 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=890. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 890 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=891. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 891 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=892. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 892 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (30 15 0) (Tamika) (value 2.267) 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (30 15 0) (Tamika) (greater goal type was CLEAR WAY TO (30 15 0) (Tamika)), I will stop. 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=893. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 893 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 WARN ai [8dc] - Our heroes don't move anymore, exhaustive decomposition failed 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Considering goal BUILD 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Trying to realize BUILD (value 1.000) 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Looking into Dragonspire 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=894. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 894 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures, data: {CPack: type '506'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 0 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 13:09:10 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 14 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Town (Stronghold) of Dragonspire 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=895. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 895 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures, data: {CPack: type '506'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 0 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 13:09:10 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 4 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Town (Stronghold) of Dragonspire 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::newStackInserted(const struct StackLocation &,const class CStackInstance &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Looking into Crag Hack, MP=1500 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=896. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 896 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=897. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 897 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=898. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 898 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=53 seems nice 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Crag Hack will try to visit Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) at (1 28 0) 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=899. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 899 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Crag Hack to tile 1 28 0 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=900. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 900 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=901. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 901 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=902. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 902 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=903. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 903 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=904. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 904 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=905. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 905 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 53 (Crag Hack) 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '3', val '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '363'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE ai [8dc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Crag Hack and object Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Visited) at 1 28 0. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 53 (Crag Hack) 13:09:10 TRACE ai [8dc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (1 28 0) (Crag Hack) 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Crag Hack moved from 7 29 0 to 1 28 0. Returning 1. 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=0 seems nice 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Crag Hack will try to visit Dragonspire, Stronghold at (32 34 0) 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=906. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 906 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Crag Hack to tile 32 34 0 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=907. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 907 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=908. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 908 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=909. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 909 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=910. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 910 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=911. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 911 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=912. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 912 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=913. 13:09:10 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:10 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 913 is answered. 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:10 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:10 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=914. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 914 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (32 34 0) (Crag Hack) 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - reserved object id=0; address=135736760; name=Dragonspire, Stronghold 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Crag Hack moved from 1 28 0 to 9 29 0. Returning 0. 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Crag Hack apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 819 ms. 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Looking into Gird, MP=1500 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=915. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 915 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=916. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 916 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=917. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 917 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=49 seems nice 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Gird will try to visit Hill Fort at (25 17 0) 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=918. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 918 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Gird to tile 25 17 0 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=919. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 919 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=920. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 920 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=921. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 921 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=922. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 922 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=923. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 923 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=924. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 924 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=925. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 925 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=926. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 926 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=927. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 927 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=928. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 928 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=929. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 929 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=930. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 930 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=931. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 931 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=932. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 932 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=933. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 933 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (25 17 0) (Gird) 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - reserved object id=49; address=138846536; name=Hill Fort 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Gird moved from 6 27 0 to 19 25 0. Returning 0. 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Gird apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 175 ms. 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Looking into Adelaide, MP=1560 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=934. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 934 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=935. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 935 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=936. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 936 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=69 seems nice 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Adelaide will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (10 31 0) 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=937. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 937 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Adelaide to tile 10 31 0 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=938. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 938 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=939. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 939 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=940. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 940 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=941. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 941 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=942. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 942 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=943. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 943 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=944. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 944 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=945. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 945 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 69 (Adelaide) 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Adelaide and object Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Visited) at 10 31 0. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 69 (Adelaide) 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (10 31 0) (Adelaide) 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Adelaide moved from 2 29 0 to 10 31 0. Returning 1. 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=0 seems nice 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Adelaide will try to visit Dragonspire, Stronghold at (32 34 0) 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=946. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 946 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Adelaide to tile 32 34 0 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=947. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 947 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=948. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 948 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=949. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 949 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=950. 13:09:11 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:11 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 950 is answered. 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:11 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:11 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=951. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 951 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (32 34 0) (Adelaide) 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - reserved object id=0; address=135736760; name=Dragonspire, Stronghold 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Adelaide moved from 10 31 0 to 15 31 0. Returning 0. 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Adelaide apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 797 ms. 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Looking into Ivor, MP=1700 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=952. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 952 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=953. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 953 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=0 seems nice 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Ivor will try to visit Dragonspire, Stronghold at (32 34 0) 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=954. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 954 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Ivor to tile 32 34 0 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=955. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 955 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=956. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 956 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=957. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 957 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=958. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 958 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=959. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 959 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=960. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 960 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=961. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 961 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=962. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 962 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=963. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 963 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=964. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 964 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=965. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 965 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=966. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 966 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=967. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 967 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=968. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 968 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (32 34 0) (Ivor) 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - reserved object id=0; address=135736760; name=Dragonspire, Stronghold 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Ivor moved from 30 20 0 to 29 34 0. Returning 0. 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Ivor apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 99 ms. 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Looking into Andra, MP=1560 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=969. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 969 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=970. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 970 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=971. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 971 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=68 seems nice 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Andra will try to visit Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) at (7 31 0) 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=972. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 972 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Andra to tile 7 31 0 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=973. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 973 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=974. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 974 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=975. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 975 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=976. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 976 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=977. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 977 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=978. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 978 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=979. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 979 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=980. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 980 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=981. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 981 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=982. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 982 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=983. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 983 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=984. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 984 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 68 (Andra) 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '0', val '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Andra and object Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Visited) at 8 31 0. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 68 (Andra) 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (7 31 0) (Andra) 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Andra moved from 19 33 0 to 7 31 0. Returning 1. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=985. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 985 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=986. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 986 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=987. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 987 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=988. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 988 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=989. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 989 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=990. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 990 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=991. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 991 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=992. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 992 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=993. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 993 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=994. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 994 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=995. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 995 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=996. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 996 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=997. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 997 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=998. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 998 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=999. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 999 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1000. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1000 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1001. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1001 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1002. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1002 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1003. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1003 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1004. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1004 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1005. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1005 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1006. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1006 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1007. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1007 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1008. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1008 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1009. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1009 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1010. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1010 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1011. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1011 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1012. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1012 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1013. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1013 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1014. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1014 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1015. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1015 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1016. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1016 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1017. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1017 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1018. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1018 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1019. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1019 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1020. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1020 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1021. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1021 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1022. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1022 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1023. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1023 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1024. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1024 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1025. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1025 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1026. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1026 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1027. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1027 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1028. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1028 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=69 seems nice 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Andra will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (10 31 0) 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1029. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1029 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Andra to tile 10 31 0 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1030. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1030 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1031. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1031 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (10 31 0) (Andra) 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - reserved object id=69; address=34123080; name=Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Andra moved from 7 31 0 to 9 32 0. Returning 0. 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Andra apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 767 ms. 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Looking into Yog, MP=1630 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1032. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1032 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1033. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1033 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=54 seems nice 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Yog will try to visit Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited) at (33 29 0) 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1034. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1034 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Yog to tile 33 29 0 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1035. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1035 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1036. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1036 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 54 (Yog) 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '2', val '1'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Yog and object Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited) at 33 29 0. 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 54 (Yog) 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (33 29 0) (Yog) 13:09:12 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Yog moved from 31 31 0 to 33 29 0. Returning 1. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1037. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1037 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1038. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1038 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1039. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1039 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1040. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1040 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1041. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1041 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1042. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1042 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1043. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1043 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1044. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1044 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1045. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:12 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1045 is answered. 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:12 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1046. 13:09:12 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1046 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1047. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1047 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1048. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1048 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1049. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1049 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1050. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1050 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1051. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1051 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1052. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1052 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1053. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1053 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1054. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1054 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1055. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1055 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1056. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1056 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1057. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1057 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1058. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1058 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1059. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1059 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1060. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1060 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1061. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1061 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1062. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1062 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1063. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1063 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1064. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1064 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1065. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1065 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1066. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1066 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1067. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1067 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1068. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1068 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1069. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1069 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1070. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1070 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1071. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1071 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1072. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1072 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1073. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1073 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1074. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1074 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1075. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1075 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1076. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1076 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1077. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1077 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1078. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1078 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1079. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1079 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 5 destinations, object oid=55 seems nice 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Yog will try to visit Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) at (34 28 0) 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1080. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1080 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Yog to tile 34 28 0 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1081. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1081 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1082. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1082 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 55 (Yog) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '3', val '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '363'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [8dc] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Yog and object Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Visited) at 34 28 0. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 55 (Yog) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [8dc] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (34 28 0) (Yog) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Yog moved from 33 29 0 to 34 28 0. Returning 1. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=68 seems nice 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Yog will try to visit Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) at (7 31 0) 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1083. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1083 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Moving hero Yog to tile 7 31 0 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1084. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1084 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1085. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1085 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1086. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1086 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1087. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1087 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1088. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1088 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1089. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1089 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1090. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1090 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1091. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1091 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1092. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1092 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1093. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1093 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [8dc] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (7 31 0) (Yog) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - reserved object id=68; address=34122504; name=Mercenary Camp (+1 attack once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Yog moved from 34 28 0 to 24 31 0. Returning 0. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Hero Yog apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [8dc] - Time of looking for wander destination was 248 ms. 13:09:13 INFO ai [8dc] - Player 3 ends turn 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [8dc] - Resources at the end of turn: [21, 32, 31, 32, 7, 25, 10350, 0] 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - Player 3 ended his turn. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1094. 13:09:13 TRACE network [8dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 13:09:13 TRACE global [8dc] - We'll wait till request 1094 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 INFO global [8dc] - Player 3 ended turn 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 INFO global [11b4] - Player 4 starting turn 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Striving to goal of type WIN 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Considering goal WIN 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Considering goal CONQUER 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1095. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1095 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1096. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1096 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1097. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1097 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1098. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1098 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1099. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1099 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1100. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1100 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1101. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1101 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1102. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1102 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1103. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1103 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1104. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1104 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1105. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1105 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1106. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1106 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1107. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1107 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1108. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1108 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1109. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1109 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1110. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1110 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1111. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1111 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1112. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1112 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1113. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1113 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1114. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1114 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1115. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1115 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1116. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1116 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1117. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1117 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1118. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1118 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1119. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1119 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1120. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1120 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1121. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1121 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1122. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1122 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1123. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1123 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1124. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1124 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1125. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1125 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1126. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1126 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1127. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1127 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1128. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1128 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1129. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1129 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1130. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1130 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Choosing abstract goal CLEAR WAY TO (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1131. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1131 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1132. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1132 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1133. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1133 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1134. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1134 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1135. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1135 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1136. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1136 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (29 20 1) (Ayden) (value 2.679) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1137. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1137 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Moving hero Ayden to tile 29 20 1 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1138. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1138 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1139. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1139 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1140. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1140 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1141. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1141 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - reserved object id=264; address=139215944; name=Wyvern Nest 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Ayden moved from 28 17 1 to 29 21 1. Returning 0. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1142. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1142 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1143. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1143 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (29 20 1) (Ayden) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1144. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1144 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1145. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1145 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1146. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1146 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (29 20 1) (Ayden) (value 2.267) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (29 20 1) (Ayden) (greater goal type was CLEAR WAY TO (29 20 1) (Ayden)), I will stop. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1147. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1147 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 WARN ai [11b4] - Our heroes don't move anymore, exhaustive decomposition failed 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Considering goal BUILD 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Trying to realize BUILD (value 1.000) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Looking into Marius, MP=1716 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1148. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1148 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1149. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1149 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=258 seems nice 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Marius will try to visit Basilisk Pit at (21 30 1) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1150. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1150 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Moving hero Marius to tile 21 30 1 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1151. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1151 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1152. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1152 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1153. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1153 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1154. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1154 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1155. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1155 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1156. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1156 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1157. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1157 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1158. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1158 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (21 30 1) (Marius) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - reserved object id=258; address=139096704; name=Basilisk Pit 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Marius moved from 31 24 1 to 28 20 1. Returning 0. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Marius apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 61 ms. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Looking into Jaegar, MP=1500 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1159. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1159 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1160. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1160 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1161. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1161 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1162. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1162 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1163. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1163 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1164. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1164 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1165. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1165 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1166. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1166 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1167. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1167 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1168. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1168 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1169. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1169 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1170. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1170 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1171. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1171 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1172. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1172 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1173. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1173 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1174. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1174 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1175. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1175 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1176. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1176 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1177. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1177 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1178. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1178 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1179. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1179 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1180. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1180 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1181. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1181 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1182. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1182 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1183. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1183 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1184. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1184 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1185. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1185 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 83 ms. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Looking into Rosic, MP=1560 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1186. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1186 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1187. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1187 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=183 seems nice 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Rosic will try to visit Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) at (34 28 1) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1188. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1188 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Moving hero Rosic to tile 34 28 1 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1189. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1189 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1190. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1190 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1191. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1191 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1192. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1192 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 183 (Rosic) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '3', val '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '363'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Rosic and object Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Visited) at 34 28 1. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 183 (Rosic) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (34 28 1) (Rosic) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Rosic moved from 30 28 1 to 34 28 1. Returning 1. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1193. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1193 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1194. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1194 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1195. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1195 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1196. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1196 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1197. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1197 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1198. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1198 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1199. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1199 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1200. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1200 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1201. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1201 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1202. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1202 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1203. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1203 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1204. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1204 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1205. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1205 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1206. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1206 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1207. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1207 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1208. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1208 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1209. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1209 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1210. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1210 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1211. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1211 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1212. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1212 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1213. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1213 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1214. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1214 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1215. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1215 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1216. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1216 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1217. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1217 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=186 seems nice 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Rosic will try to visit School of Magic (+1 spell power or knowledge for 1000 gold once per hero) (Not visited) at (31 27 1) 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1218. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1218 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Moving hero Rosic to tile 31 27 1 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1219. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1219 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1220. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1220 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1221. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1221 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'School of Magic (+1 spell power or knowledge for 1000 gold once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 186 (Rosic) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BlockingDialog, data: {CPack: type '2003'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool): text '{School of Magic} The tingle of magic fills the air of this school of mystical arts. An acolyte offers to sign you up for the next class for 1000 gold. You will have your choice of increasing your knowledge, or learning to better focus your powers.', askID '311', soundID '298', selection '1', cancel '1'. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 311 - Blocking dialog query with 2 components - {School of Magic} The tingle of magic fills the air of this school of mystical arts. An acolyte offers to sign you up for the next class for 1000 gold. You will have your choice of increasing your knowledge, or learning to better focus your powers.. Total queries count: 1 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [be4] - I'll answer the query 311 giving the choice 2 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [be4] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1222. 13:09:13 TRACE network [be4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [be4] - Attempted answering query 311 - Blocking dialog query with 2 components - {School of Magic} The tingle of magic fills the air of this school of mystical arts. An acolyte offers to sign you up for the next class for 1000 gold. You will have your choice of increasing your knowledge, or learning to better focus your powers.. Request id=1222. Waiting for results... 13:09:13 TRACE global [be4] - We'll wait till request 1222 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResource, data: {CPack: type '102'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '13030'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '3', val '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Removing query 311 - Blocking dialog query with 2 components - {School of Magic} The tingle of magic fills the air of this school of mystical arts. An acolyte offers to sign you up for the next class for 1000 gold. You will have your choice of increasing your knowledge, or learning to better focus your powers.. Total queries count: 0 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Rosic and object School of Magic (+1 spell power or knowledge for 1000 gold once per hero) (Visited) at 31 27 1. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 186 (Rosic) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (31 27 1) (Rosic) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Rosic moved from 34 28 1 to 31 27 1. Returning 1. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1223. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1223 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1224. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1224 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1225. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1225 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1226. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1226 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1227. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1227 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1228. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1228 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1229. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1229 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1230. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1230 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1231. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1231 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1232. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1232 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1233. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1233 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1234. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1234 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1235. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1235 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1236. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1236 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1237. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1237 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1238. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1238 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1239. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1239 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1240. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1240 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1241. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1241 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1242. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1242 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1243. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1243 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1244. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1244 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1245. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1245 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1246. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1246 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1247. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1247 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1248. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1248 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Moving hero Rosic to tile 31 27 1 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1249. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1249 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'School of Magic (+1 spell power or knowledge for 1000 gold once per hero) (Visited)'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 186 (Rosic) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '298'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Rosic and object School of Magic (+1 spell power or knowledge for 1000 gold once per hero) (Visited) at 31 27 1. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 186 (Rosic) 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (31 27 1) (Rosic) 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Rosic moved from 31 27 1 to 31 27 1. Returning 1. 13:09:13 TRACE ai [11b4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 241 ms. 13:09:13 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Looking into Gretchin, MP=1630 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1250. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1250 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1251. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1251 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1252. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1252 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1253. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1253 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1254. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1254 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1255. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1255 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1256. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1256 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1257. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1257 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1258. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1258 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1259. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1259 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1260. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1260 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1261. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1261 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1262. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1262 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1263. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1263 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1264. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1264 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1265. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1265 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1266. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1266 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1267. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1267 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1268. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1268 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1269. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1269 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1270. 13:09:13 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1270 is answered. 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:13 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1271. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1271 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1272. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1272 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1273. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1273 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1274. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1274 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1275. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1275 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Of all 6 destinations, object oid=197 seems nice 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Gretchin will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (26 31 1) 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1276. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1276 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Moving hero Gretchin to tile 26 31 1 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1277. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1277 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1278. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1278 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1279. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1279 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited)'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 197 (Gretchin) 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE ai [11b4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Gretchin and object Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Visited) at 26 31 1. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 197 (Gretchin) 13:09:14 TRACE ai [11b4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (26 31 1) (Gretchin) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Gretchin moved from 29 32 1 to 26 31 1. Returning 1. 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Of all 5 destinations, object oid=183 seems nice 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Gretchin will try to visit Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) at (34 28 1) 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1280. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1280 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Moving hero Gretchin to tile 34 28 1 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1281. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1281 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1282. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1282 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1283. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1283 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1284. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1284 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1285. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1285 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE ai [11b4] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (34 28 1) (Gretchin) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - reserved object id=183; address=34126104; name=Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Gretchin moved from 26 31 1 to 31 30 1. Returning 0. 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Hero Gretchin apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:14 TRACE ai [11b4] - Time of looking for wander destination was 147 ms. 13:09:14 WARN ai [11b4] - hero Jaegar has 1500 MP left 13:09:14 WARN ai [11b4] - hero Rosic has 263 MP left 13:09:14 INFO ai [11b4] - Player 4 ends turn 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [11b4] - Resources at the end of turn: [36, 30, 46, 11, 38, 38, 13030, 0] 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - Player 4 ended his turn. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1286. 13:09:14 TRACE network [11b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 13:09:14 TRACE global [11b4] - We'll wait till request 1286 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 INFO global [11b4] - Player 4 ended turn 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 INFO global [179c] - Player 5 starting turn 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal WIN 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal CONQUER 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1287. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1287 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1288. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1288 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1289. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1289 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1290. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1290 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1291. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1291 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1292. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1292 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1293. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1293 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1294. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1294 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 WARN ai [179c] - Another allied hero stands in our way 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1295. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1295 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1296. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1296 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1297. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1297 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1298. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1298 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1299. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1299 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1300. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1300 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1301. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1301 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1302. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1302 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1303. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1303 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1304. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1304 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1305. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1305 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1306. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1306 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1307. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1307 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1308. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1308 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1309. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1309 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1310. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1310 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1311. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1311 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1312. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1312 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1313. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1313 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1314. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1314 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1315. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1315 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1316. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1316 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Choosing abstract goal CLEAR WAY TO (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1317. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1317 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1318. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1318 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1319. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1319 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1320. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1320 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1321. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1321 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (7 27 0) (Gunnar) (value 2.500) 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1322. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1322 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Moving hero Gunnar to tile 7 27 0 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1323. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1323 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1324. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1324 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1325. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1325 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1326. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1326 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1327. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1327 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1328. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1328 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1329. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1329 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1330. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1330 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1331. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1331 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1332. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1332 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1333. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1333 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1334. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1334 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1335. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1335 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1336. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1336 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1337. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1337 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE ai [179c] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - reserved object id=31; address=134932504; name=Dwarf Cottage 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Hero Gunnar moved from 23 31 0 to 8 30 0. Returning 0. 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal CLEAR WAY TO (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1338. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1338 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1339. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1339 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (7 27 0) (Gunnar) 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1340. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1340 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1341. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1341 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1342. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1342 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Trying to realize VISIT TILE (7 27 0) (Gunnar) (value 2.321) 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (7 27 0) (Gunnar) (greater goal type was CLEAR WAY TO (7 27 0) (Gunnar)), I will stop. 13:09:14 DEBUG ai [179c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1343. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1343 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1344. 13:09:14 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:14 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1344 is answered. 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:14 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1345. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1345 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1346. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1346 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1347. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1347 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1348. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1348 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1349. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1349 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1350. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1350 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1351. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1351 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1352. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1352 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1353. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1353 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1354. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1354 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1355. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1355 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1356. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1356 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1357. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1357 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1358. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1358 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1359. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1359 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1360. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1360 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1361. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1361 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1362. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1362 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1363. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1363 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1364. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1364 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1365. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1365 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1366. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1366 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1367. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1367 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1368. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1368 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1369. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1369 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1370. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1370 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1371. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1371 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1372. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1372 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1373. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1373 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1374. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1374 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1375. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1375 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1376. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1376 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1377. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1377 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1378. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1378 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1379. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1379 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1380. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1380 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1381. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1381 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1382. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1382 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Loynis) 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1383. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1383 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Trying to realize VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Loynis) (value 4.000) 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1384. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1384 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Moving hero Loynis to tile 5 35 0 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1385. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1385 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1386. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1386 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1387. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1387 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1388. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1388 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1389. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1389 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1390. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1390 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1391. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1391 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1392. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1392 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1393. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1393 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1394. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1394 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1395. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1395 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Tiva the Witch'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 283 (Loynis) 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog, data: {CPack: type '2005'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 350 - Exchange between heroes Loynis and Tiva. Total queries count: 1 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1396. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells, data: {CPack: type '109'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [ce4] - We'll wait till request 1396 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 3 of Green Dragons #detached from# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 143 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 3 of Green Dragons #attached to# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 143 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1397. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:15 TRACE global [ce4] - We'll wait till request 1397 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 143 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 15 of Genies #detached from# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 143 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 15 of Genies #attached to# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1398. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:15 TRACE global [ce4] - We'll wait till request 1398 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 15 of Genies #detached from# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 57 of Marksmen #detached from# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 15 of Genies #attached to# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 57 of Marksmen #attached to# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1399. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [ce4] - We'll wait till request 1399 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 57 of Marksmen #detached from# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 73 of Halberdiers #detached from# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 57 of Marksmen #attached to# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 73 of Halberdiers #attached to# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1400. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:15 TRACE global [ce4] - We'll wait till request 1400 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 73 of Halberdiers #detached from# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards #detached from# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 73 of Halberdiers #attached to# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards #attached to# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1401. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [ce4] - We'll wait till request 1401 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards #detached from# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 3 of Cavaliers #detached from# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards #attached to# Hero Tiva 13:09:15 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 3 of Cavaliers #attached to# Hero Loynis 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ce4] - Completing goal: GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [ce4] - I'll answer the query 350 giving the choice 0 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1402. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ce4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [ce4] - Attempted answering query 350 - Exchange between heroes Loynis and Tiva. Request id=1402. Waiting for results... 13:09:15 TRACE global [ce4] - We'll wait till request 1402 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'; obj 'n/a'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Removing query 350 - Exchange between heroes Loynis and Tiva. Total queries count: 0 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE ai [179c] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (5 35 0) (Loynis) 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Hero Loynis moved from 4 24 0 to 6 34 0. Returning 1. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [179c] - Completing goal: VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Loynis) 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - hero Loynis visited hero 283 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1403. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1403 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1404. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1404 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1405. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1405 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1406. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1406 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1407. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1407 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1408. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1408 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1409. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1409 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1410. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1410 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1411. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1411 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1412. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1412 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1413. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1413 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1414. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1414 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1415. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1415 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1416. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1416 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1417. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1417 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1418. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1418 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1419. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1419 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1420. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1420 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1421. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1421 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1422. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1422 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1423. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1423 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1424. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1424 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1425. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1425 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1426. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1426 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1427. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1427 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1428. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1428 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1429. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1429 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1430. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1430 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1431. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1431 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1432. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1432 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1433. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1433 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1434. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1434 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1435. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1435 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1436. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1436 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1437. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1437 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Trying to realize VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) (value 4.000) 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1438. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1438 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 DEBUG ai [179c] - Moving hero Merist to tile 5 35 0 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1439. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1439 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1440. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1440 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1441. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1441 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1442. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1442 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1443. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1443 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1444. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1444 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1445. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1445 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1446. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1446 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1447. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1447 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1448. 13:09:15 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:15 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1448 is answered. 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:15 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:15 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1449. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1449 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1450. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1450 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1451. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1451 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1452. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1452 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1453. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1453 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE ai [179c] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (5 35 0) (Merist) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - reserved object id=283; address=135885576; name=Tiva the Witch 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Hero Merist moved from 5 17 0 to 5 32 0. Returning 0. 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1454. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1454 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1455. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1455 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1456. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1456 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1457. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1457 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1458. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1458 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1459. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1459 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1460. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1460 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1461. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1461 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1462. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1462 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1463. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1463 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1464. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1464 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1465. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1465 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1466. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1466 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1467. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1467 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1468. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1468 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1469. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1469 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1470. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1470 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1471. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1471 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1472. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1472 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1473. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1473 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1474. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1474 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1475. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1475 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1476. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1476 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1477. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1477 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1478. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1478 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1479. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1479 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1480. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1480 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1481. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1481 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1482. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1482 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1483. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1483 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1484. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1484 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1485. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1485 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1486. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1486 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1487. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1487 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1488. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1488 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Trying to realize VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) (value 4.000) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY (Tiva)), I will stop. 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - The error message was: Cannot visit target hero: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1489. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1489 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1490. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1490 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1491. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1491 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal GATHER ARMY (Tiva) 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1492. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1492 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1493. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1493 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1494. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1494 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1495. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1495 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1496. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1496 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1497. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1497 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1498. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1498 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1499. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1499 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1500. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1500 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1501. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1501 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1502. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1502 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1503. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1503 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1504. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1504 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1505. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1505 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1506. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1506 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1507. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1507 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1508. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1508 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1509. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1509 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1510. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1510 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1511. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1511 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1512. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1512 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1513. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1513 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1514. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1514 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1515. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1515 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1516. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1516 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1517. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1517 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1518. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1518 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1519. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1519 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1520. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1520 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1521. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1521 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1522. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1522 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1523. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1523 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1524. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1524 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1525. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1525 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1526. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1526 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Trying to realize VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) (value 4.000) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT HERO Tiva the Witch (Merist) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY (Tiva)), I will stop. 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - The error message was: Cannot visit target hero: hero is out of MPs! 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1527. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1527 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1528. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1528 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1529. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1529 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 WARN ai [179c] - Our heroes don't move anymore, exhaustive decomposition failed 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Considering goal BUILD 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Trying to realize BUILD (value 1.000) 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Looking into Whitemoon 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1530. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1530 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures, data: {CPack: type '506'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Looking into Ingham, MP=1560 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1531. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1531 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1532. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1532 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1533. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1533 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=71 seems nice 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Ingham will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (26 31 0) 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1534. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1534 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 DEBUG ai [179c] - Moving hero Ingham to tile 26 31 0 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1535. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1535 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1536. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1536 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1537. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1537 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1538. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1538 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1539. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1539 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1540. 13:09:16 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:16 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1540 is answered. 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:16 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:16 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1541. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1541 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1542. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1542 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1543. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1543 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1544. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1544 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1545. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1545 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1546. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1546 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1547. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1547 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [179c] - Completing goal: VISIT TILE (26 31 0) (Ingham) 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [179c] - reserved object id=71; address=34123656; name=Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [179c] - Hero Ingham moved from 5 30 0 to 16 31 0. Returning 0. 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [179c] - Hero Ingham apparently used all MPs (0 left) 13:09:17 TRACE ai [179c] - Time of looking for wander destination was 730 ms. 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [179c] - Looking into Tiva, MP=1500 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1548. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1548 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [179c] - It's safe for Tiva to visit tile 3 34 0 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1549. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1549 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1550. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1550 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [179c] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=110 seems nice 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [179c] - Tiva will try to visit Forest Glen, Rampart at (3 34 0) 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1551. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1551 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [179c] - Moving hero Tiva to tile 3 34 0 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1552. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1552 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '0'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1553. 13:09:17 TRACE network [179c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 13:09:17 TRACE global [179c] - We'll wait till request 1553 is answered. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '1', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class std::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'; obj 'Gelu the Ranger'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Completing goal: FIND OBJ 111 (Tiva) 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '0', start '1'. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=1. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 WARN global [ca0] - Catapult doesn't have a base stack! 13:09:17 WARN global [ca0] - Arrow Tower doesn't have a base stack! 13:09:17 WARN global [ca0] - Arrow Tower doesn't have a base stack! 13:09:17 WARN global [ca0] - Arrow Tower doesn't have a base stack! 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStart, data: {CPack: type '3000'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Gelu #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [1]: 15 creatures of Rocs from slot 0 of armyobj=283 #attached to# Stack of 15 of Rocs 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [8]: 3 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 0 of armyobj=111 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [2]: 3 creatures of Green Dragons from slot 1 of armyobj=283 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Green Dragons 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [9]: 3 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 1 of armyobj=111 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 #attached to# Stack of 143 of Centaurs 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [10]: 7 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 2 of armyobj=111 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [4]: 15 creatures of Genies from slot 3 of armyobj=283 #attached to# Stack of 15 of Genies 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [11]: 73 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 #attached to# Stack of 73 of Dwarves 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [5]: 57 creatures of Marksmen from slot 4 of armyobj=283 #attached to# Stack of 57 of Marksmen 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [12]: 55 creatures of Centaurs from slot 4 of armyobj=111 #attached to# Stack of 55 of Centaurs 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 #attached to# Stack of 73 of Halberdiers 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 #attached to# Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Tiva 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #attached to# "Catapults" 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [13]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Gelu 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [13]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #attached to# "Arrow Towers" 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [14]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Gelu 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [14]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #attached to# "Arrow Towers" 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [15]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Gelu 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [15]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #attached to# "Arrow Towers" 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=2. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 13:09:17 INFO global [ca0] - Opening StupidAI 13:09:17 INFO global [ca0] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: created 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStart called 13:09:17 INFO global [ca0] - Opening StupidAI 13:09:17 INFO global [ca0] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: created 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStart called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack, data: {CatapultAttack: attackedParts '[{AttackInfo: destinationTile '130', attackedPart '3', damageDealt '1'}]', attacker '0'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [17e4] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 3 creatures of Green Dragons from slot 1 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [17e4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '2', hex '47'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [17e4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1554. 13:09:17 TRACE network [17e4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [75c] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [8]: 3 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 0 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [75c] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 3 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 0 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [75c] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Shoot', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '2', y '0', hex '2'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [75c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1555. 13:09:17 TRACE network [75c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [174c] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [9]: 3 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 1 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [174c] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [9]: 3 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 1 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [174c] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '9', actionType 'Shoot', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '2', y '0', hex '2'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [174c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1556. 13:09:17 TRACE network [174c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [1200] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 7 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 2 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [1200] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [10]: 7 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 2 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [1200] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '10', actionType 'Shoot', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '2', y '0', hex '2'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [1200] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1557. 13:09:17 TRACE network [1200] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ba8] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 13 creatures of Rocs from slot 0 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [ba8] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '9', y '0', hex '9'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ba8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1558. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ba8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [d68] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [12]: 55 creatures of Centaurs from slot 4 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [d68] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [12]: 55 creatures of Centaurs from slot 4 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [d68] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '12', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '12', y '3', hex '63'}', additionalInfo '47', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [d68] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1559. 13:09:17 TRACE network [d68] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [7c8] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [7c8] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [7c8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1560. 13:09:17 TRACE network [7c8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ce0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 15 creatures of Genies from slot 3 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [ce0] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '7', y '4', hex '75'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ce0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1561. 13:09:17 TRACE network [ce0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [af4] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 57 creatures of Marksmen from slot 4 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [af4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Shoot', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '0', hex '15'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [af4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1562. 13:09:17 TRACE network [af4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [1518] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [1518] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [1518] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1563. 13:09:17 TRACE network [1518] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [17b8] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [11]: 73 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [17b8] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [11]: 73 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [17b8] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Walk', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '4', hex '81'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [17b8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1564. 13:09:17 TRACE network [17b8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [758] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [758] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [758] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1565. 13:09:17 TRACE network [758] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack, data: {CatapultAttack: attackedParts '[{AttackInfo: destinationTile '130', attackedPart '3', damageDealt '2'}]', attacker '0'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [58c] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 3 creatures of Green Dragons from slot 1 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [58c] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'}', additionalInfo '49', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [58c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1566. 13:09:17 TRACE network [58c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [6e4] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 7 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 2 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [6e4] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [10]: 7 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 2 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [6e4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '10', actionType 'Shoot', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '9', y '0', hex '9'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [6e4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1567. 13:09:17 TRACE network [6e4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [1564] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [12]: 27 creatures of Centaurs from slot 4 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [1564] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [12]: 27 creatures of Centaurs from slot 4 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [1564] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '12', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '12', y '2', hex '46'}', additionalInfo '32', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [1564] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1568. 13:09:17 TRACE network [1564] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [12ec] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [12ec] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [12ec] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1569. 13:09:17 TRACE network [12ec] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [9d0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 15 creatures of Genies from slot 3 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [9d0] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '14', y '4', hex '82'}', additionalInfo '100', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [9d0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1570. 13:09:17 TRACE network [9d0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [1198] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 57 creatures of Marksmen from slot 4 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [1198] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Shoot', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '4', hex '81'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [1198] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1571. 13:09:17 TRACE network [1198] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [115c] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [115c] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [115c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1572. 13:09:17 TRACE network [115c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [13a4] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [11]: 70 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [13a4] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [11]: 70 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [13a4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '0', hex '13'}', additionalInfo '32', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [13a4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1573. 13:09:17 TRACE network [13a4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [870] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [870] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [870] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1574. 13:09:17 TRACE network [870] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack, data: {CatapultAttack: attackedParts '[{AttackInfo: destinationTile '29', attackedPart '5', damageDealt '2'}]', attacker '0'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [14b4] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 2 creatures of Green Dragons from slot 1 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [14b4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '0', hex '15'}', additionalInfo '13', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [14b4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1575. 13:09:17 TRACE network [14b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [14bc] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 10 creatures of Rocs from slot 0 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [14bc] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '1', hex '30'}', additionalInfo '13', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [14bc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1576. 13:09:17 TRACE network [14bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [b84] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [b84] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [b84] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1577. 13:09:17 TRACE network [b84] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [13b8] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 15 creatures of Genies from slot 3 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [13b8] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '14', y '1', hex '31'}', additionalInfo '13', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [13b8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1578. 13:09:17 TRACE network [13b8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStackMoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [e2c] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [e2c] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [e2c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1579. 13:09:17 TRACE network [e2c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [4e4] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [11]: 43 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [4e4] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [11]: 43 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [4e4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '0', hex '13'}', additionalInfo '30', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [4e4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1580. 13:09:17 TRACE network [4e4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [1368] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [1368] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [1368] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1581. 13:09:17 TRACE network [1368] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleStacksRemoved, data: {CPack: type '3016'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [13]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [13]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #detached from# "Arrow Towers" 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksRemoved called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksRemoved called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack, data: {CatapultAttack: attackedParts '[{AttackInfo: destinationTile '50', attackedPart '0', damageDealt '2'}]', attacker '0'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [538] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 1 creatures of Green Dragons from slot 1 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [538] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '0', hex '15'}', additionalInfo '13', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [538] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1582. 13:09:17 TRACE network [538] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [5bc] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Rocs from slot 0 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [5bc] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '1', hex '30'}', additionalInfo '13', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [5bc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1583. 13:09:17 TRACE network [5bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [e34] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [e34] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [e34] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1584. 13:09:17 TRACE network [e34] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [13fc] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 15 creatures of Genies from slot 3 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [13fc] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '14', y '1', hex '31'}', additionalInfo '13', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [13fc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1585. 13:09:17 TRACE network [13fc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [12f0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 57 creatures of Marksmen from slot 4 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [12f0] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Shoot', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '0', hex '13'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [12f0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1586. 13:09:17 TRACE network [12f0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [f28] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [f28] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [f28] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1587. 13:09:17 TRACE network [f28] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE global [17dc] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [11]: 8 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE ai [17dc] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [11]: 8 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 13:09:17 TRACE network [17dc] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '0', hex '13'}', additionalInfo '30', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [17dc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1588. 13:09:17 TRACE network [17dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [a08] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [a08] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Defend', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '-1', y '0', hex '-1'}', additionalInfo '-1', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [a08] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1589. 13:09:17 TRACE network [a08] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect, data: {CPack: type '3010'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +20 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 receives a new bonus: +0 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRoundFirst called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleNewRound called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack, data: {CatapultAttack: attackedParts '[{AttackInfo: destinationTile '62', attackedPart '4', damageDealt '1'}]', attacker '0'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleCatapultAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE ai [de8] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 1 creatures of Green Dragons from slot 1 of armyobj=283 13:09:17 TRACE network [de8] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '0', hex '15'}', additionalInfo '13', selectedStack '-1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [de8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1590. 13:09:17 TRACE network [de8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionStarted called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleAttack called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: battleStacksAttacked called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: actionFinished called 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct MoveArtifact, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Gelu #detached from# Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type 13:09:17 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::artifactMoved(const struct ArtifactLocation &,const struct ArtifactLocation &). 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::artifactMoved(const struct ArtifactLocation &,const struct ArtifactLocation &). 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:17 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleResult, data: {CPack: type '3003'} 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=3. 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 13:09:17 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Player 5: I won the Starting battle of Tiva attacking Gelu the Ranger at 3 34 0! 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: battleEnd called 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08D77B74]: destroyed 13:09:17 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08097E6C]: destroyed 13:09:17 TRACE global [ca0] - Loading music file Music/LoseCombat 13:09:17 TRACE global [ca0] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 13:09:19 TRACE global [1380] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 13:09:19 TRACE global [1380] - Playing music file Music/LoseCombat 13:09:19 TRACE animation [13cc] - Button clicked at 549x524 13:09:19 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CBattleResultWindow at 165x19 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Rocs from slot 0 of armyobj=283 #detached from# Stack of 15 of Rocs 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 0 of armyobj=111 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [2]: 1 creatures of Green Dragons from slot 1 of armyobj=283 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Green Dragons 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 1 of armyobj=111 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [3]: 143 creatures of Centaurs from slot 2 of armyobj=283 #detached from# Stack of 143 of Centaurs 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [10]: 0 creatures of Sharpshooters from slot 2 of armyobj=111 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [4]: 15 creatures of Genies from slot 3 of armyobj=283 #detached from# Stack of 15 of Genies 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [11]: 0 creatures of Dwarves from slot 3 of armyobj=111 #detached from# Stack of 73 of Dwarves 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [5]: 57 creatures of Marksmen from slot 4 of armyobj=283 #detached from# Stack of 57 of Marksmen 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [12]: 0 creatures of Centaurs from slot 4 of armyobj=111 #detached from# Stack of 55 of Centaurs 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [6]: 73 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 5 of armyobj=283 #detached from# Stack of 73 of Halberdiers 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Dendroid Guards from slot 6 of armyobj=283 #detached from# Stack of 14 of Dendroid Guards 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #detached from# Hero Tiva 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #detached from# "Catapults" 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [14]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [14]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #detached from# "Arrow Towers" 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [15]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Battle stack [15]: 1 creatures of Arrow Towers from slot 255 #detached from# "Arrow Towers" 13:09:19 WARN bonus [ca0] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Tiva #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Gelu #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '1'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '1'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Sharpshooters" 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 3 of Sharpshooters #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Sharpshooters" 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 7 of Sharpshooters #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Sharpshooters" 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 73 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Stack of 55 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Gelu 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject, data: {CPack: type '500'} 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 13:09:19 TRACE global [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::heroKilled(const class CGHeroInstance *): Hero Gelu killed handler for player 6. 13:09:19 TRACE global [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::heroKilled(const class CGHeroInstance *). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 DEBUG global [ca0] - removing object id=111; address=76020112; name=Gelu the Ranger 13:09:19 TRACE bonus [ca0] - Hero Gelu #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '2595'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '0', val '1'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp, data: {CPack: type '2000'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID): queryID '383'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 383 - Hero Tiva got level 3. Total queries count: 1 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [2d0] - I'll answer the query 383 giving the choice 0 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [2d0] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1591. 13:09:19 TRACE network [2d0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [2d0] - Attempted answering query 383 - Hero Tiva got level 3. Request id=1591. Waiting for results... 13:09:19 TRACE global [2d0] - We'll wait till request 1591 is answered. 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill, data: {CPack: type '106'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int): which '22', val '1'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '3', val '1'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp, data: {CPack: type '2000'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID): queryID '384'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Adding query 384 - Hero Tiva got level 4. Total queries count: 2 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [46c] - I'll answer the query 384 giving the choice 0 13:09:19 TRACE network [46c] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1592. 13:09:19 TRACE network [46c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [46c] - Attempted answering query 384 - Hero Tiva got level 4. Request id=1592. Waiting for results... 13:09:19 TRACE global [46c] - We'll wait till request 1592 is answered. 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Removing query 383 - Hero Tiva got level 3. Total queries count: 1 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill, data: {CPack: type '106'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int): which '15', val '1'. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied, data: {CPack: type '3012'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=0. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE global [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool): player=6, text=The hero, Gelu, has suffered defeat - your quest is over!, is LOCPLINT=1. 13:09:19 TRACE global [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool). 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Listening... 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - received server message of type struct PlayerEndsGame, data: {CPack: type '117'} 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Made first apply on cl 13:09:19 TRACE network [ca0] - Applied on gs 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &): victoryLossCheckResult 'The hero, Gelu, has suffered defeat - your quest is over!'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Player 0: I heard that player  lost. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &): victoryLossCheckResult 'The hero, Gelu, has suffered defeat - your quest is over!'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Player 1: I heard that player  lost. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &): victoryLossCheckResult 'The hero, Gelu, has suffered defeat - your quest is over!'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Player 2: I heard that player  lost. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &): victoryLossCheckResult 'The hero, Gelu, has suffered defeat - your quest is over!'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Player 3: I heard that player  lost. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &): victoryLossCheckResult 'The hero, Gelu, has suffered defeat - your quest is over!'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Player 4: I heard that player  lost. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &). 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &): victoryLossCheckResult 'The hero, Gelu, has suffered defeat - your quest is over!'. 13:09:19 DEBUG ai [ca0] - Player 5: I heard that player  lost. 13:09:19 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::gameOver(class PlayerColor,const class EVictoryLossCheckResult &). 13:09:19 TRACE global [ca0] - Entering void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool): player=6, text=You have been eliminated from the game!, is LOCPLINT=1. 13:09:19 TRACE global [ca0] - Leaving void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool). 13:09:20 TRACE animation [13cc] - Button clicked at 368x372 13:09:20 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CInfoWindow at 173x168 13:09:21 TRACE animation [13cc] - Button clicked at 368x320 13:09:21 TRACE animation [13cc] - Parent isclass CInfoWindow at 268x220 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - CStupidAI [08AFEDB4]: destroyed 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE global [ca0] - Human player interface for player 6 being destructed 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE ai [ca0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::~VCAI(void). 13:09:21 TRACE network [ca0] - Made second apply on cl 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Connection has been requested to be closed. 13:09:21 TRACE network [e64] - Sending a request "struct CloseServer". It'll have an ID=1593. 13:09:21 TRACE network [e64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct CloseServer 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Sent closing signal to the server 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Connection handler thread joined 13:09:21 WARN network [e64] - Our socket has been closed. 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Closed connection. 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Ending current game! 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Removed GUI. 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 4 of Archers #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Golems" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Imps #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 19 of Imps #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 20 of Imps #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 18 of Imps #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 18 of Imps #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Ballista type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Orcs" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGPandoraBox #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Pink #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Teal #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Purple #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Orange #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Green #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE ai [179c] - Time of looking for wander destination was 3803 ms. 13:09:21 DEBUG ai [179c] - Cannot use this hero anymore, received exception: boost::thread_resource_error: Была сделана попытка загрузить программу, имеющую неверный формат 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Tan #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 ERROR global [179c] - Disaster happened. 13:09:21 ERROR global [179c] - Reason: 0xc0000005 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 001b:59CB4915 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 ERROR global [179c] - Attempt to read from 0x0000012C 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Blue #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 ERROR global [179c] - Thread ID: 6044 [6044] 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 ERROR global [179c] - Crash info will be put in VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.dmp 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Player Red #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Xyron #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Calh #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Nagash #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Gurnisson #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Thorgrim #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Vokial #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Tyraxor #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Vey #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Loynis #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Ingham #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Tiva #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Kyrre #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Merist #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Rion #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Gunnar #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Sir Mullich #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Marius #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Rosic #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Gretchin #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Jaegar #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Ayden #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Crag Hack #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Tamika #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Gird #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Yog #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Adelaide #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Ivor #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Andra #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 ERROR bonus [e64] - Bonus was duplicated (Necromancy Amplifier +10) at Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 ERROR bonus [e64] - Bonus was duplicated (Necromancy Amplifier +10) at Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - #$#Necromancy Amplifier +10 #is no longer propagated to# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Aislinn #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Moandor #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Clavius #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Halon #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Isra #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Mephala #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Olema #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Daremyth #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Cuthbert #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Shiva #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Drakon #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Xsi #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Axsis #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Cyra #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 WARN bonus [e64] - Warning: an orphaned child! 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Nymus #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Iona #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Jabarkas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Alamar #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Charna #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 TRACE bonus [e64] - Hero Darkstorn #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Deleted mapHandler and gameState. 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Deleted playerInts. 13:09:21 INFO network [e64] - Client stopped. 13:09:21 TRACE global [13cc] - Loading music file Music/MainMenu 13:09:21 TRACE global [13cc] - Stoping music file Music/LoseCombat 13:09:21 INFO network [14dc] - Server closed correctly 13:09:22 TRACE global [1380] - Del-ing music file Music/LoseCombat 13:09:22 TRACE global [1380] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu