19:40:18 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Creating console 0 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Initialization: 10 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Data loading: 290 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Mod handler: 10 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Mod filesystems: 0 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Basic initialization: 310 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 19:40:19 ERROR global [0x1a6e420] - Error: campaign movies was not found! 19:40:19 ERROR global [0x1a6e420] - Error: campaign music was not found! 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Loading settings: 320 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - VCMI 0.93 (client) 19:40:19 WARN global [0x1a6e420] - Note: SDL suggests to use 32 bpp instead of24 bpp 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - New screen flags: 0 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Initializing screen: 190 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Initializing video: 10 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Initializing minors: 0 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Initializing sound: 20 19:40:19 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Initializing screen and sound handling: 20 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type HATE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type KING1 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type KING2 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type KING3 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 19:40:20 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Bonus type handler: 10 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - General text handler: 10 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Hero handler: 40 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Artifact handler: 0 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Creature handler: 20 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Town handler: 0 19:40:20 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Reading cregens 19:40:20 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Done loading cregens! 19:40:20 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Reading resources prices 19:40:20 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Done loading resource prices! 19:40:20 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Reading banks configs 19:40:20 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Done loading banks configs 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Object handler: 30 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Def information handler: 150 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Spell handler: 10 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Initializing handlers: 280 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Initializing content handler: 80 ms 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Parsing original game data: 90 ms 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - VCMI essential files 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - In The Wake of Gods 19:40:20 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Parsing mod data: 30 ms 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Loading original game data: 510 ms 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - VCMI essential files 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - In The Wake of Gods 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Loading mod data: 30ms 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#64 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#125 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#125 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus fE 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus fS 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#200 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#74 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#74 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus u#48 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus u#49 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus wP 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus wp 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus wP 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus wp 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w2 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w2 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#74 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#74 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#49 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#49 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L#49 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus wL 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus u#113 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#123 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w4 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w5 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus B= 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus l#35 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus l#136 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w1 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w2 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w3 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w4 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#139 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus G% 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus G= 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus u#136 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L140 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w3 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#48 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus B+ 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#104 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#106 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#102 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#108 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus L140 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus w3 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#48 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus B+ 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#104 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#106 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#102 19:40:21 TRACE global [0x1ee7160] - Not parsed bonus U#108 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Supreme Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Diamond Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Lords of Thunder" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hell Barons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Blood Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Darkness Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ghost Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hell Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Sacred Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ghosts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Emissaries of War" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Emissaries of Peace" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Emissaries of Mana" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Emissaries of Lore" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Fire Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Earth Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Air Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Water Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Gorynyches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "War Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Arctic Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Lava Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Nightmares" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Santa Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Sylvan Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Sorceresses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Werewolves" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Hell Steeds" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - "Dracoliches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 TRACE bonus [0x1ee7160] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Resolving identifiers: 50 ms 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - All game content loaded in 790 ms 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 1080 19:40:21 INFO global [0x7fdb304ca5b0] - Loading and transforming heroes' flags: 630 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Screen handler: 640 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Main graphics: 840 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Initializing game graphics: 0 19:40:21 INFO global [0x1ee7160] - Message handler: 0 19:40:27 INFO global [0x1a6e420] - Initialization of VCMI (together): 3870 19:40:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file Music/MainMenu 19:40:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu 19:40:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/MainMenu 19:40:33 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loading procedure started! 19:40:33 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Setting up thread calling server: 0 19:40:33 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loading lib part of game... 19:40:33 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Reading header 19:40:33 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Reading options 19:40:33 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Reading handlers 19:40:33 ERROR global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Desync found! Position: 338689 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Supreme Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Diamond Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Lords of Thunder" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hell Barons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Blood Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Darkness Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ghost Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hell Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Sacred Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ghosts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Emissaries of War" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Emissaries of Peace" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Emissaries of Mana" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Emissaries of Lore" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Fire Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Earth Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Air Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Water Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Gorynyches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "War Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Arctic Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Lava Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Nightmares" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Santa Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Sylvan Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Sorceresses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Werewolves" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Hell Steeds" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - "Dracoliches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 19:40:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Reading cregens 19:40:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Done loading cregens! 19:40:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Reading resources prices 19:40:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Done loading resource prices! 19:40:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Reading banks configs 19:40:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Done loading banks configs 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type HATE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type KING1 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type KING2 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type KING3 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 19:40:33 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Reading gamestate 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Negativity type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Negativity 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Sword of Hellfire type #attached to# Artifact: Sword of Hellfire 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Diplomat's Ring type #attached to# Artifact: Diplomat's Ring 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Endless Sack of Gold type #attached to# Artifact: Endless Sack of Gold 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Charm of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Charm of Mana 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Death type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Death 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Amulet of the Undertaker type #attached to# Artifact: Amulet of the Undertaker 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Armor of Wonder type #attached to# Artifact: Armor of Wonder 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Bow of Elven Cherrywood type #attached to# Artifact: Bow of Elven Cherrywood 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Shield of the Yawning Dead type #attached to# Artifact: Shield of the Yawning Dead 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Free Will type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Free Will 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Courage type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Courage 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ring of Infinite Gems type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Infinite Gems 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Greater Gnoll's Flail type #attached to# Artifact: Greater Gnoll's Flail 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Torso of Legion type #attached to# Artifact: Torso of Legion 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Scales of the Greater Basilisk type #attached to# Artifact: Scales of the Greater Basilisk 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ring of Life type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Life 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Quiet Eye of the Dragon type #attached to# Artifact: Quiet Eye of the Dragon 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Loins of Legion type #attached to# Artifact: Loins of Legion 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane type #attached to# Artifact: Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Skull Helmet 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Crown of the Supreme Magi type #attached to# Artifact: Crown of the Supreme Magi 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Breastplate of Brimstone type #attached to# Artifact: Breastplate of Brimstone 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Rib Cage type #attached to# Artifact: Rib Cage 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Endless Purse of Gold type #attached to# Artifact: Endless Purse of Gold 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Everpouring Vial of Mercury type #attached to# Artifact: Everpouring Vial of Mercury 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type #attached to# Artifact: Blackshard of the Dead Knight 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Hellstorm Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Hellstorm Helmet 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type #attached to# Artifact: Equestrian's Gloves 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Arms of Legion type #attached to# Artifact: Arms of Legion 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Hardened Shield type #attached to# Artifact: Hardened Shield 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Angel Feather Arrows type #attached to# Artifact: Angel Feather Arrows 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur type #attached to# Artifact: Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Endless Bag of Gold type #attached to# Artifact: Endless Bag of Gold 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spirit of Oppression type #attached to# Artifact: Spirit of Oppression 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Cards of Prophecy type #attached to# Artifact: Cards of Prophecy 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Inexhaustible Cart of Ore type #attached to# Artifact: Inexhaustible Cart of Ore 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Glyph of Gallantry type #attached to# Artifact: Glyph of Gallantry 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Orb of the Firmament type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of the Firmament 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Shackles of War type #attached to# Artifact: Shackles of War 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Orb of Silt type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of Silt 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Everflowing Crystal Cloak type #attached to# Artifact: Everflowing Crystal Cloak 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Dragon Wing Tabard type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Wing Tabard 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Garniture of Interference type #attached to# Artifact: Garniture of Interference 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Surcoat of Counterpoise type #attached to# Artifact: Surcoat of Counterpoise 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber type #attached to# Artifact: Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Vampire's Cowl type #attached to# Artifact: Vampire's Cowl 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Buckler of the Gnoll King type #attached to# Artifact: Buckler of the Gnoll King 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Red Dragon Flame Tongue type #attached to# Artifact: Red Dragon Flame Tongue 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Recanter's Cloak type #attached to# Artifact: Recanter's Cloak 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Golden Bow type #attached to# Artifact: Golden Bow 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Stoic Watchman type #attached to# Artifact: Stoic Watchman 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Helm of Chaos type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of Chaos 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Centaurs Axe type #attached to# Artifact: Centaurs Axe 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Crest of Valor type #attached to# Artifact: Crest of Valor 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Talisman of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Talisman of Mana 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Breastplate of Petrified Wood type #attached to# Artifact: Breastplate of Petrified Wood 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Orb of Tempestuous Fire type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of Tempestuous Fire 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Second Sight type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Second Sight 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Speculum type #attached to# Artifact: Speculum 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ring of Vitality type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Vitality 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spyglass type #attached to# Artifact: Spyglass 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Breastplate of Brimstone type #attached to# Artifact: Breastplate of Brimstone 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Death type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Death 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Clover of Fortune type #attached to# Artifact: Clover of Fortune 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Life type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Life 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ladybird of Luck type #attached to# Artifact: Ladybird of Luck 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ring of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Conjuring 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Bird of Perception type #attached to# Artifact: Bird of Perception 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Necklace of Swiftness type #attached to# Artifact: Necklace of Swiftness 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Оррин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Оррин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Валеска 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Валеска #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Эдрик 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Эдрик #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Сильвия 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сильвия #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Сорша 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сорша #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Кристиан 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кристиан #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кристиан #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Турис 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Турис #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Турис #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Рион 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Адель 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Адель #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Адель #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Катберт 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Катберт #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Катберт #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Аделаида 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аделаида #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аделаида #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Инхам 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Инхам #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Инхам #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Саня 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Саня #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Саня #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Лоинс 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Лоинс #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Лоинс #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 45 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 45 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Grand Elves #attached to# "Grand Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Grand Elves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 44 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 44 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Каитлин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Red Dragon Flame Tongue type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Мепхала 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мепхала #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Уфретин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Уфретин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Уфретин #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 52 of Grand Elves #attached to# "Grand Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 52 of Grand Elves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 56 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 56 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Demons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 84 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 84 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Енова 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Енова #attached to# Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Енова #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Енова #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Роланд 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Роланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Роланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Торгрим 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Торгрим #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Ивор 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ивор #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ивор #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Кланси 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кланси #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Киррь 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Киррь #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Корониус 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Корониус #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Корониус #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Уланд 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Уланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Уланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Эллезар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Эллезар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Эллезар #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Джем 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Мальком 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мальком #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мальком #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 134 of Centaur Captains #attached to# "Centaur Captains" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 134 of Centaur Captains #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Harpy Hags #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Grand Elves #attached to# "Grand Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Grand Elves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Мелодиа 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мелодиа #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мелодиа #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Алагар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Алагар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Алагар #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Аерис 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аерис #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аерис #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Пигуедрам 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Пигуедрам #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Пигуедрам #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Behemoths #attached to# "Behemoths" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Behemoths #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 38 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 38 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Master Genies #attached to# "Master Genies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Master Genies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Тан 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Ladybird of Luck type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Speculum type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Жосефина 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Жосефина #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Жосефина #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Нелла 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Нелла #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Нелла #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Торосар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Фафнер 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Фафнер #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Фафнер #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Ризза 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ризза #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ризза #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Naga Queens #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Master Genies #attached to# "Master Genies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Master Genies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Magi #attached to# "Magi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Magi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Иона 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Иона #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Иона #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Астрал 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Астрал #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Астрал #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 90 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 90 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 142 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 142 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# "Trolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Халон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Халон #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Courage type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Халон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Халон #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Серена 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Серена #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Серена #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 64 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 64 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Башня) of Мануфэктир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Даремиф 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Даремиф #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Даремиф #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Теодор 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Теодор #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Теодор #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Naga Queens #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Magi #attached to# "Magi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Magi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Arch Magi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 50 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 50 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Giants #attached to# "Giants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Giants #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Солмир 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Crown of the Supreme Magi type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Necklace of Swiftness type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Breastplate of Brimstone type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Ring of Conjuring type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Bird of Perception type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Clover of Fortune type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Spyglass type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Talisman of Mana type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Кира 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кира #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кира #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Аин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аин #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Фиона 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Фиона #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Рашка 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Рашка #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Мариус 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мариус #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Игнат 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Игнат #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Октавия 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Октавия #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Калх 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калх #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Пир 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Пир #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Пир #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Нимус 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Нимус #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Айден 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Айден #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Айден #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Ксирон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ксирон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ксирон #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Аксис 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аксис #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аксис #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Олема 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Олема #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Олема #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Pit Lords #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 43 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 43 of Horned Demons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Vampire Lords #attached to# "Vampire Lords" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Vampire Lords #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Magogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Cerberi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of War Unicorns #attached to# "War Unicorns" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of War Unicorns #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# "Efreet Sultans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Калид 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Life type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Breastplate of Petrified Wood type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Quiet Eye of the Dragon type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Ring of Vitality type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Everpouring Vial of Mercury type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Orb of Tempestuous Fire type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Аш 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аш #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аш #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Зидар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Зидар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Зидар #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Arch Devils #attached to# "Arch Devils" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Arch Devils #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Pit Lords #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# "Efreet Sultans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 26 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 26 of Horned Demons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Magogs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 92 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 92 of Cerberi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Ксарфакс 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Free Will type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Стракер 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Стракер #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Стракер #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Вокиал 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вокиал #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вокиал #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Моандор 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Моандор #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Моандор #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Чарна 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Чарна #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Чарна #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Тамика 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тамика #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тамика #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Исра 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Исра #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Исра #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Клавиус 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Клавиус #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Клавиус #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Галтран 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Галтран #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Галтран #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Септиенна 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Септиенна #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Септиенна #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Аислин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аислин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аислин #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Сандро 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сандро #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сандро #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Нимбус 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Нимбус #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Нимбус #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Тант 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тант #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тант #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Кси 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кси #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кси #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Видомина 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Видомина #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Видомина #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Нагаш 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Нагаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Нагаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Лорелей 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Лорелей #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Арлаш 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Арлаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Арлаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Дас 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Дас #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Аджит 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аджит #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Дамакон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Дамакон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Гуннар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гуннар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Синка 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Синка #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Шакти 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Шакти #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Second Sight type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Шакти #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Аламар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аламар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аламар #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Жаегар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Жаегар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Жаегар #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Малекит 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Малекит #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Малекит #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Жеддит 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Жеддит #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Жеддит #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Геон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Геон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Геон #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Деемер 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Деемер #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Деемер #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 32 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Сепхинороф 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сепхинороф #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сепхинороф #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Дарксторн 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Дарксторн #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Дарксторн #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Йог 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Йог #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Гурниссон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гурниссон #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гурниссон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Жабаркас 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Жабаркас #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Шива 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Шива #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Гретчин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гретчин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Креллион 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Креллион #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Крэг Хэк 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Крэг Хэк #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Тираксор 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тираксор #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Гирд 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гирд #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гирд #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Вей 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вей #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вей #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Десса 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Десса #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Десса #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Терек 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Терек #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Терек #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Зубин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Зубин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Зубин #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Гундула 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Орис 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Орис #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Орис #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Сауруг 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сауруг #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сауруг #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Брон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Брон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Дракон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Дракон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Вистан 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вистан #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Тазар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тазар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Алкин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Алкин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Алкин #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Корбак 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Корбак #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Гервульф 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гервульф #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гервульф #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гервульф #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Брохильд 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Брохильд #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Мирланда 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мирланда #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мирланда #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Hydras #attached to# "Hydras" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Hydras #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Розик 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Розик #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Розик #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Вой 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вой #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вой #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Вердиш 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Мерист 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мерист #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Мерист #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Стиг 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Стиг #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Стиг #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Андра 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Андра #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Андра #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Тива 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тива #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тива #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Пасис 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Пасис #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Тунар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тунар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Игнисса 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Игнисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Лакус 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Лакус #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Монер 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Монер #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Монер #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Эрдамон 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Эрдамон #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Фьюр 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Фьюр #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Кальт 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Кальт #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Луна 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Луна #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Луна #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Брисса 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Брисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Брисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Циэль 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Циэль #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Циэль #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Лабета 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Лабета #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Лабета #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 22 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Интеус 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Интеус #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Интеус #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Аэнаин 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аэнаин #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Аэнаин #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Джелар 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Джелар #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Джелар #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Гриндан 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гриндан #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гриндан #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Demons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Manticores #attached to# "Manticores" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Manticores #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Wraiths #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 44 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 44 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Manticores #attached to# "Manticores" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Manticores #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Nomads #attached to# "Nomads" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Nomads #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Arch Magi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 141 of Scorpicores #attached to# "Scorpicores" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 141 of Scorpicores #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Vampires #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Stone Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Башня) of Мустос #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Harpy Hags #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Naga Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 46 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 46 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# "Minotaur Kings" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Ice Elementals #attached to# "Ice Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Ice Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Demons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Manticores #attached to# "Manticores" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Manticores #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 56 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 56 of Beholders #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Genies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 38 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 38 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Magic Elementals #attached to# "Magic Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Magic Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Pegasi #attached to# "Pegasi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Pegasi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 47 of Energy Elementals #attached to# "Energy Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 47 of Energy Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 60 of Familiars #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Medusa Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Цитадель) of Рокварен #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Замок) of Бреттония #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Minotaurs #attached to# "Minotaurs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Minotaurs #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Devils #attached to# "Devils" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Devils #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Crusaders #attached to# "Crusaders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Crusaders #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Basilisks #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Rocs #attached to# "Rocs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Rocs #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Genies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Power Liches #attached to# "Power Liches" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Power Liches #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Liches #attached to# "Liches" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Liches #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Medusa Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Pit Lords #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wyverns #attached to# "Wyverns" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Wyverns #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Energy Elementals #attached to# "Energy Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Energy Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 18 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 98 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# "Gnoll Marauders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 98 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Mighty Gorgons #attached to# "Mighty Gorgons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 36 of Mighty Gorgons #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 44 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 44 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# "Gnoll Marauders" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 24 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Крепость) of Дидфалл #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Genies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Zealots #attached to# "Zealots" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Zealots #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Genies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Giants #attached to# "Giants" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Giants #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 11 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 11 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Dread Knights #attached to# "Dread Knights" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Dread Knights #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Basilisks #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Stone Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Bone Dragons #attached to# "Bone Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Bone Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 47 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 47 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 84 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 84 of Troglodytes #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 20 of Medusas #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Темница) of Малев #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 21 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Pegasi #attached to# "Pegasi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Pegasi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 2 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 1 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# "Minotaur Kings" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 72 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 72 of Archers #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Pikemen #attached to# Town (unknown) of 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Замок) of Дунвол #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Оплот) of Форестглэн #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 58 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 58 of Gogs #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Mummies #attached to# "Mummies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Mummies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# "Greater Basilisks" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Fire Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Bone Dragons #attached to# "Bone Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Bone Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 47 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 47 of Stone Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Крепость) of Мидшир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# "Ghost Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 7 of Ghost Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Magi #attached to# "Magi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 33 of Magi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Wood Elves #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 13 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Efreet #attached to# "Efreet" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Efreet #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Devils #attached to# "Devils" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Devils #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 14 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 14 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Arch Devils #attached to# "Arch Devils" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Arch Devils #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Medusa Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 6 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 4 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Vampire Lords #attached to# "Vampire Lords" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 25 of Vampire Lords #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 91 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 91 of Pikemen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 3 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Fire Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Demons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Cerberi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Оплот) of Глэтерот #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Town (Инферно) of Дэмонгат #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 51 of Fire Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 49 of Fire Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 28 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Storm Elementals #attached to# "Storm Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 16 of Storm Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 30 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Harpies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 37 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 63 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 63 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 42 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 23 of Pit Lords #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 40 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 12 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Earth Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 7CGEvent 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 35 of Fire Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 7CGEvent 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 54 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 56 of Mummies #attached to# "Mummies" 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Stack of 56 of Mummies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Player Красный #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Player Синий #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Player Коричневый #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Player Зеленый #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Player Оранжевый #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Player Пурпурный #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Player Бирюзовый #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Бирюзовый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Бирюзовый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Бирюзовый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGGarrison #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Рион #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 12CGPandoraBox #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGGarrison #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGGarrison #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 7CGEvent #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Калид #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Даремиф #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Шакти #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Гервульф #attached to# Player Оранжевый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Халон #attached to# Player Бирюзовый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Сильвия #attached to# Player Бирюзовый 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Каитлин #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Иона #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Тан #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Десса #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:40:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb30216e60] - Hero Розик #attached to# Player Красный 19:40:33 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded common part of save 680 19:40:35 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Unpacking and handling defs: 400 19:40:35 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 70 19:40:35 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Making object rects: 30 19:40:35 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Initing maphandler: 510 19:40:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 0 interface. 19:40:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Human player interface for player 0 being constructed 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Тан leading to 50 80 0 with 11 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Иона leading to 44 101 0 with 5 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Солмир leading to 49 94 0 with 13 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Розик leading to 67 42 0 with 5 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 1 interface. 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Opening VCAI 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded VCAI 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 2 interface. 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Opening VCAI 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded VCAI 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 3 interface. 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Opening VCAI 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded VCAI 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 4 interface. 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Opening VCAI 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded VCAI 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 5 interface. 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Human player interface for player 5 being constructed 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Каитлин leading to 120 114 0 with 4 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Калид leading to 98 104 0 with 2 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Ксарфакс leading to 99 105 0 with 25 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Restored path for hero Hero Десса leading to 102 103 0 with 26 nodes 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 6 interface. 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Opening VCAI 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded VCAI 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(CCallback*). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 19:40:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Opening StupidAI 19:40:36 INFO global [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: created 19:40:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb30216e60] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 19:40:36 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Loaded client part of save 780 19:40:36 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Establishing connection... 19:40:36 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Found endpoints: 19:40:36 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - 0: 19:40:36 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Trying connection to (0) 19:40:36 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Established connection with VCMI 0.93 (server) 19:40:36 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Connecting to the server: 0 19:40:37 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Server opened savegame properly. 19:40:37 INFO network [0x7fdb30216e60] - Sent info to server: 20 19:40:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:40:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=0. 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:40:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:40:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:40:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:40:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:40:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 99 104 0 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1. 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 19:40:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:40:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:40:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 19:40:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:40:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:40:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=2. 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:40:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:40:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 123 115 0 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=3. 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 122 114 0 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=4. 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 121 114 0 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=5. 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:44 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:40:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:40:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:40:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=6. 19:40:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:47 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:47 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=7. 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:40:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:40:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=8. 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:40:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:40:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Lava 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=9. 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:49 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:49 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:40:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:40:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=10. 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:51 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:51 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:40:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:40:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:40:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=11. 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:55 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 51 88 0 is not visible! 19:40:55 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 51 88 0 is not visible! 19:40:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:55 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 120 114 0 is not visible! 19:40:55 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 120 114 0 is not visible! 19:40:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:40:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:40:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=12. 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:40:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:40:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:40:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:40:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:40:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Lava 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=13. 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:41:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:41:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:41:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:41:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:41:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:41:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:41:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 21 33 0 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=14. 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 22 33 0 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=15. 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:41:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 23 33 0 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=16. 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# "Minotaur Kings" 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# "Minotaur Kings" 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Каитлин #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 1 creatures of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=3434 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Paladins 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 0 of armyobj=1446 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 1 of armyobj=3434 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 7 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 1 of armyobj=1446 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 45 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 2 of armyobj=3434 #attached to# Stack of 45 of Dendroid Soldiers 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 7 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=1446 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 #attached to# Stack of 32 of Grand Elves 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 44 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 #attached to# Stack of 44 of Silver Pegasi 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 5 of armyobj=3434 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers 19:41:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 36 creatures of Wood Elves from slot 6 of armyobj=3434 #attached to# Stack of 36 of Wood Elves 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:41:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:41:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a3a560] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 44 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:41:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:41:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat02 19:41:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat02 19:41:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 44 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:41:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a3a560] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 44 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a3a560] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=17. 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a3a560] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb21755fc0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 0 of armyobj=1446 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb21755fc0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=18. 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb21755fc0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:41:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:16 WARN network [0x7fdb20770770] - Unrecognized trigger effect type 3019 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb21751980] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 0 of armyobj=1446 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb21751980] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=19. 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb21751980] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:41:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:41:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:41:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb21755fc0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 7 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 1 of armyobj=1446 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb21755fc0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=20. 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb21755fc0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:41:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb217518f0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 7 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=1446 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb217518f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=21. 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb217518f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:41:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb217518f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 19:41:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 19:41:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb217518f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb217518f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=22. 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb217518f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb141a3010] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 36 creatures of Wood Elves from slot 6 of armyobj=3434 19:41:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 36 creatures of Wood Elves from slot 6 of armyobj=3434 19:41:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb141a3010] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 36 creatures of Wood Elves from slot 6 of armyobj=3434 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb141a3010] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=23. 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb141a3010] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:41:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb2173f960] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 1 of armyobj=3434 19:41:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 1 of armyobj=3434 19:41:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb2173f960] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 1 of armyobj=3434 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb2173f960] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=24. 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb2173f960] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:41:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:41:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:41:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 5 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 0 of armyobj=1446 receives a new bonus: +0 Bind 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 19:41:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:41:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:41:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb143424b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 45 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 2 of armyobj=3434 19:41:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 45 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 2 of armyobj=3434 19:41:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb143424b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 45 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 2 of armyobj=3434 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb143424b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=25. 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb143424b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:41:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:41:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a39900] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 5 of armyobj=3434 19:41:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 5 of armyobj=3434 19:41:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a39900] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 5 of armyobj=3434 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a39900] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=26. 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a39900] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:41:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a0a450] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 19:41:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 19:41:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a0a450] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a0a450] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=27. 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a0a450] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:41:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:41:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:41:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a39210] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 44 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=28. 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16MakeCustomAction 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:41:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13StacksInjured 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:41:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 44 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:42:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a39210] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 44 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a39210] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=29. 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a39210] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:42:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:42:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:42:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:42:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:42:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a38850] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 43 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:42:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 43 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:42:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a38850] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 43 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a38850] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=30. 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a38850] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:42:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:42:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:42:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:42:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:42:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb21748ac0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 2 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=1446 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb21748ac0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=31. 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb21748ac0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:42:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:42:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:42:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:42:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:42:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:42:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:42:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 19:42:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=3434 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Paladins 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 0 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 0 of armyobj=1446 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 0 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 1 of armyobj=3434 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 1 of armyobj=1446 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 45 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 2 of armyobj=3434 #detached from# Stack of 45 of Dendroid Soldiers 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Minotaur Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=1446 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 32 creatures of Grand Elves from slot 3 of armyobj=3434 #detached from# Stack of 32 of Grand Elves 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 43 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 4 of armyobj=3434 #detached from# Stack of 44 of Silver Pegasi 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 1 creatures of Dendroid Soldiers from slot 5 of armyobj=3434 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 36 creatures of Wood Elves from slot 6 of armyobj=3434 #detached from# Stack of 36 of Wood Elves 19:42:12 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Каитлин #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #detached from# Hero Каитлин 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 19:42:12 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:42:12 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 19:42:12 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:42:12 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Minotaur Kings" 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Minotaur Kings" 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Minotaur Kings #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:42:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Minotaur Kings" 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11HeroLevelUp 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 19:42:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 19:42:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:42:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 19:42:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:42:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=32. 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetSecSkill 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:14 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1446 19:42:14 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:42:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 24 32 0 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=33. 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11PutArtifact 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Endless Purse of Gold type 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:16 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1445 19:42:16 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 24 33 0 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=34. 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 25 33 0 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=35. 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 26 33 0 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=36. 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:42:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=37. 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:42:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:42:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Lava 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=38. 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 121 87 0 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=39. 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 120 87 0 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=40. 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 119 88 0 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=41. 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 118 89 0 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=42. 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 117 90 0 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=43. 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 116 91 0 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=44. 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 115 92 0 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=45. 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 115 93 0 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=46. 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 114 94 0 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=47. 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 113 95 0 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=48. 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 112 96 0 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=49. 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=50. 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:42:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 125 83 0 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=51. 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 124 84 0 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=52. 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 123 85 0 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=53. 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Lava 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 122 86 0 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=54. 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 121 87 0 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=55. 19:42:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 120 88 0 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=56. 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 119 89 0 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=57. 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 118 90 0 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=58. 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 118 91 0 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=59. 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 117 92 0 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=60. 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 116 93 0 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=61. 19:42:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 115 94 0 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=62. 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 114 95 0 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=63. 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=64. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Player 6 starting turn 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=65. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 65 is answered. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=66. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 66 is answered. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=67. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 67 is answered. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Striving to goal of type WIN 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Considering goal WIN 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Considering goal CONQUER 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=68. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 68 is answered. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=69. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 69 is answered. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Considering goal EXPLORE 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=70. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 70 is answered. 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:42:46 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 120 ms. 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=71. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 71 is answered. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=72. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 72 is answered. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=73. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 73 is answered. 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=74. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 74 is answered. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=75. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 75 is answered. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=76. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 76 is answered. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=77. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 77 is answered. 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:42:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 220 ms. 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 90 ms. 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=78. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 78 is answered. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=79. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 79 is answered. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=80. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 80 is answered. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=81. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 81 is answered. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=82. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 82 is answered. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=83. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 83 is answered. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=84. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 84 is answered. 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:42:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 120 ms. 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=85. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 85 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=86. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 86 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=87. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 87 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=88. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 88 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=89. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 89 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=90. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 90 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=91. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 91 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 120 ms. 19:42:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=92. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 92 is answered. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=93. 19:42:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 93 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=94. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 94 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=95. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 95 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=96. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 96 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Considering goal BUILD 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking into Мануфэктир 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=97. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 97 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=98. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 98 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=99. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 99 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Player 6 ends turn 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - Player 6 ended his turn. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=100. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb14158730] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:42:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb14158730] - We'll wait till request 100 is answered. 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14158730] - Player 6 ended turn 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '75'. 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '118'. 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '105'. 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '1', val '57'. 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '3', val '58'. 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 19:42:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=101. 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:42:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:42:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 19:42:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 19:42:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:42:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:42:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 39 91 0 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=102. 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:42:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:42:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 91 0 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=103. 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:42:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 91 0 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=104. 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 91 0 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=105. 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 90 0 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=106. 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 89 0 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=107. 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 88 0 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=108. 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:43:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 87 0 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=109. 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 86 0 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=110. 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::playerBlocked(int): reason '0'. 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState): battle state=1. 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState). 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::playerBlocked(int). 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Шакти #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Brutes from slot -2 of armyobj=3426 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Brutes 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 9 creatures of Wolf Riders from slot 0 of armyobj=3426 #attached to# Stack of 9 of Wolf Riders 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 1 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 1 of armyobj=3426 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Troglodytes 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:43:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState): battle state=2. 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState). 19:43:01 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Opening StupidAI 19:43:01 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: created 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleStart called 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb15173e70] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=111. 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb15173e70] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleNewRound called 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb15174200] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:43:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:43:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:43:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15174200] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15174200] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=112. 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15174200] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:43:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:43:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=113. 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb140e3760] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:43:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat03 19:43:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat03 19:43:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:43:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb140e3760] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb140e3760] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=114. 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb140e3760] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:43:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleAttack called 19:43:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:43:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:43:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=115. 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb15172a40] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 9 creatures of Wolf Riders from slot 0 of armyobj=3426 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb15172a40] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=116. 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb15172a40] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:43:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleStackMoved called 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:43:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb15173fb0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [9]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:43:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [9]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:43:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb15173fb0] - Giving command for Battle stack [9]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb15173fb0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=117. 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb15173fb0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:43:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleAttack called 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:43:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:43:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=118. 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412d9f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:43:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleAttack called 19:43:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:43:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:43:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=119. 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb2179cea0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:43:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionStarted called 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:43:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleAttack called 19:43:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: actionFinished called 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12MoveArtifact 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Шакти #detached from# Artifact instance of Pendant of Second Sight type 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::artifactMoved(const ArtifactLocation&, const ArtifactLocation&). 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::artifactMoved(const ArtifactLocation&, const ArtifactLocation&). 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:43:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:43:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat03 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState): battle state=3. 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState). 19:43:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Player 4: I lost the Starting battle of Солмир attacking Шакти the Лорд at 43 86 0! 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: battleEnd called 19:43:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb15173260]: destroyed 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 0 creatures of Brutes from slot -2 of armyobj=3426 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Brutes 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Wolf Riders from slot 0 of armyobj=3426 #detached from# Stack of 9 of Wolf Riders 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 1 of armyobj=3426 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Troglodytes 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:43:27 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:43:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Шакти #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat03 19:43:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 19:43:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:43:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 9 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero Шакти 19:43:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksErased(const StackLocation&). 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksErased(const StackLocation&). 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero Шакти 19:43:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksErased(const StackLocation&). 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksErased(const StackLocation&). 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:43:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - I lost my hero Шакти. It's best to forget and move on. 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:28 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3426 19:43:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Шакти #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::battleResultsApplied(). 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState): battle state=0. 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState). 19:43:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::battleResultsApplied(). 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:43:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:43:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:43:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 19:44:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:44:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:44:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:44:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 87 0 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=120. 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 88 0 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=121. 19:44:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 88 0 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=122. 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 88 0 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=123. 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 88 0 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=124. 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 88 0 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=125. 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 88 0 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=126. 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 88 0 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=127. 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Lava 19:44:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 51 88 0 is not visible! 19:44:58 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 51 88 0 is not visible! 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 112 83 0 is not visible! 19:44:58 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 112 83 0 is not visible! 19:44:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:44:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:44:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:44:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:44:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Lava 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=128. 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:45:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 19:45:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:00 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - const TerrainTile* CGameInfoCallback::getTile(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:45:00 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3, bool) const: 19 33 0 is not visible! 19:45:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 19:45:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 34 0 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=129. 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 18 34 0 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=130. 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 17 34 0 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=131. 19:45:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 16 34 0 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=132. 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:04 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=133. 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14GarrisonDialog 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:06 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - LoadFrame error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:45:06 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - GetImage error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:45:06 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - GetImage error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=134. 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:10 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1447 19:45:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 35 of Stone Golems #detached from# Bonus system node of type 14CArmedInstance 19:45:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Golems" 19:45:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 15 33 0 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=135. 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=136. 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 14 34 0 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=137. 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 13 34 0 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=138. 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 12 34 0 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=139. 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:14 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=140. 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:15 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1406 19:45:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 23 of Dragon Flies #detached from# Bonus system node of type 14CArmedInstance 19:45:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dragon Flies" 19:45:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 11 33 0 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=141. 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Global effects 19:45:16 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 10 34 0 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=142. 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 9 34 0 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=143. 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=144. 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:45:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:45:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 98 0 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=145. 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 19:45:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 99 0 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=146. 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 100 0 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=147. 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 101 0 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=148. 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 102 0 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=149. 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 103 0 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=150. 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 103 0 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=151. 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 104 0 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=152. 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 105 0 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=153. 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 106 0 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=154. 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 106 0 19:45:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=155. 19:45:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 107 0 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=156. 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 107 0 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=157. 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 106 0 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=158. 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=159. 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 41 0 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=160. 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 41 0 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=161. 19:45:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 69 42 0 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=162. 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 68 42 0 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=163. 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 68 41 0 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=164. 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=165. 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:45:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:45:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:36 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3452 19:45:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 42 of Lizardmen #detached from# Bonus system node of type 14CArmedInstance 19:45:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 19:45:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:45:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:45:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 67 40 0 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=166. 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 66 39 0 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=167. 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:45:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Розик #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 1 creatures of Shamans from slot -2 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Shamans 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 19 creatures of Gnolls from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 19 of Gnolls 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2045 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 1 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Lizardmen 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 3 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 1 of armyobj=2045 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Hydras 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 2 of armyobj=2045 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Silver Pegasi 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 3 of armyobj=2045 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds 19:45:38 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 4 of armyobj=2045 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:45:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:45:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb144f9540] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 19:45:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:45:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat03 19:45:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat03 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=168. 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16MakeCustomAction 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:45:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13StacksInjured 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 19:45:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb144f9540] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb144f9540] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=169. 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb144f9540] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:45:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb144ef860] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2045 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb144ef860] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=170. 19:45:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb144ef860] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:45:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:45:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:45:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:45:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14354030] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 3 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 1 of armyobj=2045 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14354030] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=171. 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14354030] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:45:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:45:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14348e60] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 2 of armyobj=2045 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 ERROR global [0x7fdb14348e60] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb14348e60] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=172. 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb14348e60] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:45:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:45:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:45:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14348630] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 3 of armyobj=2045 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb14348630] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=173. 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb14348630] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:45:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:45:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14ad1170] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 4 of armyobj=2045 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad1170] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=174. 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad1170] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a2ec90] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 19:46:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 19:46:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a2ec90] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 19:46:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a2ec90] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=175. 19:46:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a2ec90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb144eeb00] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 19 creatures of Gnolls from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 19:46:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 19 creatures of Gnolls from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 19:46:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb144eeb00] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 19 creatures of Gnolls from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb144eeb00] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=176. 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb144eeb00] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1434a470] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 1 of armyobj=3477 19:46:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 1 of armyobj=3477 19:46:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1434a470] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 1 of armyobj=3477 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1434a470] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=177. 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1434a470] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a00b90] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 3 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 19:46:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 3 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 19:46:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a00b90] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 3 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 19:46:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a00b90] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=178. 19:46:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a00b90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:46:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb140ff290] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2045 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=179. 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb140ff290] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 3 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 1 of armyobj=2045 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=180. 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb140ff290] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 2 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 3 of armyobj=2045 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=181. 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13StacksInjured 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb140ff290] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 4 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 4 of armyobj=2045 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 ERROR global [0x7fdb140ff290] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=182. 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb140ff290] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb14108010] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 19:46:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 19:46:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb14108010] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb14108010] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=183. 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb14108010] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:46:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:46:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:46:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 2 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2045 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 ERROR global [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=184. 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb1513d9b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:46:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:46:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:46:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:46:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:46:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:46:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat03 19:46:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Shamans from slot -2 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Shamans 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 0 creatures of Gnolls from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 19 of Gnolls 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2045 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 0 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 1 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Lizardmen 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 1 of armyobj=2045 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Hydras 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 2 of armyobj=2045 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Silver Pegasi from slot 3 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Silver Pegasi 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 3 of armyobj=2045 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 4 of armyobj=2045 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds 19:46:52 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Розик #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 19 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Розик 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero Розик 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Silver Pegasi #detached from# Hero Розик 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Silver Pegasi" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:46:52 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:46:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11HeroLevelUp 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat03 19:46:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 19:46:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:46:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 19:46:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:46:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=185. 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetSecSkill 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:46:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:46:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:55 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2045 19:46:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:46:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:46:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:46:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 65 39 0 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=186. 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:46:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:46:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 64 38 0 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=187. 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:46:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:46:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 63 37 0 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=188. 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:46:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:46:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=189. 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 63 38 0 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=190. 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 62 39 0 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=191. 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 40 0 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=192. 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:47:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=193. 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:47:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:47:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 19:47:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:47:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 77 0 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=194. 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 78 0 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=195. 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 79 0 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=196. 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 80 0 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=197. 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 80 0 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=198. 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 80 0 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=199. 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 80 0 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=200. 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 80 0 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=201. 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 81 0 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=202. 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 80 0 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=203. 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:47:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:47:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:47:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=204. 19:47:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:47:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:47:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/TowerTown 19:47:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:47:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:47:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/TowerTown 19:47:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 13 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=205. 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=206. 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=207. 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/CstleTown 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:47:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/TowerTown 19:47:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/CstleTown 19:47:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:47:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=208. 19:47:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 19:47:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=209. 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=210. 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=211. 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/FortressTown 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:47:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/CstleTown 19:47:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/FortressTown 19:47:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=212. 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=213. 19:47:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:47:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:47:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=214. 19:47:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:47:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:47:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=215. 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Stronghold 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/FortressTown 19:47:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Stronghold 19:47:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=216. 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:47:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=217. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Player 4 starting turn 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=218. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 218 is answered. 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Stronghold 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (54 123 0) 19:47:38 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (54 123 0) 19:47:38 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (54 123 0) 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=219. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 219 is answered. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (54 123 0) 19:47:38 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Moving hero Гервульф to tile 54 123 0 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=220. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 220 is answered. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=221. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 221 is answered. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=222. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 222 is answered. 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '683'. 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 19:47:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Гервульф and object Fountain of Youth (Visited) at 54 123 0. 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Hero Гервульф moved from 55 121 0 to 54 123 0. Returning 1. 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Striving to goal of type WIN 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Considering goal WIN 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Considering goal CONQUER 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=223. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 223 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Considering goal BUILD 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Looking into Гервульф, MP=1460 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=224. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 224 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Of all 20 destinations, object oid=2174 seems nice 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Гервульф will try to visit Stables (Not visited) at (46 87 0) 19:47:39 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Moving hero Гервульф to tile 46 87 0 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=225. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 225 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=226. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 226 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=227. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 227 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=228. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 228 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=229. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 229 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=230. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 230 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=231. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 231 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=232. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 232 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=233. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 233 is answered. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=234. 19:47:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 234 is answered. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=235. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 235 is answered. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=236. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 236 is answered. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=237. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 237 is answered. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Гервульф and object Гервульф the Хозяин Зверей at 60 111 0. 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 19:47:40 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Hero Гервульф moved from 54 123 0 to 59 111 0. Returning 0. 19:47:40 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Hero Гервульф apparently used all MPs (0 left) 19:47:40 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 19:47:40 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 19:47:40 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Player 4 ends turn 19:47:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - Player 4 ended his turn. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=238. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb1417a430] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:47:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb1417a430] - We'll wait till request 238 is answered. 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=239. 19:47:40 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1417a430] - Player 4 ended turn 19:47:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 19:47:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=240. 19:47:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 19:47:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:44 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 19:47:44 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 19:47:44 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 19:47:44 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 19:47:44 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:44 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_1 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 19:47:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=241. 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:47:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:47:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:47:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 27 33 0 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=242. 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 28 34 0 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=243. 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 29 34 0 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=244. 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=245. 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:54 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:47:54 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #attached to# Hero Каитлин 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:47:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:47:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:54 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1407 19:47:54 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:47:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:47:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 30 33 0 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=246. 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Global effects 19:47:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:47:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:47:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=247. 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 43 of Silver Pegasi #detached from# Hero Каитлин 19:48:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #detached from# Hero Каитлин 19:48:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 43 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Hero Каитлин 19:48:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 25 of Medusas #attached to# Hero Каитлин 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=248. 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:48:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Hero Каитлин 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 31 34 0 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=249. 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 32 34 0 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=250. 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 33 34 0 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=251. 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 34 34 0 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=252. 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 35 34 0 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=253. 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=254. 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:48:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:48:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=255. 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 111 96 0 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=256. 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 110 97 0 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=257. 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 109 98 0 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=258. 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 108 98 0 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=259. 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 107 99 0 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=260. 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 106 100 0 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=261. 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 105 101 0 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=262. 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 104 102 0 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=263. 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 103 103 0 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=264. 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 103 104 0 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=265. 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 102 105 0 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=266. 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 105 0 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=267. 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=268. 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 19:48:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 98 105 0 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=269. 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 97 106 0 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=270. 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:48:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3030 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 98 106 0 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=271. 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 97 107 0 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=272. 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 96 108 0 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=273. 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 95 109 0 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=274. 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 94 109 0 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=275. 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 93 110 0 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=276. 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3029 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 93 110 0 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=277. 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 92 111 0 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=278. 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 91 111 0 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=279. 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 90 110 0 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=280. 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 90 109 0 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=281. 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 91 108 0 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=282. 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 92 107 0 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=283. 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 93 106 0 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=284. 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 94 106 0 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=285. 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:48:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:31 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3028 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 92 105 0 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=286. 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 91 104 0 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=287. 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 90 103 0 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=288. 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 89 102 0 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=289. 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 88 101 0 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=290. 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 87 100 0 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=291. 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=292. 19:48:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:48:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 19:48:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "9BuildBoat". It'll have an ID=293. 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 9BuildBoat 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9NewObject 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::newObject(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::newObject(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 113 95 0 19:48:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=294. 19:48:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 112 96 0 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=295. 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 111 96 0 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=296. 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 110 97 0 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=297. 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 109 98 0 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=298. 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 108 98 0 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=299. 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 107 99 0 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=300. 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 106 100 0 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=301. 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 105 101 0 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=302. 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 104 102 0 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=303. 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 103 103 0 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=304. 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 103 104 0 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=305. 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 102 105 0 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=306. 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=307. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Player 6 starting turn 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=308. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 308 is answered. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=309. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 309 is answered. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=310. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 310 is answered. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Striving to goal of type WIN 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Considering goal WIN 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Considering goal CONQUER 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=311. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 311 is answered. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=312. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 312 is answered. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Considering goal EXPLORE 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=313. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 313 is answered. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 180 ms. 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 19:48:47 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=314. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 314 is answered. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=315. 19:48:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 315 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=316. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 316 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=317. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 317 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=318. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 318 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=319. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 319 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=320. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 320 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 10 ms. 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 19:48:48 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=321. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 321 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=322. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 322 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=323. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 323 is answered. 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=324. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 324 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=325. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 325 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=326. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 326 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=327. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 327 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 120 ms. 19:48:49 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=328. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 328 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=329. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 329 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=330. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 330 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=331. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 331 is answered. 19:48:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=332. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 332 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=333. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 333 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=334. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 334 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=335. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 335 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=336. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 336 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=337. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 337 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=338. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 338 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=339. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 339 is answered. 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Considering goal BUILD 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking into Мануфэктир 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=340. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 340 is answered. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=341. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 341 is answered. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=342. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 342 is answered. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Player 6 ends turn 19:48:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - Player 6 ended his turn. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=343. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141ba390] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:48:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141ba390] - We'll wait till request 343 is answered. 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141ba390] - Player 6 ended turn 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '77'. 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '120'. 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '107'. 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '3', val '59'. 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 19:48:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=344. 19:48:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 19:48:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=345. 19:48:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:48:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:48:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:54 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 19:48:54 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 19:48:54 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 19:48:54 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 19:48:54 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:54 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_1 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 19:48:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:48:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:48:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:48:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 8 34 0 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=346. 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 34 0 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=347. 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=348. 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2992 #attached to# Stack of 14 of Royal Griffins 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 13 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2992 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 13 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2992 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:48:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:48:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:48:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:48:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:48:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb21714340] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:49:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:49:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:49:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb21714340] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb21714340] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=349. 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb21714340] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1411cf30] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2992 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1411cf30] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=350. 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1411cf30] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:49:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1411ccf0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1411ccf0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1411ccf0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=351. 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1411ccf0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1412f540] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 13 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2992 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412f540] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=352. 19:49:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412f540] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:49:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat02 19:49:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat02 19:49:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=353. 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb154ca090] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [9]: 13 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2992 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb154ca090] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=354. 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb154ca090] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:49:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412f540] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412f540] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412f540] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=355. 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412f540] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=356. 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb21714330] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb21714330] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb21714330] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=357. 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb21714330] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412f540] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1412f540] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412f540] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=358. 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1412f540] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=359. 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ce040] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ce040] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ce040] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=360. 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ce040] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:49:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=361. 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:49:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f5e80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f5e80] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f5e80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=362. 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f5e80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:49:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb154c8760] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb154c8760] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb154c8760] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=363. 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb154c8760] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:49:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb14cf0310] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb14cf0310] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb14cf0310] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=364. 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb14cf0310] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:49:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb143657b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb143657b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb143657b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=365. 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb143657b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:49:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ce040] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ce040] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ce040] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=366. 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ce040] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:49:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:49:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:49:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:49:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:38 WARN network [0x7fdb20770770] - Unrecognized trigger effect type 3019 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:49:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:49:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 19:49:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2992 #detached from# Stack of 14 of Royal Griffins 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2992 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Royal Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2992 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:49:39 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 14 of Royal Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Royal Griffins" 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Royal Griffins" 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Royal Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Royal Griffins" 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2992 19:49:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 19:49:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 19:49:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:49:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 19:49:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:49:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:49:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:49:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:49:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:49:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 33 0 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=367. 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Global effects 19:49:42 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:49:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:49:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:49:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 34 0 19:49:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=368. 19:49:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:49:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 35 0 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=369. 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:49:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 36 0 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=370. 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 37 0 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=371. 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=372. 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Demons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Demons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 13 creatures of Demons from slot 0 of armyobj=3163 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Demons 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 12 creatures of Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3163 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Demons 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 12 creatures of Demons from slot 2 of armyobj=3163 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Demons 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:49:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:49:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:49:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb21727db0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:49:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb21727db0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb21727db0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=373. 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb21727db0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat02 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat02 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb1433f9a0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb1433f9a0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb1433f9a0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=374. 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb1433f9a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14340040] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14340040] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14340040] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=375. 19:49:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14340040] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff9b20] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff9b20] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff9b20] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=376. 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff9b20] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14340040] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14340040] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14340040] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=377. 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14340040] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ace5b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ace5b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ace5b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=378. 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ace5b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff9100] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff9100] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff9100] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=379. 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff9100] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=380. 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14ad0720] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 13 creatures of Demons from slot 0 of armyobj=3163 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=381. 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:49:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14681810] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 12 creatures of Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3163 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14681810] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=382. 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14681810] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:49:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb145a2ba0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [9]: 12 creatures of Demons from slot 2 of armyobj=3163 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb145a2ba0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=383. 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb145a2ba0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:49:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:49:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:50:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20f2fd70] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb20f2fd70] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20f2fd70] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=384. 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20f2fd70] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb14340040] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb14340040] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb14340040] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=385. 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb14340040] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:50:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:50:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=386. 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad0720] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:50:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:50:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=387. 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:50:13 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb21727d30] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb21727d30] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb21727d30] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=388. 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb21727d30] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:50:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb21728810] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb21728810] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb21728810] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=389. 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb21728810] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb21727ca0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb21727ca0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb21727ca0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=390. 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb21727ca0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:50:19 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff95b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff95b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff95b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=391. 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff95b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:50:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:50:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=392. 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ad04e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:50:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb217287d0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb217287d0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb217287d0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=393. 19:50:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb217287d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:50:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffb2c0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffb2c0] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffb2c0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=394. 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffb2c0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=395. 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:50:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=396. 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffbb90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ace370] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ace370] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ace370] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=397. 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ace370] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:50:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:50:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=398. 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb145a6f70] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:50:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:50:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:50:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 19:50:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Demons from slot 0 of armyobj=3163 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Demons 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3163 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Demons 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Demons from slot 2 of armyobj=3163 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Demons 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:50:41 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Demons #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Demons" 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Demons #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Demons" 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Demons #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Demons" 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3163 19:50:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:50:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:50:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 19:50:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 19:50:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:50:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:50:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:50:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:50:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 36 0 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=399. 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10OpenWindow 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:50:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:50:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:50:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:50:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 37 0 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=400. 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:50:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 38 0 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=401. 19:50:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:50:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 39 0 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=402. 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=403. 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Wraiths #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Wraiths #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Wraiths from slot 0 of armyobj=1405 #attached to# Stack of 14 of Wraiths 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 13 creatures of Wraiths from slot 1 of armyobj=1405 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Wraiths 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 13 creatures of Wraiths from slot 2 of armyobj=1405 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Wraiths 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:50:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:50:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:50:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:50:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb145797e0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:50:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat02 19:50:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat02 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb145797e0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb145797e0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=404. 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb145797e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb14365570] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb14365570] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb14365570] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=405. 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb14365570] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1415a870] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1415a870] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1415a870] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=406. 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1415a870] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb145788f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb145788f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb145788f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=407. 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb145788f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:50:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb147596a0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 14 creatures of Wraiths from slot 0 of armyobj=1405 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb147596a0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=408. 19:50:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb147596a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:51:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffb080] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ffb080] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffb080] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=409. 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ffb080] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:51:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:19 WARN network [0x7fdb20770770] - Unrecognized trigger effect type 3019 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a7d80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a7d80] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a7d80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=410. 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a7d80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14759840] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 13 creatures of Wraiths from slot 1 of armyobj=1405 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb14759840] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=411. 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb14759840] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:51:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:51:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb14759840] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:51:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:51:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb14759840] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb14759840] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=412. 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb14759840] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:51:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:25 WARN network [0x7fdb20770770] - Unrecognized trigger effect type 3019 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:51:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:51:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=413. 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb14351ce0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14351aa0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [9]: 13 creatures of Wraiths from slot 2 of armyobj=1405 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb14351aa0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=414. 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb14351aa0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:51:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff6c70] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:51:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:51:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb14ff6c70] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff6c70] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=415. 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb14ff6c70] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:51:30 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=416. 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:51:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:51:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:51:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=417. 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +20 19:51:35 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 receives a new bonus: +0 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:51:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:51:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=418. 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:51:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:51:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:51:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578c80] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=419. 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578c80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:51:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:51:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:51:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:51:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:51:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:51:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:51:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 19:51:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Wraiths from slot 0 of armyobj=1405 #detached from# Stack of 14 of Wraiths 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Wraiths from slot 1 of armyobj=1405 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Wraiths 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Wraiths from slot 2 of armyobj=1405 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Wraiths 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:51:44 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 14 of Wraiths #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wraiths" 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Wraiths #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wraiths" 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Wraiths #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wraiths" 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1405 19:51:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:51:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:51:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 19:51:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 19:51:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:51:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:51:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:51:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:51:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 39 0 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=420. 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=421. 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 14 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 15 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 0 of armyobj=3438 #attached to# Stack of 15 of Lizardmen 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 14 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 1 of armyobj=3438 #attached to# Stack of 14 of Lizardmen 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 15 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 2 of armyobj=3438 #attached to# Stack of 15 of Lizardmen 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:51:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:51:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:51:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:51:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:51:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:51:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d37d0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:51:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:51:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat04 19:51:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat04 19:52:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:52:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d37d0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d37d0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=422. 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d37d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:52:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:52:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=423. 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:52:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:52:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=424. 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:52:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:52:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=425. 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb141c9ca0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb144f2090] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb144f2090] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb144f2090] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=426. 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb144f2090] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d2bf0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=427. 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16MakeCustomAction 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13StacksInjured 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:52:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d2bf0] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d2bf0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=428. 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d2bf0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb141bf3f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:52:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:52:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb141bf3f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb141bf3f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=429. 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb141bf3f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb141786f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb141786f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb141786f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=430. 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb141786f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:52:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:52:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat04 19:52:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 0 of armyobj=3438 #detached from# Stack of 15 of Lizardmen 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 1 of armyobj=3438 #detached from# Stack of 14 of Lizardmen 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 2 of armyobj=3438 #detached from# Stack of 15 of Lizardmen 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:52:24 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Lizardmen #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 14 of Lizardmen #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Lizardmen #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3438 19:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat04 19:52:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 19:52:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:52:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 19:52:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:52:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:52:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:52:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:52:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:52:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 38 0 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=431. 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Global effects 19:52:27 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:52:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:52:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:52:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 8 39 0 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=432. 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 9 39 0 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=433. 19:52:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 10 39 0 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=434. 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 11 39 0 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=435. 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 12 39 0 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=436. 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 13 38 0 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=437. 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9GiveBonus 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7SetMana 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:52:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:52:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:52:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 14 38 0 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=438. 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 15 38 0 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=439. 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 16 38 0 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=440. 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 17 38 0 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=441. 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 18 38 0 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=442. 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 38 0 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=443. 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 20 38 0 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=444. 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:52:34 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=445. 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [12]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 2 creatures of Nagas from slot 0 of armyobj=1429 #attached to# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 2 creatures of Nagas from slot 1 of armyobj=1429 #attached to# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 2 creatures of Nagas from slot 2 of armyobj=1429 #attached to# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 2 creatures of Nagas from slot 3 of armyobj=1429 #attached to# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [11]: 2 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 4 of armyobj=1429 #attached to# Stack of 2 of Naga Queens 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:52:36 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:52:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 19:52:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb15126e70] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:52:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:52:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:52:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb15126e70] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb15126e70] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=446. 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb15126e70] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:52:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:52:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb145b4930] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:52:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat02 19:52:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat02 19:52:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:52:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb145b4930] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb145b4930] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=447. 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb145b4930] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:52:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:52:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:52:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:52:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 19:52:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=448. 19:52:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb141be3b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb143695f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:52:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:52:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb143695f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb143695f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=449. 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb143695f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 19:52:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 19:52:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a5060] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a5060] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5060] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=450. 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5060] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:52:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:52:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb15187540] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:52:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:52:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb15187540] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb15187540] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=451. 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb15187540] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 19:52:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:52:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 19:53:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 19:53:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 19:53:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 19:53:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [12]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 70 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 70 of Obsidian Gargoyles 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Nagas from slot 0 of armyobj=1429 #detached from# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 12 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 1 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Naga Queens 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Nagas from slot 1 of armyobj=1429 #detached from# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 28 creatures of Magi from slot 2 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 28 of Magi 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Nagas from slot 2 of armyobj=1429 #detached from# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 177 creatures of Master Gremlins from slot 3 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 0 creatures of Nagas from slot 3 of armyobj=1429 #detached from# Stack of 2 of Nagas 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 13 creatures of Arch Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Arch Magi 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [11]: 0 creatures of Naga Queens from slot 4 of armyobj=1429 #detached from# Stack of 2 of Naga Queens 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 50 creatures of Iron Golems from slot 5 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 50 of Iron Golems 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 3 creatures of Giants from slot 6 of armyobj=3415 #detached from# Stack of 3 of Giants 19:53:01 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #detached from# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Nagas" 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #detached from# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Nagas" 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #detached from# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Nagas" 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Nagas #detached from# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Nagas" 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Naga Queens #detached from# Bonus system node of type 5CBank 19:53:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Naga Queens" 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 19:53:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:53:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 19:53:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:53:01 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 19:53:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 19:53:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:53:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 19:53:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "9BuildBoat". It'll have an ID=452. 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 9BuildBoat 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9NewObject 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 38 0 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=453. 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 18 38 0 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=454. 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 17 38 0 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=455. 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 16 38 0 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=456. 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 15 39 0 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=457. 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=458. 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:53:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:53:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:53:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 19:53:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 105 0 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=459. 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 104 0 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=460. 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 104 0 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=461. 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 53 104 0 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=462. 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 54 104 0 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=463. 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 104 0 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=464. 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 104 0 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=465. 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 104 0 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=466. 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 103 0 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=467. 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 102 0 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=468. 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 101 0 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=469. 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 100 0 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=470. 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 99 0 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=471. 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 98 0 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=472. 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 97 0 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=473. 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=474. 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 41 0 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=475. 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 42 0 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=476. 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 43 0 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=477. 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 44 0 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=478. 19:53:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 43 0 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=479. 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:53:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:53:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=480. 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 44 0 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=481. 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 45 0 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=482. 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 46 0 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=483. 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 47 0 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=484. 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 48 0 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=485. 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 49 0 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=486. 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 50 0 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=487. 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 50 0 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=488. 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 49 0 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=489. 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=490. 19:53:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:53:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:53:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:53:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:53:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 81 0 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=491. 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 81 0 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=492. 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 81 0 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=493. 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 80 0 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=494. 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 79 0 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=495. 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:53:51 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:53:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:52 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=496. 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10OpenWindow 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 79 0 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=497. 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 80 0 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=498. 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 81 0 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=499. 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 82 0 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=500. 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 83 0 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=501. 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:53:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:53:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=502. 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:53:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:53:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:53:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:53:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/TowerTown 19:53:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:53:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:53:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:53:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/TowerTown 19:53:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 13 19:53:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=503. 19:53:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:53:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:53:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=504. 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=505. 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/CstleTown 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:54:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/TowerTown 19:54:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/CstleTown 19:54:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=506. 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=507. 19:54:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:54:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=508. 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=509. 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/FortressTown 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:54:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/CstleTown 19:54:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/FortressTown 19:54:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=510. 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=511. 19:54:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:54:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:54:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=512. 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=513. 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Stronghold 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/FortressTown 19:54:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Stronghold 19:54:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=514. 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:54:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=515. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Player 4 starting turn 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=516. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 516 is answered. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=517. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 517 is answered. 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Stronghold 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme1 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme1 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Moving hero Гервульф to tile 46 87 0 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=518. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 518 is answered. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=519. 19:54:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 519 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=520. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 520 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=521. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 521 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=522. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 522 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=523. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 523 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=524. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 524 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=525. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 525 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=526. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 526 is answered. 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=527. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 527 is answered. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=528. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 528 is answered. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=529. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 529 is answered. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=530. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 530 is answered. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=531. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 531 is answered. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=532. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 532 is answered. 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Гервульф and object Гервульф the Хозяин Зверей at 54 96 0. 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Hero Гервульф moved from 59 111 0 to 53 96 0. Returning 0. 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=533. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 533 is answered. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (46 87 0)), I will stop. 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Striving to goal of type WIN 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal WIN 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal CONQUER 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal RECRUIT HERO 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type RECRUIT HERO 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal BUILD STRUCTURE 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD STRUCTURE 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD STRUCTURE 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD STRUCTURE (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - The error message was: Cannot build a given structure! 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=534. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 534 is answered. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=535. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 535 is answered. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (46 87 0) 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (46 87 0) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (46 87 0)), I will stop. 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Considering goal BUILD 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Player 4 ends turn 19:54:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Player 4 ended his turn. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=536. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:54:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb20e01a90] - We'll wait till request 536 is answered. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20e01a90] - Player 4 ended turn 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=537. 19:54:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=538. 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:17 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 19:54:17 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 19:54:17 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 19:54:17 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 19:54:17 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:54:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:17 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme1 19:54:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 100 0 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=539. 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 85 100 0 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=540. 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 84 100 0 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=541. 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 99 0 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=542. 19:54:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 82 98 0 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=543. 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 97 0 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=544. 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 96 0 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=545. 19:54:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 95 0 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=546. 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 94 0 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=547. 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 93 0 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=548. 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:54:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 19:54:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 19:54:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=549. 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:54:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 36 35 0 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=550. 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 37 35 0 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=551. 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:28 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=552. 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14GarrisonDialog 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - LoadFrame error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:54:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - GetImage error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:54:30 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - GetImage error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=553. 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:31 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #detached from# Hero Каитлин 19:54:31 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dendroid Soldiers" 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - GetImage error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=554. 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 47 of Energy Elementals #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 19:54:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 47 of Energy Elementals #attached to# Hero Каитлин 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:33 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - GetImage error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: CREST58 Group: 0 Frame: 254 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=555. 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:54:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:33 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1424 19:54:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 34 0 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=556. 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=557. 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:54:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:36 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1415 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 35 0 19:54:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=558. 19:54:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 39 34 0 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=559. 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=560. 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:54:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:39 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1414 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 34 0 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=561. 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 33 0 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=562. 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=563. 19:54:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:54:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:41 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1413 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 39 33 0 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=564. 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11PutArtifact 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Rib Cage type 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:54:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:42 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=1425 19:54:42 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=565. 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:54:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 106 0 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=566. 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 100 105 0 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=567. 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 99 104 0 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=568. 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:54:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:54:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 19:54:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=569. 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:54:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 19:54:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 19:54:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "9BuildBoat". It'll have an ID=570. 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 9BuildBoat 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9NewObject 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::newObject(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::newObject(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 100 105 0 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=571. 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 99 105 0 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=572. 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 19:54:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:54:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 19:55:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 19:55:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:55:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=573. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Player 6 starting turn 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=574. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 574 is answered. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=575. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 575 is answered. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=576. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 576 is answered. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Striving to goal of type WIN 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Considering goal WIN 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Considering goal CONQUER 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=577. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 577 is answered. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=578. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 578 is answered. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Considering goal EXPLORE 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:55:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=579. 19:55:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 579 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 90 ms. 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=580. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 580 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=581. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 581 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=582. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 582 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme1 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme1 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=583. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 583 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=584. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 584 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=585. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 585 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:55:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=586. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 586 is answered. 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=587. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 587 is answered. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=588. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 588 is answered. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=589. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 589 is answered. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=590. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 590 is answered. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=591. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 591 is answered. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=592. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 592 is answered. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=593. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 593 is answered. 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:55:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=594. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 594 is answered. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=595. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 595 is answered. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=596. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 596 is answered. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=597. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 597 is answered. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=598. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 598 is answered. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=599. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 599 is answered. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=600. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 600 is answered. 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 19:55:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=601. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 601 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=602. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 602 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=603. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 603 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=604. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 604 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=605. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 605 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Considering goal BUILD 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking into Мануфэктир 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=606. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 606 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=607. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 607 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=608. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 608 is answered. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 19:55:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Player 6 ends turn 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - Player 6 ended his turn. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=609. 19:55:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b6420] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:55:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b6420] - We'll wait till request 609 is answered. 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217b6420] - Player 6 ended turn 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '79'. 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '122'. 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '109'. 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '3', val '60'. 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PlayerEndsGame 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool): victory '0'. 19:55:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Player 1: I heard that player  lost. 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool): victory '0'. 19:55:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Player 2: I heard that player  lost. 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool): victory '0'. 19:55:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Player 3: I heard that player  lost. 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool): victory '0'. 19:55:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Player 4: I heard that player  lost. 19:55:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - VCAI: Player 4 lost. It's me. What a disappointment! :( 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool): victory '0'. 19:55:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Player 6: I heard that player  lost. 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor, bool). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:55:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - I lost my hero Гервульф. It's best to forget and move on. 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3427 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Гервульф #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Player Оранжевый 19:55:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=610. 19:55:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=611. 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:13 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 19:55:13 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 19:55:13 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 19:55:13 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 19:55:13 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:55:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:13 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme1 19:55:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 14 39 0 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=612. 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 13 39 0 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=613. 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 12 39 0 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=614. 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 11 39 0 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=615. 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 10 39 0 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=616. 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 9 39 0 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=617. 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 8 39 0 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=618. 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 39 0 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=619. 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 39 0 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=620. 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 39 0 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=621. 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 39 0 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=622. 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 38 0 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=623. 19:55:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 2 37 0 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=624. 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 36 0 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=625. 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 19:55:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 19:55:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:55:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=626. 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:55:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:55:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 96 0 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=627. 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 54 95 0 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=628. 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 53 94 0 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=629. 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetSecSkill 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:55:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 19:55:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:55:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:55:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 94 0 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=630. 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 94 0 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=631. 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 93 0 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=632. 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Global effects 19:55:34 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:55:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 94 0 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=633. 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 93 0 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=634. 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 92 0 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=635. 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 91 0 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=636. 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 90 0 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=637. 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=638. 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:56:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:56:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:56:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 19:56:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:56:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:56:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:56:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 48 0 19:56:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=639. 19:56:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 47 0 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=640. 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 46 0 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=641. 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 45 0 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=642. 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 44 0 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=643. 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 54 44 0 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=644. 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 53 44 0 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=645. 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 44 0 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=646. 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 45 0 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=647. 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 46 0 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=648. 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 47 0 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=649. 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 48 0 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=650. 19:56:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 49 0 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=651. 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=652. 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:56:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:56:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:56:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 83 0 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=653. 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 19:56:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:56:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=654. 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:56:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 84 0 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=655. 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 83 0 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=656. 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 82 0 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=657. 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 81 0 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=658. 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 80 0 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=659. 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 79 0 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=660. 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 78 0 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=661. 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 77 0 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=662. 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 19:57:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=663. 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:57:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/TowerTown 19:57:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:57:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 19:57:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:57:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/TowerTown 19:57:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 13 19:57:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=664. 19:57:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:57:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=665. 19:57:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:57:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=666. 19:57:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/CstleTown 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:57:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:57:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/TowerTown 19:57:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/CstleTown 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=667. 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=668. 19:57:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:57:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=669. 19:57:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:57:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=670. 19:57:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 19:57:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:57:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/FortressTown 19:57:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:57:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/CstleTown 19:57:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/FortressTown 19:57:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=671. 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=672. 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=673. 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Stronghold 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:57:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/FortressTown 19:57:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Stronghold 19:57:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=674. 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 19:57:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=675. 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 19:57:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=676. 19:57:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 19:57:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Stronghold 19:57:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme1 19:57:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme1 19:57:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=677. 19:57:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:20 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 19:57:20 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 19:57:20 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 19:57:20 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 19:57:20 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 19:57:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:20 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_3 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 19:57:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 19:57:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme1 19:57:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 20:59:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 20:59:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 20:59:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 20:59:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 94 0 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=678. 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 20:59:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 20:59:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:39 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=679. 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 8 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Калид #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Succubuses from slot -2 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Succubuses 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 25 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 25 of Pit Lords 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 8 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2500 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Thunderbirds 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 43 of Horned Demons 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 7 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 1 of armyobj=2500 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Thunderbirds 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 30 of Vampire Lords 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 8 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 2 of armyobj=2500 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Thunderbirds 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 49 of Magogs 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 36 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 36 of Cerberi 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 10 of War Unicorns 20:59:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 19 of Efreet Sultans 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 20:59:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 20:59:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb15ada1b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 20:59:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 20:59:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat02 20:59:44 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat02 20:59:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 20:59:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb15ada1b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb15ada1b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=680. 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb15ada1b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 20:59:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb141684b0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 8 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2500 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb141684b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=681. 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb141684b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 20:59:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 20:59:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb15c756b0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 7 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 1 of armyobj=2500 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 ERROR global [0x7fdb15c756b0] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb15c756b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=682. 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb15c756b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 20:59:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 20:59:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb140fda90] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [9]: 8 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 2 of armyobj=2500 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb140fda90] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=683. 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb140fda90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb14e852f0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:00:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:00:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb14e852f0] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb14e852f0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=684. 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb14e852f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14101cf0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:00:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:00:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb14101cf0] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb14101cf0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=685. 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb14101cf0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f36c0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 36 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:00:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 36 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:00:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f36c0] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 36 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f36c0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=686. 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f36c0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb141df830] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 25 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:00:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 25 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:00:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb141df830] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 25 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb141df830] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=687. 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb141df830] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb141df830] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:00:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:00:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb141df830] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb141df830] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=688. 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb141df830] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578990] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:00:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:00:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb14578990] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578990] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=689. 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb14578990] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb144f1c80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:00:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:00:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb144f1c80] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb144f1c80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=690. 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb144f1c80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +20 21:00:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +0 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f3660] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:00:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:00:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f3660] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f3660] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=691. 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f3660] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +20 21:00:31 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +0 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f3660] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:00:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:00:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb140f3660] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f3660] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=692. 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb140f3660] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb1474d870] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:00:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:00:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb1474d870] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb1474d870] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=693. 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb1474d870] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:00:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb15c75ef0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:00:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:00:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb15c75ef0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb15c75ef0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=694. 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb15c75ef0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:00:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:00:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:00:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:00:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:00:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 21:00:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 21:00:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 21:00:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 0 creatures of Succubuses from slot -2 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Succubuses 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 25 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 25 of Pit Lords 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 0 of armyobj=2500 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Thunderbirds 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 43 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 43 of Horned Demons 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 1 of armyobj=2500 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Thunderbirds 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 30 of Vampire Lords 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 2 of armyobj=2500 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Thunderbirds 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 49 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 49 of Magogs 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 36 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 36 of Cerberi 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 10 of War Unicorns 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 19 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 19 of Efreet Sultans 21:00:50 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Калид #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 8 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 8 of Thunderbirds #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2500 21:00:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:00:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 21:00:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 21:00:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 21:00:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:00:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:00:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 82 95 0 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=695. 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13ShowInInfobox 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:53 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2499 21:00:53 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:00:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 82 95 0 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=696. 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:00:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 95 0 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=697. 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13ShowInInfobox 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2498 21:00:54 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:00:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 96 0 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=698. 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=699. 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:57 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2467 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:00:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:00:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 96 0 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=700. 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:00:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 97 0 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=701. 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:58 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:00:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=702. 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11HeroLevelUp 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:00 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2468 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=703. 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetSecSkill 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 84 96 0 21:01:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=704. 21:01:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=705. 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:01:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:01:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:04 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2469 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 97 0 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=706. 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 84 97 0 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=707. 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10OpenWindow 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 97 0 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=708. 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 96 0 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=709. 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 82 95 0 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=710. 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 94 0 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=711. 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=712. 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:01:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:01:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:01:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 33 0 21:01:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=713. 21:01:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 32 0 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=714. 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetSecSkill 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 33 0 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=715. 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 39 34 0 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=716. 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 34 0 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=717. 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 37 35 0 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=718. 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 36 35 0 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=719. 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 35 34 0 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=720. 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 34 34 0 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=721. 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=722. 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:01:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:01:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 98 104 0 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=723. 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 97 103 0 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=724. 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 96 103 0 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=725. 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 95 103 0 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=726. 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 94 103 0 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=727. 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 93 103 0 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=728. 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 92 103 0 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=729. 21:01:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 91 103 0 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=730. 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 90 103 0 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=731. 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 89 102 0 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=732. 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 88 101 0 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=733. 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 87 100 0 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=734. 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 99 0 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=735. 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=736. 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 98 104 0 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=737. 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 97 103 0 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=738. 21:01:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 96 103 0 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=739. 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 95 103 0 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=740. 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 94 103 0 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=741. 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 93 103 0 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=742. 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 92 103 0 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=743. 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 91 103 0 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=744. 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 90 103 0 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=745. 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 89 103 0 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=746. 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 88 102 0 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=747. 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 87 101 0 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=748. 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 100 0 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=749. 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:01:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=750. 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:01:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:01:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:01:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:01:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=751. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Player 6 starting turn 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=752. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 752 is answered. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=753. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 753 is answered. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=754. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 754 is answered. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Considering goal WIN 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Considering goal CONQUER 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=755. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 755 is answered. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=756. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 756 is answered. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Considering goal EXPLORE 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=757. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 757 is answered. 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:01:50 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 190 ms. 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=758. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 758 is answered. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=759. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 759 is answered. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=760. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 760 is answered. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=761. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 761 is answered. 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme1 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme1 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=762. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 762 is answered. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=763. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 763 is answered. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=764. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 764 is answered. 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:01:51 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 220 ms. 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=765. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 765 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=766. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 766 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=767. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 767 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=768. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 768 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=769. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 769 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=770. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 770 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=771. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 771 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 21:01:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=772. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 772 is answered. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=773. 21:01:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 773 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=774. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 774 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=775. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 775 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=776. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 776 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=777. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 777 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=778. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 778 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 190 ms. 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 21:01:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=779. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 779 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=780. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 780 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=781. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 781 is answered. 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=782. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 782 is answered. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=783. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 783 is answered. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Considering goal BUILD 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking into Мануфэктир 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=784. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 784 is answered. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=785. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 785 is answered. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=786. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 786 is answered. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Player 6 ends turn 21:01:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - Player 6 ended his turn. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=787. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb141515a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:01:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb141515a0] - We'll wait till request 787 is answered. 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141515a0] - Player 6 ended turn 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '124'. 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '111'. 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=788. 21:01:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=789. 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:00 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:02:00 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:02:00 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:02:00 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:02:00 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:02:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:00 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_3 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme1 21:02:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 35 0 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=790. 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 34 0 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=791. 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 33 0 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=792. 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 32 0 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=793. 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 2 31 0 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=794. 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 30 0 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=795. 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 29 0 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=796. 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 28 0 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=797. 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 27 0 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=798. 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 26 0 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=799. 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 25 0 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=800. 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 24 0 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=801. 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:02:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:02:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:02:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:02:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:02:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=802. 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:02:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:02:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 89 0 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=803. 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:02:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 88 0 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=804. 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 87 0 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=805. 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 86 0 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=806. 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 85 0 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=807. 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 84 0 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=808. 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 83 0 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=809. 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 82 0 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=810. 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 81 0 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=811. 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 80 0 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=812. 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 79 0 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=813. 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=814. 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 50 0 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=815. 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 51 0 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=816. 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 52 0 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=817. 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 53 0 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=818. 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 54 0 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=819. 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 54 0 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=820. 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 21:02:50 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:02:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=821. 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14InsertNewStack 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:02:52 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Розик 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 55 0 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=822. 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 56 0 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=823. 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 57 0 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=824. 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 58 0 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=825. 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 59 0 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=826. 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:02:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:02:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:02:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:02:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:02:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:02:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:02:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=827. 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 76 0 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=828. 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 75 0 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=829. 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 74 0 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=830. 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 73 0 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=831. 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 72 0 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=832. 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 71 0 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=833. 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 70 0 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=834. 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 69 0 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=835. 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 68 0 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=836. 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 67 0 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=837. 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 66 0 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=838. 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=839. 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=840. 21:03:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:03:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:03:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 21:03:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 21:03:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=841. 21:03:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:03:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:08 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:03:08 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:03:08 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:03:08 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:03:08 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:08 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_4 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 21:03:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 82 95 0 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=842. 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 95 0 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=843. 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 84 95 0 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=844. 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11PutArtifact 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Dragon Wing Tabard type 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:03:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:03:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2497 21:03:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=845. 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:03:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 33 34 0 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=846. 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 32 34 0 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=847. 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 31 34 0 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=848. 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 30 34 0 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=849. 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 29 34 0 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=850. 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 28 35 0 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=851. 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 27 36 0 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=852. 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 27 37 0 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=853. 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 26 38 0 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=854. 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=855. 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:03:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 85 99 0 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=856. 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 84 99 0 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=857. 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 99 0 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=858. 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 82 98 0 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=859. 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 97 0 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=860. 21:03:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 96 0 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=861. 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 95 0 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=862. 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 79 94 0 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=863. 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 93 0 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=864. 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 77 92 0 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=865. 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:21 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3019 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 92 0 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=866. 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 77 91 0 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=867. 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2715 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=868. 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 99 0 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=869. 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 98 0 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=870. 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 97 0 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=871. 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 96 0 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=872. 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 85 95 0 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=873. 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=874. 21:03:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:03:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:03:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=875. 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:03:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=876. 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:03:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 84 95 0 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=877. 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 85 95 0 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=878. 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:03:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:03:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=879. 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 18 of Pit Lords #detached from# Hero Ксарфакс 21:03:39 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pit Lords" 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=880. 21:03:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:03:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:03:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 10 of Efreet Sultans #detached from# Hero Ксарфакс 21:03:40 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Efreet Sultans" 21:03:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=881. 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:43 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 26 of Horned Demons #detached from# Hero Ксарфакс 21:03:43 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Horned Demons" 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=882. 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:45 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Magogs #detached from# Hero Ксарфакс 21:03:45 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Magogs" 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=883. 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 92 of Cerberi #detached from# Hero Ксарфакс 21:03:48 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Cerberi" 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:03:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "17ExchangeArtifacts". It'll have an ID=884. 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12MoveArtifact 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:14 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Калид #detached from# Artifact instance of Everpouring Vial of Mercury type 21:04:14 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Artifact instance of Everpouring Vial of Mercury type 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=885. 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 83 95 0 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=886. 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 82 95 0 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=887. 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 94 0 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=888. 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 93 0 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=889. 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 92 0 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=890. 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 91 0 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=891. 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 81 90 0 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=892. 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9GiveBonus 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:04:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 90 0 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=893. 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 79 89 0 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=894. 21:04:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:04:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=895. 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:04:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:04:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 86 94 0 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=896. 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 87 93 0 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=897. 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 88 92 0 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=898. 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 89 91 0 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=899. 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 90 90 0 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=900. 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 91 89 0 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=901. 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 92 88 0 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=902. 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=903. 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:04:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rampart 21:04:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:04:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:04:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:04:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rampart 21:04:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 13 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=904. 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=905. 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=906. 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:04:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rampart 21:04:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 21:04:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=907. 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=908. 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=909. 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Lava 21:04:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/InfernoTown 21:04:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 21:04:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 21:04:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:04:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/InfernoTown 21:04:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=910. 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 4 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=911. 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Lava 21:04:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/InfernoTown 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=912. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/InfernoTown 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Player 6 starting turn 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/InfernoTown 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=913. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 913 is answered. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=914. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 914 is answered. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=915. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 915 is answered. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Striving to goal of type WIN 21:04:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Considering goal WIN 21:04:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 21:04:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Considering goal CONQUER 21:04:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=916. 21:04:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 916 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=917. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 917 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Considering goal EXPLORE 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=918. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 918 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 220 ms. 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=919. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 919 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=920. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 920 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=921. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 921 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=922. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 922 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=923. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 923 is answered. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=924. 21:04:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 924 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=925. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 925 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=926. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 926 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=927. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 927 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=928. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 928 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=929. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 929 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=930. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 930 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=931. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 931 is answered. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 21:04:57 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=932. 21:04:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:57 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 932 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=933. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 933 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=934. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 934 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=935. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 935 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=936. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 936 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=937. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 937 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:04:58 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Даремиф to tile 21 92 0 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=938. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 938 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15HeroVisitCastle 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Даремиф #detached from# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:04:58 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Даремиф #attached to# Player Бирюзовый 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=939. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 939 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=940. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 940 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=941. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 941 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=942. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 942 is answered. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=943. 21:04:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 943 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=944. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 944 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=945. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 945 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=946. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 946 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=947. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 947 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=948. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 948 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=949. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 949 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:04:59 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 603 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=950. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 950 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Даремиф 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Iron Golems" 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=951. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 951 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 22 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Даремиф 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=952. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 952 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:04:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - I'll answer the query 603 giving the choice 0 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=953. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:04:59 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Attempted answering query 603 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Request id=953. Waiting for results... 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 953 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 603 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Даремиф and object Даремиф the Маг at 21 93 0. 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:04:59 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Даремиф moved from 17 84 0 to 20 93 0. Returning 1. 21:04:59 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=954. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 954 is answered. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=955. 21:04:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:04:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 955 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=956. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 956 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=957. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 957 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=958. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 958 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=959. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 959 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:00 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=960. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 960 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=961. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 961 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=962. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 962 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=963. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 963 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=964. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 964 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=965. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 965 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=966. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 966 is answered. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=967. 21:05:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 967 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 613 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=968. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 968 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=969. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 969 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=970. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 970 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - I'll answer the query 613 giving the choice 0 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=971. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - Attempted answering query 613 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=971. Waiting for results... 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 971 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 613 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 20 98 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=972. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 972 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=973. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 973 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=974. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 974 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=975. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 975 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=976. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 976 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=977. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 977 is answered. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:01 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=978. 21:05:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 978 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:02 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 616 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=979. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 979 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=980. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 980 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=981. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 981 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=982. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 982 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb143401f0] - I'll answer the query 616 giving the choice 0 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=983. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:02 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb143401f0] - Attempted answering query 616 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=983. Waiting for results... 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 983 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 616 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:02 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 21 93 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:02 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=984. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 984 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=985. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 985 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=986. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 986 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=987. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 987 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=988. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 988 is answered. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:02 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=989. 21:05:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 989 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Даремиф to tile 21 92 0 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=990. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 990 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 619 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=991. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb157012e0] - We'll wait till request 991 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:03 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:03 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:03 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb157012e0] - I'll answer the query 619 giving the choice 0 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=992. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb157012e0] - Attempted answering query 619 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Request id=992. Waiting for results... 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb157012e0] - We'll wait till request 992 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 619 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Даремиф and object Даремиф the Маг at 21 93 0. 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Даремиф moved from 20 93 0 to 20 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=993. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 993 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=994. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 994 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=995. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 995 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=996. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 996 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=997. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 997 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=998. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 998 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=999. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 999 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:03 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 622 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1000. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1000 is answered. 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1001. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1001 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1002. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1002 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141002d0] - I'll answer the query 622 giving the choice 0 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1003. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141002d0] - Attempted answering query 622 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=1003. Waiting for results... 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1003 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 622 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 21 93 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1004. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1004 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1005. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1005 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1006. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1006 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1007. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1007 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1008. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1008 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1009. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1009 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1010. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1010 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:04 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 625 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1011. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb14121080] - We'll wait till request 1011 is answered. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1012. 21:05:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb14121080] - We'll wait till request 1012 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1013. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb14121080] - We'll wait till request 1013 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1014. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb14121080] - We'll wait till request 1014 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:05 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14121080] - I'll answer the query 625 giving the choice 0 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1015. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14121080] - Attempted answering query 625 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=1015. Waiting for results... 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb14121080] - We'll wait till request 1015 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 625 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 21 93 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1016. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1016 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1017. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1017 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1018. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1018 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1019. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1019 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1020. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1020 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1021. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1021 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Даремиф to tile 21 92 0 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1022. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1022 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:05 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 628 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1023. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a5230] - We'll wait till request 1023 is answered. 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217a5230] - I'll answer the query 628 giving the choice 0 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1024. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217a5230] - Attempted answering query 628 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Request id=1024. Waiting for results... 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a5230] - We'll wait till request 1024 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 628 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Даремиф and object Даремиф the Маг at 21 93 0. 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Даремиф moved from 20 93 0 to 20 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1025. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1025 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1026. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1026 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1027. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1027 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1028. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1028 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1029. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1029 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1030. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1030 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1031. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1031 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 631 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1032. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15127080] - We'll wait till request 1032 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1033. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15127080] - We'll wait till request 1033 is answered. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:06 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1034. 21:05:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15127080] - We'll wait till request 1034 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb15127080] - I'll answer the query 631 giving the choice 0 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1035. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb15127080] - Attempted answering query 631 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=1035. Waiting for results... 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb15127080] - We'll wait till request 1035 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 631 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 21 93 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1036. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1036 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1037. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1037 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1038. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1038 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1039. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1039 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1040. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1040 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1041. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1041 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1042. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1042 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 634 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1043. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb141293d0] - We'll wait till request 1043 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1044. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb141293d0] - We'll wait till request 1044 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1045. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb141293d0] - We'll wait till request 1045 is answered. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1046. 21:05:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb141293d0] - We'll wait till request 1046 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141293d0] - I'll answer the query 634 giving the choice 0 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1047. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141293d0] - Attempted answering query 634 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=1047. Waiting for results... 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb141293d0] - We'll wait till request 1047 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 634 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 21 93 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1048. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1048 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1049. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1049 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1050. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1050 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1051. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1051 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1052. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1052 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1053. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1053 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Даремиф to tile 21 92 0 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1054. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1054 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 637 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1055. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 1055 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - I'll answer the query 637 giving the choice 0 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1056. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Attempted answering query 637 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Request id=1056. Waiting for results... 21:05:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 1056 is answered. 21:05:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 637 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Даремиф and object Даремиф the Маг at 21 93 0. 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Даремиф moved from 20 93 0 to 20 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1057. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1057 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1058. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1058 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1059. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1059 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1060. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1060 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1061. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1061 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1062. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1062 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1063. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1063 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 640 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1064. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 1064 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:09 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1065. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 1065 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:09 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1066. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 1066 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:09 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - I'll answer the query 640 giving the choice 0 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1067. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - Attempted answering query 640 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=1067. Waiting for results... 21:05:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 1067 is answered. 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 640 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 21 93 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1068. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1068 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1069. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1069 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1070. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1070 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1071. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1071 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1072. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1072 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1073. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1073 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Сильвия to tile 21 92 0 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1074. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1074 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 643 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1075. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 1075 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1076. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 1076 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1077. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 1077 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:10 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1078. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 1078 is answered. 21:05:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Сильвия 21:05:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb143401f0] - I'll answer the query 643 giving the choice 0 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1079. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb143401f0] - Attempted answering query 643 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Request id=1079. Waiting for results... 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 1079 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 643 - Exchange between heroes Сильвия and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Сильвия and object Сильвия the Рыцарь at 22 93 0. 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Сильвия moved from 21 93 0 to 21 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1080. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1080 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1081. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1081 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1082. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1082 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1083. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1083 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1084. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1084 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1085. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1085 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Даремиф to tile 21 92 0 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1086. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1086 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 646 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 1 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1087. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb157012e0] - We'll wait till request 1087 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 202 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:11 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Халон 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb157012e0] - I'll answer the query 646 giving the choice 0 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1088. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb157012e0] - Attempted answering query 646 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Request id=1088. Waiting for results... 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb157012e0] - We'll wait till request 1088 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 646 - Exchange between heroes Даремиф and Халон. Total queries count: 0 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Даремиф and object Даремиф the Маг at 21 93 0. 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Даремиф moved from 20 93 0 to 20 93 0. Returning 1. 21:05:11 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1089. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1089 is answered. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1090. 21:05:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1090 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1091. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1091 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1092. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1092 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1093. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1093 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1094. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1094 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1095. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1095 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 649 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1096. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1096 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 102 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1097. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1097 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 164 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1098. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1098 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #detached from# Hero Халон 21:05:12 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Trolls #attached to# Hero Сильвия 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141002d0] - I'll answer the query 649 giving the choice 0 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1099. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141002d0] - Attempted answering query 649 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1099. Waiting for results... 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1099 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 649 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:12 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1100. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1100 is answered. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1101. 21:05:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1101 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1102. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1102 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1103. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1103 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1104. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1104 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1105. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1105 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1106. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1106 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 652 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14121080] - I'll answer the query 652 giving the choice 0 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1107. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14121080] - Attempted answering query 652 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1107. Waiting for results... 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb14121080] - We'll wait till request 1107 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 652 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:13 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1108. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1108 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1109. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1109 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1110. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1110 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1111. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1111 is answered. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1112. 21:05:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1112 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1113. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1113 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1114. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1114 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 655 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217a5230] - I'll answer the query 655 giving the choice 0 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1115. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217a5230] - Attempted answering query 655 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1115. Waiting for results... 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a5230] - We'll wait till request 1115 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 655 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1116. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1116 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1117. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1117 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1118. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1118 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1119. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1119 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1120. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1120 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1121. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1121 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1122. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1122 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 658 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb15127080] - I'll answer the query 658 giving the choice 0 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1123. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:14 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb15127080] - Attempted answering query 658 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1123. Waiting for results... 21:05:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb15127080] - We'll wait till request 1123 is answered. 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 658 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1124. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1124 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1125. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1125 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1126. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1126 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1127. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1127 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1128. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1128 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1129. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1129 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1130. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1130 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 661 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141293d0] - I'll answer the query 661 giving the choice 0 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1131. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141293d0] - Attempted answering query 661 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1131. Waiting for results... 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb141293d0] - We'll wait till request 1131 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 661 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:15 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1132. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1132 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1133. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1133 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1134. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1134 is answered. 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1135. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1135 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1136. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1136 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1137. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1137 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1138. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1138 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 664 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - I'll answer the query 664 giving the choice 0 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1139. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Attempted answering query 664 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1139. Waiting for results... 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 1139 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 664 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1140. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1140 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1141. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1141 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1142. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1142 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1143. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1143 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1144. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1144 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1145. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1145 is answered. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:16 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1146. 21:05:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1146 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 667 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - I'll answer the query 667 giving the choice 0 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1147. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - Attempted answering query 667 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1147. Waiting for results... 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 1147 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 667 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1148. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1148 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1149. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1149 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1150. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1150 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1151. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1151 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1152. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1152 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1153. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1153 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1154. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1154 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 670 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb143401f0] - I'll answer the query 670 giving the choice 0 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1155. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb143401f0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb143401f0] - Attempted answering query 670 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1155. Waiting for results... 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb143401f0] - We'll wait till request 1155 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 670 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1156. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1156 is answered. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1157. 21:05:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1157 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1158. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1158 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1159. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1159 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1160. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1160 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1161. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1161 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1162. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1162 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 673 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb157012e0] - I'll answer the query 673 giving the choice 0 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1163. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb157012e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb157012e0] - Attempted answering query 673 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1163. Waiting for results... 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb157012e0] - We'll wait till request 1163 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 673 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1164. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1164 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1165. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1165 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1166. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1166 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1167. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1167 is answered. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1168. 21:05:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1168 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1169. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1169 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1170. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1170 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 676 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141002d0] - I'll answer the query 676 giving the choice 0 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1171. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb141002d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141002d0] - Attempted answering query 676 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1171. Waiting for results... 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb141002d0] - We'll wait till request 1171 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 676 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1172. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1172 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1173. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1173 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1174. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1174 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1175. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1175 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1176. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1176 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1177. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1177 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1178. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1178 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 679 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14121080] - I'll answer the query 679 giving the choice 0 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1179. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb14121080] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14121080] - Attempted answering query 679 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1179. Waiting for results... 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb14121080] - We'll wait till request 1179 is answered. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 679 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1180. 21:05:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1180 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1181. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1181 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1182. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1182 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1183. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1183 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1184. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1184 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1185. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1185 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1186. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1186 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 682 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217a5230] - I'll answer the query 682 giving the choice 0 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1187. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb217a5230] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb217a5230] - Attempted answering query 682 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1187. Waiting for results... 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb217a5230] - We'll wait till request 1187 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 682 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1188. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1188 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1189. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1189 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1190. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1190 is answered. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1191. 21:05:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1191 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1192. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1192 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1193. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1193 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1194. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1194 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 685 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb15127080] - I'll answer the query 685 giving the choice 0 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1195. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb15127080] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb15127080] - Attempted answering query 685 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1195. Waiting for results... 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb15127080] - We'll wait till request 1195 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 685 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1196. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1196 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1197. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1197 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1198. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1198 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1199. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1199 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1200. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1200 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1201. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1201 is answered. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1202. 21:05:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1202 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 688 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141293d0] - I'll answer the query 688 giving the choice 0 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1203. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb141293d0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb141293d0] - Attempted answering query 688 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1203. Waiting for results... 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb141293d0] - We'll wait till request 1203 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 688 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1204. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1204 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1205. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1205 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1206. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1206 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1207. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1207 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1208. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1208 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1209. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1209 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1210. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1210 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 691 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - I'll answer the query 691 giving the choice 0 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1211. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - Attempted answering query 691 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1211. Waiting for results... 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb158d4ec0] - We'll wait till request 1211 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 691 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1212. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1212 is answered. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1213. 21:05:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1213 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1214. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1214 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1215. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1215 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1216. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1216 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1217. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1217 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3432 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Moving hero Халон to tile 21 93 0 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1218. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1218 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14ExchangeDialog 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Adding query 694 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 1 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID, ObjectInstanceID, QueryID). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - I'll answer the query 694 giving the choice 0 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1219. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb14128280] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14128280] - Attempted answering query 694 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Request id=1219. Waiting for results... 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb14128280] - We'll wait till request 1219 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Removing query 694 - Exchange between heroes Халон and Сильвия. Total queries count: 0 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Халон and object Idol of Fortune (Visited) at 21 92 0. 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Hero Халон moved from 21 92 0 to 21 92 0. Returning 1. 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1220. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1220 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1221. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1221 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1222. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1222 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1223. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1223 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1224. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1224 is answered. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1225. 21:05:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1225 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 3429 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT HERO 3429 (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1226. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1226 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1227. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1227 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 190 ms. 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1228. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1228 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1229. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1229 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1230. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1230 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1231. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1231 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1232. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1232 is answered. 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Considering goal BUILD 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Looking into Мануфэктир 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Looking into Халон, MP=0 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1233. 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1233 is answered. 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=0 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1234. 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1234 is answered. 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Player 6 ends turn 21:05:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - Player 6 ended his turn. 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1235. 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb1450a480] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:05:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb1450a480] - We'll wait till request 1235 is answered. 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18SetAvailableHeroes 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Кира 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Кира 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #detached from# Hero Кира 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Golems" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Кира 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Кира 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Кира 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Жабаркас 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Жабаркас 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18SetAvailableHeroes 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Торгрим 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Торгрим 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Торгрим 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Торгрим 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Торгрим 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Игнисса 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Игнисса 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #detached from# Hero Игнисса 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Water Elementals" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Игнисса 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Игнисса 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18SetAvailableHeroes 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero Вистан 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Вистан 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Вистан 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Пигуедрам 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Пигуедрам 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Пигуедрам 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Пигуедрам 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Пигуедрам 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18SetAvailableHeroes 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Кланси 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Кланси 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Аерис 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Аерис 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18SetAvailableHeroes 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #detached from# Hero Йог 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero Йог 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #detached from# Hero Йог 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Orcs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Йог 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Йог 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 10 of Wolf Raiders #detached from# Hero Гервульф 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Raiders" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 54 of Hobgoblins #detached from# Hero Гервульф 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Hobgoblins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Гервульф 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Гервульф 21:05:25 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1450a480] - Player 6 ended turn 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18SetAvailableHeroes 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 23 of Imps #detached from# Hero Рашка 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #detached from# Hero Рашка 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero Рашка 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Рашка 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 16 of Goblins #detached from# Hero Шива 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero Шива 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Шива 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Шива 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Шива 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18SetAvailableHeroes 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Астрал 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Астрал 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Астрал 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Астрал 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Вердиш 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Вердиш 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '0'. 21:05:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14InsertNewStack 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 21:05:25 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Basilisks #attached to# Town (Крепость) of Дидфалл 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '126'. 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '113'. 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14InsertNewStack 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:05:26 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 8 of Harpies #attached to# Town (Темница) of Малев 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1236. 21:05:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1237. 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:31 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:05:31 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:05:31 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:05:31 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:05:31 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:05:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:31 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_4 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 21:05:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:05:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:05:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:05:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:05:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 23 0 21:05:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1238. 21:05:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 22 0 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1239. 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 21 0 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1240. 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 8 20 0 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1241. 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 9 19 0 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1242. 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 10 19 0 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1243. 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 11 18 0 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1244. 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 12 17 0 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1245. 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 13 17 0 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1246. 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 14 17 0 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1247. 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 15 17 0 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1248. 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 16 16 0 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1249. 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 17 16 0 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1250. 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 18 16 0 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1251. 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 15 0 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1252. 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 14 0 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1253. 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 13 0 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1254. 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 12 0 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1255. 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 11 0 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1256. 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15HeroVisitCastle 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Player Красный 21:05:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1257. 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:05:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/TowerTown 21:05:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12ChangeSpells 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:05:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/TowerTown 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "15UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=1258. 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 15UpgradeCreature 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetStackType 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:42 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 28 of Magi #detached from# "Magi" 21:05:42 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 28 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1259. 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 28 of Arch Magi #detached from# Hero Солмир 21:05:44 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Arch Magi" 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Giants #attached to# "Giants" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Naga Queens" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Master Gremlins" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Arch Magi" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Iron Golems" 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Giants" 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=1260. 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16GarrisonHeroSwap 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15SetHeroesInTown 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Player Красный 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Player Красный 21:05:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Town (Башня) of Мустос 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "15UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=1261. 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 15UpgradeCreature 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetStackType 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Giants #detached from# "Giants" 21:05:49 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 3 of Titans #attached to# "Titans" 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 9 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1262. 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1263. 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=1264. 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16GarrisonHeroSwap 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15SetHeroesInTown 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:56 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Town (Башня) of Мустос 21:05:56 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Player Красный 21:05:56 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Player Красный 21:05:56 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1265. 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Titans #detached from# Hero Солмир 21:05:59 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Titans #attached to# Hero Солмир 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:05:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1266. 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Солмир 21:06:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Titans #detached from# Hero Солмир 21:06:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 177 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Солмир 21:06:00 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Titans #attached to# Hero Солмир 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1267. 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 21:06:04 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 1 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Солмир 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1268. 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:06:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:06:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/TowerTown 21:06:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 12 0 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1269. 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15HeroVisitCastle 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #detached from# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:06:17 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Солмир #attached to# Player Красный 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 13 0 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1270. 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 14 0 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1271. 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 15 0 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1272. 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 18 16 0 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1273. 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 17 16 0 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1274. 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 16 16 0 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1275. 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 15 16 0 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1276. 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 14 17 0 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1277. 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 13 17 0 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1278. 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 12 17 0 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1279. 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 11 17 0 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1280. 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 10 18 0 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1281. 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 9 19 0 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1282. 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 8 20 0 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1283. 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 21 0 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1284. 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 22 0 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1285. 21:06:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 23 0 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1286. 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 24 0 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1287. 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1288. 21:06:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:06:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:06:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:06:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 78 0 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1289. 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:06:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 77 0 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1290. 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 76 0 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1291. 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 75 0 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1292. 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 74 0 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1293. 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 73 0 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1294. 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 72 0 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1295. 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 71 0 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1296. 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 70 0 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1297. 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 69 0 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1298. 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 68 0 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1299. 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 67 0 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1300. 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1301. 21:06:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:06:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 60 0 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1302. 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 61 0 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1303. 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 62 0 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1304. 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 63 0 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1305. 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 63 0 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1306. 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 62 0 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1307. 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Global effects 21:06:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 63 0 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1308. 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 64 0 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1309. 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 64 0 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1310. 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 65 0 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1311. 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 64 0 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1312. 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 21:06:31 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:31 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1313. 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:06:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1314. 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 65 0 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1315. 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 64 0 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1316. 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 63 0 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1317. 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 62 0 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1318. 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 61 0 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1319. 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 60 0 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1320. 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 59 0 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1321. 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 58 0 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1322. 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 57 0 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1323. 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 56 0 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1324. 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1325. 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1326. 21:06:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:06:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:06:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 21:06:40 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1327. 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:41 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:06:41 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:06:41 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:06:41 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:06:41 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:06:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:41 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_5 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 21:06:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 79 88 0 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1328. 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 87 0 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1329. 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 86 0 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1330. 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 80 85 0 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1331. 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 79 84 0 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1332. 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1333. 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Lizardmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetStackType 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Lizardmen #detached from# "Lizardmen" 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Калид #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Succubuses from slot -2 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Succubuses 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 43 of Pit Lords 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 13 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 0 of armyobj=3448 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Lizardmen 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 69 of Horned Demons 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 12 creatures of Lizard Warriors from slot 1 of armyobj=3448 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Lizard Warriors 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 30 of Vampire Lords 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 13 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 2 of armyobj=3448 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Lizardmen 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 51 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 51 of Magogs 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 128 of Cerberi 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 10 of War Unicorns 21:06:47 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 #attached to# Stack of 29 of Efreet Sultans 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:06:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:06:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb150d0480] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:06:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:06:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:06:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb150d0480] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb150d0480] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1334. 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb150d0480] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:06:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:06:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat04 21:06:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat04 21:06:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:06:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:06:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:06:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:58 WARN network [0x7fdb20770770] - Unrecognized trigger effect type 3019 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:06:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:06:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:07:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:07:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1335. 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:00 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:07:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:07:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:07:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:07:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb140fda90] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:07:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:07:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb140fda90] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb140fda90] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1336. 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb140fda90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb15460380] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15460380] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15460380] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1337. 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15460380] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:07:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:07:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1338. 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb15f80bc0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb14599c20] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:07:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:07:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb14599c20] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb14599c20] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1339. 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb14599c20] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb150cf3c0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:07:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb150cf3c0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb150cf3c0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1340. 21:07:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb150cf3c0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb14161200] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 51 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:07:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 51 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:07:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb14161200] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 51 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb14161200] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1341. 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb14161200] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:07:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b4a10] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Succubuses from slot -2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Succubuses from slot -2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb217b4a10] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Succubuses from slot -2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b4a10] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1342. 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb217b4a10] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:07:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1434f850] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 3 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 0 of armyobj=3448 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1434f850] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1343. 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb1434f850] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:07:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 19BattleTriggerEffect 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:14 WARN network [0x7fdb20770770] - Unrecognized trigger effect type 3019 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1605cea0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 3 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 0 of armyobj=3448 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1605cea0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1344. 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1605cea0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:07:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:07:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb140fdcd0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:07:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:07:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb140fdcd0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb140fdcd0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1345. 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb140fdcd0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +20 21:07:18 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +0 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:07:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:07:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1346. 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +20 21:07:19 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +0 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:07:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:07:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1347. 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +20 21:07:19 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +0 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1348. 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +20 21:07:20 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +0 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:07:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:07:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1349. 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb16dc7d80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +20 21:07:21 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 receives a new bonus: +0 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:07:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb150cee70] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:07:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:07:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb150cee70] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb150cee70] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1350. 21:07:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb150cee70] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:07:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:07:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:07:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:07:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:07:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:07:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:07:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 21:07:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 21:07:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat04 21:07:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Succubuses from slot -2 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Succubuses 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 43 creatures of Pit Lords from slot 0 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 43 of Pit Lords 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 0 of armyobj=3448 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Lizardmen 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 69 creatures of Horned Demons from slot 1 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 69 of Horned Demons 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Lizard Warriors from slot 1 of armyobj=3448 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Lizard Warriors 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 30 creatures of Vampire Lords from slot 2 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 30 of Vampire Lords 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 2 of armyobj=3448 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Lizardmen 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 51 creatures of Magogs from slot 3 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 51 of Magogs 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 128 creatures of Cerberi from slot 4 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 128 of Cerberi 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of War Unicorns from slot 5 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 10 of War Unicorns 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 29 creatures of Efreet Sultans from slot 6 of armyobj=3420 #detached from# Stack of 29 of Efreet Sultans 21:07:24 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Калид #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Lizardmen #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Lizard Warriors #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizard Warriors" 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 13 of Lizardmen #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3448 21:07:24 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:07:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 21:07:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Combat04 21:07:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat04 21:07:25 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:07:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 84 0 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1351. 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 77 84 0 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1352. 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 76 83 0 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1353. 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 75 83 0 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1354. 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 74 83 0 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1355. 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 73 83 0 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1356. 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 72 83 0 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1357. 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 83 0 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1358. 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 83 0 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1359. 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 69 83 0 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1360. 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1361. 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:07:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:07:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 25 38 0 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1362. 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 24 38 0 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1363. 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 23 38 0 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1364. 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 22 39 0 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1365. 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 21 39 0 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1366. 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 20 40 0 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1367. 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 19 39 0 21:07:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1368. 21:07:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 18 38 0 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1369. 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1370. 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:07:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:07:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 77 92 0 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1371. 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 76 91 0 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1372. 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2714 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:07:41 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 77 93 0 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1373. 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 94 0 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1374. 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 95 0 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1375. 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 96 0 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1376. 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 97 0 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1377. 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 98 0 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1378. 21:07:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 99 0 21:07:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1379. 21:07:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 100 0 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1380. 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 101 0 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1381. 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 78 102 0 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1382. 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 77 102 0 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1383. 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 76 102 0 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1384. 21:07:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1385. 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 93 88 0 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1386. 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 94 88 0 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1387. 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 95 88 0 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1388. 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 96 88 0 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1389. 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 97 88 0 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1390. 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 98 88 0 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1391. 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 99 88 0 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1392. 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 100 88 0 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1393. 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2920 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 99 87 0 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1394. 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 100 86 0 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1395. 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:07:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2793 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 99 86 0 21:07:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1396. 21:07:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 99 85 0 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1397. 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:07:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2795 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:07:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:07:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 100 86 0 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1398. 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 86 0 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1399. 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:07:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:07:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2794 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:07:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:08:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1400. 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:08:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:08:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1401. 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rampart 21:08:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 21:08:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:08:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:08:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rampart 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1402. 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1403. 21:08:12 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Lava 21:08:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:08:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1404. 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1405. 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Lava 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/InfernoTown 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rampart 21:08:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/InfernoTown 21:08:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1406. 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Lava 21:08:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/InfernoTown 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/InfernoTown 21:08:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Lava 21:08:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1407. 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Lava 21:08:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:08:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:17 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Player 6 starting turn 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1408. 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1408 is answered. 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1409. 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1409 is answered. 21:08:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1410. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1410 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Striving to goal of type WIN 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Considering goal WIN 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Considering goal CONQUER 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1411. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1411 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1412. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1412 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Considering goal EXPLORE 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1413. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1413 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 21:08:18 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1414. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1414 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1415. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1415 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1416. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1416 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Lava 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1417. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1417 is answered. 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1418. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1418 is answered. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1419. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1419 is answered. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1420. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1420 is answered. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1421. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1421 is answered. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1422. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1422 is answered. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1423. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1423 is answered. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1424. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1424 is answered. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:19 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1425. 21:08:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1425 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1426. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1426 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1427. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1427 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 90 ms. 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1428. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1428 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1429. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1429 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1430. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1430 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1431. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1431 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1432. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1432 is answered. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:20 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1433. 21:08:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1433 is answered. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1434. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1434 is answered. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1435. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1435 is answered. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1436. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1436 is answered. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1437. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1437 is answered. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1438. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1438 is answered. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1439. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1439 is answered. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Considering goal BUILD 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 21:08:21 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking into Мануфэктир 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1440. 21:08:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:08:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1440 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '-1', val '-1'. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14InsertNewStack 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 21:08:22 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 32 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Town (Башня) of Мануфэктир 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::newStackInserted(const StackLocation&, const CStackInstance&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::newStackInserted(const StackLocation&, const CStackInstance&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1441. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1441 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '-1', val '-1'. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14InsertNewStack 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 21:08:22 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 22 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Town (Башня) of Мануфэктир 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::newStackInserted(const StackLocation&, const CStackInstance&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::newStackInserted(const StackLocation&, const CStackInstance&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1442. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1442 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '-1', val '-1'. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14InsertNewStack 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 21:08:22 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Iron Golems #attached to# Town (Башня) of Мануфэктир 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::newStackInserted(const StackLocation&, const CStackInstance&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::newStackInserted(const StackLocation&, const CStackInstance&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1443. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1443 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=3143 seems nice 21:08:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Даремиф will try to visit Windmill (Not visited) at (15 88 0) 21:08:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Moving hero Даремиф to tile 15 88 0 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1444. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1444 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1445. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1445 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1446. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1446 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1447. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1447 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1448. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1448 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1449. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1449 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1450. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1450 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1451. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1451 is answered. 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '132'. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int): soundID '359'. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const string&, const std::vector&, int). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetHoverName 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Даремиф and object Windmill (Visited) at 16 88 0. 21:08:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:08:22 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Hero Даремиф moved from 20 93 0 to 15 88 0. Returning 1. 21:08:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=626 seems nice 21:08:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Даремиф will try to visit Мануфэктир, Башня at (17 84 0) 21:08:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Moving hero Даремиф to tile 17 84 0 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1452. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1452 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1453. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1453 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1454. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1454 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1455. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1455 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1456. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1456 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered::unordered_set&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '1'. 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15HeroVisitCastle 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Даремиф #detached from# Player Бирюзовый 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Даремиф #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGTownInstance*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGTownInstance*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool): start '0'. 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance*, const CGObjectInstance*, bool). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Entering void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr): Hero Даремиф and object Мануфэктир, Башня at 19 84 0. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1457. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1457 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 64 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Hero Даремиф 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 64 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero Даремиф 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1458. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1458 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 32 of Master Gremlins #detached from# Town (Башня) of Мануфэктир 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Master Gremlins" 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1459. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1459 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Iron Golems #detached from# Town (Башня) of Мануфэктир 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 12 of Iron Golems #attached to# Hero Даремиф 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1460. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1460 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 22 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Town (Башня) of Мануфэктир 21:08:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 22 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Даремиф 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation&, const StackLocation&, TQuantity). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Leaving void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance*, HeroPtr). 21:08:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Hero Даремиф moved from 15 88 0 to 17 84 0. Returning 1. 21:08:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1461. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1461 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:23 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1462. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1462 is answered. 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 21:08:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 21:08:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Player 6 ends turn 21:08:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - Player 6 ended his turn. 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1463. 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb1519c930] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:08:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb1519c930] - We'll wait till request 1463 is answered. 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb1519c930] - Player 6 ended turn 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '134'. 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '115'. 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1464. 21:08:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1465. 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:29 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:08:29 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:08:29 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:08:29 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:08:29 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:08:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:29 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_5 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 21:08:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 68 0 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1466. 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 69 0 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1467. 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 70 0 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1468. 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 71 0 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1469. 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 70 0 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1470. 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 21:08:34 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:34 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1471. 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 71 0 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1472. 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 72 0 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1473. 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 73 0 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1474. 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 72 0 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1475. 21:08:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 21:08:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1476. 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:08:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 73 0 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1477. 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1478. 21:08:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 65 0 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1479. 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 65 0 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1480. 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 65 0 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1481. 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 66 0 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1482. 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 67 0 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1483. 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 67 0 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1484. 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 21:08:45 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1485. 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:08:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:08:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 67 0 21:08:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1486. 21:08:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 66 0 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1487. 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 65 0 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1488. 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 64 0 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1489. 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 63 0 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1490. 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:08:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:08:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1491. 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:00 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 55 0 21:09:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1492. 21:09:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 54 0 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1493. 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15HeroVisitCastle 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #detached from# Player Красный 21:09:02 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1494. 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:09:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Stronghold 21:09:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:09:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Stronghold 21:09:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "15UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=1495. 21:09:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 15UpgradeCreature 21:09:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetStackType 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 30 of Goblins #detached from# "Goblins" 21:09:07 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 30 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1496. 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 4 of Hobgoblins #detached from# Town (Цитадель) of Рокварен 21:09:08 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Hobgoblins" 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Behemoths #attached to# "Behemoths" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Stack of 0 of Master Genies #attached to# "Master Genies" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Behemoths" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Ogre Magi" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Cyclops Kings" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Hobgoblins" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Thunderbirds" 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x1f04f90] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Master Genies" 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=1497. 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16GarrisonHeroSwap 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15SetHeroesInTown 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #detached from# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #attached to# Player Красный 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #detached from# Player Красный 21:09:15 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #attached to# Town (Цитадель) of Рокварен 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 9 21:09:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1498. 21:09:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1499. 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16ChangeStackCount 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:19 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - Error: accessing unavailable frame 0:2 in CAnimation! 21:09:19 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - Error: accessing unavailable frame 0:2 in CAnimation! 21:09:19 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - Error: accessing unavailable frame 0:2 in CAnimation! 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=1500. 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16GarrisonHeroSwap 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15SetHeroesInTown 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #detached from# Town (Цитадель) of Рокварен 21:09:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #attached to# Player Красный 21:09:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #detached from# Player Красный 21:09:23 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "13ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1501. 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 13ArrangeStacks 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10SwapStacks 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 34 of Hobgoblins #detached from# Hero Тан 21:09:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 32 of Ogre Magi #detached from# Hero Тан 21:09:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 34 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero Тан 21:09:28 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 32 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Hero Тан 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1502. 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:09:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:09:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Stronghold 21:09:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 55 0 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1503. 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15HeroVisitCastle 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #detached from# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:09:33 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #attached to# Player Красный 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 55 0 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1504. 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 54 0 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1505. 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 53 0 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1506. 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 52 0 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1507. 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 51 0 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1508. 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 50 0 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1509. 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 49 0 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1510. 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1511. 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:09:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:09:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 25 0 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1512. 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:09:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:09:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:09:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1513. 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1514. 21:09:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:09:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:09:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 21:09:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1515. 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:49 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:09:49 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:09:49 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:09:49 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:09:49 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:09:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:49 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_1 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 21:09:50 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:09:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 68 83 0 21:09:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1516. 21:09:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 67 82 0 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1517. 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 66 82 0 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1518. 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 65 82 0 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1519. 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 64 82 0 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1520. 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 63 82 0 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1521. 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 62 82 0 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1522. 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 83 0 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1523. 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 83 0 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1524. 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 83 0 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1525. 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 84 0 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1526. 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 85 0 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1527. 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:09:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:09:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 86 0 21:09:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1528. 21:09:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 87 0 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1529. 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 88 0 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1530. 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:09:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:09:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1531. 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:10:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 17 38 0 21:10:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1532. 21:10:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:10:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:10:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 16 38 0 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1533. 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 15 39 0 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1534. 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 14 40 0 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1535. 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 13 40 0 21:10:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1536. 21:10:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 12 40 0 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1537. 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 11 40 0 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1538. 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 10 40 0 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1539. 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 9 40 0 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1540. 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1541. 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:10:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 75 102 0 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1542. 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 74 101 0 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1543. 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 73 100 0 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1544. 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 73 99 0 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1545. 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 73 98 0 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1546. 21:10:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 72 98 0 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1547. 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 98 0 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1548. 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 98 0 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1549. 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 69 97 0 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1550. 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11NewArtifact 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Dispassion type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Dispassion 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11PutArtifact 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Десса #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Dispassion type 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2716 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 69 98 0 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1551. 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:20 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3020 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 69 98 0 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1552. 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 68 98 0 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1553. 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2717 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 99 0 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1554. 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1555. 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 86 0 21:10:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1556. 21:10:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 102 86 0 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1557. 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:10:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:10:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:33 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2921 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 85 0 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1558. 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 84 0 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1559. 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 83 0 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1560. 21:10:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 82 0 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1561. 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 81 0 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1562. 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 80 0 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1563. 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 102 79 0 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1564. 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 102 78 0 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1565. 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 77 0 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1566. 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:10:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:10:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:38 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2786 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 102 77 0 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1567. 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 76 0 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1568. 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:10:40 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:10:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:10:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2784 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:10:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1569. 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:10:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rampart 21:10:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:10:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:10:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:10:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rampart 21:10:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1570. 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1571. 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:10:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rampart 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1572. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Player 6 starting turn 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1573. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1573 is answered. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1574. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1574 is answered. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1575. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1575 is answered. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Striving to goal of type WIN 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Considering goal WIN 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Considering goal CONQUER 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1576. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1576 is answered. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1577. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1577 is answered. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Considering goal EXPLORE 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1578. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1578 is answered. 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:10:52 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1579. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1579 is answered. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1580. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1580 is answered. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1581. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1581 is answered. 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1582. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1582 is answered. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1583. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1583 is answered. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1584. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1584 is answered. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1585. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1585 is answered. 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 10 ms. 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:10:53 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1586. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1586 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1587. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1587 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1588. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1588 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1589. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1589 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1590. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1590 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1591. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1591 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1592. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1592 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 90 ms. 21:10:54 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1593. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1593 is answered. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1594. 21:10:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:54 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1594 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1595. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1595 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1596. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1596 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1597. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1597 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1598. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1598 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1599. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1599 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 90 ms. 21:10:55 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1600. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1600 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1601. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1601 is answered. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1602. 21:10:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1602 is answered. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1603. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1603 is answered. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1604. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1604 is answered. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Considering goal BUILD 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking into Мануфэктир 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1605. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1605 is answered. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1606. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1606 is answered. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1607. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1607 is answered. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Player 6 ends turn 21:10:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - Player 6 ended his turn. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1608. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb14157990] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:10:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb14157990] - We'll wait till request 1608 is answered. 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb14157990] - Player 6 ended turn 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '136'. 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '117'. 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1609. 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1610. 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:10:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:10:58 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:58 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:10:58 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:10:58 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:10:58 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:10:58 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:59 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_1 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:10:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 21:10:59 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 73 0 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1611. 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 73 0 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1612. 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 73 0 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1613. 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 73 0 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1614. 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 73 0 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1615. 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 73 0 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1616. 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 73 0 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1617. 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 39 73 0 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1618. 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 38 73 0 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1619. 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:11:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 39 74 0 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1620. 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 40 75 0 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1621. 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 76 0 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1622. 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1623. 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 62 0 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1624. 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 61 0 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1625. 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 60 0 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1626. 21:11:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 59 0 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1627. 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 58 0 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1628. 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 57 0 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1629. 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 56 0 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1630. 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 55 0 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1631. 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 54 0 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1632. 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 53 0 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1633. 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 52 0 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1634. 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1635. 21:11:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:11:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:11:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 26 0 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1636. 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 27 0 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1637. 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 28 0 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1638. 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 29 0 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1639. 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 30 0 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1640. 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 2 31 0 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1641. 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 32 0 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1642. 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 33 0 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1643. 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 34 0 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1644. 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 35 0 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1645. 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 36 0 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1646. 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 37 0 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1647. 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1648. 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:11:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:11:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 48 0 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1649. 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:30 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 47 0 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1650. 21:11:30 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 46 0 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1651. 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 45 0 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1652. 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 44 0 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1653. 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 53 44 0 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1654. 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 54 44 0 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1655. 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:11:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 44 0 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1656. 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 45 0 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1657. 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 46 0 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1658. 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 47 0 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1659. 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 48 0 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1660. 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1661. 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1662. 21:11:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 21:11:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1663. 21:11:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 21:11:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:11:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:35 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:11:35 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:11:35 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:11:35 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:11:35 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:11:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:36 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 21:11:36 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 89 0 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1664. 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 90 0 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1665. 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 91 0 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1666. 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 62 92 0 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1667. 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 91 0 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1668. 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 90 0 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1669. 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 89 0 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1670. 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 88 0 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1671. 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:48 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 87 0 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1672. 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 86 0 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1673. 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 85 0 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1674. 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 84 0 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1675. 21:11:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 83 0 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1676. 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 82 0 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1677. 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1678. 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:11:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:11:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:11:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 8 40 0 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1679. 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 40 0 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1680. 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 40 0 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1681. 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 39 0 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1682. 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 39 0 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1683. 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 38 0 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1684. 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 2 37 0 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1685. 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:58 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:58 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:11:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:11:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 37 0 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1686. 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 37 0 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1687. 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:11:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:11:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1688. 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:12:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:12:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 100 0 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1689. 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 101 0 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1690. 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 102 0 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1691. 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 103 0 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1692. 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 104 0 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1693. 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:03 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 104 0 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1694. 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 105 0 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1695. 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 69 105 0 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1696. 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 68 105 0 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1697. 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 67 105 0 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1698. 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 66 105 0 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1699. 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:12:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2869 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 66 106 0 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1700. 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:12:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:09 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2870 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 66 105 0 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1701. 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 65 104 0 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1702. 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:12:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2868 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1703. 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 101 76 0 21:12:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1704. 21:12:17 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 100 75 0 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1705. 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:18 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2785 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:18 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 102 76 0 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1706. 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 103 75 0 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1707. 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:21 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:21 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 104 74 0 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1708. 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 105 73 0 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1709. 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 106 72 0 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1710. 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 107 72 0 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1711. 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 108 71 0 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1712. 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 109 70 0 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1713. 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:23 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 110 69 0 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1714. 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1715. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Player 6 starting turn 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1716. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1716 is answered. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1717. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1717 is answered. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1718. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1718 is answered. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Considering goal WIN 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Considering goal CONQUER 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1719. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1719 is answered. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1720. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1720 is answered. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Considering goal EXPLORE 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1721. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1721 is answered. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 190 ms. 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 120 ms. 21:12:27 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1722. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1722 is answered. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1723. 21:12:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1723 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1724. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1724 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1725. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1725 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1726. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1726 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1727. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1727 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1728. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1728 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 21:12:28 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1729. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1729 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1730. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1730 is answered. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1731. 21:12:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1731 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1732. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1732 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1733. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1733 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1734. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1734 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1735. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1735 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 190 ms. 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 120 ms. 21:12:29 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1736. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1736 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1737. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1737 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1738. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1738 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1739. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1739 is answered. 21:12:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1740. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1740 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1741. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1741 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1742. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1742 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 130 ms. 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1743. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1743 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1744. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1744 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1745. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1745 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1746. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1746 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1747. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1747 is answered. 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Considering goal BUILD 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking into Мануфэктир 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1748. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1748 is answered. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1749. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1749 is answered. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1750. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1750 is answered. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Player 6 ends turn 21:12:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Player 6 ended his turn. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1751. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:12:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb155d94b0] - We'll wait till request 1751 is answered. 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb155d94b0] - Player 6 ended turn 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '138'. 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '119'. 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1752. 21:12:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:12:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1753. 21:12:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:12:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:34 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:12:34 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:12:34 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:12:34 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:12:34 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:12:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:34 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 21:12:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 77 0 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1754. 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 78 0 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1755. 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 41 79 0 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1756. 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 42 80 0 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1757. 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 81 0 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1758. 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 82 0 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1759. 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 83 0 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1760. 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 84 0 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1761. 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 85 0 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1762. 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 86 0 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1763. 21:12:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 43 87 0 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1764. 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 88 0 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1765. 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1766. 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 51 0 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1767. 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 50 0 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1768. 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 49 0 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1769. 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 48 0 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1770. 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 47 0 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1771. 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 46 0 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1772. 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 45 0 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1773. 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 44 0 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1774. 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 53 44 0 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1775. 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 54 44 0 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1776. 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 44 0 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1777. 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 44 0 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1778. 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1779. 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:12:44 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 1 38 0 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1780. 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 2 39 0 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1781. 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Water 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 40 0 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1782. 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 40 0 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1783. 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 41 0 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1784. 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 41 0 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1785. 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 7 41 0 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1786. 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 8 41 0 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1787. 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 9 42 0 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1788. 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 10 43 0 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1789. 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 11 44 0 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1790. 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 12 45 0 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1791. 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1792. 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:12:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:12:48 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 49 0 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1793. 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 50 0 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1794. 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 51 0 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1795. 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 52 0 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1796. 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1797. 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:12:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:51 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=3159 21:12:51 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 28 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type 14CArmedInstance 21:12:51 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 21:12:51 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 51 0 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1798. 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10OpenWindow 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 62 52 0 21:12:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1799. 21:12:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:12:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:12:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 53 0 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1800. 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:12:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:12:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 53 0 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1801. 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 53 0 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1802. 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 53 0 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1803. 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:01 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 52 0 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1804. 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 52 0 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1805. 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:02 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1806. 21:13:04 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:13:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:13:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/TowerTown 21:13:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:13:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:13:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:13:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/TowerTown 21:13:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 13 21:13:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1807. 21:13:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 21:13:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1808. 21:13:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 21:13:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1809. 21:13:07 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/CstleTown 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:13:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/TowerTown 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:08 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:13:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/TowerTown 21:13:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/CstleTown 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1810. 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1811. 21:13:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 21:13:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1812. 21:13:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 21:13:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1813. 21:13:11 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:13:11 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 21:13:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/FortressTown 21:13:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 21:13:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/CstleTown 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/CstleTown 21:13:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/FortressTown 21:13:13 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1814. 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1815. 21:13:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:13:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 21:13:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1816. 21:13:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Swamp 21:13:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:13:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 21:13:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1817. 21:13:16 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:16 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:13:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Swamp 21:13:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 21:13:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Stronghold 21:13:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:13:17 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/FortressTown 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/FortressTown 21:13:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Stronghold 21:13:18 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1818. 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:13:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Stronghold 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Stronghold 21:13:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:13:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 0 ended his turn. 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1819. 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1820. 21:13:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:13:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:13:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 21:13:21 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 21:13:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1821. 21:13:21 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:22 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:13:22 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:13:22 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:13:22 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:13:22 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:13:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:22 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_3 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 21:13:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 82 0 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1822. 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 62 82 0 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1823. 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 63 82 0 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1824. 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:25 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 64 82 0 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1825. 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 65 82 0 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1826. 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 66 82 0 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1827. 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 67 82 0 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1828. 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 68 82 0 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1829. 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:26 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 69 82 0 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1830. 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 70 82 0 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1831. 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 71 82 0 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1832. 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 72 82 0 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1833. 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 73 82 0 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1834. 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:27 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 74 82 0 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1835. 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 75 82 0 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1836. 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 76 82 0 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1837. 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 77 83 0 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1838. 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1839. 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:13:29 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:13:30 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 36 0 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1840. 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 35 0 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1841. 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 34 0 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1842. 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 2 33 0 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1843. 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:32 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:33 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 3 34 0 21:13:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1844. 21:13:33 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 4 34 0 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1845. 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 5 34 0 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1846. 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 6 34 0 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1847. 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1848. 21:13:35 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:13:36 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:13:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:13:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:37 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 65 104 0 21:13:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1849. 21:13:37 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 64 103 0 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1850. 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 63 102 0 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1851. 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 63 101 0 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1852. 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 62 101 0 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1853. 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 100 0 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1854. 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:41 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 99 0 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1855. 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 98 0 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1856. 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 97 0 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1857. 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 96 0 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1858. 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 95 0 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1859. 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 94 0 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1860. 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:13:42 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12RemoveObject 21:13:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:13:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance*). 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:43 DEBUG global [0x7fdb20770770] - removing object oid=2875 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:46 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1861. 21:13:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:48 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 111 69 0 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1862. 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 112 68 0 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1863. 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 113 67 0 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1864. 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:49 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 113 66 0 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1865. 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 114 65 0 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1866. 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 115 64 0 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1867. 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 114 64 0 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1868. 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 113 63 0 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1869. 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 112 62 0 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1870. 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 111 61 0 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1871. 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:13:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:13:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 111 60 0 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1872. 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 111 59 0 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1873. 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1874. 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:13:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:13:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:13:59 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:13:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Rampart 21:13:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:13:59 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:14:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:14:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rampart 21:14:00 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - You've clicked on 12 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "14BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1875. 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 14BuildStructure 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9FoWChange 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13NewStructures 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1876. 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Dirt 21:14:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rampart 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rampart 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Dirt 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Player 5 ended his turn. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1877. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::yourTurn(). 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Player 6 starting turn 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1878. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1878 is answered. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1879. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1879 is answered. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1880. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1880 is answered. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Striving to goal of type WIN 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Considering goal WIN 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Considering goal CONQUER 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1881. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1881 is answered. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1882. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1882 is answered. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Considering goal EXPLORE 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1883. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1883 is answered. 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:14:06 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 180 ms. 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 110 ms. 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1884. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1884 is answered. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1885. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1885 is answered. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1886. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1886 is answered. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1887. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1887 is answered. 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1888. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1888 is answered. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1889. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1889 is answered. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1890. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1890 is answered. 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:14:07 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 210 ms. 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1891. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1891 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1892. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1892 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1893. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1893 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1894. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1894 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1895. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1895 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1896. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1896 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1897. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1897 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 190 ms. 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:14:08 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1898. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1898 is answered. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1899. 21:14:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:08 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1899 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1900. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1900 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1901. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1901 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1902. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1902 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1903. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1903 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1904. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1904 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 200 ms. 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 100 ms. 21:14:09 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 104 0) 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1905. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1905 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1906. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1906 is answered. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1907. 21:14:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1907 is answered. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1908. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1908 is answered. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1909. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1909 is answered. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (23 104 0) decomposition failed: There is no known shipyard! 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Considering goal BUILD 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking into Мануфэктир 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking into Даремиф, MP=1630 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1910. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1910 is answered. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking into Халон, MP=1630 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1911. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1911 is answered. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Looking into Сильвия, MP=1630 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1912. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1912 is answered. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Player 6 ends turn 21:14:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - Player 6 ended his turn. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending a request "7EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1913. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb145ab270] - Sending to server a pack of type 7EndTurn 21:14:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb145ab270] - We'll wait till request 1913 is answered. 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied*). 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 DEBUG ai [0x7fdb145ab270] - Player 6 ended turn 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 18UpdateCastleEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 7NewTurn 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15UpdateMapEvents 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '2', val '140'. 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int): type '0', val '121'. 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::receivedResource(int, int). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:11 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11SetResource 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "8SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1914. 21:14:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 8SaveGame 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1915. 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Rough 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 8SaveGame 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:47 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving lib part of game... 21:14:47 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving header 21:14:47 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving options 21:14:47 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving handlers 21:14:47 INFO global [0x7fdb20770770] - Saving gamestate 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 0 interface. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 1 interface. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 2 interface. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 3 interface. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 4 interface. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 5 interface. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]: Saving player 6 interface. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int): version '741'. 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::saveGame(COSer&, int). 21:14:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = COSer]. 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13SystemMessage 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:47 ERROR network [0x7fdb20770770] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_3 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 21:14:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Rough 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 44 89 0 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1916. 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 45 90 0 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1917. 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:50 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 46 91 0 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1918. 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 47 92 0 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1919. 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 48 93 0 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1920. 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 49 94 0 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1921. 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 50 94 0 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1922. 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:51 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 51 94 0 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1923. 21:14:51 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 52 94 0 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1924. 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 53 95 0 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1925. 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1926. 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:14:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:14:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 57 44 0 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1927. 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Rough 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Rough 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 58 44 0 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1928. 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 59 44 0 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1929. 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:55 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 60 43 0 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1930. 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 42 0 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1931. 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 41 0 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1932. 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 40 0 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1933. 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 61 39 0 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1934. 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:56 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 62 38 0 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1935. 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:56 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 63 37 0 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1936. 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:57 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:57 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:14:57 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1937. 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Розик #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:15:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:15:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 1 creatures of Shamans from slot -2 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Shamans 21:15:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 15 of Goblins 21:15:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Wyverns from slot 0 of armyobj=1932 #attached to# Stack of 6 of Wyverns 21:15:01 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Hydras 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:01 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:15:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:15:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb16e930a0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Wyverns from slot 0 of armyobj=1932 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb16e930a0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1938. 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb16e930a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:15:02 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:15:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:03 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:03 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:03 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432110] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 1 creatures of Shamans from slot -2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 1 creatures of Shamans from slot -2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432110] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 1 creatures of Shamans from slot -2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432110] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1939. 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432110] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432110] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat03 21:15:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat03 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=1940. 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16MakeCustomAction 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13StacksInjured 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432110] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432110] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1941. 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432110] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb1481eeb0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:14 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:14 TRACE global [0x7fdb1481eeb0] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1481eeb0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1942. 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb1481eeb0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:14 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:14 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:15:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:15:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:17 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:17 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:17 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432350] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:20 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432350] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432350] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1943. 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432350] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 receives a new bonus: +20 21:15:20 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 receives a new bonus: +0 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:15:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb15432320] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Wyverns from slot 0 of armyobj=1932 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1944. 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:15:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:15:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:23 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:23 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:23 TRACE global [0x7fdb14195a30] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:24 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:24 TRACE global [0x7fdb14195a30] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb14195a30] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1945. 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb14195a30] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:24 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:24 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:15:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:15:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:27 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:27 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:27 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432320] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432320] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1946. 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:28 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:15:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:15:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:30 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:30 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:15:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb15432320] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 1 creatures of Wyverns from slot 0 of armyobj=1932 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 ERROR global [0x7fdb15432320] - battleGetStackByPos called when no battle! 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1947. 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:15:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:15:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:33 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:33 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:33 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432320] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:35 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:35 TRACE global [0x7fdb15432320] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1948. 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb15432320] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:15:35 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:35 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:15:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:15:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:15:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 21:15:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 21:15:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat03 21:15:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Shamans from slot -2 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Shamans 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 0 creatures of Goblins from slot 0 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 15 of Goblins 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 0 creatures of Wyverns from slot 0 of armyobj=1932 #detached from# Stack of 6 of Wyverns 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Hydras from slot 2 of armyobj=3477 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Hydras 21:15:37 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Розик #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #detached from# Hero Розик 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 21:15:37 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 21:15:37 ERROR global [0x7fdb20770770] - battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 6 of Wyverns #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wyverns" 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleResultsApplied 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 21:15:37 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Player Красный 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:15:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Combat03 21:15:38 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 21:15:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:15:38 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 21:15:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:38 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 21:15:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1949. 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10OpenWindow 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1950. 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16RecruitCreatures 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetResources 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 21SetAvailableCreatures 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14InsertNewStack 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Wyverns #attached to# "Wyverns" 21:15:41 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 15 of Wyverns #attached to# Hero Розик 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 64 38 0 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1951. 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 65 39 0 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1952. 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 66 39 0 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1953. 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1954. 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:15:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Water 21:15:45 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:15:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Water 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 13 45 0 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1955. 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 14 46 0 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1956. 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file music/Snow 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Water 21:15:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:47 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Water 21:15:48 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Snow 21:15:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:15:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:49 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1957. 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:15:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:15:50 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Stoping music file music/Snow 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:50 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Snow 21:15:51 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:15:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - moveHero 21:15:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:15:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 53 0 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1958. 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:52 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:52 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 54 54 0 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1959. 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:52 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 54 55 0 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1960. 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 56 0 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1961. 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 57 0 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1962. 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 56 58 0 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1963. 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:53 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Requesting hero movement to 55 59 0 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1964. 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:53 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:54 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero&). 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14BlockingDialog 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:54 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Resuming moveHero 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:54 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:54 ERROR global [0x1f04f90] - int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(int3) const: Tile is not visible! 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1965. 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:15:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:15:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Entering virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:15:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty*). 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Genies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 0 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Genies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 13 of Behemoths 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 11 creatures of Genies from slot 0 of armyobj=3227 #attached to# Stack of 11 of Genies 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 34 of Hobgoblins 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 11 creatures of Genies from slot 1 of armyobj=3227 #attached to# Stack of 11 of Genies 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 14 of Cyclops Kings 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 11 creatures of Genies from slot 2 of armyobj=3227 #attached to# Stack of 11 of Genies 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 35 of Lizardmen 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 32 of Ogre Magi 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 38 of Thunderbirds 21:15:55 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Master Genies 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Grass 21:15:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStart called 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:15:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:15:55 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:15:55 TRACE global [0x7fdb1736d020] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:15:56 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:16:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Loading music file music/Combat01 21:16:00 TRACE global [0x7fdb28028590] - Playing music file music/Combat01 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending a request "16MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=1966. 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x1f04f90] - Sending to server a pack of type 16MakeCustomAction 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:01 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:01 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 13StacksInjured 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:02 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:02 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:04 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb1736d020] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1736d020] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1967. 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb1736d020] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:04 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:04 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:04 TRACE global [0x7fdb14107700] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 21:16:05 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 21:16:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb14107700] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14107700] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1968. 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb14107700] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:05 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:05 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:05 TRACE global [0x7fdb15651500] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:06 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:06 TRACE global [0x7fdb15651500] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15651500] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1969. 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb15651500] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14a06a00] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [7]: 11 creatures of Genies from slot 0 of armyobj=3227 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a06a00] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1970. 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a06a00] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:06 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:06 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:16:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb14e96770] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 21:16:07 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 21:16:07 TRACE global [0x7fdb14e96770] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb14e96770] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1971. 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb14e96770] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:07 TRACE ai [0x7fdb14e96800] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [8]: 10 creatures of Genies from slot 1 of armyobj=3227 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb14e96800] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1972. 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb14e96800] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:07 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:16:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb15ae0be0] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: activeStack called for Battle stack [9]: 11 creatures of Genies from slot 2 of armyobj=3227 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb15ae0be0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1973. 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb15ae0be0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:08 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:08 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:16:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb151969e0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 21:16:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 21:16:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb151969e0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb151969e0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1974. 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb151969e0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:09 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1975. 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb1475d6c0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:09 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:09 TRACE global [0x7fdb16e92a90] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 21:16:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 21:16:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb16e92a90] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb16e92a90] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1976. 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb16e92a90] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb143625b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 21:16:10 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 21:16:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb143625b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143625b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1977. 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb143625b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:10 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:10 TRACE global [0x7fdb143625b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 21:16:12 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 21:16:12 TRACE global [0x7fdb143625b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb143625b0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1978. 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb143625b0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:12 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:12 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:13 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:13 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:13 TRACE global [0x7fdb149fdd80] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:15 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:15 TRACE global [0x7fdb149fdd80] - Giving command for Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb149fdd80] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1979. 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb149fdd80] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:15 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:15 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:16 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:16 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:16 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a06a00] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 21:16:19 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 21:16:19 TRACE global [0x7fdb14a06a00] - Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a06a00] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1980. 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb14a06a00] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:19 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 receives a new bonus: +6 Bloodlust 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:19 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:19 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleSpellCast called 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 22BattleSetStackProperty 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:20 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:20 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:20 TRACE global [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 21:16:22 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 21:16:22 TRACE global [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1981. 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:22 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:22 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:16:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:16:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:25 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:25 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:26 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:26 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:26 TRACE global [0x7fdb1736c770] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 21:16:28 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 21:16:28 TRACE global [0x7fdb1736c770] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 21:16:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb1736c770] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1982. 21:16:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb1736c770] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:28 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14SetStackEffect 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 receives a new bonus: +20 21:16:29 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 receives a new bonus: +0 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:29 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:29 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:29 TRACE global [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:31 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:31 TRACE global [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1983. 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:31 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:31 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:32 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:32 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:32 TRACE global [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:34 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:34 TRACE global [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1984. 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb14fcc4a0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:34 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:34 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:16:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:16:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:36 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:36 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:37 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:37 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:37 TRACE global [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 21:16:39 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 21:16:39 TRACE global [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1985. 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:39 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:39 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:16:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:16:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:40 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:40 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:41 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:41 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:16:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:42 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleNewRound called 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:42 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:42 TRACE global [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:43 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Setting command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:43 TRACE global [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Giving command for Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1986. 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb14151ce0] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:16:43 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionStarted called 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:43 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:16:44 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStackMoved called 21:16:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:44 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:16:45 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleAttack called 21:16:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:45 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: actionFinished called 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12BattleResult 21:16:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 21:16:46 TRACE global [0x7fdb20770770] - Stoping music file music/Combat01 21:16:46 TRACE ai [0x7fdb20770770] - CStupidAI [0x7fdb141b5880]: battleEnd called 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot -2 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [0]: 13 creatures of Behemoths from slot 0 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 13 of Behemoths 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Genies from slot 0 of armyobj=3227 #detached from# Stack of 11 of Genies 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [1]: 34 creatures of Hobgoblins from slot 1 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 34 of Hobgoblins 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Genies from slot 1 of armyobj=3227 #detached from# Stack of 11 of Genies 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [2]: 14 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 2 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 14 of Cyclops Kings 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Genies from slot 2 of armyobj=3227 #detached from# Stack of 11 of Genies 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [3]: 35 creatures of Lizardmen from slot 3 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 35 of Lizardmen 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [4]: 32 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 4 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 32 of Ogre Magi 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [5]: 38 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 5 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 38 of Thunderbirds 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Battle stack [6]: 7 creatures of Master Genies from slot 6 of armyobj=3472 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Master Genies 21:16:46 WARN bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Warning: an orphaned child! 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Hero Тан #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Genies #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Genies" 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Genies #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Genies" 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 10EraseStack 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Stack of 11 of Genies #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:16:46 TRACE bonus [0x7fdb20770770] - Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Genies" 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made second apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Listening... 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - received server message of type 11HeroLevelUp 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Made first apply on cl 21:16:46 TRACE network [0x7fdb20770770] - Applied on gs 21:16:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:16:47 TRACE global [0x1f04f90] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle