16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 17 files found 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 35 files found 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 16 files found 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Initialization: 4 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at config 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 79 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 2 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .LODArchive loaded, 2491 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 29 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .LODArchive loaded, 4908 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 56 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Maps 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 9 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Mods 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Mp3 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 57 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .SNDArchive loaded, 117 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .SNDArchive loaded, 1014 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 5 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .LODArchive loaded, 569 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 7 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .LODArchive loaded, 4013 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 48 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Sprites 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .VIDArchive loaded, 7 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - .VIDArchive loaded, 31 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 4 files found 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 79 files found 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Data loading: 155 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Mod handler: 0 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Data 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 58 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Maps 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 1 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 1 ms. 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Loading resource at mods/vcmi/Sprites 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Filesystem loaded, 15 files found 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Mod filesystems: 21 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Basic initialization: 181 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 16:59:57 INFO network [1648] - Port 3030 will be used. 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type HATE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type KING1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type KING2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type KING3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Bonus type handler: 7 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - General text handler: 7 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Hero handler: 3 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Artifact handler: 0 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Creature handler: 1 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Town handler: 0 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Reading cregens 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Done loading cregens! 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Reading resources prices 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Done loading resource prices! 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Reading banks configs 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Done loading banks configs 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Object handler: 5 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Def information handler: 93 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Spell handler: 7 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Terrain view pattern handler: 2 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Template handler: 1 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Initializing handlers: 126 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Initializing content handler: 51 ms 16:59:57 TRACE global [1648] - Generating checksum for vcmi 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - [dbc49830] Original game files 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - [15d4f682] VCMI essential files 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Parsing mod data: 28 ms 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - [DONE] Original game files 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - [SKIP] VCMI essential files 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Loading mod data: 95ms 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Resolving identifiers: 17 ms 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Handlers post-load finalization: 8 ms 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - All game content loaded in 199 ms 16:59:57 DEBUG network [1648] - CVCMIServer created! 16:59:57 INFO network [1648] - Listening for connections at port 3030 16:59:57 INFO network [1648] - We've accepted someone... 16:59:57 INFO network [1648] - Established connection with VCMI 0.94e (client) 16:59:57 INFO network [1648] - Got connection! 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type #attached to# Artifact: Equestrian's Gloves 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Gamestate created! 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Using random seed: 1392389997 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type #attached to# Artifact: Equestrian's Gloves 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type #attached to# Artifact: Equestrian's Gloves 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Open campaign map file: 1 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Hero placeholder: Solmyr at 32 32 0 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 300 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 300 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 180 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 180 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 100 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 100 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 70 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 70 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 40 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# "Ancient Behemoths" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 40 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 75 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 75 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 50 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 50 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 35 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 35 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 20 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# "Ancient Behemoths" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 20 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 75 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 75 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 50 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 50 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 35 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 35 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 20 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# "Ancient Behemoths" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 20 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 150 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 90 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 75 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 75 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 50 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 50 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 35 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 35 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 20 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# "Ancient Behemoths" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 20 of Ancient Behemoths #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Centaurs Axe type #attached to# Artifact: Centaurs Axe 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 10 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 8 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Shield of the Yawning Dead type #attached to# Artifact: Shield of the Yawning Dead 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 30 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Ladybird of Luck type #attached to# Artifact: Ladybird of Luck 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Endless Purse of Gold type #attached to# Artifact: Endless Purse of Gold 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Necklace of Swiftness type #attached to# Artifact: Necklace of Swiftness 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Hero: Vey at 15 17 0 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 10 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 10 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 35 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Dragonbone Greaves type #attached to# Artifact: Dragonbone Greaves 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Crest of Valor type #attached to# Artifact: Crest of Valor 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Badge of Courage type #attached to# Artifact: Badge of Courage 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Cape of Velocity type #attached to# Artifact: Cape of Velocity 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Dragon Wing Tabard type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Wing Tabard 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 15 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Request to patch map data/yog:1 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Map loaded! 16:59:57 INFO global [1648] - Our checksum for the map: 848961948 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Initialization: 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Creating player entries in gs 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 25 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 12 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type #attached to# Artifact: Equestrian's Gloves 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type 16:59:57 TRACE bonus [1648] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Generate list of hero placeholders 16:59:57 DEBUG global [1648] - Prepare crossover heroes