16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Creating console 0 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 18 files found 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 35 files found 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 20 files found 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Initialization: 3 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at config 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 79 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 2 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .LODArchive loaded, 2491 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 31 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .LODArchive loaded, 4908 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 57 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Maps 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 11 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Mods 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 11 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Mp3 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 57 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .SNDArchive loaded, 117 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .SNDArchive loaded, 1014 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 5 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .LODArchive loaded, 569 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 7 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .LODArchive loaded, 4013 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 48 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Sprites 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .VIDArchive loaded, 7 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - .VIDArchive loaded, 31 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 21 files found 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 79 files found 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Data loading: 161 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Mod handler: 1 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at mods/ai trace/Content.zip 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at mods/ai trace/Content 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 2 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Data 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 58 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Maps 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 1 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Sprites 16:16:50 TRACE global [151c] - Filesystem loaded, 15 files found 16:16:50 DEBUG global [151c] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Mod filesystems: 27 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Basic initialization: 194 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 16:16:50 ERROR global [151c] - Error: campaign movies was not found! 16:16:50 ERROR global [151c] - Error: campaign music was not found! 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Loading settings: 210 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - VCMI 0.94e (client) 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - New screen flags: 0 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Initializing screen: 550 16:16:50 INFO global [151c] - Initializing video: 3 16:16:50 INFO global [1194] - Initializing minors: 0 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Initializing sound: 192 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Initializing screen and sound handling: 194 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type HATE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type KING1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type KING2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type KING3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Bonus type handler: 7 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - General text handler: 8 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Hero handler: 5 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Artifact handler: 1 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Creature handler: 2 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Town handler: 1 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Reading cregens 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Done loading cregens! 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Reading resources prices 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Done loading resource prices! 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Reading banks configs 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Done loading banks configs 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Object handler: 6 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Def information handler: 143 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Spell handler: 10 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Terrain view pattern handler: 4 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Template handler: 4 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Initializing handlers: 194 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Initializing content handler: 51 ms 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Generating checksum for ai trace 16:16:51 TRACE global [1194] - Generating checksum for vcmi 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - [dbc49830] Original game files 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - [76bc7fad] Adventure AI trace 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - [15d4f682] VCMI essential files 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Parsing mod data: 40 ms 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - [DONE] Original game files 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - [SKIP] Adventure AI trace 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - [SKIP] VCMI essential files 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Loading mod data: 105ms 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 TRACE bonus [1194] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Resolving identifiers: 19 ms 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Handlers post-load finalization: 11 ms 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - All game content loaded in 229 ms 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 432 16:16:51 INFO global [e54] - Loading and transforming heroes' flags: 31 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Screen handler: 35 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Main graphics: 78 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Initializing game graphics: 2 16:16:51 INFO global [1194] - Message handler: 8 16:16:51 INFO global [151c] - Initialization of VCMI (together): 1481 16:16:51 TRACE global [d3c] - Loading music file Music/MainMenu 16:16:51 TRACE global [d3c] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu 16:16:51 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 532x132 16:16:51 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuEntry at 0x0 16:16:51 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CTabbedInt at 0x0 16:16:51 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuScreen at 0x0 16:16:52 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 545x8 16:16:52 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuEntry at 0x0 16:16:52 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CTabbedInt at 0x0 16:16:52 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuScreen at 0x0 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 86 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 86 of Familiars #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 72 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 72 of Magogs #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Town (Inferno) of Hell #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 86 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 86 of Familiars #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 72 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 72 of Magogs #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Town (Inferno) of Hell #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 86 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 86 of Familiars #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 72 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Stack of 72 of Magogs #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:52 TRACE bonus [d3c] - Town (Inferno) of Hell #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:53 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 581x535 16:16:53 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CSelectionScreen at 0x0 16:16:53 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 582x464 16:16:53 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuEntry at 0x0 16:16:53 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CTabbedInt at 0x0 16:16:53 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuScreen at 0x0 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 540x10 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuEntry at 0x0 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CTabbedInt at 0x0 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuScreen at 0x0 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 545x4 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuEntry at 0x0 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CTabbedInt at 0x0 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CMenuScreen at 0x0 16:16:54 DEBUG global [d3c] - Request to patch map maps/arrogance 16:16:54 DEBUG global [d3c] - Request to patch map maps/vcmi_tests_2011b 16:16:54 DEBUG global [d3c] - Request to patch map maps/feudal division2011 16:16:54 DEBUG global [d3c] - Request to patch map maps/long journey sod revised2 337 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 411x80 16:16:54 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CSelectionScreen at 0x0 16:16:56 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 411x535 16:16:56 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CSelectionScreen at 0x0 16:16:56 TRACE global [d3c] - Stoping music file Music/MainMenu 16:16:56 INFO network [12f0] - Setting up thread calling server: 0 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Waiting for server: 624 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Establishing connection... 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Found endpoints: 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - 0: 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Trying connection to (0) 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Established connection with VCMI 0.94e (server) 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Connecting to the server: 19 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Will send info to server... 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Sending/Getting info to/from the server: 188 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Creating gamestate: 5 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Using random seed: 1392819417 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Open map file: MAPS/ARROGANCE 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Everpouring Vial of Mercury type #attached to# Artifact: Everpouring Vial of Mercury 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur type #attached to# Artifact: Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Halberdiers #attached to# "Halberdiers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Halberdiers #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Swordsmen #attached to# "Swordsmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Swordsmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Tome of Earth Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Earth Magic 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Admiral's Hat type #attached to# Artifact: Admiral's Hat 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Necklace of Ocean Guidance type #attached to# Artifact: Necklace of Ocean Guidance 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Admiral's Hat type #attached to# Artifact instance of Necklace of Ocean Guidance type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Sea Captain's Hat type #attached to# Artifact: Sea Captain's Hat 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Admiral's Hat type #attached to# Artifact instance of Sea Captain's Hat type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 900 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Armageddon's Blade type #attached to# Artifact: Armageddon's Blade 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Tome of Air Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Air Magic 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Tome of Fire Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Fire Magic 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Wizard's Well type #attached to# Artifact: Wizard's Well 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Charm of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Charm of Mana 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Wizard's Well type #attached to# Artifact instance of Charm of Mana type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Talisman of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Talisman of Mana 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Wizard's Well type #attached to# Artifact instance of Talisman of Mana type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Mystic Orb of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Mystic Orb of Mana 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Wizard's Well type #attached to# Artifact instance of Mystic Orb of Mana type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ring of the Magi type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of the Magi 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Collar of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Collar of Conjuring 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ring of the Magi type #attached to# Artifact instance of Collar of Conjuring type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ring of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Conjuring 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ring of the Magi type #attached to# Artifact instance of Ring of Conjuring type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Cape of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Cape of Conjuring 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ring of the Magi type #attached to# Artifact instance of Cape of Conjuring type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Shackles of War type #attached to# Artifact: Shackles of War 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact: Armor of the Damned 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type #attached to# Artifact: Blackshard of the Dead Knight 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Shield of the Yawning Dead type #attached to# Artifact: Shield of the Yawning Dead 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Shield of the Yawning Dead type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Skull Helmet 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Rib Cage type #attached to# Artifact: Rib Cage 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Armor of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact instance of Rib Cage type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 16 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 150 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 150 of Basilisks #attached to# Hero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Mighty Gorgons #attached to# "Mighty Gorgons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 1 of Mighty Gorgons #attached to# Hero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Hero 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Hero: Valeska at 6 6 0 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 36 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 36 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #attached to# "Archangels" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Town (unknown) of 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Marksmen #attached to# "Marksmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Marksmen #attached to# Hero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 45 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 45 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Hero: Tyris at 13 26 0 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 130 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Orb of Vulnerability type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of Vulnerability 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Master Genies #attached to# "Master Genies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Unicorns #attached to# "Unicorns" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Everflowing Crystal Cloak type #attached to# Artifact: Everflowing Crystal Cloak 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ring of Infinite Gems type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Infinite Gems 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Request to patch map maps/arrogance 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Map loaded! 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Our checksum for the map: 2011068025 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Initialization: 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Creating player entries in gs 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Picking grail position 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Picking random factions for players 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Randomizing objects 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Giving starting hero 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Setting up resources 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Yog 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Yog 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Yog 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Mephala 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Mephala 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ignissa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ignissa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Orrin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Orrin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Edric 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sylvia 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sylvia 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sorsha 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sorsha 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Christian 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Christian #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Christian 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Rion 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Rion 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adela 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Adela 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adelaide 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Ingham 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Ingham 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Ingham 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sanya 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sanya 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Loynis 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Loynis 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Caitlin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Caitlin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Caitlin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Jenova 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Jenova 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ryland 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ryland 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ivor 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Clancy 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Clancy 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Clancy 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Kyrre 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Kyrre 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 23 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Coronius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Coronius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Uland 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Uland 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Elleshar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Elleshar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Elleshar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Gem 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Gem 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Malcom 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Malcom 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Melodia 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Melodia 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Alagar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Alagar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Aeris 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Aeris 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Thane 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Thane 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Thane 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Josephine 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Josephine 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Neela 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Torosar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Fafner 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Fafner 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Rissa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Rissa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Iona 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Iona 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Astral 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Astral 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Halon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Halon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Serena 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Serena 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Daremyth 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Daremyth 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Theodorus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Theodorus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Solmyr 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Solmyr 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Cyra 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Aine 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Imps #attached to# Hero Fiona 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Fiona 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero Rashka 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Rashka 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Imps #attached to# Hero Marius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Marius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Marius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Octavia 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Octavia 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Pyre 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero Nymus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Nymus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ayden 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ayden 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xyron 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xyron 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Axsis 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Axsis 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Axsis 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Olema 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Olema 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Calid 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calid 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ash 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ash 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Zydar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Zydar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Zydar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xarfax 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xarfax 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vokial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vokial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Wights #attached to# Hero Vokial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Moandor 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Moandor 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Charna 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Tamika 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Tamika 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Isra 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Isra 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Clavius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Clavius 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Septienna 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Septienna 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Aislinn 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Aislinn 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Sandro 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Sandro 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Sandro 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nimbus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nimbus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Thant 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Thant 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Xsi 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Xsi 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vidomina 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vidomina 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nagash 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nagash 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Wights #attached to# Hero Nagash 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Arlach 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Arlach #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Dace 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Dace 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Ajit 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Ajit 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Damacon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Damacon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Gunnar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Gunnar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Synca 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Synca 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 32 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Alamar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Alamar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jaegar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jaegar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Malekith 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Malekith 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Malekith 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jeddite 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jeddite 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Geon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Geon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Deemer 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Deemer 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gurnisson 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Gurnisson 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Jabarkas 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Jabarkas 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Shiva 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Shiva 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Krellion 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Krellion 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gird 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gird 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Vey 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Vey 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Dessa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Dessa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Terek 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Terek 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Zubin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Zubin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gundula 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gundula 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Oris 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Oris 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Saurug 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Saurug 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Bron 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Basilisks #attached to# Hero Bron 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Bron 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tazar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tazar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Alkin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Alkin 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Korbac 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Korbac 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Gerwulf 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Gerwulf #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Gerwulf 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Broghild 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Broghild 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Rosic 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Rosic 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Voy 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Voy 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Verdish 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Merist 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Merist 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Merist 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Styg 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Styg 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Andra 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Andra 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tiva 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tiva 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Tiva 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Pasis 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Pasis 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Thunar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Thunar 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Lacus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Lacus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Lacus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Monere 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Monere 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Erdamon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Erdamon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Erdamon 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Fiur 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Fiur 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Fiur 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Kalt 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Kalt 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Luna 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Luna 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Brissa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Brissa 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ciele 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ciele 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Labetha 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Labetha 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Labetha 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Inteus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Inteus 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Aenain 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Gelare 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Gelare 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Grindan 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Grindan 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Starting bonuses 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Death type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Death 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Tyris #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Death type 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Towns 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Object initialization 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Liches #attached to# "Liches" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Grand Elves #attached to# "Grand Elves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Mummies #attached to# "Mummies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Mighty Gorgons #attached to# "Mighty Gorgons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Efreet #attached to# "Efreet" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 900 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 5 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# "Ghost Dragons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 16 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# "Efreet Sultans" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Tyris #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 130 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Evil Eyes #attached to# "Evil Eyes" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Energy Elementals #attached to# "Energy Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Storm Elementals #attached to# "Storm Elementals" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 30 of Dendroid Guards #attached to# "Dendroid Guards" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Efreet #attached to# "Efreet" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Stack of 0 of Scorpicores #attached to# "Scorpicores" 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Ignissa #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Player Red #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Player Blue #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Player Purple #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Player Teal #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Blue 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Player Blue 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Tyris #attached to# Player Red 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGEvent #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Teal 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Purple 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Player Blue 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Player Purple 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Ignissa #attached to# Player Teal 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Tower) of Silverwing #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Tower) of Machina #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Stronghold) of Bocc #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Stronghold) of Tormina #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Rampart) of Green Falls #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Conflux) of Igne #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Conflux) of Wazzar #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Town (Rampart) of Forest #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Yog #detached from# Player Blue 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Mephala #detached from# Player Purple 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Ignissa #detached from# Player Teal 16:16:57 TRACE bonus [12f0] - Hero Ignissa #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Fog of war 16:16:57 DEBUG global [12f0] - Checking objectives 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Seed after init is 505175533 (before was 1392819417) 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Initializing GameState (together): 235 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Creating mapHandler: 3 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 14 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Making object rects: 88 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Initializing mapHandler (together): 111 16:16:57 TRACE network [12f0] - Preparing interface for player 0 16:16:57 TRACE global [12f0] - Human player interface for player 0 being constructed 16:16:57 TRACE global [12f0] - Initializing the interface for player 0 16:16:57 TRACE network [12f0] - Preparing interface for player 1 16:16:57 INFO network [12f0] - Player 1 will be lead by VCAI 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Opening VCAI 16:16:57 INFO global [12f0] - Loaded VCAI 16:16:57 TRACE ai [12f0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 16:16:57 TRACE ai [12f0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 16:16:57 TRACE global [12f0] - Initializing the interface for player 1 16:16:57 TRACE ai [12f0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 16:16:57 INFO ai [12f0] - FUNCTION_BLOCK VAR_INPUT BankInput: REAL; OurShooters: REAL; OurWalkers: REAL; OurFlyers: REAL; EnemyShooters: REAL; EnemyWalkers: REAL; EnemyFlyers: REAL; OurSpeed: REAL; EnemySpeed: REAL; CastleWalls: REAL; Bank: REAL; strengthRatio: REAL; heroStrength: REAL; turnDistance: REAL; lockedMissionImportance: REAL; END_VAR FUZZIFY BankInput TERM SET := Singleton (0.5); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurShooters TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurWalkers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurFlyers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemyShooters TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemyWalkers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemyFlyers TERM FEW := Shoulder left(0 0.6); TERM MANY := Shoulder right(0.4 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY OurSpeed TERM LOW := Shoulder left(3 6.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (5.5 8 10.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(8.5 16); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY EnemySpeed TERM LOW := Shoulder left(3 6.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (5.5 8 10.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(8.5 16); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY CastleWalls TERM NONE := Singleton (0); TERM MEDIUM := Trapezoidal (1 1.3 2.2 2.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(1.9 3); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY Bank TERM FALSE := Singleton (0); TERM TRUE := Singleton (1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY strengthRatio TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 1.5); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(1.5 4.5); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY heroStrength TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 0.2); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (0.2 0.5 0.8); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(0.5 1); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY turnDistance TERM SMALL := Shoulder left(0 0.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (0.1 0.45 0.8); TERM LONG := Shoulder right(0.5 3); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY lockedMissionImportance TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 2.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (2 2.5 3); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(2.5 5); END_FUZZIFY VAR_OUTPUT BankDanger: REAL Threat: REAL Value: REAL END_VAR DEFUZZIFY BankDanger TERM Bank0 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); TERM Bank3 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); TERM Bank2 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); TERM Bank1 := Triangular (0 0.5 1); END_DEFUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY Threat TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0.5 1); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (0.8 1 1.2); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(1 1.5); END_DEFUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY Value TERM LOW := Shoulder left(0 2.5); TERM MEDIUM := Triangular (2 2.5 3); TERM HIGH := Shoulder right(2.5 5); END_DEFUZZIFY Block 0 RULEBLOCK RULE 1: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank0; RULE 2: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank1; RULE 3: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank2; RULE 4: if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank3; END_RULEBLOCK Block 1 RULEBLOCK RULE 1: if ( EnemySpeed is LOW and OurShooters is MANY ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 2: if ( EnemyShooters is FEW and OurShooters is MANY ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 3: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and OurSpeed is LOW ) then Threat is HIGH; RULE 4: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and OurSpeed is HIGH ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 5: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and OurWalkers is FEW ) then Threat is somewhat LOW; RULE 6: if ( EnemySpeed is HIGH and OurShooters is MANY ) then Threat is somewhat HIGH; RULE 7: if EnemySpeed is MEDIUM then Threat is MEDIUM; RULE 8: if ( OurShooters is FEW and EnemySpeed is LOW ) then Threat is MEDIUM; RULE 9: if ( OurShooters is MANY and Bank is TRUE ) then Threat is somewhat HIGH; RULE 10: if ( EnemyShooters is MANY and Bank is TRUE ) then Threat is LOW; RULE 11: if ( OurWalkers is MANY and CastleWalls is HIGH ) then Threat is very HIGH; RULE 12: if ( ( OurShooters is MANY and OurFlyers is MANY ) and CastleWalls is HIGH ) then Threat is MEDIUM; RULE 13: if ( ( EnemyWalkers is MANY and OurShooters is MANY ) and CastleWalls is MEDIUM ) then Threat is LOW; END_RULEBLOCK Block 2 RULEBLOCK RULE 1: if ( heroStrength is LOW and strengthRatio is HIGH ) then Value is very HIGH; RULE 2: if ( heroStrength is MEDIUM and strengthRatio is HIGH ) then Value is somewhat HIGH; RULE 3: if ( heroStrength is HIGH and strengthRatio is HIGH ) then Value is somewhat LOW; RULE 4: if ( heroStrength is LOW and strengthRatio is LOW ) then Value is very LOW; RULE 5: if ( heroStrength is MEDIUM and strengthRatio is LOW ) then Value is somewhat HIGH; RULE 6: if ( heroStrength is HIGH and strengthRatio is LOW ) then Value is LOW; RULE 7: if lockedMissionImportance is HIGH then Value is very LOW; RULE 8: if lockedMissionImportance is MEDIUM then Value is somewhat LOW; RULE 9: if lockedMissionImportance is LOW then Value is HIGH; RULE 10: if turnDistance is SMALL then Value is HIGH; RULE 11: if turnDistance is MEDIUM then Value is MEDIUM; RULE 12: if turnDistance is LONG then Value is LOW; END_RULEBLOCK END_FUNCTION_BLOCK 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 16:16:58 TRACE network [12f0] - Preparing interface for player 5 16:16:58 INFO network [12f0] - Player 5 will be lead by VCAI 16:16:58 INFO global [12f0] - Opening VCAI 16:16:58 INFO global [12f0] - Loaded VCAI 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 16:16:58 TRACE global [12f0] - Initializing the interface for player 5 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 16:16:58 TRACE network [12f0] - Preparing interface for player 6 16:16:58 INFO network [12f0] - Player 6 will be lead by VCAI 16:16:58 INFO global [12f0] - Opening VCAI 16:16:58 INFO global [12f0] - Loaded VCAI 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 16:16:58 TRACE global [12f0] - Initializing the interface for player 6 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class std::shared_ptr). 16:16:58 INFO global [12f0] - Opening StupidAI 16:16:58 INFO global [12f0] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: created 16:16:58 TRACE global [12f0] - Initializing the battle interface for player 255 16:16:58 TRACE ai [12f0] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes, data: {CPack: type '113'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Solmyr 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Solmyr 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Solmyr 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Solmyr 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Ivor 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero Ivor 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ivor 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes, data: {CPack: type '113'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #detached from# Hero Dessa 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero Dessa 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Dessa 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Dessa 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Erdamon 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Erdamon 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #detached from# Hero Erdamon 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Erdamon 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Erdamon 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes, data: {CPack: type '113'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Melodia 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Melodia 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Melodia 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Melodia 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Aenain 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Aenain 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Aenain 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes, data: {CPack: type '113'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Grindan 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Grindan 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Grindan 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Gem 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero Gem 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 17 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Gem 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents, data: {CPack: type '125'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts, data: {CPack: type '519'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct NewTurn, data: {CPack: type '101'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool): player=0, text=Recently ascending the throne, you have realized it would be much better if you ruled the entire world, not just a quarter of it. You are smarter, better equipped and rule more justly than the others who are squandering their time on the throne., is LOCPLINT=1. 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool). 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents, data: {CPack: type '124'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 9 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Town (Tower) of Machina 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Town (Stronghold) of Bocc 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Walking Dead #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Walking Dead #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 13 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Walking Dead #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Walking Dead #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Town (Rampart) of Green Falls 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Town (Conflux) of Igne 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 20 of Walking Dead #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Vampires #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 20 of Walking Dead #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Vampires #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 6 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 6 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 6 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 6 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 6 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName, data: {CPack: type '1002'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 16:16:58 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists, data: {CPack: type '123'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct YourTurn, data: {CPack: type '100'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 WARN global [a40] - Warning: IntObject re-activated with mismatching used and active 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=0. 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1. 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Loading music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Stoping music file Music/MainMenu 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SaveGame, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Creating Saves/Newgame_Autosave_1.vcgm1 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Can't create file: wrong mount point: CONFIG/ 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Resource created successfully 16:16:58 INFO global [a40] - Saving lib part of game... 16:16:58 INFO global [a40] - Saving header 16:16:58 INFO global [a40] - Saving options 16:16:58 INFO global [a40] - Saving handlers 16:16:58 INFO global [a40] - Saving gamestate 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '744'. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '744'. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '744'. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '744'. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '744'. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '744'. 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE global [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage, data: {CPack: type '95'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 ERROR network [a40] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Newgame_Autosave_1 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:58 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:58 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 368x350 16:16:58 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CInfoWindow at 170x190 16:16:58 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu 16:16:58 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:16:59 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=2. 16:16:59 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 16:16:59 TRACE global [d3c] - Loading music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 16:16:59 TRACE global [d3c] - Stoping music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:16:59 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:17:00 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:17:00 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:19:08 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:21:15 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:23:23 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:25:30 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:10 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=3. 16:26:10 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 16:26:10 TRACE global [d3c] - Loading music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 16:26:10 TRACE global [d3c] - Stoping music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:10 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:11 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:11 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:26:11 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=4. 16:26:11 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 16:26:11 TRACE global [d3c] - Loading music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 16:26:11 TRACE global [d3c] - Stoping music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:11 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:12 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file Music/Rough.mp3 16:26:12 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:13 TRACE global [d3c] - Loading music file music/TowerTown 16:26:13 TRACE global [d3c] - Stoping music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:14 TRACE global [d3c] - You've clicked on 10 16:26:14 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:14 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file music/TowerTown 16:26:15 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 248x486 16:26:15 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CBuildWindow at 203x40 16:26:15 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=5. 16:26:15 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetResources, data: {CPack: type '104'} 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct NewStructures, data: {CPack: type '504'} 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct FoWChange, data: {CPack: type '112'} 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:15 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:16 TRACE global [d3c] - You've clicked on 5 16:26:17 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 475x403 16:26:17 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CTavernWindow at 203x48 16:26:17 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=6. 16:26:17 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroRecruited, data: {CPack: type '515'} 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Player Red 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #detached from# Player Red 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes, data: {CPack: type '113'} 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero Sephinroth 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #detached from# Hero Sephinroth 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 16:26:17 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetResource, data: {CPack: type '102'} 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:17 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:18 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=7. 16:26:18 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:18 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #detached from# Town (Tower) of Silverwing 16:26:18 TRACE bonus [a40] - #$# +1 Archangels #propagated to# Hero Solmyr 16:26:18 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 10 of Archangels #attached to# Hero Solmyr 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:18 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:19 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 744x544 16:26:19 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CCastleInterface at 0x0 16:26:19 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=8. 16:26:19 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 16:26:19 TRACE global [d3c] - Loading music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetSelection, data: {CPack: type '514'} 16:26:19 TRACE global [d3c] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:19 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:20 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file music/TowerTown 16:26:20 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:21 TRACE global [d3c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:21 TRACE global [d3c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:21 TRACE global [d3c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:21 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 6 0 16:26:21 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=9. 16:26:21 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle, data: {CPack: type '108'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Player Red 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 7 0 16:26:21 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=10. 16:26:21 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# "Efreet Sultans" 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 0 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# "Efreet Sultans" 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleStart, data: {CPack: type '3000'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [0]: 34 creatures of Gremlins from slot 0 of armyobj=626 #attached to# Stack of 34 of Gremlins 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [3]: 6 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 0 of armyobj=314 #attached to# Stack of 6 of Efreet Sultans 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [1]: 3 creatures of Stone Gargoyles from slot 1 of armyobj=626 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 1 of armyobj=314 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [2]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 #attached to# Stack of 10 of Archangels 16:26:21 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [5]: 5 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 2 of armyobj=314 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE global [a40] - Stoping music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStart called 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleNewRoundFirst called 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleNewRound called 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:21 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:21 TRACE global [b3c] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 16:26:22 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:23 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 157x561 16:26:23 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 0x0 16:26:23 INFO global [d3c] - Opening StupidAI 16:26:23 INFO global [d3c] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 16:26:23 TRACE ai [d3c] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: created 16:26:23 TRACE ai [d3c] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 16:26:23 TRACE ai [d3c] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStart called 16:26:23 TRACE ai [4e4] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 16:26:23 TRACE global [b3c] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 16:26:23 TRACE network [b3c] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'}', additionalInfo '49', selectedStack '-1'} 16:26:23 TRACE network [b3c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=11. 16:26:23 TRACE network [b3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 16:26:23 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 16:26:23 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #0 created 16:26:23 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionStarted called 16:26:23 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionStarted called 16:26:23 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:23 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:23 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:23 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:23 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 16:26:23 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #1 created 16:26:23 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #0 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:23 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #0 deleted 16:26:24 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #1 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:24 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #2 created 16:26:24 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #1 deleted 16:26:24 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #2 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:24 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #2 deleted 16:26:24 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:24 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:24 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:24 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:24 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:24 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:24 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 16:26:24 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #3 created 16:26:24 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleAttack called 16:26:24 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleAttack called 16:26:24 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:24 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:24 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #4 created 16:26:25 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #3 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:25 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #3 deleted 16:26:25 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #4 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:25 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #4 deleted 16:26:25 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:25 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:25 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionFinished called 16:26:25 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionFinished called 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:25 TRACE ai [161c] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 1 of armyobj=314 16:26:25 TRACE network [161c] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '2', y '5', hex '87'}', additionalInfo '86', selectedStack '-1'} 16:26:25 TRACE network [161c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=12. 16:26:25 TRACE network [161c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 16:26:25 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #5 created 16:26:25 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionStarted called 16:26:25 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionStarted called 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:25 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 16:26:25 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #6 created 16:26:25 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #5 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:25 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #5 deleted 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #6 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #7 created 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #6 deleted 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #7 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #7 deleted 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 16:26:26 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #8 created 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleAttack called 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleAttack called 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:26 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #9 created 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #8 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #8 deleted 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #9 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:26 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #9 deleted 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionFinished called 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionFinished called 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:26 TRACE ai [15f4] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 5 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 2 of armyobj=314 16:26:26 TRACE network [15f4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '13', y '0', hex '13'}', additionalInfo '32', selectedStack '-1'} 16:26:26 TRACE network [15f4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=13. 16:26:26 TRACE network [15f4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 16:26:26 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #10 created 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionStarted called 16:26:26 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionStarted called 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:26 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 16:26:26 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #11 created 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #10 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #10 deleted 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #11 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #12 created 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #11 deleted 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #12 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #12 deleted 16:26:27 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:27 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:27 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:27 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:27 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:27 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:27 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 16:26:27 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #13 created 16:26:27 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleAttack called 16:26:27 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleAttack called 16:26:27 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:27 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:27 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #14 created 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #15 created 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #15 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #15 deleted 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #16 created 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #16 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:27 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #16 deleted 16:26:28 TRACE global [a84] - Loading music file music/Combat02 16:26:28 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file music/Combat02 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #13 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #13 deleted 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #14 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #14 deleted 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 16:26:28 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #17 created 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleAttack called 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleAttack called 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:28 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #18 created 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #17 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #17 deleted 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #18 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:28 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #18 deleted 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:28 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #19 created 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionFinished called 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionFinished called 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:28 TRACE global [4d0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 34 creatures of Gremlins from slot 0 of armyobj=626 16:26:28 TRACE ai [4d0] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 34 creatures of Gremlins from slot 0 of armyobj=626 16:26:28 TRACE network [4d0] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '1', y '4', hex '69'}', additionalInfo '87', selectedStack '-1'} 16:26:28 TRACE network [4d0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=14. 16:26:28 TRACE network [4d0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 16:26:28 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #20 created 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionStarted called 16:26:28 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionStarted called 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:28 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 16:26:28 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #21 created 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #19 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #19 deleted 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #20 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #20 deleted 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #21 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #22 created 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #21 deleted 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #22 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #22 deleted 16:26:29 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:29 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:29 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:29 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:29 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:29 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:29 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 16:26:29 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #23 created 16:26:29 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleAttack called 16:26:29 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleAttack called 16:26:29 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:29 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:29 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #24 created 16:26:29 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #25 created 16:26:29 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #26 created 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #27 created 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #27 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:29 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #27 deleted 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #23 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #23 deleted 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #25 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #25 deleted 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #24 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #24 deleted 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #26 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:30 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #26 deleted 16:26:30 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:30 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:30 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:30 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:30 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 16:26:30 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #28 created 16:26:30 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleAttack called 16:26:30 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleAttack called 16:26:30 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:30 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:30 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #29 created 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #28 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #28 deleted 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #29 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #29 deleted 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionFinished called 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionFinished called 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleNewRoundFirst called 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleNewRoundFirst called 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleNewRound called 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleNewRound called 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:31 TRACE global [16e4] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 16:26:31 TRACE ai [16e4] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 16:26:31 TRACE network [16e4] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '2', y '4', hex '70'}', additionalInfo '87', selectedStack '-1'} 16:26:31 TRACE network [16e4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=15. 16:26:31 TRACE network [16e4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'} 16:26:31 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #30 created 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionStarted called 16:26:31 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionStarted called 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:31 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'} 16:26:31 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #31 created 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #30 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #30 deleted 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #32 created 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #32 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #32 deleted 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #31 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #33 created 16:26:31 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #31 deleted 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #33 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #33 deleted 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStackMoved called 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'} 16:26:32 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #34 created 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleAttack called 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleAttack called 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:32 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #35 created 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #36 created 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #36 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #36 deleted 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #34 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #34 deleted 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #35 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #35 deleted 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleStacksAttacked called 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'} 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:32 TRACE animation [a40] - Animation #37 created 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: actionFinished called 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: actionFinished called 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleResult, data: {CPack: type '3003'} 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [08D194D4]: destroyed 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #37 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation * 16:26:32 TRACE animation [d3c] - Animation #37 deleted 16:26:32 WARN global [a40] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetHeroInfo: side 1 does not have hero! 16:26:32 TRACE global [a40] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 16:26:32 TRACE global [a40] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 16:26:32 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [088BB484]: battleEnd called 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [0]: 0 creatures of Gremlins from slot 0 of armyobj=626 #detached from# Stack of 34 of Gremlins 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 0 of armyobj=314 #detached from# Stack of 6 of Efreet Sultans 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [1]: 0 creatures of Stone Gargoyles from slot 1 of armyobj=626 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 1 of armyobj=314 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [2]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 #detached from# Stack of 10 of Archangels 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [5]: 0 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 2 of armyobj=314 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans 16:26:32 WARN bonus [a40] - Warning: an orphaned child! 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Solmyr 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:32 ERROR global [a40] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 16:26:32 ERROR global [a40] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 16:26:32 ERROR global [a40] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Solmyr 16:26:32 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:26:32 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:32 ERROR global [a40] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 16:26:33 ERROR global [a40] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 16:26:33 ERROR global [a40] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 6 of Efreet Sultans #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:26:33 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Efreet Sultans" 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:26:33 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Efreet Sultans" 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE bonus [a40] - Stack of 5 of Efreet Sultans #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:26:33 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Efreet Sultans" 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'} 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp, data: {CPack: type '2000'} 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:33 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 549x524 16:26:33 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CBattleResultWindow at 165x19 16:26:33 ERROR global [d3c] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 16:26:33 ERROR global [d3c] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 16:26:33 ERROR global [d3c] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 16:26:33 ERROR global [d3c] - CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 16:26:33 ERROR global [d3c] - CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 16:26:33 ERROR global [d3c] - CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 16:26:33 TRACE global [d3c] - Loading music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:33 TRACE global [d3c] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 16:26:33 TRACE global [d3c] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:33 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:33 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 16:26:33 TRACE global [a84] - Playing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:34 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 505x478 16:26:34 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CLevelWindow at 208x65 16:26:34 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=16. 16:26:34 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill, data: {CPack: type '106'} 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied, data: {CPack: type '3012'} 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject, data: {CPack: type '500'} 16:26:34 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 16:26:34 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:34 ERROR global [a40] - Invalid stack at tile 10 8 0: subID=53; id=314 16:26:34 DEBUG global [a40] - removing object id=314; address=128575568; name=!!!INVALID_STACK!!! 16:26:34 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:34 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 11 8 0 16:26:35 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=17. 16:26:35 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:35 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 8 0 16:26:35 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=18. 16:26:35 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:35 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 7 0 16:26:35 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=19. 16:26:35 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow, data: {CPack: type '103'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE global [a40] - Entering void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool): player=0, text=You come across a conjurer who begs to accompany you and your army awhile for safety. You agree, and he offers as payment a copy of a book of the elements., is LOCPLINT=1. 16:26:35 TRACE global [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int,bool). 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PutArtifact, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Artifact instance of Tome of Fire Magic type 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject, data: {CPack: type '500'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 DEBUG global [a40] - removing object id=305; address=130371088; name=Tome of Fire Magic 16:26:35 TRACE bonus [a40] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:35 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:36 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 368x400 16:26:36 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CInfoWindow at 239x140 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 11 8 0 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=20. 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 8 0 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=21. 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 8 0 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=22. 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 7 0 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=23. 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 7 6 0 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=24. 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Requesting hero movement to 6 6 0 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=25. 16:26:38 TRACE network [d3c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE global [d3c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool): reason '0', start '1'. 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=1. 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int,bool). 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleStart, data: {CPack: type '3000'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 16:26:38 TRACE bonus [a40] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 16:26:38 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [1]: 150 creatures of Basilisks from slot 0 of armyobj=317 #attached to# Stack of 150 of Basilisks 16:26:38 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [2]: 1 creatures of Mighty Gorgons from slot 1 of armyobj=317 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Mighty Gorgons 16:26:38 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [0]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 #attached to# Stack of 10 of Archangels 16:26:38 TRACE bonus [a40] - Battle stack [3]: 10 creatures of Gold Dragons from slot 2 of armyobj=317 #attached to# Stack of 10 of Gold Dragons 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE global [a40] - Stoping music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=2. 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 16:26:38 INFO global [a40] - Opening StupidAI 16:26:38 INFO global [a40] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [09382854]: created 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [09382854]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [09382854]: battleStart called 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'} 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [09382854]: battleNewRoundFirst called 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE ai [a40] - CStupidAI [09382854]: battleNewRound called 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'} 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made first apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Applied on gs 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Made second apply on cl 16:26:38 TRACE network [a40] - Listening... 16:26:38 TRACE global [e54] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 10 creatures of Archangels from slot 2 of armyobj=626 16:26:39 TRACE animation [d3c] - Button clicked at 645x561 16:26:39 TRACE animation [d3c] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 0x0 16:26:39 TRACE global [a84] - Del-ing music file Music/Dirt.mp3 16:26:44 TRACE global [a84] - Loading music file music/Combat04