14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Creating console 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Initialization: 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Data loading: 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Mod handler: 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Mod filesystems: 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Basic initialization: 0 14:29:51 WARN global [0x156b4f0] - File CONFIG/SETTINGS is not a valid JSON file! 14:29:51 WARN global [0x156b4f0] - At line 1, position 0 error: Unexpected end of file! 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 14:29:51 ERROR global [0x156b4f0] - Error: Heroes III data was not found! 14:29:51 ERROR global [0x156b4f0] - Error: campaign movies was not found! 14:29:51 ERROR global [0x156b4f0] - Error: campaign music was not found! 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Loading settings: 10 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - VCMI 0.93 (client) 14:29:51 WARN global [0x156b4f0] - Note: SDL suggests to use 32 bpp instead of24 bpp 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - New screen flags: 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Initializing screen: 20 14:29:51 INFO global [0x156b4f0] - Initializing video: 0 14:29:51 ERROR global [0x156b4f0] - Error: video VIDEO/3DOLOGO was not found 14:29:51 ERROR global [0x156b4f0] - Error: video VIDEO/AZVS was not found 14:29:51 INFO global [0x15cf440] - Initializing minors: 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x15cf440] - Initializing sound: 0 14:29:51 INFO global [0x15cf440] - Initializing screen and sound handling: 0 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type HATE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type KING1 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type KING2 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type KING3 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 14:29:51 TRACE bonus [0x15cf440] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 14:29:51 INFO global [0x15cf440] - Bonus type handler: 0 14:29:51 ERROR global [0x15cf440] - Resource with name DATA/VCDESC and type TEXT wasn't found.